
package com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat.csv;

import java.io.*;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.Set;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.*;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.base.ParserMinimalBase;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.io.IOContext;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.json.DupDetector;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.json.JsonReadContext;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.util.ByteArrayBuilder;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.util.JacksonFeatureSet;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.util.TextBuffer;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat.csv.impl.CsvDecoder;

 * {@link JsonParser} implementation used to expose CSV documents
 * in form that allows other Jackson functionality to deal
 * with it.
 * Implementation is based on a state-machine that pulls information
 * using {@link CsvDecoder}.
public class CsvParser
    extends ParserMinimalBase
    // @since 2.9.9: just to protect against bugs, DoS, limit number of column defs we may read
    private final static int MAX_COLUMNS = 99999;

     * Enumeration that defines all togglable features for CSV parsers
    public enum Feature
        implements FormatFeature // since 2.7
         * Feature determines whether spaces around separator characters
         * (commas) are to be automatically trimmed before being reported
         * or not.
         * Note that this does NOT force trimming of possible white space from
         * within double-quoted values, but only those surrounding unquoted
         * values (white space outside of double-quotes is never included regardless
         * of trimming).
         * Default value is false, as per <a href="http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4180">RFC-4180</a>.

         * Feature that determines how stream of records (usually CSV lines, but sometimes
         * multiple lines when linefeeds are included in quoted values) is exposed:
         * either as a sequence of Objects (false), or as an Array of Objects (true).
         * Using stream of Objects is convenient when using
         * <code>ObjectMapper.readValues(...)</code>
         * and array of Objects convenient when binding to <code>List</code>s or
         * arrays of values.
         * Default value is false, meaning that by default a CSV document is exposed as
         * a sequence of root-level Object entries.

         * Feature that allows ignoring of unmappable "extra" columns; that is, values for
         * columns that appear after columns for which types are defined. When disabled,
         * an exception is thrown for such column values, but if enabled, they are
         * silently ignored.
         * Feature is disabled by default.
         * @since 2.7

         * Feature that allows skipping input lines that are completely empty or blank (composed only of whitespace),
         * instead of being decoded as lines of just a single column with an empty/blank String value (or,
         * of being decoded as lines of just a single column with empty String value (or,
         * depending on binding, `null`).
         * Feature is disabled by default.
         * @since 2.10

         * Feature that allows there to be a trailing single extraneous data
         * column that is empty. When this feature is disabled, any extraneous
         * column, regardless of content will cause an exception to be thrown.
         * Disabling this feature is only useful when
         * IGNORE_TRAILING_UNMAPPABLE is also disabled.

         * Feature that allows accepting "hash comments" by default, similar to
         * {@link CsvSchema#withAllowComments(boolean)}. If enabled, such comments
         * are by default allowed on all columns of all documents.
         * @since 2.10
         * Feature that allows failing (with a {@link CsvReadException}) in cases
         * where number of column values encountered is less than number of columns
         * declared in the active schema ("missing columns").
         * Note that this feature has precedence over {@link #INSERT_NULLS_FOR_MISSING_COLUMNS}
         * Feature is disabled by default.
         * @since 2.9

         * Feature that allows failing (with a {@link CsvReadException}) in cases
         * where number of header columns encountered is less than number of columns
         * declared in the active schema (if there is one).
         * Feature is enabled by default
         * @since 2.14

         * Feature that allows "inserting" virtual key / `null` value pairs in case
         * a row contains fewer columns than declared by configured schema.
         * This typically has the effect of forcing an explicit `null` assigment (or
         * corresponding "null value", if so configured) at databinding level.
         * If disabled, no extra work is done and values for "missing" columns are
         * not exposed as part of the token stream.
         * Note that this feature is only considered if
         * {@link #FAIL_ON_MISSING_COLUMNS}
         * is disabled.
         * Feature is disabled by default.
         * @since 2.9

         * Feature that enables coercing an empty {@link String} to `null`
         * Feature is disabled by default

        final boolean _defaultState;
        final int _mask;
         * Method that calculates bit set (flags) of all features that
         * are enabled by default.
        public static int collectDefaults()
            int flags = 0;
            for (Feature f : values()) {
                if (f.enabledByDefault()) {
                    flags |= f.getMask();
            return flags;
        private Feature(boolean defaultState) {
            _defaultState = defaultState;
            _mask = (1 << ordinal());

        public boolean enabledByDefault() { return _defaultState; }
        public boolean enabledIn(int flags) { return (flags & _mask) != 0; }
        public int getMask() { return _mask; }

    private final static CsvSchema EMPTY_SCHEMA;
    static {
        EMPTY_SCHEMA = CsvSchema.emptySchema();

     * CSV is slightly different from defaults, having essentially untyped
     * scalars except if indicated by schema
     * @since 2.12
    protected final static JacksonFeatureSet<StreamReadCapability> STREAM_READ_CAPABILITIES =

    /* State constants

     * Initial state before anything is read from document.
    protected final static int STATE_DOC_START = 0;
     * State before logical start of a record, in which next
     * token to return will be {@link JsonToken#START_OBJECT}
     * (or if no Schema is provided, {@link JsonToken#START_ARRAY}).
    protected final static int STATE_RECORD_START = 1;

     * State in which next entry will be available, returning
     * either {@link JsonToken#FIELD_NAME} or value
     * (depending on whether entries are expressed as
     * Objects or just Arrays); or
     * matching close marker.
    protected final static int STATE_NEXT_ENTRY = 2;

     * State in which value matching field name will
     * be returned.
    protected final static int STATE_NAMED_VALUE = 3;

     * State in which "unnamed" value (entry in an array)
     * will be returned, if one available; otherwise
     * end-array is returned.
    protected final static int STATE_UNNAMED_VALUE = 4;

     * State in which a column value has been determined to be of
     * an array type, and will need to be split into multiple
     * values. This can currently only occur for named values.
     * @since 2.5
    protected final static int STATE_IN_ARRAY = 5;

     * State in which we have encountered more column values than there should be,
     * and need to basically skip extra values if callers tries to advance parser
     * state.
     * @since 2.6
    protected final static int STATE_SKIP_EXTRA_COLUMNS = 6;

     * State in which we should expose name token for a "missing column"
     * (for which placeholder `null` value is to be added as well);
     * see {@link Feature#INSERT_NULLS_FOR_MISSING_COLUMNS} for details.
     * @since 2.9
    protected final static int STATE_MISSING_NAME = 7;

     * State in which we should expose `null` value token as a value for
     * "missing" column;
     * see {@link Feature#INSERT_NULLS_FOR_MISSING_COLUMNS} for details.
     * @since 2.9
    protected final static int STATE_MISSING_VALUE = 8;

     * State in which end marker is returned; either
     * null (if no array wrapping), or
     * {@link JsonToken#END_ARRAY} for wrapping.
     * This step will loop, returning series of nulls
     * if {@link #nextToken} is called multiple times.
    protected final static int STATE_DOC_END = 9;

    /* Configuration

     * Codec used for data binding when (if) requested.
    protected ObjectCodec _objectCodec;

     * @since 2.15
    protected final StreamReadConstraints _streamReadConstraints;

     * @since 2.16
    protected final IOContext _ioContext;

    protected int _formatFeatures;

     * Definition of columns being read. Initialized to "empty" instance, which
     * has default configuration settings.
    protected CsvSchema _schema = EMPTY_SCHEMA;

     * Number of columns defined by schema.
    protected int _columnCount = 0;

     * @since 2.12
    protected boolean _cfgEmptyStringAsNull;

    /* State

     * Information about parser context, context in which
     * the next token is to be parsed (root, array, object).
    protected JsonReadContext _parsingContext;

     * Name of column that we exposed most recently, accessible after
     * {@link JsonToken#FIELD_NAME} as well as value tokens immediately
     * following field name.
    protected String _currentName;

     * String value for the current column, if accessed.
    protected String _currentValue;

     * Index of the column we are exposing
    protected int _columnIndex;

     * Current logical state of the parser; one of <code>STATE_</code>
     * constants.
    protected int _state = STATE_DOC_START;

     * We will hold on to decoded binary data, for duration of
     * current event, so that multiple calls to
     * {@link #getBinaryValue} will not need to decode data more
     * than once.
    protected byte[] _binaryValue;

     * Pointer to the first character of the next array value to return.
    protected int _arrayValueStart;

     * Contents of the cell, to be split into distinct array values.
    protected String _arrayValue;

    protected String _arraySeparator;

    protected String _nullValue;
    /* Helper objects

     * Thing that actually reads the CSV content
    protected final CsvDecoder _reader;

     * Buffer that contains contents of all values after processing
     * of doubled-quotes, escaped characters.
    protected final TextBuffer _textBuffer;

    protected ByteArrayBuilder _byteArrayBuilder;

    /* Life-cycle

    public CsvParser(IOContext ctxt, int stdFeatures, int csvFeatures,
                     ObjectCodec codec, Reader reader)
        if (reader == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can not pass `null` as `java.io.Reader` to read from");
        _objectCodec = codec;
        _ioContext = ctxt;
        _streamReadConstraints = ctxt.streamReadConstraints();
        _textBuffer = ctxt.constructReadConstrainedTextBuffer();
        DupDetector dups = JsonParser.Feature.STRICT_DUPLICATE_DETECTION.enabledIn(stdFeatures)
                ? DupDetector.rootDetector(this) : null;
        _formatFeatures = csvFeatures;
        _parsingContext = JsonReadContext.createRootContext(dups);
        _reader = new CsvDecoder(this, ctxt, reader, _schema, _textBuffer,
                stdFeatures, csvFeatures);
        _cfgEmptyStringAsNull = CsvParser.Feature.EMPTY_STRING_AS_NULL.enabledIn(csvFeatures);

    public StreamReadConstraints streamReadConstraints() {
        return _streamReadConstraints;

    /* Versioned                                                                             

    public Version version() {
        return PackageVersion.VERSION;

    /* Overrides: capability introspection methods

    public boolean canUseSchema(FormatSchema schema) {
        return (schema instanceof CsvSchema);

    public boolean requiresCustomCodec() { return false;}

    public boolean canReadObjectId() { return false; }

    public boolean canReadTypeId() { return false; }

    public JacksonFeatureSet<StreamReadCapability> getReadCapabilities() {

    /* Overridden methods

    public ObjectCodec getCodec() {
        return _objectCodec;

    public void setCodec(ObjectCodec c) {
        _objectCodec = c;

    public void setSchema(FormatSchema schema)
        if (schema instanceof CsvSchema) {
            _schema = (CsvSchema) schema;
            String str = _schema.getNullValueString();
            _nullValue = str;
        } else if (schema == null) {
            schema = EMPTY_SCHEMA;
        } else {
        _columnCount = _schema.size();            

    public int releaseBuffered(Writer out) throws IOException {
        return _reader.releaseBuffered(out);

    public boolean isClosed() { return _reader.isClosed(); }

    public void close() throws IOException {
        if (!isClosed()) {

    /* FormatFeature support                                                                             

    public int getFormatFeatures() {
        return _formatFeatures;

    public JsonParser overrideFormatFeatures(int values, int mask) {
        int oldF = _formatFeatures;
        int newF = (_formatFeatures & ~mask) | (values & mask);

        if (oldF != newF) {
            _formatFeatures = newF;
            _cfgEmptyStringAsNull = CsvParser.Feature.EMPTY_STRING_AS_NULL.enabledIn(_formatFeatures);
        return this;

    /* Public API, configuration

     * Method for enabling specified CSV feature
     * (check {@link Feature} for list of features)
    public JsonParser enable(Feature f)
        _formatFeatures |= f.getMask();
        _cfgEmptyStringAsNull = CsvParser.Feature.EMPTY_STRING_AS_NULL.enabledIn(_formatFeatures);
        return this;

     * Method for disabling specified  CSV feature
     * (check {@link Feature} for list of features)
    public JsonParser disable(Feature f)
        _formatFeatures &= ~f.getMask();
        _cfgEmptyStringAsNull = CsvParser.Feature.EMPTY_STRING_AS_NULL.enabledIn(_formatFeatures);
        return this;

     * Method for enabling or disabling specified CSV feature
     * (check {@link Feature} for list of features)
    public JsonParser configure(Feature f, boolean state)
        if (state) {
        } else {
        return this;

     * Method for checking whether specified CSV {@link Feature}
     * is enabled.
    public boolean isEnabled(Feature f) {
        return (_formatFeatures & f.getMask()) != 0;

     * Accessor for getting active schema definition: it may be
     * "empty" (no column definitions), but will never be null
     * since it defaults to an empty schema (and default configuration)
    public CsvSchema getSchema() {
        return _schema;
    /* Location info
    public JsonStreamContext getParsingContext() {
        return _parsingContext;

    public JsonLocation getTokenLocation() {
        return _reader.getTokenLocation();

    public JsonLocation getCurrentLocation() {
        return _reader.getCurrentLocation();

    public Object getInputSource() {
        return _reader.getInputSource();
    /* Parsing, basic

     * We need to override this method to support coercion from basic
     * String value into array, in cases where schema does not
     * specify actual type.
    public boolean isExpectedStartArrayToken() {
        if (_currToken == null) {
            return false;
        switch (_currToken.id()) {
        case JsonTokenId.ID_FIELD_NAME:
        case JsonTokenId.ID_START_OBJECT:
        case JsonTokenId.ID_END_OBJECT:
        case JsonTokenId.ID_END_ARRAY:
            return false;
        case JsonTokenId.ID_START_ARRAY:
            return true;
        // Otherwise: may coerce into array, iff we have essentially "untyped" column
        if (_columnIndex < _columnCount) {
            CsvSchema.Column column = _schema.column(_columnIndex);
            if (column.getType() == CsvSchema.ColumnType.STRING) {
                return true;
        // 30-Dec-2014, tatu: Seems like it should be possible to allow this
        //   in non-array-wrapped case too (for 2.5), so let's try that:
        else if (_currToken == JsonToken.VALUE_STRING) {
            return true;
        return false;

     * @return Whether the token can be read as {@code JsonToken.VALUE_NUMBER_INT}
     *    (with possible coercion)
     * @throws UncheckedIOException if the number is too long
    @Override // since 2.12
    public boolean isExpectedNumberIntToken()
        JsonToken t = _currToken;
        if (t == JsonToken.VALUE_STRING) {
            // Unfortunate as this method is not declared to throw exceptions;
            // only occurs with StreamReadConstraints violations
            try {
                if (_reader.isExpectedNumberIntToken()) {
                    _currToken = JsonToken.VALUE_NUMBER_INT;
                    return true;
            } catch (IOException e) {
                throw new UncheckedIOException(e);
            return false;
        return (t == JsonToken.VALUE_NUMBER_INT);

    public String getCurrentName() throws IOException {
        return _currentName;

    public void overrideCurrentName(String name) {
        _currentName = name;

    public JsonToken nextToken() throws IOException
        _binaryValue = null;
        switch (_state) {
        case STATE_DOC_START:
            return (_currToken = _handleStartDoc());
        case STATE_RECORD_START:
            return (_currToken = _handleRecordStart());
        case STATE_NEXT_ENTRY:
            return (_currToken = _handleNextEntry());
        case STATE_NAMED_VALUE:
            return (_currToken = _handleNamedValue());
            return (_currToken = _handleUnnamedValue());
        case STATE_IN_ARRAY:
            return (_currToken = _handleArrayValue());
            // Need to just skip whatever remains
            return _skipUntilEndOfLine();
        case STATE_MISSING_NAME:
            return (_currToken = _handleMissingName());
            return (_currToken = _handleMissingValue());
        case STATE_DOC_END:
            if (_parsingContext.inRoot()) {
                return null;
            // should always be in array, actually... but:
            boolean inArray = _parsingContext.inArray();
            _parsingContext = _parsingContext.getParent();
            return inArray ? JsonToken.END_ARRAY : JsonToken.END_OBJECT;
            throw new IllegalStateException();

    /* Parsing, optimized methods

    public boolean nextFieldName(SerializableString str) throws IOException {
        // Optimize for expected case of getting FIELD_NAME:
        if (_state == STATE_NEXT_ENTRY) {
            _binaryValue = null;
            JsonToken t = _handleNextEntry();
            _currToken = t;
            if (t == JsonToken.FIELD_NAME) {
                return str.getValue().equals(_currentName);
            return false;
        // unlikely, but verify just in case
        return (nextToken() == JsonToken.FIELD_NAME) && str.getValue().equals(getCurrentName());

    public String nextFieldName() throws IOException
        // Optimize for expected case of getting FIELD_NAME:
        if (_state == STATE_NEXT_ENTRY) {
            _binaryValue = null;
            JsonToken t = _handleNextEntry();
            _currToken = t;
            if (t == JsonToken.FIELD_NAME) {
                return _currentName;
            return null;
        // unlikely, but verify just in case
        return (nextToken() == JsonToken.FIELD_NAME) ? getCurrentName() : null;

    public String nextTextValue() throws IOException
        _binaryValue = null;
        JsonToken t;
        if (_state == STATE_NAMED_VALUE) {
            _currToken = t = _handleNamedValue();
            if (t == JsonToken.VALUE_STRING) {
                return _currentValue;
        } else if (_state == STATE_UNNAMED_VALUE) {
            _currToken = t = _handleUnnamedValue();
            if (t == JsonToken.VALUE_STRING) {
                return _currentValue;
        } else {
            t = nextToken();
            if (t == JsonToken.VALUE_STRING) {
                return getText();
        return null;

    /* Parsing, helper methods, regular

     * Method called to process the expected header line
    protected void _readHeaderLine() throws IOException {
            When the header line is present and the settings ask for it
            to be processed, two different options are possible:

            a) The schema has been populated.  In this case, build a new
               schema where the order matches the *actual* order in which
               the given CSV file offers its columns, if _schema.reordersColumns()
               is set to true; there are cases where the consumer of the CSV file
               knows about the columns but not necessarily the order in
               which they are defined.

            b) The schema has not been populated.  In this case, build a
               default schema based on the columns found in the header.

        final int schemaColumnCount = _schema.size();
        if (schemaColumnCount > 0 && !_schema.reordersColumns()) {
            if (_schema.strictHeaders()) {
                String name;
                int ix = 0;
                for (CsvSchema.Column column : _schema._columns) {
                    name = _reader.nextString();
                    if (name == null) {
                        _reportError(String.format("Missing header column #%d, expecting \"%s\"", ix, column.getName()));
                    } else if (!column.getName().equals(name)) {
"Mismatched header column #%d: expected \"%s\", actual \"%s\"", ix, column.getName(), name));
                if ((name = _reader.nextString()) != null) {
                    _reportError(String.format("Extra header column \"%s\"", name));
            } else {
                int allowed = MAX_COLUMNS;
                while (_reader.nextString() != null) {
                    // If we don't care about validation, just skip. But protect against infinite loop
                    if (--allowed < 0) {
                        _reportError("Internal error: skipped "+MAX_COLUMNS+" header columns");

        // either the schema is empty or reorder columns flag is set
        String name;
        CsvSchema.Builder builder = _schema.rebuild().clearColumns();
        int count = 0;

        while ((name = _reader.nextString()) != null) {
            // one more thing: always trim names, regardless of config settings
            name = name.trim();
            // See if "old" schema defined type; if so, use that type...
            CsvSchema.Column prev = _schema.column(name);
            if (prev != null) {
                builder.addColumn(name, prev.getType());
            } else {
            if (++count > MAX_COLUMNS) {
                _reportError("Internal error: reached maximum of "+MAX_COLUMNS+" header columns");

        // [dataformats-text#204]: Drop trailing empty name if so instructed
        if (CsvParser.Feature.ALLOW_TRAILING_COMMA.enabledIn(_formatFeatures)) {

        // Ok: did we get any  columns?
        CsvSchema newSchema = builder.build();
        int newColumnCount = newSchema.size();
        if (newColumnCount < 2) { // 1 just because we may get 'empty' header name
            String first = (newColumnCount == 0) ? "" : newSchema.columnName(0).trim();
            if (first.length() == 0) {
                _reportCsvMappingError("Empty header line: can not bind data");
        // [dataformats-text#285]: Are we missing something?
        int diff = schemaColumnCount - newColumnCount;
        if ((diff > 0) && Feature.FAIL_ON_MISSING_HEADER_COLUMNS.enabledIn(_formatFeatures)) {
            Set<String> oldColumnNames = new LinkedHashSet<>();
            _reportCsvMappingError(String.format("Missing %d header column%s: [\"%s\"]",
                    diff, (diff == 1) ? "" : "s",
                            String.join("\",\"", oldColumnNames)));

        // otherwise we will use what we got

     * Method called to handle details of initializing things to return
     * the very first token.
    protected JsonToken _handleStartDoc() throws IOException
        // also, if comments enabled, or skip empty lines, may need to skip leading ones
        // First things first: are we expecting header line? If so, read, process
        if (_schema.usesHeader()) {
        // and if we are to skip the first data line, skip it
        if (_schema.skipsFirstDataRow()) {

        // Only one real complication, actually; empty documents (zero bytes).
        // Those have no entries. Should be easy enough to detect like so:
        final boolean wrapAsArray = Feature.WRAP_AS_ARRAY.enabledIn(_formatFeatures);
        if (!_reader.hasMoreInput()) {
            _state = STATE_DOC_END;
            // but even empty sequence must still be wrapped in logical array
            if (wrapAsArray) {
                _parsingContext = _reader.childArrayContext(_parsingContext);
                return JsonToken.START_ARRAY;
            return null;
        if (wrapAsArray) {
            _parsingContext = _reader.childArrayContext(_parsingContext);
            _state = STATE_RECORD_START;
            return JsonToken.START_ARRAY;
        // otherwise, same as regular new entry...
        return _handleRecordStart();

    protected JsonToken _handleRecordStart() throws IOException
        _columnIndex = 0;
        if (_columnCount == 0) { // no schema; exposed as an array
            _state = STATE_UNNAMED_VALUE;
            _parsingContext = _reader.childArrayContext(_parsingContext);
            return JsonToken.START_ARRAY;
        // otherwise, exposed as an Object
        _parsingContext = _reader.childObjectContext(_parsingContext);
        _state = STATE_NEXT_ENTRY;
        return JsonToken.START_OBJECT;

    protected JsonToken _handleNextEntry() throws IOException
        // NOTE: only called when we do have real Schema
        String next;

        try {
            next = _reader.nextString();
        } catch (IOException e) {
            // 12-Oct-2015, tatu: Need to resync here as well...
            _state = STATE_SKIP_EXTRA_COLUMNS;
            throw e;

        if (next == null) { // end of record or input...
            // 16-Mar-2017, tatu: [dataformat-csv#137] Missing column(s)?
            if (_columnIndex < _columnCount) {
                return _handleMissingColumns();
            return _handleObjectRowEnd();
        _currentValue = next;
        if (_columnIndex >= _columnCount) {
            return _handleExtraColumn(next);
        _state = STATE_NAMED_VALUE;
        _currentName = _schema.columnName(_columnIndex);
        return JsonToken.FIELD_NAME;

    protected JsonToken _handleNamedValue() throws IOException
        // 06-Oct-2015, tatu: During recovery, may get past all regular columns,
        //    but we also need to allow access past... sort of.
        if (_columnIndex < _columnCount) {
            CsvSchema.Column column = _schema.column(_columnIndex);
            if (column.isArray()) {
                return JsonToken.START_ARRAY;
        _state = STATE_NEXT_ENTRY;
        if (_nullValue != null) {
            if (_nullValue.equals(_currentValue)) {
                return JsonToken.VALUE_NULL;
        if (_cfgEmptyStringAsNull && "".equals(_currentValue)) {
            return JsonToken.VALUE_NULL;
        return JsonToken.VALUE_STRING;

    protected JsonToken _handleUnnamedValue() throws IOException
        String next = _reader.nextString();
        if (next == null) { // end of record or input...
            _parsingContext = _parsingContext.getParent();
            if (!_reader.startNewLine()) { // end of whole thing...
                _state = STATE_DOC_END;
            } else {
                // no, just end of record
                _state = STATE_RECORD_START;
            return JsonToken.END_ARRAY;
        // state remains the same
        _currentValue = next;
        if (_nullValue != null) {
            if (_nullValue.equals(next)) {
                return JsonToken.VALUE_NULL;
        if (_cfgEmptyStringAsNull && "".equals(_currentValue)) {
            return JsonToken.VALUE_NULL;
        return JsonToken.VALUE_STRING;

    protected JsonToken _handleArrayValue() throws IOException
        int offset = _arrayValueStart;
        if (offset < 0) { // just returned last value
            _parsingContext = _parsingContext.getParent();
            // no arrays in arrays (at least for now), so must be back to named value
            _state = STATE_NEXT_ENTRY;
             return JsonToken.END_ARRAY;
        int end = _arrayValue.indexOf(_arraySeparator, offset);

        if (end < 0) { // last value
            _arrayValueStart = end; // end marker, regardless

            // 11-Feb-2015, tatu: Tricky, As per [dataformat-csv#66]; empty Strings really
            //     should not emit any values. Not sure if trim
            if (offset == 0) { // no separator
                // for now, let's use trimming for checking
                if (_arrayValue.isEmpty() || _arrayValue.trim().isEmpty()) {
                    _parsingContext = _parsingContext.getParent();
                    _state = STATE_NEXT_ENTRY;
                    return JsonToken.END_ARRAY;
                _currentValue = _arrayValue;
            } else {
                _currentValue = _arrayValue.substring(offset);
        } else {
            _currentValue = _arrayValue.substring(offset, end);
            _arrayValueStart = end+_arraySeparator.length();
        if (isEnabled(Feature.TRIM_SPACES)) {
            _currentValue = _currentValue.trim();
        if (_nullValue != null) {
            if (_nullValue.equals(_currentValue)) {
                return JsonToken.VALUE_NULL;
        if (_cfgEmptyStringAsNull && "".equals(_currentValue)) {
            return JsonToken.VALUE_NULL;
        return JsonToken.VALUE_STRING;

    /* Parsing, helper methods, extra column(s)

     * Helper method called when an extraneous column value is found.
     * What happens then depends on configuration, but there are three
     * main choices: ignore value (and rest of line); expose extra value
     * as "any property" using configured name, or throw an exception.
     * @since 2.7
    protected JsonToken _handleExtraColumn(String value) throws IOException
        // If "any properties" enabled, expose as such
        String anyProp = _schema.getAnyPropertyName();
        if (anyProp != null) {
            _currentName = anyProp;
            _state = STATE_NAMED_VALUE;
            return JsonToken.FIELD_NAME;
        _currentName = null;
        // With [dataformat-csv#95] we'll simply ignore extra
        if (Feature.IGNORE_TRAILING_UNMAPPABLE.enabledIn(_formatFeatures)) {
            _state = STATE_SKIP_EXTRA_COLUMNS;
            return _skipUntilEndOfLine();

        // 14-Mar-2012, tatu: As per [dataformat-csv#1], let's allow one specific case
        // of extra: if we get just one all-whitespace entry, that can be just skipped
        _state = STATE_SKIP_EXTRA_COLUMNS;
        if (_columnIndex == _columnCount && Feature.ALLOW_TRAILING_COMMA.enabledIn(_formatFeatures)) {
            value = value.trim();
            if (value.isEmpty()) {
                // if so, need to verify we then get the end-of-record;
                // easiest to do by just calling ourselves again...
                String next = _reader.nextString();
                if (next == null) { // should end of record or input
                    return _handleObjectRowEnd();
        // 21-May-2015, tatu: Need to enter recovery mode, to skip remainder of the line
        return _reportCsvMappingError("Too many entries: expected at most %d (value #%d (%d chars) \"%s\")",
                _columnCount, _columnIndex, value.length(), value);

    /* Parsing, helper methods, missing column(s)

     * Helper method called when end of row occurs before finding values for
     * all schema-specified columns.
     * @since 2.9
    protected JsonToken _handleMissingColumns() throws IOException
        if (Feature.FAIL_ON_MISSING_COLUMNS.enabledIn(_formatFeatures)) {
            // First: to allow recovery, set states to expose next line, if any
            // and then report actual problem
            return _reportCsvMappingError("Not enough column values: expected %d, found %d",
                    _columnCount, _columnIndex);
        if (Feature.INSERT_NULLS_FOR_MISSING_COLUMNS.enabledIn(_formatFeatures)) {
            _state = STATE_MISSING_VALUE;
            _currentName = _schema.columnName(_columnIndex);
            _currentValue = null;
            return JsonToken.FIELD_NAME;
        return _handleObjectRowEnd();

    protected JsonToken _handleMissingName() throws IOException
        if (++_columnIndex < _columnCount) {
            _state = STATE_MISSING_VALUE;
            _currentName = _schema.columnName(_columnIndex);
            // _currentValue already set to null earlier
            return JsonToken.FIELD_NAME;
        return _handleObjectRowEnd();

    protected JsonToken _handleMissingValue() throws IOException
        _state = STATE_MISSING_NAME;
        return JsonToken.VALUE_NULL;

    /* Parsing, helper methods: row end handling, recover

     * Helper method called to handle details of state update when end of logical
     * record occurs.
     * @since 2.9
    protected final JsonToken _handleObjectRowEnd() throws IOException
        _parsingContext = _parsingContext.getParent();
        if (!_reader.startNewLine()) {
            _state = STATE_DOC_END;
        } else {
            _state = STATE_RECORD_START;
        return JsonToken.END_OBJECT;

    protected final JsonToken _skipUntilEndOfLine() throws IOException
        while (_reader.nextString() != null) { }

        // But once we hit the end of the logical line, get out
        // NOTE: seems like we should always be within Object, but let's be conservative
        // and check just in case
        _parsingContext = _parsingContext.getParent();
        _state = _reader.startNewLine() ? STATE_RECORD_START : STATE_DOC_END;
        return (_currToken = _parsingContext.inArray()
                ? JsonToken.END_ARRAY : JsonToken.END_OBJECT);

    /* String value handling
    // For now we do not store char[] representation...
    public boolean hasTextCharacters() {
        if (_currToken == JsonToken.FIELD_NAME) {
            return false;
        return _textBuffer.hasTextAsCharacters();

    public String getText() throws IOException {
        if (_currToken == JsonToken.FIELD_NAME) {
            return _currentName;
        // 08-Sep-2020, tatu: Used to check for empty String wrt EMPTY_STRING_AS_NULL
        //    here, but now demoted to actual "nextToken()" handling
        return _currentValue;

    public char[] getTextCharacters() throws IOException {
        if (_currToken == JsonToken.FIELD_NAME) {
            return _currentName.toCharArray();
        return _textBuffer.contentsAsArray();

    public int getTextLength() throws IOException {
        if (_currToken == JsonToken.FIELD_NAME) {
            return _currentName.length();
        return _textBuffer.size();

    public int getTextOffset() throws IOException {
        return 0;

    @Override // since 2.8
    public int getText(Writer w) throws IOException {
        String value = (_currToken == JsonToken.FIELD_NAME) ?
                _currentName : _currentValue;
        if (value == null) {
            return 0;
        return value.length();
    /* Binary (base64)

    public Object getEmbeddedObject() throws IOException {
        // in theory may access binary data using this method so...
        return _binaryValue;

    public byte[] getBinaryValue(Base64Variant variant) throws IOException
        if (_binaryValue == null) {
            if (_currToken != JsonToken.VALUE_STRING) {
                _reportCsvMappingError("Current token (%s) not VALUE_STRING, can not access as binary", _currToken);
            ByteArrayBuilder builder = _getByteArrayBuilder();
            _decodeBase64(_currentValue, builder, variant);
            _binaryValue = builder.toByteArray();
        return _binaryValue;

    /* Number accessors

    public NumberType getNumberType() throws IOException {
        return _reader.getNumberType();

    public Number getNumberValue() throws IOException {
        return _reader.getNumberValue(false);

    public Number getNumberValueExact() throws IOException {
        return _reader.getNumberValue(true);

    public int getIntValue() throws IOException {
        return _reader.getIntValue();

    public long getLongValue() throws IOException {
        return _reader.getLongValue();

    public BigInteger getBigIntegerValue() throws IOException {
        return _reader.getBigIntegerValue();

    public float getFloatValue() throws IOException {
        return _reader.getFloatValue();

    public double getDoubleValue() throws IOException {
        return _reader.getDoubleValue();

    public BigDecimal getDecimalValue() throws IOException {
        return _reader.getDecimalValue();

    /* Helper methods from base class

    protected void _handleEOF() throws JsonParseException {
        // I don't think there's problem with EOFs usually; except maybe in quoted stuff?
        _reportInvalidEOF(": expected closing quote character", null);

    /* Internal methods, error reporting

     * Method called when there is a problem related to mapping data
     * (compared to a low-level generation); if so, should be surfaced
     * as 
     * @since 2.9
    public <T> T _reportCsvMappingError(String msg, Object... args) throws IOException {
        if (args.length > 0) {
            msg = String.format(msg, args);
        throw CsvReadException.from(this, msg, _schema);

    public void _reportParsingError(String msg)  throws JsonProcessingException {

    public void _reportUnexpectedCsvChar(int ch, String msg)  throws JsonProcessingException {
        super._reportUnexpectedChar(ch, msg);

    /* Internal methods
    public ByteArrayBuilder _getByteArrayBuilder()
        if (_byteArrayBuilder == null) {
            _byteArrayBuilder = new ByteArrayBuilder();
        } else {
        return _byteArrayBuilder;

    protected void _startArray(CsvSchema.Column column)
        _currToken = JsonToken.START_ARRAY;
        _parsingContext = _parsingContext.createChildArrayContext(_reader.getCurrentRow(),
        _state = STATE_IN_ARRAY;
        _arrayValueStart = 0;
        _arrayValue = _currentValue;
        String sep = column.getArrayElementSeparator();
        if (sep.isEmpty()) {
            sep = _schema.getArrayElementSeparator();
        _arraySeparator = sep;