 * Copyright (c) 2016 Vivid Solutions.
 * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
 * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0
 * and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 which accompanies this distribution.
 * The Eclipse Public License is available at
 * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at

package org.locationtech.jts.triangulate;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;

import org.locationtech.jts.algorithm.ConvexHull;
import org.locationtech.jts.geom.Coordinate;
import org.locationtech.jts.geom.Envelope;
import org.locationtech.jts.geom.Geometry;
import org.locationtech.jts.geom.GeometryFactory;
import org.locationtech.jts.index.kdtree.KdNode;
import org.locationtech.jts.index.kdtree.KdTree;
import org.locationtech.jts.triangulate.quadedge.LastFoundQuadEdgeLocator;
import org.locationtech.jts.triangulate.quadedge.QuadEdgeSubdivision;
import org.locationtech.jts.triangulate.quadedge.Vertex;
import org.locationtech.jts.util.Debug;

 * Computes a Conforming Delaunay Triangulation over a set of sites and a set of
 * linear constraints.
 * <p>
 * A conforming Delaunay triangulation is a true Delaunay triangulation. In it
 * each constraint segment is present as a union of one or more triangulation
 * edges. Constraint segments may be subdivided into two or more triangulation
 * edges by the insertion of additional sites. The additional sites are called
 * Steiner points, and are necessary to allow the segments to be faithfully
 * reflected in the triangulation while maintaining the Delaunay property.
 * Another way of stating this is that in a conforming Delaunay triangulation
 * every constraint segment will be the union of a subset of the triangulation
 * edges (up to tolerance).
 * <p>
 * A Conforming Delaunay triangulation is distinct from a Constrained Delaunay triangulation.
 * A Constrained Delaunay triangulation is not necessarily fully Delaunay, 
 * and it contains the constraint segments exactly as edges of the triangulation.
 * <p>
 * A typical usage pattern for the triangulator is:
 * <pre>
 * 	 ConformingDelaunayTriangulator cdt = new ConformingDelaunayTriangulator(sites, tolerance);
 *   // optional	
 *   cdt.setSplitPointFinder(splitPointFinder);
 *   cdt.setVertexFactory(vertexFactory);
 *	 cdt.setConstraints(segments, new ArrayList(vertexMap.values()));
 *	 cdt.formInitialDelaunay();
 *	 cdt.enforceConstraints();
 *	 subdiv = cdt.getSubdivision();
 * </pre>
 * @author David Skea
 * @author Martin Davis
public class ConformingDelaunayTriangulator 
	private static Envelope computeVertexEnvelope(Collection vertices) {
		Envelope env = new Envelope();
		for (Iterator i = vertices.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
			Vertex v = (Vertex);
		return env;

	private List initialVertices; // List<Vertex>
	private List segVertices; // List<Vertex>

	// MD - using a Set doesn't seem to be much faster
	// private Set segments = new HashSet();
	private List segments = new ArrayList(); // List<Segment>
	private QuadEdgeSubdivision subdiv = null;
	private IncrementalDelaunayTriangulator incDel;
	private Geometry convexHull;
	private ConstraintSplitPointFinder splitFinder = new NonEncroachingSplitPointFinder();
	private KdTree kdt = null;
	private ConstraintVertexFactory vertexFactory = null;

	// allPointsEnv expanded by a small buffer
	private Envelope computeAreaEnv;
	// records the last split point computed, for error reporting
	private Coordinate splitPt = null;

	private double tolerance; // defines if two sites are the same.

	 * Creates a Conforming Delaunay Triangulation based on the given
	 * unconstrained initial vertices. The initial vertex set should not contain
	 * any vertices which appear in the constraint set.
	 * @param initialVertices
	 *          a collection of {@link ConstraintVertex}
	 * @param tolerance
	 *          the distance tolerance below which points are considered identical
	public ConformingDelaunayTriangulator(Collection initialVertices,
			double tolerance) {
		this.initialVertices = new ArrayList(initialVertices);
		this.tolerance = tolerance;
		kdt = new KdTree(tolerance);

	 * Sets the constraints to be conformed to by the computed triangulation.
	 * The constraints must not contain duplicate segments (up to orientation).
	 * The unique set of vertices (as {@link ConstraintVertex}es) 
	 * forming the constraints must also be supplied.
	 * Supplying it explicitly allows the ConstraintVertexes to be initialized
	 * appropriately (e.g. with external data), and avoids re-computing the unique set
	 * if it is already available.
	 * @param segments a list of the constraint {@link Segment}s
	 * @param segVertices the set of unique {@link ConstraintVertex}es referenced by the segments
	public void setConstraints(List segments, List segVertices) {
		this.segments = segments;
		this.segVertices = segVertices;

	 * Sets the {@link ConstraintSplitPointFinder} to be
	 * used during constraint enforcement.
	 * Different splitting strategies may be appropriate
	 * for special situations. 
	 * @param splitFinder the ConstraintSplitPointFinder to be used
	public void setSplitPointFinder(ConstraintSplitPointFinder splitFinder) {
		this.splitFinder = splitFinder;

	 * Gets the tolerance value used to construct the triangulation.
	 * @return a tolerance value
	public double getTolerance()
		return tolerance;
	 * Gets the <tt>ConstraintVertexFactory</tt> used to create new constraint vertices at split points.
	 * @return a new constraint vertex
	public ConstraintVertexFactory getVertexFactory() {
		return vertexFactory;

	 * Sets a custom {@link ConstraintVertexFactory} to be used
	 * to allow vertices carrying extra information to be created.
	 * @param vertexFactory the ConstraintVertexFactory to be used
	public void setVertexFactory(ConstraintVertexFactory vertexFactory) {
		this.vertexFactory = vertexFactory;

	 * Gets the {@link QuadEdgeSubdivision} which represents the triangulation.
	 * @return a subdivision
	public QuadEdgeSubdivision getSubdivision() {
		return subdiv;

	 * Gets the {@link KdTree} which contains the vertices of the triangulation.
	 * @return a KdTree
	public KdTree getKDT() {
		return kdt;

	 * Gets the sites (vertices) used to initialize the triangulation.
	 * @return a List of Vertex
	public List getInitialVertices() {
		return initialVertices;

	 * Gets the {@link Segment}s which represent the constraints.
	 * @return a collection of Segments
	public Collection getConstraintSegments() {
		return segments;

	 * Gets the convex hull of all the sites in the triangulation,
	 * including constraint vertices.
	 * Only valid after the constraints have been enforced.
	 * @return the convex hull of the sites
	public Geometry getConvexHull() {
		return convexHull;

	// ==================================================================

	private void computeBoundingBox() {
		Envelope vertexEnv = computeVertexEnvelope(initialVertices);
		Envelope segEnv = computeVertexEnvelope(segVertices);

		Envelope allPointsEnv = new Envelope(vertexEnv);

		double deltaX = allPointsEnv.getWidth() * 0.2;
		double deltaY = allPointsEnv.getHeight() * 0.2;

		double delta = Math.max(deltaX, deltaY);

		computeAreaEnv = new Envelope(allPointsEnv);

	private void computeConvexHull() {
		GeometryFactory fact = new GeometryFactory();
		Coordinate[] coords = getPointArray();
		ConvexHull hull = new ConvexHull(coords, fact);
		convexHull = hull.getConvexHull();

	// /**
	// * Adds the segments in the Convex Hull of all sites in the input data as
	// linear constraints.
	// * This is required if TIN Refinement is performed. The hull segments are
	// flagged with a
	// unique
	// * data object to allow distinguishing them.
	// *
	// * @param convexHullSegmentData the data object to attach to each convex
	// hull segment
	// */
	// private void addConvexHullToConstraints(Object convexHullSegmentData) {
	// Coordinate[] coords = convexHull.getCoordinates();
	// for (int i = 1; i < coords.length; i++) {
	// Segment s = new Segment(coords[i - 1], coords[i], convexHullSegmentData);
	// addConstraintIfUnique(s);
	// }
	// }

	// private void addConstraintIfUnique(Segment r) {
	// boolean exists = false;
	// Iterator it = segments.iterator();
	// Segment s = null;
	// while (it.hasNext()) {
	// s = (Segment);
	// if (r.equalsTopo(s)) {
	// exists = true;
	// }
	// }
	// if (!exists) {
	// segments.add((Object) r);
	// }
	// }

	private Coordinate[] getPointArray() {
		Coordinate[] pts = new Coordinate[initialVertices.size()
				+ segVertices.size()];
		int index = 0;
		for (Iterator i = initialVertices.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
			Vertex v = (Vertex);
			pts[index++] = v.getCoordinate();
		for (Iterator i2 = segVertices.iterator(); i2.hasNext();) {
			Vertex v = (Vertex);
			pts[index++] = v.getCoordinate();
		return pts;

	private ConstraintVertex createVertex(Coordinate p) {
		ConstraintVertex v = null;
		if (vertexFactory != null)
			v = vertexFactory.createVertex(p, null);
			v = new ConstraintVertex(p);
		return v;

	 * Creates a vertex on a constraint segment
	 * @param p the location of the vertex to create
	 * @param seg the constraint segment it lies on
	 * @return the new constraint vertex
	private ConstraintVertex createVertex(Coordinate p, Segment seg) {
		ConstraintVertex v = null;
		if (vertexFactory != null)
			v = vertexFactory.createVertex(p, seg);
			v = new ConstraintVertex(p);
		return v;

	 * Inserts all sites in a collection
	 * @param vertices a collection of ConstraintVertex
	private void insertSites(Collection vertices) {
		Debug.println("Adding sites: " + vertices.size());
		for (Iterator i = vertices.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
			ConstraintVertex v = (ConstraintVertex);

	private ConstraintVertex insertSite(ConstraintVertex v) {
		KdNode kdnode = kdt.insert(v.getCoordinate(), v);
		if (!kdnode.isRepeated()) {
		} else {
			ConstraintVertex snappedV = (ConstraintVertex) kdnode.getData();
			return snappedV;
			// testing
			// if ( v.isOnConstraint() && ! currV.isOnConstraint()) {
			// System.out.println(v);
			// }
		return v;

	 * Inserts a site into the triangulation, maintaining the conformal Delaunay property.
	 * This can be used to further refine the triangulation if required
	 * (e.g. to approximate the medial axis of the constraints,
	 * or to improve the grading of the triangulation).
	 * @param p the location of the site to insert
	public void insertSite(Coordinate p) {

	// ==================================================================

	 * Computes the Delaunay triangulation of the initial sites.
	public void formInitialDelaunay() {
		subdiv = new QuadEdgeSubdivision(computeAreaEnv, tolerance);
		subdiv.setLocator(new LastFoundQuadEdgeLocator(subdiv));
		incDel = new IncrementalDelaunayTriangulator(subdiv);

	// ==================================================================

	private final static int MAX_SPLIT_ITER = 99;

	 * Enforces the supplied constraints into the triangulation.
	 * @throws ConstraintEnforcementException
	 *           if the constraints cannot be enforced
	public void enforceConstraints() {
		// if (true) return;

		int count = 0;
		int splits = 0;
		do {
			splits = enforceGabriel(segments);

			Debug.println("Iter: " + count + "   Splits: " + splits
					+ "   Current # segments = " + segments.size());
		} while (splits > 0 && count < MAX_SPLIT_ITER);
		if (count == MAX_SPLIT_ITER) {
			Debug.println("ABORTED! Too many iterations while enforcing constraints");
			if (!Debug.isDebugging())
				throw new ConstraintEnforcementException(
						"Too many splitting iterations while enforcing constraints.  Last split point was at: ",

	private void addConstraintVertices() {
		// insert constraint vertices as sites

	 * private List findMissingConstraints() { List missingSegs = new ArrayList();
	 * for (int i = 0; i < segments.size(); i++) { Segment s = (Segment)
	 * segments.get(i); QuadEdge q = subdiv.locate(s.getStart(), s.getEnd()); if
	 * (q == null) missingSegs.add(s); } return missingSegs; }

	private int enforceGabriel(Collection segsToInsert) {
		List newSegments = new ArrayList();
		int splits = 0;
		List segsToRemove = new ArrayList();

		 * On each iteration must always scan all constraint (sub)segments, since
		 * some constraints may be rebroken by Delaunay triangle flipping caused by
		 * insertion of another constraint. However, this process must converge
		 * eventually, with no splits remaining to find.
		for (Iterator i = segsToInsert.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
			Segment seg = (Segment);
			// System.out.println(seg);

			Coordinate encroachPt = findNonGabrielPoint(seg);
			// no encroachment found - segment must already be in subdivision
			if (encroachPt == null)

			// compute split point
			splitPt = splitFinder.findSplitPoint(seg, encroachPt);
			ConstraintVertex splitVertex = createVertex(splitPt, seg);

			// DebugFeature.addLineSegment(DEBUG_SEG_SPLIT, encroachPt, splitPt, "");
			// Debug.println(WKTWriter.toLineString(encroachPt, splitPt));

			 * Check whether the inserted point still equals the split pt. This will
			 * not be the case if the split pt was too close to an existing site. If
			 * the point was snapped, the triangulation will not respect the inserted
			 * constraint - this is a failure. This can be caused by:
			 * <ul>
			 * <li>An initial site that lies very close to a constraint segment The
			 * cure for this is to remove any initial sites which are close to
			 * constraint segments in a preprocessing phase.
			 * <li>A narrow constraint angle which causing repeated splitting until
			 * the split segments are too small. The cure for this is to either choose
			 * better split points or "guard" narrow angles by cracking the segments
			 * equidistant from the corner.
			 * </ul>
			ConstraintVertex insertedVertex = insertSite(splitVertex);
			if (!insertedVertex.getCoordinate().equals2D(splitPt)) {
				Debug.println("Split pt snapped to: " + insertedVertex);
				// throw new ConstraintEnforcementException("Split point snapped to
				// existing point
				// (tolerance too large or constraint interior narrow angle?)",
				// splitPt);

			// split segment and record the new halves
			Segment s1 = new Segment(seg.getStartX(), seg.getStartY(), seg
					.getStartZ(), splitVertex.getX(), splitVertex.getY(), splitVertex
					.getZ(), seg.getData());
			Segment s2 = new Segment(splitVertex.getX(), splitVertex.getY(),
					splitVertex.getZ(), seg.getEndX(), seg.getEndY(), seg.getEndZ(), seg

			splits = splits + 1;

		return splits;

//	public static final String DEBUG_SEG_SPLIT = "C:\\proj\\CWB\\test\\segSplit.jml";

	 * Given a set of points stored in the kd-tree and a line segment defined by
	 * two points in this set, finds a {@link Coordinate} in the circumcircle of
	 * the line segment, if one exists. This is called the Gabriel point - if none
	 * exists then the segment is said to have the Gabriel condition. Uses the
	 * heuristic of finding the non-Gabriel point closest to the midpoint of the
	 * segment.
	 * @param p
	 *          start of the line segment
	 * @param q
	 *          end of the line segment
	 * @return a point which is non-Gabriel
	 * or null if no point is non-Gabriel
	private Coordinate findNonGabrielPoint(Segment seg) {
		Coordinate p = seg.getStart();
		Coordinate q = seg.getEnd();
		// Find the mid point on the line and compute the radius of enclosing circle
		Coordinate midPt = new Coordinate((p.x + q.x) / 2.0, (p.y + q.y) / 2.0);
		double segRadius = p.distance(midPt);

		// compute envelope of circumcircle
		Envelope env = new Envelope(midPt);
		// Find all points in envelope
		List result = kdt.query(env);

		// For each point found, test if it falls strictly in the circle
		// find closest point
		Coordinate closestNonGabriel = null;
		double minDist = Double.MAX_VALUE;
		for (Iterator i = result.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
			KdNode nextNode = (KdNode);
			Coordinate testPt = nextNode.getCoordinate();
			// ignore segment endpoints
			if (testPt.equals2D(p) || testPt.equals2D(q))

			double testRadius = midPt.distance(testPt);
			if (testRadius < segRadius) {
				// double testDist = seg.distance(testPt);
				double testDist = testRadius;
				if (closestNonGabriel == null || testDist < minDist) {
					closestNonGabriel = testPt;
					minDist = testDist;
		return closestNonGabriel;
