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516 statements  

1"""A base class for a configurable application.""" 


3# Copyright (c) IPython Development Team. 

4# Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License. 

5from __future__ import annotations 


7import functools 

8import json 

9import logging 

10import os 

11import pprint 

12import re 

13import sys 

14import typing as t 

15from collections import OrderedDict, defaultdict 

16from contextlib import suppress 

17from copy import deepcopy 

18from logging.config import dictConfig 

19from textwrap import dedent 


21from traitlets.config.configurable import Configurable, SingletonConfigurable 

22from traitlets.config.loader import ( 

23 ArgumentError, 

24 Config, 

25 ConfigFileNotFound, 

26 DeferredConfigString, 

27 JSONFileConfigLoader, 

28 KVArgParseConfigLoader, 

29 PyFileConfigLoader, 


31from traitlets.traitlets import ( 

32 Bool, 

33 Dict, 

34 Enum, 

35 Instance, 

36 List, 

37 TraitError, 

38 Unicode, 

39 default, 

40 observe, 

41 observe_compat, 


43from traitlets.utils.bunch import Bunch 

44from traitlets.utils.nested_update import nested_update 

45from traitlets.utils.text import indent, wrap_paragraphs 


47from ..utils import cast_unicode 

48from ..utils.importstring import import_item 


50# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 

51# Descriptions for the various sections 

52# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 

53# merge flags&aliases into options 

54option_description = """ 

55The options below are convenience aliases to configurable class-options, 

56as listed in the "Equivalent to" description-line of the aliases. 

57To see all configurable class-options for some <cmd>, use: 

58 <cmd> --help-all 

59""".strip() # trim newlines of front and back 


61keyvalue_description = """ 

62The command-line option below sets the respective configurable class-parameter: 

63 --Class.parameter=value 

64This line is evaluated in Python, so simple expressions are allowed. 

65For instance, to set `C.a=[0,1,2]`, you may type this: 

66 --C.a='range(3)' 

67""".strip() # trim newlines of front and back 


69# sys.argv can be missing, for example when python is embedded. See the docs 

70# for details: 

71if not hasattr(sys, "argv"): 

72 sys.argv = [""] 


74subcommand_description = """ 

75Subcommands are launched as `{app} cmd [args]`. For information on using 

76subcommand 'cmd', do: `{app} cmd -h`. 


78# get running program name 


80# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 

81# Application class 

82# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 



85_envvar = os.environ.get("TRAITLETS_APPLICATION_RAISE_CONFIG_FILE_ERROR", "") 

86if _envvar.lower() in {"1", "true"}: 


88elif _envvar.lower() in {"0", "false", ""}: 



91 raise ValueError( 

92 "Unsupported value for environment variable: 'TRAITLETS_APPLICATION_RAISE_CONFIG_FILE_ERROR' is set to '%s' which is none of {'0', '1', 'false', 'true', ''}." 

93 % _envvar 

94 ) 



97IS_PYTHONW = sys.executable and sys.executable.endswith("pythonw.exe") 


99T = t.TypeVar("T", bound=t.Callable[..., t.Any]) 

100AnyLogger = t.Union[logging.Logger, "logging.LoggerAdapter[t.Any]"] 

101StrDict = t.Dict[str, t.Any] 

102ArgvType = t.Optional[t.List[str]] 

103ClassesType = t.List[t.Type[Configurable]] 



106def catch_config_error(method: T) -> T: 

107 """Method decorator for catching invalid config (Trait/ArgumentErrors) during init. 


109 On a TraitError (generally caused by bad config), this will print the trait's 

110 message, and exit the app. 


112 For use on init methods, to prevent invoking excepthook on invalid input. 

113 """ 


115 @functools.wraps(method) 

116 def inner(app: Application, *args: t.Any, **kwargs: t.Any) -> t.Any: 

117 try: 

118 return method(app, *args, **kwargs) 

119 except (TraitError, ArgumentError) as e: 

120 app.log.fatal("Bad config encountered during initialization: %s", e) 

121 app.log.debug("Config at the time: %s", app.config) 

122 app.exit(1) 


124 return t.cast(T, inner) 



127class ApplicationError(Exception): 

128 pass 



131class LevelFormatter(logging.Formatter): 

132 """Formatter with additional `highlevel` record 


134 This field is empty if log level is less than highlevel_limit, 

135 otherwise it is formatted with self.highlevel_format. 


137 Useful for adding 'WARNING' to warning messages, 

138 without adding 'INFO' to info, etc. 

139 """ 


141 highlevel_limit = logging.WARN 

142 highlevel_format = " %(levelname)s |" 


144 def format(self, record: logging.LogRecord) -> str: 

145 if record.levelno >= self.highlevel_limit: 

146 record.highlevel = self.highlevel_format % record.__dict__ 

147 else: 

148 record.highlevel = "" 

149 return super().format(record) 



152class Application(SingletonConfigurable): 

153 """A singleton application with full configuration support.""" 


155 # The name of the application, will usually match the name of the command 

156 # line application 

157 name: str | Unicode[str, str | bytes] = Unicode("application") 


159 # The description of the application that is printed at the beginning 

160 # of the help. 

161 description: str | Unicode[str, str | bytes] = Unicode("This is an application.") 

162 # default section descriptions 

163 option_description: str | Unicode[str, str | bytes] = Unicode(option_description) 

164 keyvalue_description: str | Unicode[str, str | bytes] = Unicode(keyvalue_description) 

165 subcommand_description: str | Unicode[str, str | bytes] = Unicode(subcommand_description) 


167 python_config_loader_class = PyFileConfigLoader 

168 json_config_loader_class = JSONFileConfigLoader 


170 # The usage and example string that goes at the end of the help string. 

171 examples: str | Unicode[str, str | bytes] = Unicode() 


173 # A sequence of Configurable subclasses whose config=True attributes will 

174 # be exposed at the command line. 

175 classes: ClassesType = [] 


177 def _classes_inc_parents( 

178 self, classes: ClassesType | None = None 

179 ) -> t.Generator[type[Configurable], None, None]: 

180 """Iterate through configurable classes, including configurable parents 


182 :param classes: 

183 The list of classes to iterate; if not set, uses :attr:`classes`. 


185 Children should always be after parents, and each class should only be 

186 yielded once. 

187 """ 

188 if classes is None: 

189 classes = self.classes 


191 seen = set() 

192 for c in classes: 

193 # We want to sort parents before children, so we reverse the MRO 

194 for parent in reversed(c.mro()): 

195 if issubclass(parent, Configurable) and (parent not in seen): 

196 seen.add(parent) 

197 yield parent 


199 # The version string of this application. 

200 version: str | Unicode[str, str | bytes] = Unicode("0.0") 


202 # the argv used to initialize the application 

203 argv: list[str] | List[str] = List() 


205 # Whether failing to load config files should prevent startup 

206 raise_config_file_errors = Bool(TRAITLETS_APPLICATION_RAISE_CONFIG_FILE_ERROR) 


208 # The log level for the application 

209 log_level = Enum( 

210 (0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, "DEBUG", "INFO", "WARN", "ERROR", "CRITICAL"), 

211 default_value=logging.WARN, 

212 help="Set the log level by value or name.", 

213 ).tag(config=True) 


215 _log_formatter_cls = LevelFormatter 


217 log_datefmt = Unicode( 

218 "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", help="The date format used by logging formatters for %(asctime)s" 

219 ).tag(config=True) 


221 log_format = Unicode( 

222 "[%(name)s]%(highlevel)s %(message)s", 

223 help="The Logging format template", 

224 ).tag(config=True) 


226 def get_default_logging_config(self) -> StrDict: 

227 """Return the base logging configuration. 


229 The default is to log to stderr using a StreamHandler, if no default 

230 handler already exists. 


232 The log handler level starts at logging.WARN, but this can be adjusted 

233 by setting the ``log_level`` attribute. 


235 The ``logging_config`` trait is merged into this allowing for finer 

236 control of logging. 


238 """ 

239 config: StrDict = { 

240 "version": 1, 

241 "handlers": { 

242 "console": { 

243 "class": "logging.StreamHandler", 

244 "formatter": "console", 

245 "level": logging.getLevelName(self.log_level), # type:ignore[arg-type] 

246 "stream": "ext://sys.stderr", 

247 }, 

248 }, 

249 "formatters": { 

250 "console": { 

251 "class": ( 

252 f"{self._log_formatter_cls.__module__}" 

253 f".{self._log_formatter_cls.__name__}" 

254 ), 

255 "format": self.log_format, 

256 "datefmt": self.log_datefmt, 

257 }, 

258 }, 

259 "loggers": { 

260 self.__class__.__name__: { 

261 "level": "DEBUG", 

262 "handlers": ["console"], 

263 } 

264 }, 

265 "disable_existing_loggers": False, 

266 } 


268 if IS_PYTHONW: 

269 # disable logging 

270 # (this should really go to a file, but file-logging is only 

271 # hooked up in parallel applications) 

272 del config["handlers"] 

273 del config["loggers"] 


275 return config 


277 @observe("log_datefmt", "log_format", "log_level", "logging_config") 

278 def _observe_logging_change(self, change: Bunch) -> None: 

279 # convert log level strings to ints 

280 log_level = self.log_level 

281 if isinstance(log_level, str): 

282 self.log_level = t.cast(int, getattr(logging, log_level)) 

283 self._configure_logging() 


285 @observe("log", type="default") 

286 def _observe_logging_default(self, change: Bunch) -> None: 

287 self._configure_logging() 


289 def _configure_logging(self) -> None: 

290 config = self.get_default_logging_config() 

291 nested_update(config, self.logging_config or {}) 

292 dictConfig(config) 

293 # make a note that we have configured logging 

294 self._logging_configured = True 


296 @default("log") 

297 def _log_default(self) -> AnyLogger: 

298 """Start logging for this application.""" 

299 log = logging.getLogger(self.__class__.__name__) 

300 log.propagate = False 

301 _log = log # copied from Logger.hasHandlers() (new in Python 3.2) 

302 while _log is not None: 

303 if _log.handlers: 

304 return log 

305 if not _log.propagate: 

306 break 

307 _log = _log.parent # type:ignore[assignment] 

308 return log 


310 logging_config = Dict( 

311 help=""" 

312 Configure additional log handlers. 


314 The default stderr logs handler is configured by the 

315 log_level, log_datefmt and log_format settings. 


317 This configuration can be used to configure additional handlers 

318 (e.g. to output the log to a file) or for finer control over the 

319 default handlers. 


321 If provided this should be a logging configuration dictionary, for 

322 more information see: 



325 This dictionary is merged with the base logging configuration which 

326 defines the following: 


328 * A logging formatter intended for interactive use called 

329 ``console``. 

330 * A logging handler that writes to stderr called 

331 ``console`` which uses the formatter ``console``. 

332 * A logger with the name of this application set to ``DEBUG`` 

333 level. 


335 This example adds a new handler that writes to a file: 


337 .. code-block:: python 


339 c.Application.logging_config = { 

340 "handlers": { 

341 "file": { 

342 "class": "logging.FileHandler", 

343 "level": "DEBUG", 

344 "filename": "<path/to/file>", 

345 } 

346 }, 

347 "loggers": { 

348 "<application-name>": { 

349 "level": "DEBUG", 

350 # NOTE: if you don't list the default "console" 

351 # handler here then it will be disabled 

352 "handlers": ["console", "file"], 

353 }, 

354 }, 

355 } 


357 """, 

358 ).tag(config=True) 


360 #: the alias map for configurables 

361 #: Keys might strings or tuples for additional options; single-letter alias accessed like `-v`. 

362 #: Values might be like "Class.trait" strings of two-tuples: (Class.trait, help-text), 

363 # or just the "Class.trait" string, in which case the help text is inferred from the 

364 # corresponding trait 

365 aliases: StrDict = {"log-level": "Application.log_level"} 


367 # flags for loading Configurables or store_const style flags 

368 # flags are loaded from this dict by '--key' flags 

369 # this must be a dict of two-tuples, the first element being the Config/dict 

370 # and the second being the help string for the flag 

371 flags: StrDict = { 

372 "debug": ( 

373 { 

374 "Application": { 

375 "log_level": logging.DEBUG, 

376 }, 

377 }, 

378 "Set log-level to debug, for the most verbose logging.", 

379 ), 

380 "show-config": ( 

381 { 

382 "Application": { 

383 "show_config": True, 

384 }, 

385 }, 

386 "Show the application's configuration (human-readable format)", 

387 ), 

388 "show-config-json": ( 

389 { 

390 "Application": { 

391 "show_config_json": True, 

392 }, 

393 }, 

394 "Show the application's configuration (json format)", 

395 ), 

396 } 


398 # subcommands for launching other applications 

399 # if this is not empty, this will be a parent Application 

400 # this must be a dict of two-tuples, 

401 # the first element being the application class/import string 

402 # and the second being the help string for the subcommand 

403 subcommands: dict[str, t.Any] | Dict[str, t.Any] = Dict() 

404 # parse_command_line will initialize a subapp, if requested 

405 subapp = Instance("traitlets.config.application.Application", allow_none=True) 


407 # extra command-line arguments that don't set config values 

408 extra_args = List(Unicode()) 


410 cli_config = Instance( 

411 Config, 

412 (), 

413 {}, 

414 help="""The subset of our configuration that came from the command-line 


416 We re-load this configuration after loading config files, 

417 to ensure that it maintains highest priority. 

418 """, 

419 ) 


421 _loaded_config_files: List[str] = List() 


423 show_config = Bool( 

424 help="Instead of starting the Application, dump configuration to stdout" 

425 ).tag(config=True) 


427 show_config_json = Bool( 

428 help="Instead of starting the Application, dump configuration to stdout (as JSON)" 

429 ).tag(config=True) 


431 @observe("show_config_json") 

432 def _show_config_json_changed(self, change: Bunch) -> None: 

433 self.show_config = 


435 @observe("show_config") 

436 def _show_config_changed(self, change: Bunch) -> None: 

437 if 

438 self._save_start = self.start 

439 self.start = self.start_show_config # type:ignore[method-assign] 


441 def __init__(self, **kwargs: t.Any) -> None: 

442 SingletonConfigurable.__init__(self, **kwargs) 

443 # Ensure my class is in self.classes, so my attributes appear in command line 

444 # options and config files. 

445 cls = self.__class__ 

446 if cls not in self.classes: 

447 if self.classes is cls.classes: 

448 # class attr, assign instead of insert 

449 self.classes = [cls, *self.classes] 

450 else: 

451 self.classes.insert(0, self.__class__) 


453 @observe("config") 

454 @observe_compat 

455 def _config_changed(self, change: Bunch) -> None: 

456 super()._config_changed(change) 

457 self.log.debug("Config changed: %r", 


459 @catch_config_error 

460 def initialize(self, argv: ArgvType = None) -> None: 

461 """Do the basic steps to configure me. 


463 Override in subclasses. 

464 """ 

465 self.parse_command_line(argv) 


467 def start(self) -> None: 

468 """Start the app mainloop. 


470 Override in subclasses. 

471 """ 

472 if self.subapp is not None: 

473 assert isinstance(self.subapp, Application) 

474 return self.subapp.start() 


476 def start_show_config(self) -> None: 

477 """start function used when show_config is True""" 

478 config = self.config.copy() 

479 # exclude show_config flags from displayed config 

480 for cls in self.__class__.mro(): 

481 if cls.__name__ in config: 

482 cls_config = config[cls.__name__] 

483 cls_config.pop("show_config", None) 

484 cls_config.pop("show_config_json", None) 


486 if self.show_config_json: 

487 json.dump(config, sys.stdout, indent=1, sort_keys=True, default=repr) 

488 # add trailing newline 

489 sys.stdout.write("\n") 

490 return 


492 if self._loaded_config_files: 

493 print("Loaded config files:") 

494 for f in self._loaded_config_files: 

495 print(" " + f) 

496 print() 


498 for classname in sorted(config): 

499 class_config = config[classname] 

500 if not class_config: 

501 continue 

502 print(classname) 

503 pformat_kwargs: StrDict = dict(indent=4, compact=True) # noqa: C408 


505 for traitname in sorted(class_config): 

506 value = class_config[traitname] 

507 print(f" .{traitname} = {pprint.pformat(value, **pformat_kwargs)}") 


509 def print_alias_help(self) -> None: 

510 """Print the alias parts of the help.""" 

511 print("\n".join(self.emit_alias_help())) 


513 def emit_alias_help(self) -> t.Generator[str, None, None]: 

514 """Yield the lines for alias part of the help.""" 

515 if not self.aliases: 

516 return 


518 classdict: dict[str, type[Configurable]] = {} 

519 for cls in self.classes: 

520 # include all parents (up to, but excluding Configurable) in available names 

521 for c in cls.mro()[:-3]: 

522 classdict[c.__name__] = t.cast(t.Type[Configurable], c) 


524 fhelp: str | None 

525 for alias, longname in self.aliases.items(): 

526 try: 

527 if isinstance(longname, tuple): 

528 longname, fhelp = longname 

529 else: 

530 fhelp = None 

531 classname, traitname = longname.split(".")[-2:] 

532 longname = classname + "." + traitname 

533 cls = classdict[classname] 


535 trait = cls.class_traits(config=True)[traitname] 

536 fhelp_lines = cls.class_get_trait_help(trait, helptext=fhelp).splitlines() 


538 if not isinstance(alias, tuple): # type:ignore[unreachable] 

539 alias = (alias,) # type:ignore[assignment] 

540 alias = sorted(alias, key=len) # type:ignore[assignment] 

541 alias = ", ".join(("--%s" if len(m) > 1 else "-%s") % m for m in alias) 


543 # reformat first line 

544 fhelp_lines[0] = fhelp_lines[0].replace("--" + longname, alias) 

545 yield from fhelp_lines 

546 yield indent("Equivalent to: [--%s]" % longname) 

547 except Exception as ex: 

548 self.log.error("Failed collecting help-message for alias %r, due to: %s", alias, ex) 

549 raise 


551 def print_flag_help(self) -> None: 

552 """Print the flag part of the help.""" 

553 print("\n".join(self.emit_flag_help())) 


555 def emit_flag_help(self) -> t.Generator[str, None, None]: 

556 """Yield the lines for the flag part of the help.""" 

557 if not self.flags: 

558 return 


560 for flags, (cfg, fhelp) in self.flags.items(): 

561 try: 

562 if not isinstance(flags, tuple): # type:ignore[unreachable] 

563 flags = (flags,) # type:ignore[assignment] 

564 flags = sorted(flags, key=len) # type:ignore[assignment] 

565 flags = ", ".join(("--%s" if len(m) > 1 else "-%s") % m for m in flags) 

566 yield flags 

567 yield indent(dedent(fhelp.strip())) 

568 cfg_list = " ".join( 

569 f"--{clname}.{prop}={val}" 

570 for clname, props_dict in cfg.items() 

571 for prop, val in props_dict.items() 

572 ) 

573 cfg_txt = "Equivalent to: [%s]" % cfg_list 

574 yield indent(dedent(cfg_txt)) 

575 except Exception as ex: 

576 self.log.error("Failed collecting help-message for flag %r, due to: %s", flags, ex) 

577 raise 


579 def print_options(self) -> None: 

580 """Print the options part of the help.""" 

581 print("\n".join(self.emit_options_help())) 


583 def emit_options_help(self) -> t.Generator[str, None, None]: 

584 """Yield the lines for the options part of the help.""" 

585 if not self.flags and not self.aliases: 

586 return 

587 header = "Options" 

588 yield header 

589 yield "=" * len(header) 

590 for p in wrap_paragraphs(self.option_description): 

591 yield p 

592 yield "" 


594 yield from self.emit_flag_help() 

595 yield from self.emit_alias_help() 

596 yield "" 


598 def print_subcommands(self) -> None: 

599 """Print the subcommand part of the help.""" 

600 print("\n".join(self.emit_subcommands_help())) 


602 def emit_subcommands_help(self) -> t.Generator[str, None, None]: 

603 """Yield the lines for the subcommand part of the help.""" 

604 if not self.subcommands: 

605 return 


607 header = "Subcommands" 

608 yield header 

609 yield "=" * len(header) 

610 for p in wrap_paragraphs(self.subcommand_description.format( 

611 yield p 

612 yield "" 

613 for subc, (_, help) in self.subcommands.items(): 

614 yield subc 

615 if help: 

616 yield indent(dedent(help.strip())) 

617 yield "" 


619 def emit_help_epilogue(self, classes: bool) -> t.Generator[str, None, None]: 

620 """Yield the very bottom lines of the help message. 


622 If classes=False (the default), print `--help-all` msg. 

623 """ 

624 if not classes: 

625 yield "To see all available configurables, use `--help-all`." 

626 yield "" 


628 def print_help(self, classes: bool = False) -> None: 

629 """Print the help for each Configurable class in self.classes. 


631 If classes=False (the default), only flags and aliases are printed. 

632 """ 

633 print("\n".join(self.emit_help(classes=classes))) 


635 def emit_help(self, classes: bool = False) -> t.Generator[str, None, None]: 

636 """Yield the help-lines for each Configurable class in self.classes. 


638 If classes=False (the default), only flags and aliases are printed. 

639 """ 

640 yield from self.emit_description() 

641 yield from self.emit_subcommands_help() 

642 yield from self.emit_options_help() 


644 if classes: 

645 help_classes = self._classes_with_config_traits() 

646 if help_classes is not None: 

647 yield "Class options" 

648 yield "=============" 

649 for p in wrap_paragraphs(self.keyvalue_description): 

650 yield p 

651 yield "" 


653 for cls in help_classes: 

654 yield cls.class_get_help() 

655 yield "" 

656 yield from self.emit_examples() 


658 yield from self.emit_help_epilogue(classes) 


660 def document_config_options(self) -> str: 

661 """Generate rST format documentation for the config options this application 


663 Returns a multiline string. 

664 """ 

665 return "\n".join(c.class_config_rst_doc() for c in self._classes_inc_parents()) 


667 def print_description(self) -> None: 

668 """Print the application description.""" 

669 print("\n".join(self.emit_description())) 


671 def emit_description(self) -> t.Generator[str, None, None]: 

672 """Yield lines with the application description.""" 

673 for p in wrap_paragraphs(self.description or self.__doc__ or ""): 

674 yield p 

675 yield "" 


677 def print_examples(self) -> None: 

678 """Print usage and examples (see `emit_examples()`).""" 

679 print("\n".join(self.emit_examples())) 


681 def emit_examples(self) -> t.Generator[str, None, None]: 

682 """Yield lines with the usage and examples. 


684 This usage string goes at the end of the command line help string 

685 and should contain examples of the application's usage. 

686 """ 

687 if self.examples: 

688 yield "Examples" 

689 yield "--------" 

690 yield "" 

691 yield indent(dedent(self.examples.strip())) 

692 yield "" 


694 def print_version(self) -> None: 

695 """Print the version string.""" 

696 print(self.version) 


698 @catch_config_error 

699 def initialize_subcommand(self, subc: str, argv: ArgvType = None) -> None: 

700 """Initialize a subcommand with argv.""" 

701 val = self.subcommands.get(subc) 

702 assert val is not None 

703 subapp, _ = val 


705 if isinstance(subapp, str): 

706 subapp = import_item(subapp) 


708 # Cannot issubclass() on a non-type (SO 

709 if isinstance(subapp, type) and issubclass(subapp, Application): 

710 # Clear existing instances before... 

711 self.__class__.clear_instance() 

712 # instantiating subapp... 

713 self.subapp = subapp.instance(parent=self) 

714 elif callable(subapp): 

715 # or ask factory to create it... 

716 self.subapp = subapp(self) 

717 else: 

718 raise AssertionError("Invalid mappings for subcommand '%s'!" % subc) 


720 # ... and finally initialize subapp. 

721 self.subapp.initialize(argv) 


723 def flatten_flags(self) -> tuple[dict[str, t.Any], dict[str, t.Any]]: 

724 """Flatten flags and aliases for loaders, so cl-args override as expected. 


726 This prevents issues such as an alias pointing to InteractiveShell, 

727 but a config file setting the same trait in TerminalInteraciveShell 

728 getting inappropriate priority over the command-line arg. 

729 Also, loaders expect ``(key: longname)`` and not ``key: (longname, help)`` items. 


731 Only aliases with exactly one descendent in the class list 

732 will be promoted. 


734 """ 

735 # build a tree of classes in our list that inherit from a particular 

736 # it will be a dict by parent classname of classes in our list 

737 # that are descendents 

738 mro_tree = defaultdict(list) 

739 for cls in self.classes: 

740 clsname = cls.__name__ 

741 for parent in cls.mro()[1:-3]: 

742 # exclude cls itself and Configurable,HasTraits,object 

743 mro_tree[parent.__name__].append(clsname) 

744 # flatten aliases, which have the form: 

745 # { 'alias' : 'Class.trait' } 

746 aliases: dict[str, str] = {} 

747 for alias, longname in self.aliases.items(): 

748 if isinstance(longname, tuple): 

749 longname, _ = longname 

750 cls, trait = longname.split(".", 1) 

751 children = mro_tree[cls] # type:ignore[index] 

752 if len(children) == 1: 

753 # exactly one descendent, promote alias 

754 cls = children[0] # type:ignore[assignment] 

755 if not isinstance(aliases, tuple): # type:ignore[unreachable] 

756 alias = (alias,) # type:ignore[assignment] 

757 for al in alias: 

758 aliases[al] = ".".join([cls, trait]) # type:ignore[list-item] 


760 # flatten flags, which are of the form: 

761 # { 'key' : ({'Cls' : {'trait' : value}}, 'help')} 

762 flags = {} 

763 for key, (flagdict, help) in self.flags.items(): 

764 newflag: dict[t.Any, t.Any] = {} 

765 for cls, subdict in flagdict.items(): 

766 children = mro_tree[cls] # type:ignore[index] 

767 # exactly one descendent, promote flag section 

768 if len(children) == 1: 

769 cls = children[0] # type:ignore[assignment] 


771 if cls in newflag: 

772 newflag[cls].update(subdict) 

773 else: 

774 newflag[cls] = subdict 


776 if not isinstance(key, tuple): # type:ignore[unreachable] 

777 key = (key,) # type:ignore[assignment] 

778 for k in key: 

779 flags[k] = (newflag, help) 

780 return flags, aliases 


782 def _create_loader( 

783 self, 

784 argv: list[str] | None, 

785 aliases: StrDict, 

786 flags: StrDict, 

787 classes: ClassesType | None, 

788 ) -> KVArgParseConfigLoader: 

789 return KVArgParseConfigLoader( 

790 argv, aliases, flags, classes=classes, log=self.log, subcommands=self.subcommands 

791 ) 


793 @classmethod 

794 def _get_sys_argv(cls, check_argcomplete: bool = False) -> list[str]: 

795 """Get `sys.argv` or equivalent from `argcomplete` 


797 `argcomplete`'s strategy is to call the python script with no arguments, 

798 so ``len(sys.argv) == 1``, and run until the `ArgumentParser` is constructed 

799 and determine what completions are available. 


801 On the other hand, `traitlet`'s subcommand-handling strategy is to check 

802 ``sys.argv[1]`` and see if it matches a subcommand, and if so then dynamically 

803 load the subcommand app and initialize it with ``sys.argv[1:]``. 


805 This helper method helps to take the current tokens for `argcomplete` and pass 

806 them through as `argv`. 

807 """ 

808 if check_argcomplete and "_ARGCOMPLETE" in os.environ: 

809 try: 

810 from traitlets.config.argcomplete_config import get_argcomplete_cwords 


812 cwords = get_argcomplete_cwords() 

813 assert cwords is not None 

814 return cwords 

815 except (ImportError, ModuleNotFoundError): 

816 pass 

817 return sys.argv 


819 @classmethod 

820 def _handle_argcomplete_for_subcommand(cls) -> None: 

821 """Helper for `argcomplete` to recognize `traitlets` subcommands 


823 `argcomplete` does not know that `traitlets` has already consumed subcommands, 

824 as it only "sees" the final `argparse.ArgumentParser` that is constructed. 

825 (Indeed `KVArgParseConfigLoader` does not get passed subcommands at all currently.) 

826 We explicitly manipulate the environment variables used internally by `argcomplete` 

827 to get it to skip over the subcommand tokens. 

828 """ 

829 if "_ARGCOMPLETE" not in os.environ: 

830 return 


832 try: 

833 from traitlets.config.argcomplete_config import increment_argcomplete_index 


835 increment_argcomplete_index() 

836 except (ImportError, ModuleNotFoundError): 

837 pass 


839 @catch_config_error 

840 def parse_command_line(self, argv: ArgvType = None) -> None: 

841 """Parse the command line arguments.""" 

842 assert not isinstance(argv, str) 

843 if argv is None: 

844 argv = self._get_sys_argv(check_argcomplete=bool(self.subcommands))[1:] 

845 self.argv = [cast_unicode(arg) for arg in argv] 


847 if argv and argv[0] == "help": 

848 # turn `ipython help notebook` into `ipython notebook -h` 

849 argv = argv[1:] + ["-h"] 


851 if self.subcommands and len(argv) > 0: 

852 # we have subcommands, and one may have been specified 

853 subc, subargv = argv[0], argv[1:] 

854 if re.match(r"^\w(\-?\w)*$", subc) and subc in self.subcommands: 

855 # it's a subcommand, and *not* a flag or class parameter 

856 self._handle_argcomplete_for_subcommand() 

857 return self.initialize_subcommand(subc, subargv) 


859 # Arguments after a '--' argument are for the script IPython may be 

860 # about to run, not IPython iteslf. For arguments parsed here (help and 

861 # version), we want to only search the arguments up to the first 

862 # occurrence of '--', which we're calling interpreted_argv. 

863 try: 

864 interpreted_argv = argv[: argv.index("--")] 

865 except ValueError: 

866 interpreted_argv = argv 


868 if any(x in interpreted_argv for x in ("-h", "--help-all", "--help")): 

869 self.print_help("--help-all" in interpreted_argv) 

870 self.exit(0) 


872 if "--version" in interpreted_argv or "-V" in interpreted_argv: 

873 self.print_version() 

874 self.exit(0) 


876 # flatten flags&aliases, so cl-args get appropriate priority: 

877 flags, aliases = self.flatten_flags() 

878 classes = list(self._classes_with_config_traits()) 

879 loader = self._create_loader(argv, aliases, flags, classes=classes) 

880 try: 

881 self.cli_config = deepcopy(loader.load_config()) 

882 except SystemExit: 

883 # traitlets 5: no longer print help output on error 

884 # help output is huge, and comes after the error 

885 raise 

886 self.update_config(self.cli_config) 

887 # store unparsed args in extra_args 

888 self.extra_args = loader.extra_args 


890 @classmethod 

891 def _load_config_files( 

892 cls, 

893 basefilename: str, 

894 path: str | t.Sequence[str | None] | None, 

895 log: AnyLogger | None = None, 

896 raise_config_file_errors: bool = False, 

897 ) -> t.Generator[t.Any, None, None]: 

898 """Load config files (py,json) by filename and path. 


900 yield each config object in turn. 

901 """ 

902 if isinstance(path, str) or path is None: 

903 path = [path] 

904 for current in reversed(path): 

905 # path list is in descending priority order, so load files backwards: 

906 pyloader = cls.python_config_loader_class(basefilename + ".py", path=current, log=log) 

907 if log: 

908 log.debug("Looking for %s in %s", basefilename, current or os.getcwd()) 

909 jsonloader = cls.json_config_loader_class(basefilename + ".json", path=current, log=log) 

910 loaded: list[t.Any] = [] 

911 filenames: list[str] = [] 

912 for loader in [pyloader, jsonloader]: 

913 config = None 

914 try: 

915 config = loader.load_config() 

916 except ConfigFileNotFound: 

917 pass 

918 except Exception: 

919 # try to get the full filename, but it will be empty in the 

920 # unlikely event that the error raised before filefind finished 

921 filename = loader.full_filename or basefilename 

922 # problem while running the file 

923 if raise_config_file_errors: 

924 raise 

925 if log: 

926 log.error("Exception while loading config file %s", filename, exc_info=True) # noqa: G201 

927 else: 

928 if log: 

929 log.debug("Loaded config file: %s", loader.full_filename) 

930 if config: 

931 for filename, earlier_config in zip(filenames, loaded): 

932 collisions = earlier_config.collisions(config) 

933 if collisions and log: 

934 log.warning( 

935 "Collisions detected in {0} and {1} config files." # noqa: G001 

936 " {1} has higher priority: {2}".format( 

937 filename, 

938 loader.full_filename, 

939 json.dumps(collisions, indent=2), 

940 ) 

941 ) 

942 yield (config, loader.full_filename) 

943 loaded.append(config) 

944 filenames.append(loader.full_filename) 


946 @property 

947 def loaded_config_files(self) -> list[str]: 

948 """Currently loaded configuration files""" 

949 return self._loaded_config_files[:] 


951 @catch_config_error 

952 def load_config_file( 

953 self, filename: str, path: str | t.Sequence[str | None] | None = None 

954 ) -> None: 

955 """Load config files by filename and path.""" 

956 filename, ext = os.path.splitext(filename) 

957 new_config = Config() 

958 for config, fname in self._load_config_files( 

959 filename, 

960 path=path, 

961 log=self.log, 

962 raise_config_file_errors=self.raise_config_file_errors, 

963 ): 

964 new_config.merge(config) 

965 if ( 

966 fname not in self._loaded_config_files 

967 ): # only add to list of loaded files if not previously loaded 

968 self._loaded_config_files.append(fname) 

969 # add self.cli_config to preserve CLI config priority 

970 new_config.merge(self.cli_config) 

971 self.update_config(new_config) 


973 @catch_config_error 

974 def load_config_environ(self) -> None: 

975 """Load config files by environment.""" 

976 PREFIX ="-", "_") 

977 new_config = Config() 


979 self.log.debug('Looping through config variables with prefix "%s"', PREFIX) 


981 for k, v in os.environ.items(): 

982 if k.startswith(PREFIX): 

983 self.log.debug('Seeing environ "%s"="%s"', k, v) 

984 # use __ instead of . as separator in env variable. 

985 # Warning, case sensitive ! 

986 _, *path, key = k.split("__") 

987 section = new_config 

988 for p in path: 

989 section = section[p] 

990 setattr(section, key, DeferredConfigString(v)) 


992 new_config.merge(self.cli_config) 

993 self.update_config(new_config) 


995 def _classes_with_config_traits( 

996 self, classes: ClassesType | None = None 

997 ) -> t.Generator[type[Configurable], None, None]: 

998 """ 

999 Yields only classes with configurable traits, and their subclasses. 


1001 :param classes: 

1002 The list of classes to iterate; if not set, uses :attr:`classes`. 


1004 Thus, produced sample config-file will contain all classes 

1005 on which a trait-value may be overridden: 


1007 - either on the class owning the trait, 

1008 - or on its subclasses, even if those subclasses do not define 

1009 any traits themselves. 

1010 """ 

1011 if classes is None: 

1012 classes = self.classes 


1014 cls_to_config = OrderedDict( 

1015 (cls, bool(cls.class_own_traits(config=True))) 

1016 for cls in self._classes_inc_parents(classes) 

1017 ) 


1019 def is_any_parent_included(cls: t.Any) -> bool: 

1020 return any(b in cls_to_config and cls_to_config[b] for b in cls.__bases__) 


1022 # Mark "empty" classes for inclusion if their parents own-traits, 

1023 # and loop until no more classes gets marked. 

1024 # 

1025 while True: 

1026 to_incl_orig = cls_to_config.copy() 

1027 cls_to_config = OrderedDict( 

1028 (cls, inc_yes or is_any_parent_included(cls)) 

1029 for cls, inc_yes in cls_to_config.items() 

1030 ) 

1031 if cls_to_config == to_incl_orig: 

1032 break 

1033 for cl, inc_yes in cls_to_config.items(): 

1034 if inc_yes: 

1035 yield cl 


1037 def generate_config_file(self, classes: ClassesType | None = None) -> str: 

1038 """generate default config file from Configurables""" 

1039 lines = ["# Configuration file for %s." %] 

1040 lines.append("") 

1041 lines.append("c = get_config() #" + "noqa") 

1042 lines.append("") 

1043 classes = self.classes if classes is None else classes 

1044 config_classes = list(self._classes_with_config_traits(classes)) 

1045 for cls in config_classes: 

1046 lines.append(cls.class_config_section(config_classes)) 

1047 return "\n".join(lines) 


1049 def close_handlers(self) -> None: 

1050 if getattr(self, "_logging_configured", False): 

1051 # don't attempt to close handlers unless they have been opened 

1052 # (note accessing self.log.handlers will create handlers if they 

1053 # have not yet been initialised) 

1054 for handler in self.log.handlers: 

1055 with suppress(Exception): 

1056 handler.close() 

1057 self._logging_configured = False 


1059 def exit(self, exit_status: int | str | None = 0) -> None: 

1060 self.log.debug("Exiting application: %s", 

1061 self.close_handlers() 

1062 sys.exit(exit_status) 


1064 def __del__(self) -> None: 

1065 self.close_handlers() 


1067 @classmethod 

1068 def launch_instance(cls, argv: ArgvType = None, **kwargs: t.Any) -> None: 

1069 """Launch a global instance of this Application 


1071 If a global instance already exists, this reinitializes and starts it 

1072 """ 

1073 app = cls.instance(**kwargs) 

1074 app.initialize(argv) 

1075 app.start() 



1078# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 

1079# utility functions, for convenience 

1080# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 


1082default_aliases = Application.aliases 

1083default_flags = Application.flags 



1086def boolean_flag(name: str, configurable: str, set_help: str = "", unset_help: str = "") -> StrDict: 

1087 """Helper for building basic --trait, --no-trait flags. 


1089 Parameters 

1090 ---------- 

1091 name : str 

1092 The name of the flag. 

1093 configurable : str 

1094 The 'Class.trait' string of the trait to be set/unset with the flag 

1095 set_help : unicode 

1096 help string for --name flag 

1097 unset_help : unicode 

1098 help string for --no-name flag 


1100 Returns 

1101 ------- 

1102 cfg : dict 

1103 A dict with two keys: 'name', and 'no-name', for setting and unsetting 

1104 the trait, respectively. 

1105 """ 

1106 # default helpstrings 

1107 set_help = set_help or "set %s=True" % configurable 

1108 unset_help = unset_help or "set %s=False" % configurable 


1110 cls, trait = configurable.split(".") 


1112 setter = {cls: {trait: True}} 

1113 unsetter = {cls: {trait: False}} 

1114 return {name: (setter, set_help), "no-" + name: (unsetter, unset_help)} 



1117def get_config() -> Config: 

1118 """Get the config object for the global Application instance, if there is one 


1120 otherwise return an empty config object 

1121 """ 

1122 if Application.initialized(): 

1123 return Application.instance().config 

1124 else: 

1125 return Config() 



1128if __name__ == "__main__": 

1129 Application.launch_instance()