
 * Copyright (c) 2016 Vivid Solutions.
 * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
 * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0
 * and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 which accompanies this distribution.
 * The Eclipse Public License is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v20.html
 * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at
 * http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/edl-v10.php.

package org.locationtech.jtstest.testbuilder.model;

import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;

import org.locationtech.jts.geom.Geometry;
import org.locationtech.jts.geom.GeometryFactory;
import org.locationtech.jts.geom.PrecisionModel;
import org.locationtech.jts.io.ParseException;
import org.locationtech.jts.io.WKTReader;
import org.locationtech.jts.io.WKTWriter;
import org.locationtech.jts.math.MathUtil;
import org.locationtech.jts.util.Assert;
import org.locationtech.jtstest.test.TestCaseList;
import org.locationtech.jtstest.test.Testable;
import org.locationtech.jtstest.testbuilder.AppColors;
import org.locationtech.jtstest.testbuilder.AppConstants;
import org.locationtech.jtstest.testbuilder.AppStrings;
import org.locationtech.jtstest.testbuilder.ui.SwingUtil;
import org.locationtech.jtstest.testbuilder.ui.style.BasicStyle;
import org.locationtech.jtstest.testrunner.TestReader;
import org.locationtech.jtstest.testrunner.TestRun;
import org.locationtech.jtstest.util.ExceptionFormatter;
import org.locationtech.jtstest.util.StringUtil;
import org.locationtech.jtstest.util.io.IOUtil;
import org.locationtech.jtstest.util.io.MultiFormatReader;

public class TestBuilderModel 
  private PrecisionModel precisionModel = new PrecisionModel();
  private GeometryFactory geometryFactory = null;
	private GeometryEditModel geomEditModel;
  private LayerList layerList = LayerList.createFixed();
  private LayerList layerListTop = new LayerList();
  private LayerList layerListBase = new LayerList();
  private WKTWriter writer = new WKTWriter();
  private Object currResult = null;
  private String opName = "";

	public TestBuilderModel()
		geomEditModel = new GeometryEditModel();
	public GeometryEditModel getGeometryEditModel() { return geomEditModel; }
	public PrecisionModel getPrecisionModel() { return precisionModel; }
  public void setPrecisionModel(PrecisionModel precisionModel)
    this.precisionModel = precisionModel;
    geometryFactory = null;
  public GeometryFactory getGeometryFactory()
    if (geometryFactory == null)
      geometryFactory = new GeometryFactory(getPrecisionModel());
    return geometryFactory;
	public String getResultDisplayString(Geometry g)
		if (g == null)
			return "";
    if (g.getNumPoints() > DisplayParameters.MAX_DISPLAY_POINTS)
      return GeometryEditModel.toStringVeryLarge(g);
		return writer.writeFormatted(g);
  public LayerList getLayers() { return layerList; }
  public LayerList getLayersAll() { return LayerList.create(layerListTop,layerList,layerListBase) ; }
  public LayerList getLayersTop() { return layerListTop; }
  public LayerList getLayersBase() { return layerListBase; }
  public List<Layer> getLayersLegend() {
    List<Layer> layers = new ArrayList<Layer>();
    addLegendLayers(layerList, layers);
    addLegendLayers(layerListTop, layers);
    addLegendLayers(layerListBase, layers);
    return layers;
  private void addLegendLayers(LayerList layerList, List<Layer> layers) {
    for (int i = 0; i < layerList.size(); i++) {
      if (layerList.getLayer(i).hasGeometry() 
          && layerList.getLayer(i).isEnabled())
  public Layer getLayerIndicators() {
    Layer ind = layerListTop.find(AppStrings.LYR_INDICATORS);
    if (ind == null)
      ind = layerListBase.find(AppStrings.LYR_INDICATORS);
    if (ind == null) {
      ind = createIndicatorLayer();
      layerListBase.add(ind, true);
    return ind;

  private Layer createIndicatorLayer() {
    Layer ind = new Layer(AppStrings.LYR_INDICATORS,
        new ListGeometryContainer(),
        new BasicStyle(AppConstants.INDICATOR_LINE_CLR, 
    return ind;
  public void addIndicator(Geometry geom) {
    Layer lyr = getLayerIndicators();
    ListGeometryContainer src = (ListGeometryContainer) lyr.getSource();
  public boolean hasLayer(String name) {
    return findLayer(name) != null;
  private Layer findLayer(String name) {
    Layer lyr = layerListTop.find(name);
    if (lyr != null) return lyr;
    lyr = layerListBase.find(name);
    if (lyr != null) return lyr;
    return layerList.find(name);
  private void initLayers()
  	GeometryContainer geomCont0 = new IndexedGeometryContainer(geomEditModel, 0);
  	GeometryContainer geomCont1 = new IndexedGeometryContainer(geomEditModel, 1);
    if (geomEditModel != null)
          new ResultGeometryContainer(geomEditModel));

    Layer lyrA = layerList.getLayer(LayerList.LYR_A);
    lyrA.setGeometryStyle(new BasicStyle(AppColors.GEOM_A_LINE_CLR,
    Layer lyrB = layerList.getLayer(LayerList.LYR_B);
    lyrB.setGeometryStyle(new BasicStyle(AppColors.GEOM_B_LINE_CLR,
    Layer lyrR = layerList.getLayer(LayerList.LYR_RESULT);
    lyrR.setGeometryStyle(new BasicStyle(AppColors.GEOM_RESULT_LINE_CLR,

  public void pasteGeometry(int geomIndex) throws Exception {
    Geometry g = readGeometryFromClipboard();
    getGeometryEditModel().setGeometry(geomIndex, g);
  public Geometry readGeometryFromClipboard() throws Exception {
    Object obj = SwingUtil.getFromClipboard();
    Geometry g = null;
    if ( obj instanceof String ) {
      return readGeometryText((String) obj, getGeometryFactory());
    } else
      return (Geometry) obj;
  private static Geometry readGeometryText(String geomStr, GeometryFactory geomFact) 
  throws Exception
    Geometry g = null;
    if (geomStr.length() > 0) {
      try {
        MultiFormatReader reader = new MultiFormatReader(geomFact);
        g = reader.read(geomStr);
      } catch (ParseException ex) {
        String msg = "Unable to parse data: '" + ExceptionFormatter.condense(geomStr) + "'";  
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg); 
    return g;
  public void loadMultipleGeometriesFromFile(int geomIndex, String filename)
  throws Exception 
    Geometry g = IOUtil.readFile(filename, getGeometryFactory());
    TestCaseEdit testCaseEdit = getCurrentCase();
    testCaseEdit.setGeometry(geomIndex, g);
  public void loadGeometryText(String wktA, String wktB) throws ParseException, IOException {
    MultiFormatReader reader = new MultiFormatReader(new GeometryFactory(getPrecisionModel(),0));
    // read geom A
    Geometry g0 = null;
    if (wktA.length() > 0) {
      g0 = reader.read(wktA);
    // read geom B
    Geometry g1 = null;
    if (wktB.length() > 0) {
      g1 = reader.read(wktB);
    TestCaseEdit testCaseEdit = getCurrentCase();
    testCaseEdit.setGeometry(0, g0);
    testCaseEdit.setGeometry(1, g1);
  private CaseList caseList = new CaseList(new CaseList.CaseFactory() {
    public TestCaseEdit create() {
      return new TestCaseEdit(precisionModel);

  public CaseList cases() {
    return caseList;
  public TestCaseEdit getCurrentCase() {
    return caseList.getCurrentCase();
  public int getCurrentCaseIndex() {
    return caseList.getCurrentTestIndex();
  public int getCasesSize() {
    return caseList.getSize();
  public List getCases() {
    return caseList.getCases();
  public TestCaseList getTestCaseList() {
    return caseList.tcList;
  public void addCase(Geometry[] geoms) {
    addCase(geoms, null);

  public void addCase(Geometry[] geoms, String name) {
    TestCaseEdit tc = new TestCaseEdit(geoms, name);

  public void openXmlFilesAndDirectories(File[] files) throws Exception {
     TestCaseList testCaseList = createTestCaseList(files);
    PrecisionModel precisionModel = new PrecisionModel();
    if (!testCaseList.getList().isEmpty()) {
      TestRunnerTestCaseAdapter a = (TestRunnerTestCaseAdapter) testCaseList.getList().get(0);
      precisionModel = a.getTestRunnerTestCase().getTestRun().getPrecisionModel();
    if (getCases().size() == 1
         && ((Testable) getCases().get(0)).getGeometry(0) == null
         && ((Testable) getCases().get(0)).getGeometry(1) == null) {
      loadTestCaseList(testCaseList, precisionModel);
    else {
      TestCaseList newList = new TestCaseList();
      int firstIndex = newList.size();
      loadTestCaseList(newList, precisionModel);

  void loadTestCaseList(TestCaseList tcl, PrecisionModel precisionModel) throws Exception {
    if (tcl != null) {

  public void loadEditList(TestCaseList tcl) throws ParseException {
    TestCaseList newTcl = new TestCaseList();
    for (Iterator i = tcl.getList().iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
      Testable tc = (Testable) i.next();

      if (tc instanceof TestCaseEdit) {
        newTcl.add((TestCaseEdit) tc);
      } else {
        newTcl.add(new TestCaseEdit(tc));

  private TestCaseList createTestCaseList(File[] filesAndDirectories) {
    TestCaseList testCaseList = new TestCaseList();
    for (int i = 0; i < filesAndDirectories.length; i++) {
      File fileOrDirectory = filesAndDirectories[i];
      if (fileOrDirectory.isFile()) {
      else if (fileOrDirectory.isDirectory()) {
    return testCaseList;

  private TestCaseList createTestCaseListFromDirectory(File directory) {
    TestCaseList testCaseList = new TestCaseList();
    List files = Arrays.asList(directory.listFiles());
    for (Iterator i = files.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
      File file = (File) i.next();
    return testCaseList;

  private TestCaseList createTestCaseList(File xmlTestFile) 
    TestReader testReader = new TestReader();
    TestRun testRun = testReader.createTestRun(xmlTestFile, 1);
    parseErrors = testReader.getParsingProblems();

    TestCaseList tcl = new TestCaseList();
    if (hasParseErrors()) {
      return tcl;
    for (Iterator i = testRun.getTestCases().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
      org.locationtech.jtstest.testrunner.TestCase testCase = (org.locationtech.jtstest.testrunner.TestCase) i.next();
      tcl.add(new TestRunnerTestCaseAdapter(testCase));
    return tcl;

  private List parseErrors = null;

   * @return empy list if no errors
  public List getParsingProblems()
    return parseErrors; 
  public boolean hasParseErrors()
    if (parseErrors == null) return false;
    return parseErrors.size() > 0;
  public void setResult(Object result)
  	currResult = result;
    if (result == null || result instanceof Geometry) {
    	getCurrentCase().setResult((Geometry) result);
  public Object getResult()
  	return currResult;
  public void setOpName(String opName)
    if (opName == null) {
      this.opName = "";
    else { 
      this.opName = StringUtil.capitalize(opName);
  public String getOpName()
    return opName;
  public void copyResult(boolean isFormatted)
    SwingUtil.copyToClipboard(currResult, isFormatted);

  private ArrayList wktABeforePMChange = new ArrayList();
  private ArrayList wktBBeforePMChange = new ArrayList();

  public void changePrecisionModel(PrecisionModel precisionModel)
  throws ParseException
  private void saveWKTBeforePMChange() {
    for (Iterator i = getCases().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
      Testable testable = (Testable) i.next();
      Geometry a = testable.getGeometry(0);
      Geometry b = testable.getGeometry(1);
      wktABeforePMChange.add(a != null ? a.toText() : null);
      wktBBeforePMChange.add(b != null ? b.toText() : null);

  private void loadWKTAfterPMChange() throws ParseException {
    WKTReader reader = new WKTReader(new GeometryFactory(getPrecisionModel(), 0));
    for (int i = 0; i < getCases().size(); i++) {
      Testable testable = (Testable) getCases().get(i);
      String wktA = (String) wktABeforePMChange.get(i);
      String wktB = (String) wktBBeforePMChange.get(i);
      testable.setGeometry(0, wktA != null ? reader.read(wktA) : null);
      testable.setGeometry(1, wktB != null ? reader.read(wktB) : null);

   * Encapsulates test case cursor logic. 
   * @author Martin Davis
  public static class CaseList {
    public static interface CaseFactory {
      TestCaseEdit create();

    private TestCaseList tcList = new TestCaseList();
    private int tcIndex = -1;
    private CaseFactory caseFactory;
    public CaseList(CaseFactory caseFactory) {
      this.caseFactory = caseFactory;
    public void init()
      tcList = new TestCaseList();
      // ensure that there is always a valid TestCase in the list
    public void init(TestCaseList tcl) {
      tcList = tcl;
      if (tcList.size() > 0) {
        tcIndex = 0;
      else {
    public List getCases() {
      return Collections.unmodifiableList(tcList.getList());
    public void setCurrent(TestCaseEdit testCase) {
      for (int i = 0; i < tcList.size(); i++) {
        if (tcList.get(i) == testCase) {
          tcIndex = i;
    public TestCaseEdit getCurrentCase()
      return (TestCaseEdit) getCurrentTestable();
    public Testable getCurrentTestable() {
      return (TestCaseEdit) tcList.get(tcIndex);
    public int getCurrentTestIndex()
      return tcIndex;
    public void setCurrentTestIndex(int i) {
      tcIndex = MathUtil.clamp(i,  0, getSize() -1 );
    public TestCaseList getTestList()
      return tcList;
    public int getSize()
      return tcList.getList().size();
    public void prevCase() {
      if (tcIndex > 0)
    public void nextCase() {
      if (tcIndex < tcList.size() - 1)
    public void copyCase() {
      TestCaseEdit copy = null;
      copy = new TestCaseEdit(getCurrentCase());
    public void createNew() {
      addCase( caseFactory.create());
    private void addCase(TestCaseEdit testcase) {
      if (tcIndex < 0) {
      else {
        tcList.add(testcase, tcIndex+1);
    public void deleteCase() {
      if (tcList.size() == 0) {
      if (tcIndex >= tcList.size())
        tcIndex = tcList.size() - 1;
  public Layer layerCopy(Layer lyr) {
    if (layerListTop.contains(lyr)) {
      return layerListTop.copy(lyr);
    // get here if copying a base layer, OR copying a fixed layer
    return layerListBase.copy(lyr);

  public void layerDelete(Layer lyr) {
    if (layerListBase.contains(lyr)) {
    else if (layerListTop.contains(lyr)) {

  public void layerUp(Layer lyr) {
    if (layerListBase.contains(lyr)) {
      if (layerListBase.isTop(lyr)) {
      else {
    else if (layerListTop.contains(lyr)) {

  public void layerDown(Layer lyr) {
    if (layerListBase.contains(lyr)) {
    else if (layerListTop.contains(lyr)) {
      if (layerListTop.isBottom(lyr)) {

  public boolean isLayerFixed(Layer lyr) {
    return layerList.contains(lyr);
