Coverage for /pythoncovmergedfiles/medio/medio/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/google/api_core/ 49%

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1# Copyright 2017 Google LLC 


3# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); 

4# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. 

5# You may obtain a copy of the License at 




9# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software 

10# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, 

11# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. 

12# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and 

13# limitations under the License. 


15"""Helpers for retrying functions with exponential back-off. 


17The :class:`Retry` decorator can be used to retry functions that raise 

18exceptions using exponential backoff. Because a exponential sleep algorithm is 

19used, the retry is limited by a `deadline`. The deadline is the maximum amount 

20of time a method can block. This is used instead of total number of retries 

21because it is difficult to ascertain the amount of time a function can block 

22when using total number of retries and exponential backoff. 


24By default, this decorator will retry transient 

25API errors (see :func:`if_transient_error`). For example: 


27.. code-block:: python 


29 @retry.Retry() 

30 def call_flaky_rpc(): 

31 return client.flaky_rpc() 


33 # Will retry flaky_rpc() if it raises transient API errors. 

34 result = call_flaky_rpc() 


36You can pass a custom predicate to retry on different exceptions, such as 

37waiting for an eventually consistent item to be available: 


39.. code-block:: python 


41 @retry.Retry(predicate=if_exception_type(exceptions.NotFound)) 

42 def check_if_exists(): 

43 return client.does_thing_exist() 


45 is_available = check_if_exists() 


47Some client library methods apply retry automatically. These methods can accept 

48a ``retry`` parameter that allows you to configure the behavior: 


50.. code-block:: python 


52 my_retry = retry.Retry(deadline=60) 

53 result = client.some_method(retry=my_retry) 




57from __future__ import annotations 


59import datetime 

60import functools 

61import logging 

62import random 

63import sys 

64import time 

65import inspect 

66import warnings 

67from typing import Any, Callable, TypeVar, TYPE_CHECKING 


69import requests.exceptions 


71from google.api_core import datetime_helpers 

72from google.api_core import exceptions 

73from google.auth import exceptions as auth_exceptions 



76 if sys.version_info >= (3, 10): 

77 from typing import ParamSpec 

78 else: 

79 from typing_extensions import ParamSpec 


81 _P = ParamSpec("_P") 

82 _R = TypeVar("_R") 


84_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) 

85_DEFAULT_INITIAL_DELAY = 1.0 # seconds 

86_DEFAULT_MAXIMUM_DELAY = 60.0 # seconds 


88_DEFAULT_DEADLINE = 60.0 * 2.0 # seconds 

89_ASYNC_RETRY_WARNING = "Using the synchronous google.api_core.retry.Retry with asynchronous calls may lead to unexpected results. Please use google.api_core.retry_async.AsyncRetry instead." 



92def if_exception_type( 

93 *exception_types: type[BaseException], 

94) -> Callable[[BaseException], bool]: 

95 """Creates a predicate to check if the exception is of a given type. 


97 Args: 

98 exception_types (Sequence[:func:`type`]): The exception types to check 

99 for. 


101 Returns: 

102 Callable[Exception]: A predicate that returns True if the provided 

103 exception is of the given type(s). 

104 """ 


106 def if_exception_type_predicate(exception: BaseException) -> bool: 

107 """Bound predicate for checking an exception type.""" 

108 return isinstance(exception, exception_types) 


110 return if_exception_type_predicate 



113# pylint: disable=invalid-name 

114# Pylint sees this as a constant, but it is also an alias that should be 

115# considered a function. 

116if_transient_error = if_exception_type( 

117 exceptions.InternalServerError, 

118 exceptions.TooManyRequests, 

119 exceptions.ServiceUnavailable, 

120 requests.exceptions.ConnectionError, 

121 requests.exceptions.ChunkedEncodingError, 

122 auth_exceptions.TransportError, 


124"""A predicate that checks if an exception is a transient API error. 


126The following server errors are considered transient: 


128- :class:`google.api_core.exceptions.InternalServerError` - HTTP 500, gRPC 

129 ``INTERNAL(13)`` and its subclasses. 

130- :class:`google.api_core.exceptions.TooManyRequests` - HTTP 429 

131- :class:`google.api_core.exceptions.ServiceUnavailable` - HTTP 503 

132- :class:`requests.exceptions.ConnectionError` 

133- :class:`requests.exceptions.ChunkedEncodingError` - The server declared 

134 chunked encoding but sent an invalid chunk. 

135- :class:`google.auth.exceptions.TransportError` - Used to indicate an 

136 error occurred during an HTTP request. 


138# pylint: enable=invalid-name 



141def exponential_sleep_generator(initial, maximum, multiplier=_DEFAULT_DELAY_MULTIPLIER): 

142 """Generates sleep intervals based on the exponential back-off algorithm. 


144 This implements the `Truncated Exponential Back-off`_ algorithm. 


146 .. _Truncated Exponential Back-off: 



149 Args: 

150 initial (float): The minimum amount of time to delay. This must 

151 be greater than 0. 

152 maximum (float): The maximum amount of time to delay. 

153 multiplier (float): The multiplier applied to the delay. 


155 Yields: 

156 float: successive sleep intervals. 

157 """ 

158 delay = min(initial, maximum) 

159 while True: 

160 yield random.uniform(0.0, delay) 

161 delay = min(delay * multiplier, maximum) 



164def retry_target( 

165 target, predicate, sleep_generator, timeout=None, on_error=None, **kwargs 


167 """Call a function and retry if it fails. 


169 This is the lowest-level retry helper. Generally, you'll use the 

170 higher-level retry helper :class:`Retry`. 


172 Args: 

173 target(Callable): The function to call and retry. This must be a 

174 nullary function - apply arguments with `functools.partial`. 

175 predicate (Callable[Exception]): A callable used to determine if an 

176 exception raised by the target should be considered retryable. 

177 It should return True to retry or False otherwise. 

178 sleep_generator (Iterable[float]): An infinite iterator that determines 

179 how long to sleep between retries. 

180 timeout (float): How long to keep retrying the target. 

181 on_error (Callable[Exception]): A function to call while processing a 

182 retryable exception. Any error raised by this function will *not* 

183 be caught. 

184 deadline (float): DEPRECATED: use ``timeout`` instead. For backward 

185 compatibility, if specified it will override ``timeout`` parameter. 


187 Returns: 

188 Any: the return value of the target function. 


190 Raises: 

191 google.api_core.RetryError: If the deadline is exceeded while retrying. 

192 ValueError: If the sleep generator stops yielding values. 

193 Exception: If the target raises a method that isn't retryable. 

194 """ 


196 timeout = kwargs.get("deadline", timeout) 


198 if timeout is not None: 

199 deadline = datetime_helpers.utcnow() + datetime.timedelta(seconds=timeout) 

200 else: 

201 deadline = None 


203 last_exc = None 


205 for sleep in sleep_generator: 

206 try: 

207 result = target() 

208 if inspect.isawaitable(result): 

209 warnings.warn(_ASYNC_RETRY_WARNING) 

210 return result 


212 # pylint: disable=broad-except 

213 # This function explicitly must deal with broad exceptions. 

214 except Exception as exc: 

215 if not predicate(exc): 

216 raise 

217 last_exc = exc 

218 if on_error is not None: 

219 on_error(exc) 


221 if deadline is not None: 

222 next_attempt_time = datetime_helpers.utcnow() + datetime.timedelta( 

223 seconds=sleep 

224 ) 

225 if deadline < next_attempt_time: 

226 raise exceptions.RetryError( 

227 "Deadline of {:.1f}s exceeded while calling target function".format( 

228 timeout 

229 ), 

230 last_exc, 

231 ) from last_exc 


233 _LOGGER.debug( 

234 "Retrying due to {}, sleeping {:.1f}s ...".format(last_exc, sleep) 

235 ) 

236 time.sleep(sleep) 


238 raise ValueError("Sleep generator stopped yielding sleep values.") 



241class Retry(object): 

242 """Exponential retry decorator. 


244 This class is a decorator used to add retry or polling behavior to an RPC 

245 call. 


247 Although the default behavior is to retry transient API errors, a 

248 different predicate can be provided to retry other exceptions. 


250 There two important concepts that retry/polling behavior may operate on, 

251 Deadline and Timeout, which need to be properly defined for the correct 

252 usage of this class and the rest of the library. 


254 Deadline: a fixed point in time by which a certain operation must 

255 terminate. For example, if a certain operation has a deadline 

256 "2022-10-18T23:30:52.123Z" it must terminate (successfully or with an 

257 error) by that time, regardless of when it was started or whether it 

258 was started at all. 


260 Timeout: the maximum duration of time after which a certain operation 

261 must terminate (successfully or with an error). The countdown begins right 

262 after an operation was started. For example, if an operation was started at 

263 09:24:00 with timeout of 75 seconds, it must terminate no later than 

264 09:25:15. 


266 Unfortunately, in the past this class (and the api-core library as a whole) has not been 

267 properly distinguishing the concepts of "timeout" and "deadline", and the 

268 ``deadline`` parameter has meant ``timeout``. That is why 

269 ``deadline`` has been deprecated and ``timeout`` should be used instead. If the 

270 ``deadline`` parameter is set, it will override the ``timeout`` parameter. In other words, 

271 ``retry.deadline`` should be treated as just a deprecated alias for 

272 ``retry.timeout``. 


274 Said another way, it is safe to assume that this class and the rest of this 

275 library operate in terms of timeouts (not deadlines) unless explicitly 

276 noted the usage of deadline semantics. 


278 It is also important to 

279 understand the three most common applications of the Timeout concept in the 

280 context of this library. 


282 Usually the generic Timeout term may stand for one of the following actual 

283 timeouts: RPC Timeout, Retry Timeout, or Polling Timeout. 


285 RPC Timeout: a value supplied by the client to the server so 

286 that the server side knows the maximum amount of time it is expected to 

287 spend handling that specific RPC. For example, in the case of gRPC transport, 

288 RPC Timeout is represented by setting "grpc-timeout" header in the HTTP2 

289 request. The `timeout` property of this class normally never represents the 

290 RPC Timeout as it is handled separately by the ``google.api_core.timeout`` 

291 module of this library. 


293 Retry Timeout: this is the most common meaning of the ``timeout`` property 

294 of this class, and defines how long a certain RPC may be retried in case 

295 the server returns an error. 


297 Polling Timeout: defines how long the 

298 client side is allowed to call the polling RPC repeatedly to check a status of a 

299 long-running operation. Each polling RPC is 

300 expected to succeed (its errors are supposed to be handled by the retry 

301 logic). The decision as to whether a new polling attempt needs to be made is based 

302 not on the RPC status code but on the status of the returned 

303 status of an operation. In other words: we will poll a long-running operation until the operation is done or the polling timeout expires. Each poll will inform us of the status of the operation. The poll consists of an RPC to the server that may itself be retried as per the poll-specific retry settings in case of errors. The operation-level retry settings do NOT apply to polling-RPC retries. 


305 With the actual timeout types being defined above, the client libraries 

306 often refer to just Timeout without clarifying which type specifically 

307 that is. In that case the actual timeout type (sometimes also referred to as 

308 Logical Timeout) can be determined from the context. If it is a unary rpc 

309 call (i.e. a regular one) Timeout usually stands for the RPC Timeout (if 

310 provided directly as a standalone value) or Retry Timeout (if provided as 

311 ``retry.timeout`` property of the unary RPC's retry config). For 

312 ``Operation`` or ``PollingFuture`` in general Timeout stands for 

313 Polling Timeout. 


315 Args: 

316 predicate (Callable[Exception]): A callable that should return ``True`` 

317 if the given exception is retryable. 

318 initial (float): The minimum amount of time to delay in seconds. This 

319 must be greater than 0. 

320 maximum (float): The maximum amount of time to delay in seconds. 

321 multiplier (float): The multiplier applied to the delay. 

322 timeout (float): How long to keep retrying, in seconds. 

323 deadline (float): DEPRECATED: use `timeout` instead. For backward 

324 compatibility, if specified it will override the ``timeout`` parameter. 

325 """ 


327 def __init__( 

328 self, 

329 predicate: Callable[[BaseException], bool] = if_transient_error, 

330 initial: float = _DEFAULT_INITIAL_DELAY, 

331 maximum: float = _DEFAULT_MAXIMUM_DELAY, 

332 multiplier: float = _DEFAULT_DELAY_MULTIPLIER, 

333 timeout: float = _DEFAULT_DEADLINE, 

334 on_error: Callable[[BaseException], Any] | None = None, 

335 **kwargs: Any, 

336 ) -> None: 

337 self._predicate = predicate 

338 self._initial = initial 

339 self._multiplier = multiplier 

340 self._maximum = maximum 

341 self._timeout = kwargs.get("deadline", timeout) 

342 self._deadline = self._timeout 

343 self._on_error = on_error 


345 def __call__( 

346 self, 

347 func: Callable[_P, _R], 

348 on_error: Callable[[BaseException], Any] | None = None, 

349 ) -> Callable[_P, _R]: 

350 """Wrap a callable with retry behavior. 


352 Args: 

353 func (Callable): The callable to add retry behavior to. 

354 on_error (Callable[Exception]): A function to call while processing 

355 a retryable exception. Any error raised by this function will 

356 *not* be caught. 


358 Returns: 

359 Callable: A callable that will invoke ``func`` with retry 

360 behavior. 

361 """ 

362 if self._on_error is not None: 

363 on_error = self._on_error 


365 @functools.wraps(func) 

366 def retry_wrapped_func(*args: _P.args, **kwargs: _P.kwargs) -> _R: 

367 """A wrapper that calls target function with retry.""" 

368 target = functools.partial(func, *args, **kwargs) 

369 sleep_generator = exponential_sleep_generator( 

370 self._initial, self._maximum, multiplier=self._multiplier 

371 ) 

372 return retry_target( 

373 target, 

374 self._predicate, 

375 sleep_generator, 

376 self._timeout, 

377 on_error=on_error, 

378 ) 


380 return retry_wrapped_func 


382 @property 

383 def deadline(self): 

384 """ 

385 DEPRECATED: use ``timeout`` instead. Refer to the ``Retry`` class 

386 documentation for details. 

387 """ 

388 return self._timeout 


390 @property 

391 def timeout(self): 

392 return self._timeout 


394 def with_deadline(self, deadline): 

395 """Return a copy of this retry with the given timeout. 


397 DEPRECATED: use :meth:`with_timeout` instead. Refer to the ``Retry`` class 

398 documentation for details. 


400 Args: 

401 deadline (float): How long to keep retrying in seconds. 


403 Returns: 

404 Retry: A new retry instance with the given timeout. 

405 """ 

406 return self.with_timeout(timeout=deadline) 


408 def with_timeout(self, timeout): 

409 """Return a copy of this retry with the given timeout. 


411 Args: 

412 timeout (float): How long to keep retrying, in seconds. 


414 Returns: 

415 Retry: A new retry instance with the given timeout. 

416 """ 

417 return Retry( 

418 predicate=self._predicate, 

419 initial=self._initial, 

420 maximum=self._maximum, 

421 multiplier=self._multiplier, 

422 timeout=timeout, 

423 on_error=self._on_error, 

424 ) 


426 def with_predicate(self, predicate): 

427 """Return a copy of this retry with the given predicate. 


429 Args: 

430 predicate (Callable[Exception]): A callable that should return 

431 ``True`` if the given exception is retryable. 


433 Returns: 

434 Retry: A new retry instance with the given predicate. 

435 """ 

436 return Retry( 

437 predicate=predicate, 

438 initial=self._initial, 

439 maximum=self._maximum, 

440 multiplier=self._multiplier, 

441 timeout=self._timeout, 

442 on_error=self._on_error, 

443 ) 


445 def with_delay(self, initial=None, maximum=None, multiplier=None): 

446 """Return a copy of this retry with the given delay options. 


448 Args: 

449 initial (float): The minimum amount of time to delay. This must 

450 be greater than 0. 

451 maximum (float): The maximum amount of time to delay. 

452 multiplier (float): The multiplier applied to the delay. 


454 Returns: 

455 Retry: A new retry instance with the given predicate. 

456 """ 

457 return Retry( 

458 predicate=self._predicate, 

459 initial=initial if initial is not None else self._initial, 

460 maximum=maximum if maximum is not None else self._maximum, 

461 multiplier=multiplier if multiplier is not None else self._multiplier, 

462 timeout=self._timeout, 

463 on_error=self._on_error, 

464 ) 


466 def __str__(self): 

467 return ( 

468 "<Retry predicate={}, initial={:.1f}, maximum={:.1f}, " 

469 "multiplier={:.1f}, timeout={}, on_error={}>".format( 

470 self._predicate, 

471 self._initial, 

472 self._maximum, 

473 self._multiplier, 

474 self._timeout, # timeout can be None, thus no {:.1f} 

475 self._on_error, 

476 ) 

477 )