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1"""This module defines TemplateExporter, a highly configurable converter 

2that uses Jinja2 to export notebook files into different formats. 



5# Copyright (c) IPython Development Team. 

6# Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License. 



9import html 

10import json 

11import os 

12import typing as t 

13import uuid 

14import warnings 

15from pathlib import Path 


17from jinja2 import ( 

18 BaseLoader, 

19 ChoiceLoader, 

20 DictLoader, 

21 Environment, 

22 FileSystemLoader, 

23 TemplateNotFound, 


25from jupyter_core.paths import jupyter_path 

26from nbformat import NotebookNode 

27from traitlets import Bool, Dict, HasTraits, List, Unicode, default, observe, validate 

28from traitlets.config import Config 

29from traitlets.utils.importstring import import_item 


31from nbconvert import filters 


33from .exporter import Exporter 


35# Jinja2 extensions to load. 

36JINJA_EXTENSIONS = ["jinja2.ext.loopcontrols"] 


38ROOT = os.path.dirname(__file__) 

39DEV_MODE = os.path.exists(os.path.join(ROOT, "../../.git")) 



42default_filters = { 

43 "indent": filters.indent, 

44 "markdown2html": filters.markdown2html, 

45 "markdown2asciidoc": filters.markdown2asciidoc, 

46 "ansi2html": filters.ansi2html, 

47 "filter_data_type": filters.DataTypeFilter, 

48 "get_lines": filters.get_lines, 

49 "highlight2html": filters.Highlight2HTML, 

50 "highlight2latex": filters.Highlight2Latex, 

51 "ipython2python": filters.ipython2python, 

52 "posix_path": filters.posix_path, 

53 "markdown2latex": filters.markdown2latex, 

54 "markdown2rst": filters.markdown2rst, 

55 "comment_lines": filters.comment_lines, 

56 "strip_ansi": filters.strip_ansi, 

57 "strip_dollars": filters.strip_dollars, 

58 "strip_files_prefix": filters.strip_files_prefix, 

59 "html2text": filters.html2text, 

60 "add_anchor": filters.add_anchor, 

61 "ansi2latex": filters.ansi2latex, 

62 "wrap_text": filters.wrap_text, 

63 "escape_latex": filters.escape_latex, 

64 "citation2latex": filters.citation2latex, 

65 "path2url": filters.path2url, 

66 "add_prompts": filters.add_prompts, 

67 "ascii_only": filters.ascii_only, 

68 "prevent_list_blocks": filters.prevent_list_blocks, 

69 "get_metadata": filters.get_metadata, 

70 "convert_pandoc": filters.convert_pandoc, 

71 "json_dumps": json.dumps, 

72 # For removing any HTML 

73 "escape_html": lambda s: html.escape(str(s)), 

74 "escape_html_keep_quotes": lambda s: html.escape(str(s), quote=False), 

75 # For sanitizing HTML for any XSS 

76 "clean_html": filters.clean_html, 

77 "strip_trailing_newline": filters.strip_trailing_newline, 

78 "text_base64": filters.text_base64, 




82# copy of 

83def recursive_update(target, new): 

84 """Recursively update one dictionary using another. 

85 None values will delete their keys. 

86 """ 

87 for k, v in new.items(): 

88 if isinstance(v, dict): 

89 if k not in target: 

90 target[k] = {} 

91 recursive_update(target[k], v) 

92 if not target[k]: 

93 # Prune empty subdicts 

94 del target[k] 


96 elif v is None: 

97 target.pop(k, None) 


99 else: 

100 target[k] = v 

101 return target # return for convenience 



104# define function at the top level to avoid pickle errors 

105def deprecated(msg): 

106 """Emit a deprecation warning.""" 

107 warnings.warn(msg, DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2) 



110class ExtensionTolerantLoader(BaseLoader): 

111 """A template loader which optionally adds a given extension when searching. 


113 Constructor takes two arguments: *loader* is another Jinja loader instance 

114 to wrap. *extension* is the extension, which will be added to the template 

115 name if finding the template without it fails. This should include the dot, 

116 e.g. '.tpl'. 

117 """ 


119 def __init__(self, loader, extension): 

120 """Initialize the loader.""" 

121 self.loader = loader 

122 self.extension = extension 


124 def get_source(self, environment, template): 

125 """Get the source for a template.""" 

126 try: 

127 return self.loader.get_source(environment, template) 

128 except TemplateNotFound: 

129 if template.endswith(self.extension): 

130 raise TemplateNotFound(template) from None 

131 return self.loader.get_source(environment, template + self.extension) 


133 def list_templates(self): 

134 """List available templates.""" 

135 return self.loader.list_templates() 



138class TemplateExporter(Exporter): 

139 """ 

140 Exports notebooks into other file formats. Uses Jinja 2 templating engine 

141 to output new formats. Inherit from this class if you are creating a new 

142 template type along with new filters/preprocessors. If the filters/ 

143 preprocessors provided by default suffice, there is no need to inherit from 

144 this class. Instead, override the template_file and file_extension 

145 traits via a config file. 


147 Filters available by default for templates: 


149 {filters} 

150 """ 


152 # finish the docstring 

153 __doc__ = __doc__.format(filters="- " + "\n - ".join(sorted(default_filters.keys()))) # noqa 


155 _template_cached = None 


157 def _invalidate_template_cache(self, change=None): 

158 self._template_cached = None 


160 @property 

161 def template(self): 

162 if self._template_cached is None: 

163 self._template_cached = self._load_template() 

164 return self._template_cached 


166 _environment_cached = None 


168 def _invalidate_environment_cache(self, change=None): 

169 self._environment_cached = None 

170 self._invalidate_template_cache() 


172 @property 

173 def environment(self): 

174 if self._environment_cached is None: 

175 self._environment_cached = self._create_environment() 

176 return self._environment_cached 


178 @property 

179 def default_config(self): 

180 c = Config( 

181 { 

182 "RegexRemovePreprocessor": {"enabled": True}, 

183 "TagRemovePreprocessor": {"enabled": True}, 

184 } 

185 ) 

186 if super().default_config: 

187 c2 = super().default_config.copy() 

188 c2.merge(c) 

189 c = c2 

190 return c 


192 template_name = Unicode(help="Name of the template to use").tag( 

193 config=True, affects_template=True 

194 ) 


196 template_file = Unicode(None, allow_none=True, help="Name of the template file to use").tag( 

197 config=True, affects_template=True 

198 ) 


200 raw_template = Unicode("", help="raw template string").tag(affects_environment=True) 


202 enable_async = Bool(False, help="Enable Jinja async template execution").tag( 

203 affects_environment=True 

204 ) 


206 _last_template_file = "" 

207 _raw_template_key = "<memory>" 


209 @validate("template_name") 

210 def _template_name_validate(self, change): 

211 template_name = change["value"] 

212 if template_name and template_name.endswith(".tpl"): 

213 warnings.warn( 

214 f"5.x style template name passed '{self.template_name}'. Use --template-name for the template directory with a index.<ext>.j2 file and/or --template-file to denote a different template.", 

215 DeprecationWarning, 

216 stacklevel=2, 

217 ) 

218 directory, self.template_file = os.path.split(self.template_name) 

219 if directory: 

220 directory, template_name = os.path.split(directory) 

221 if directory and os.path.isabs(directory): 

222 self.extra_template_basedirs = [directory] 

223 return template_name 


225 @observe("template_file") 

226 def _template_file_changed(self, change): 

227 new = change["new"] 

228 if new == "default": 

229 self.template_file = self.default_template # type:ignore 

230 return 

231 # check if template_file is a file path 

232 # rather than a name already on template_path 

233 full_path = os.path.abspath(new) 

234 if os.path.isfile(full_path): 

235 directory, self.template_file = os.path.split(full_path) 

236 self.extra_template_paths = [directory, *self.extra_template_paths] 

237 # While not strictly an invalid template file name, the extension hints that there isn't a template directory involved 

238 if self.template_file.endswith(".tpl"): 

239 warnings.warn( 

240 f"5.x style template file passed '{new}'. Use --template-name for the template directory with a index.<ext>.j2 file and/or --template-file to denote a different template.", 

241 DeprecationWarning, 

242 stacklevel=2, 

243 ) 


245 @default("template_file") 

246 def _template_file_default(self): 

247 if self.template_extension: 

248 return "index" + self.template_extension 


250 @observe("raw_template") 

251 def _raw_template_changed(self, change): 

252 if not change["new"]: 

253 self.template_file = self._last_template_file 

254 self._invalidate_template_cache() 


256 template_paths = List(["."]).tag(config=True, affects_environment=True) 

257 extra_template_basedirs = List().tag(config=True, affects_environment=True) 

258 extra_template_paths = List([]).tag(config=True, affects_environment=True) 


260 @default("extra_template_basedirs") 

261 def _default_extra_template_basedirs(self): 

262 return [os.getcwd()] 


264 # Extension that the template files use. 

265 template_extension = Unicode().tag(config=True, affects_environment=True) 


267 template_data_paths = List( 

268 jupyter_path("nbconvert", "templates"), help="Path where templates can be installed too." 

269 ).tag(affects_environment=True) 


271 # Extension that the template files use. 

272 template_extension = Unicode().tag(config=True, affects_environment=True) 


274 @default("template_extension") 

275 def _template_extension_default(self): 

276 if self.file_extension: 

277 return self.file_extension + ".j2" 

278 else: 

279 return self.file_extension 


281 exclude_input = Bool( 

282 False, help="This allows you to exclude code cell inputs from all templates if set to True." 

283 ).tag(config=True) 


285 exclude_input_prompt = Bool( 

286 False, help="This allows you to exclude input prompts from all templates if set to True." 

287 ).tag(config=True) 


289 exclude_output = Bool( 

290 False, 

291 help="This allows you to exclude code cell outputs from all templates if set to True.", 

292 ).tag(config=True) 


294 exclude_output_prompt = Bool( 

295 False, help="This allows you to exclude output prompts from all templates if set to True." 

296 ).tag(config=True) 


298 exclude_output_stdin = Bool( 

299 True, 

300 help="This allows you to exclude output of stdin stream from lab template if set to True.", 

301 ).tag(config=True) 


303 exclude_code_cell = Bool( 

304 False, help="This allows you to exclude code cells from all templates if set to True." 

305 ).tag(config=True) 


307 exclude_markdown = Bool( 

308 False, help="This allows you to exclude markdown cells from all templates if set to True." 

309 ).tag(config=True) 


311 exclude_raw = Bool( 

312 False, help="This allows you to exclude raw cells from all templates if set to True." 

313 ).tag(config=True) 


315 exclude_unknown = Bool( 

316 False, help="This allows you to exclude unknown cells from all templates if set to True." 

317 ).tag(config=True) 


319 extra_loaders = List( 

320 help="Jinja loaders to find templates. Will be tried in order " 

321 "before the default FileSystem ones.", 

322 ).tag(affects_environment=True) 


324 filters = Dict( 

325 help="""Dictionary of filters, by name and namespace, to add to the Jinja 

326 environment.""" 

327 ).tag(config=True, affects_environment=True) 


329 raw_mimetypes = List( 

330 help="""formats of raw cells to be included in this Exporter's output.""" 

331 ).tag(config=True) 


333 @default("raw_mimetypes") 

334 def _raw_mimetypes_default(self): 

335 return [self.output_mimetype, ""] 


337 # TODO: passing config is wrong, but changing this revealed more complicated issues 

338 def __init__(self, config=None, **kw): 

339 """ 

340 Public constructor 


342 Parameters 

343 ---------- 

344 config : config 

345 User configuration instance. 

346 extra_loaders : list[of Jinja Loaders] 

347 ordered list of Jinja loader to find templates. Will be tried in order 

348 before the default FileSystem ones. 

349 template_file : str (optional, kw arg) 

350 Template to use when exporting. 

351 """ 

352 super().__init__(config=config, **kw) 


354 self.observe( 

355 self._invalidate_environment_cache, list(self.traits(affects_environment=True)) 

356 ) 

357 self.observe(self._invalidate_template_cache, list(self.traits(affects_template=True))) 


359 def _load_template(self): 

360 """Load the Jinja template object from the template file 


362 This is triggered by various trait changes that would change the template. 

363 """ 


365 # this gives precedence to a raw_template if present 

366 with self.hold_trait_notifications(): 

367 if self.template_file != self._raw_template_key: 

368 self._last_template_file = self.template_file 

369 if self.raw_template: 

370 self.template_file = self._raw_template_key 


372 if not self.template_file: 

373 msg = "No template_file specified!" 

374 raise ValueError(msg) 


376 # First try to load the 

377 # template by name with extension added, then try loading the template 

378 # as if the name is explicitly specified. 

379 template_file = self.template_file 

380 self.log.debug("Attempting to load template %s", template_file) 

381 self.log.debug(" template_paths: %s", os.pathsep.join(self.template_paths)) 

382 return self.environment.get_template(template_file) 


384 def from_filename( # type:ignore 

385 self, filename: str, resources: t.Optional[dict] = None, **kw: t.Any 

386 ) -> t.Tuple[str, dict]: 

387 """Convert a notebook from a filename.""" 

388 return super().from_filename(filename, resources, **kw) # type:ignore 


390 def from_file( # type:ignore 

391 self, file_stream: t.Any, resources: t.Optional[dict] = None, **kw: t.Any 

392 ) -> t.Tuple[str, dict]: 

393 """Convert a notebook from a file.""" 

394 return super().from_file(file_stream, resources, **kw) # type:ignore 


396 def from_notebook_node( # type:ignore 

397 self, nb: NotebookNode, resources: t.Optional[dict] = None, **kw: t.Any 

398 ) -> t.Tuple[str, dict]: 

399 """ 

400 Convert a notebook from a notebook node instance. 


402 Parameters 

403 ---------- 

404 nb : :class:`~nbformat.NotebookNode` 

405 Notebook node 

406 resources : dict 

407 Additional resources that can be accessed read/write by 

408 preprocessors and filters. 

409 """ 

410 nb_copy, resources = super().from_notebook_node(nb, resources, **kw) 

411 resources.setdefault("raw_mimetypes", self.raw_mimetypes) 

412 resources["global_content_filter"] = { 

413 "include_code": not self.exclude_code_cell, 

414 "include_markdown": not self.exclude_markdown, 

415 "include_raw": not self.exclude_raw, 

416 "include_unknown": not self.exclude_unknown, 

417 "include_input": not self.exclude_input, 

418 "include_output": not self.exclude_output, 

419 "include_output_stdin": not self.exclude_output_stdin, 

420 "include_input_prompt": not self.exclude_input_prompt, 

421 "include_output_prompt": not self.exclude_output_prompt, 

422 "no_prompt": self.exclude_input_prompt and self.exclude_output_prompt, 

423 } 


425 # Top level variables are passed to the template_exporter here. 

426 output = self.template.render(nb=nb_copy, resources=resources) 

427 output = output.lstrip("\r\n") 

428 return output, resources 


430 def _register_filter(self, environ, name, jinja_filter): 

431 """ 

432 Register a filter. 

433 A filter is a function that accepts and acts on one string. 

434 The filters are accessible within the Jinja templating engine. 


436 Parameters 

437 ---------- 

438 name : str 

439 name to give the filter in the Jinja engine 

440 filter : filter 

441 """ 

442 if jinja_filter is None: 

443 msg = "filter" 

444 raise TypeError(msg) 

445 isclass = isinstance(jinja_filter, type) 

446 constructed = not isclass 


448 # Handle filter's registration based on it's type 

449 if constructed and isinstance(jinja_filter, (str,)): 

450 # filter is a string, import the namespace and recursively call 

451 # this register_filter method 

452 filter_cls = import_item(jinja_filter) 

453 return self._register_filter(environ, name, filter_cls) 


455 if constructed and hasattr(jinja_filter, "__call__"): # noqa 

456 # filter is a function, no need to construct it. 

457 environ.filters[name] = jinja_filter 

458 return jinja_filter 


460 elif isclass and issubclass(jinja_filter, HasTraits): 

461 # filter is configurable. Make sure to pass in new default for 

462 # the enabled flag if one was specified. 

463 filter_instance = jinja_filter(parent=self) 

464 self._register_filter(environ, name, filter_instance) 


466 elif isclass: 

467 # filter is not configurable, construct it 

468 filter_instance = jinja_filter() 

469 self._register_filter(environ, name, filter_instance) 


471 else: 

472 # filter is an instance of something without a __call__ 

473 # attribute. 

474 msg = "filter" 

475 raise TypeError(msg) 


477 def register_filter(self, name, jinja_filter): 

478 """ 

479 Register a filter. 

480 A filter is a function that accepts and acts on one string. 

481 The filters are accessible within the Jinja templating engine. 


483 Parameters 

484 ---------- 

485 name : str 

486 name to give the filter in the Jinja engine 

487 filter : filter 

488 """ 

489 return self._register_filter(self.environment, name, jinja_filter) 


491 def default_filters(self): 

492 """Override in subclasses to provide extra filters. 


494 This should return an iterable of 2-tuples: (name, class-or-function). 

495 You should call the method on the parent class and include the filters 

496 it provides. 


498 If a name is repeated, the last filter provided wins. Filters from 

499 user-supplied config win over filters provided by classes. 

500 """ 

501 return default_filters.items() 


503 def _create_environment(self): 

504 """ 

505 Create the Jinja templating environment. 

506 """ 

507 paths = self.template_paths 

508 self.log.debug("Template paths:\n\t%s", "\n\t".join(paths)) 


510 loaders = [ 

511 *self.extra_loaders, 

512 ExtensionTolerantLoader(FileSystemLoader(paths), self.template_extension), 

513 DictLoader({self._raw_template_key: self.raw_template}), 

514 ] 

515 environment = Environment( # noqa 

516 loader=ChoiceLoader(loaders), 

517 extensions=JINJA_EXTENSIONS, 

518 enable_async=self.enable_async, 

519 ) 


521 environment.globals["uuid4"] = uuid.uuid4 


523 # Add default filters to the Jinja2 environment 

524 for key, value in self.default_filters(): 

525 self._register_filter(environment, key, value) 


527 # Load user filters. Overwrite existing filters if need be. 

528 if self.filters: 

529 for key, user_filter in self.filters.items(): 

530 self._register_filter(environment, key, user_filter) 


532 return environment 


534 def _init_preprocessors(self): 

535 super()._init_preprocessors() 

536 conf = self._get_conf() 

537 preprocessors = conf.get("preprocessors", {}) 

538 # preprocessors is a dict for three reasons 

539 # * We rely on recursive_update, which can only merge dicts, lists will be overwritten 

540 # * We can use the key with numerical prefixing to guarantee ordering (/etc/*.d/XY-file style) 

541 # * We can disable preprocessors by overwriting the value with None 

542 for _, preprocessor in sorted(preprocessors.items(), key=lambda x: x[0]): 

543 if preprocessor is not None: 

544 kwargs = preprocessor.copy() 

545 preprocessor_cls = kwargs.pop("type") 

546 preprocessor_cls = import_item(preprocessor_cls) 

547 if preprocessor_cls.__name__ in self.config: 

548 kwargs.update(self.config[preprocessor_cls.__name__]) 

549 preprocessor = preprocessor_cls(**kwargs) # noqa 

550 self.register_preprocessor(preprocessor) 


552 def _get_conf(self): 

553 conf: dict = {} # the configuration once all conf files are merged 

554 for path in map(Path, self.template_paths): 

555 conf_path = path / "conf.json" 

556 if conf_path.exists(): 

557 with as f: 

558 conf = recursive_update(conf, json.load(f)) 

559 return conf 


561 @default("template_paths") 

562 def _template_paths(self, prune=True, root_dirs=None): 

563 paths = [] 

564 root_dirs = self.get_prefix_root_dirs() 

565 template_names = self.get_template_names() 

566 for template_name in template_names: 

567 for base_dir in self.extra_template_basedirs: 

568 path = os.path.join(base_dir, template_name) 

569 if not prune or os.path.exists(path): 

570 paths.append(path) 

571 for root_dir in root_dirs: 

572 base_dir = os.path.join(root_dir, "nbconvert", "templates") 

573 path = os.path.join(base_dir, template_name) 

574 if not prune or os.path.exists(path): 

575 paths.append(path) 


577 for root_dir in root_dirs: 

578 # we include root_dir for when we want to be very explicit, e.g. 

579 # {% extends 'nbconvert/templates/classic/base.html' %} 

580 paths.append(root_dir) 

581 # we include base_dir for when we want to be explicit, but less than root_dir, e.g. 

582 # {% extends 'classic/base.html' %} 

583 base_dir = os.path.join(root_dir, "nbconvert", "templates") 

584 paths.append(base_dir) 


586 compatibility_dir = os.path.join(root_dir, "nbconvert", "templates", "compatibility") 

587 paths.append(compatibility_dir) 


589 additional_paths = [] 

590 for path in self.template_data_paths: 

591 if not prune or os.path.exists(path): 

592 additional_paths.append(path) 


594 return paths + self.extra_template_paths + additional_paths 


596 @classmethod 

597 def get_compatibility_base_template_conf(cls, name): 

598 """Get the base template config.""" 

599 # Hard-coded base template confs to use for backwards compatibility for 5.x-only templates 

600 if name == "display_priority": 

601 return {"base_template": "base"} 

602 if name == "full": 

603 return {"base_template": "classic", "mimetypes": {"text/html": True}} 


605 def get_template_names(self): # noqa 

606 """Finds a list of template names where each successive template name is the base template""" 

607 template_names = [] 

608 root_dirs = self.get_prefix_root_dirs() 

609 base_template = self.template_name 

610 merged_conf: dict = {} # the configuration once all conf files are merged 

611 while base_template is not None: 

612 template_names.append(base_template) 

613 conf: dict = {} 

614 found_at_least_one = False 

615 for base_dir in self.extra_template_basedirs: 

616 template_dir = os.path.join(base_dir, base_template) 

617 if os.path.exists(template_dir): 

618 found_at_least_one = True 

619 conf_file = os.path.join(template_dir, "conf.json") 

620 if os.path.exists(conf_file): 

621 with open(conf_file) as f: 

622 conf = recursive_update(json.load(f), conf) 

623 for root_dir in root_dirs: 

624 template_dir = os.path.join(root_dir, "nbconvert", "templates", base_template) 

625 if os.path.exists(template_dir): 

626 found_at_least_one = True 

627 conf_file = os.path.join(template_dir, "conf.json") 

628 if os.path.exists(conf_file): 

629 with open(conf_file) as f: 

630 conf = recursive_update(json.load(f), conf) 

631 if not found_at_least_one: 

632 # Check for backwards compatibility template names 

633 for root_dir in root_dirs: 

634 compatibility_file = base_template + ".tpl" 

635 compatibility_path = os.path.join( 

636 root_dir, "nbconvert", "templates", "compatibility", compatibility_file 

637 ) 

638 if os.path.exists(compatibility_path): 

639 found_at_least_one = True 

640 warnings.warn( 

641 f"5.x template name passed '{self.template_name}'. Use 'lab' or 'classic' for new template usage.", 

642 DeprecationWarning, 

643 stacklevel=2, 

644 ) 

645 self.template_file = compatibility_file 

646 conf = self.get_compatibility_base_template_conf(base_template) 

647 self.template_name = conf.get("base_template") 

648 break 

649 if not found_at_least_one: 

650 paths = "\n\t".join(root_dirs) 

651 msg = f"No template sub-directory with name {base_template!r} found in the following paths:\n\t{paths}" 

652 raise ValueError(msg) 

653 merged_conf = recursive_update(dict(conf), merged_conf) 

654 base_template = conf.get("base_template") 

655 conf = merged_conf 

656 mimetypes = [mimetype for mimetype, enabled in conf.get("mimetypes", {}).items() if enabled] 

657 if self.output_mimetype and self.output_mimetype not in mimetypes and mimetypes: 

658 supported_mimetypes = "\n\t".join(mimetypes) 

659 msg = f"Unsupported mimetype {self.output_mimetype!r} for template {self.template_name!r}, mimetypes supported are: \n\t{supported_mimetypes}" 

660 raise ValueError(msg) 

661 return template_names 


663 def get_prefix_root_dirs(self): 

664 """Get the prefix root dirs.""" 

665 # We look at the usual jupyter locations, and for development purposes also 

666 # relative to the package directory (first entry, meaning with highest precedence) 

667 root_dirs = [] 

668 if DEV_MODE: 

669 root_dirs.append(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(ROOT, "..", "..", "share", "jupyter"))) 

670 root_dirs.extend(jupyter_path()) 

671 return root_dirs 


673 def _init_resources(self, resources): 

674 resources = super()._init_resources(resources) 

675 resources["deprecated"] = deprecated 

676 return resources