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1###### Coverage stub
2import atexit
3import coverage
4cov = coverage.coverage(data_file='.coverage', cover_pylib=True)
6# Register an exist handler that will print coverage
7def exit_handler():
8 cov.stop()
11####### End of coverage stub
14# Copyright 2020 Google LLC
16# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
17# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
18# You may obtain a copy of the License at
22# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
23# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
24# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
25# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
26# limitations under the License.
27""" Harnass for fuzzing """
29import sys
30import struct
31import atheris
32import phonenumbers
33from phonenumbers import Leniency, NumberParseException
35def helper_parse(inp):
36 """ Parsing phonenumbers """
37 try:
38 return phonenumbers.parse(inp, None)
39 except NumberParseException:
40 return None
42def test_is_possible_number(inp):
43 """ Testing phonenumbers is_possible_number method """
44 phone_number = helper_parse(inp)
45 if phone_number is not None:
46 phonenumbers.is_possible_number(phone_number)
48def test_is_valid_number(inp):
49 """ Testing phonenumbers is_valid_number method """
50 phone_number = helper_parse(inp)
51 if phone_number is not None:
52 phonenumbers.is_valid_number(phone_number)
54def test_can_be_internationally_dialled(inp):
55 """ Testing phonenumbers can_be_internationally_dialled method """
56 phone_number = helper_parse(inp)
57 if phone_number is not None:
58 phonenumbers.can_be_internationally_dialled(phone_number)
60def test_length_of_geographical_area_code(inp):
61 """ Testing phonenumbers length_of_geographical_area_code method """
62 phone_number = helper_parse(inp)
63 if phone_number is not None:
64 phonenumbers.length_of_geographical_area_code(phone_number)
66def test_length_of_national_destination_code(inp):
67 """ Testing phonenumbers length_of_national_destination_code method """
68 phone_number = helper_parse(inp)
69 if phone_number is not None:
70 phonenumbers.length_of_national_destination_code(phone_number)
72def test_is_number_geographical(inp):
73 """ Testing phonenumbers is_number_geographical method """
74 phone_number = helper_parse(inp)
75 if phone_number is not None:
76 phonenumbers.is_number_geographical(phone_number)
78def test_national_significant_number(inp):
79 """ Testing phonenumbers national_significant_number method """
80 phone_number = helper_parse(inp)
81 if phone_number is not None:
82 phonenumbers.national_significant_number(phone_number)
84def test_is_possible_short_number(inp):
85 """ Testing phonenumbers is_possible_short_number method """
86 phone_number = helper_parse(inp)
87 if phone_number is not None:
88 phonenumbers.is_possible_short_number(phone_number)
90def test_is_valid_short_number(inp):
91 """ Testing phonenumbers is_valid_short_number method """
92 phone_number = helper_parse(inp)
93 if phone_number is not None:
94 phonenumbers.is_valid_short_number(phone_number)
96def test_expected_cost(inp):
97 """ Testing phonenumbers expected_cost method """
98 phone_number = helper_parse(inp)
99 if phone_number is not None:
100 phonenumbers.expected_cost(phone_number)
102def test_connects_to_emergency_number(inp):
103 """ Testing phonenumbers connects_to_emergency_number method """
104 try:
105 phonenumbers.connects_to_emergency_number(inp, "MA")
106 except ModuleNotFoundError:
107 return
109def test_is_emergency_number(inp):
110 """ Testing phonenumbers is_emergency_number method """
111 try:
112 phonenumbers.is_emergency_number(inp, "MA")
113 except ModuleNotFoundError:
114 return
116def test_is_carrier_specific(inp):
117 """ Testing phonenumbers is_carrier_specific method """
118 phone_number = helper_parse(inp)
119 if phone_number is not None:
120 phonenumbers.is_carrier_specific(phone_number)
122def helper_matcher(inp, leniency):
123 """ Helper for phonenumbers PhoneNumberMatcher method """
124 matcher = phonenumbers.PhoneNumberMatcher(inp, "US", leniency=leniency)
125 if matcher.has_next():
128def test_matcher_possible(inp):
129 """ Testing phonenumbers PhoneNumberMatcher method, leniency: possible """
130 helper_matcher(inp, Leniency.VALID)
132def test_matcher_valid(inp):
133 """ Testing phonenumbers PhoneNumberMatcher method, leniency: valid """
134 helper_matcher(inp, Leniency.VALID)
136def test_matcher_strict_grouping(inp):
137 """ Testing phonenumbers PhoneNumberMatcher method, leniency: strict grouping """
138 helper_matcher(inp, Leniency.STRICT_GROUPING)
140def test_matcher_exact_grouping(inp):
141 """ Testing phonenumbers PhoneNumberMatcher method, leniency: exact grouping """
142 helper_matcher(inp, Leniency.EXACT_GROUPING)
144def test_input_digit(inp):
145 """ Testing phonenumbers AsYouTypeFormatter / input_digit method """
146 try:
147 formatter = phonenumbers.AsYouTypeFormatter("US")
148 formatter.input_digit(inp)
149 except TypeError:
150 return
152def test_input_digit_per_digit(inp):
153 """ Testing phonenumbers AsYouTypeFormatter / input_digit method, digit by digit input """
154 try:
155 formatter = phonenumbers.AsYouTypeFormatter("US")
156 for digit in inp:
157 formatter.input_digit(digit)
158 formatter.get_remembered_position()
159 except TypeError:
160 return
161 except UnicodeEncodeError:
162 return
164def test_is_mobile_number_portable_region(inp):
165 """ Testing phonenumbers is_mobile_number_portable_region method """
166 phonenumbers.is_mobile_number_portable_region(inp)
168def test_convert_alpha_characters_in_number(inp):
169 """ Testing phonenumbers convert_alpha_characters_in_number method """
170 phonenumbers.convert_alpha_characters_in_number(inp)
172def test_normalize_digits_only(inp):
173 """ Testing phonenumbers normalize_digits_only method """
174 phonenumbers.normalize_digits_only(inp)
176def test_normalize_diallable_chars_only(inp):
177 """ Testing phonenumbers normalize_diallable_chars_only method """
178 phonenumbers.normalize_diallable_chars_only(inp)
180def test_country_mobile_token(inp):
181 """ Testing phonenumbers country_mobile_token method """
182 phonenumbers.country_mobile_token(inp)
184def test_supported_types_for_region(inp):
185 """ Testing phonenumbers supported_types_for_region method """
186 phonenumbers.supported_types_for_region(inp)
188def test_supported_types_for_non_geo_entity(inp):
189 """ Testing phonenumbers supported_types_for_non_geo_entity method """
190 phonenumbers.supported_types_for_non_geo_entity(inp)
192LONGSTR = 1
197TESTS = [
198 (test_is_possible_number, str),
199 (test_is_valid_number, str),
200 (test_can_be_internationally_dialled, str),
201 (test_length_of_geographical_area_code, str),
202 (test_length_of_national_destination_code, str),
203 (test_is_number_geographical, str),
204 (test_national_significant_number, str),
205 (test_is_possible_short_number, str),
206 (test_is_valid_short_number, str),
207 (test_expected_cost, str),
208 (test_connects_to_emergency_number, LONGSTR),
209 (test_is_emergency_number, LONGSTR),
210 (test_is_carrier_specific, str),
211 (test_matcher_possible, SHORTSTR),
212 (test_matcher_valid, SHORTSTR),
213 (test_matcher_strict_grouping, SHORTSTR),
214 (test_matcher_exact_grouping, SHORTSTR),
215 (test_input_digit, str),
216 (test_input_digit_per_digit, SSHORTSTR),
217 (test_is_mobile_number_portable_region, str),
218 (test_convert_alpha_characters_in_number, LONGSTR),
219 (test_normalize_digits_only, LONGSTR),
220 (test_normalize_diallable_chars_only, LONGSTR),
221 (test_country_mobile_token, str),
222 (test_supported_types_for_region, str),
223 (test_supported_types_for_non_geo_entity, str),
226def get_input(input_bytes, idx):
227 """ Get input of the right type/size """
228 fdp = atheris.FuzzedDataProvider(input_bytes)
229 if TESTS[idx][1] == str:
230 return fdp.ConsumeUnicode(sys.maxsize)
231 if TESTS[idx][1] == LONGSTR:
232 return fdp.ConsumeUnicode(100000)
233 if TESTS[idx][1] == MEDIUMSTR:
234 return fdp.ConsumeUnicode(10000)
235 if TESTS[idx][1] == SHORTSTR:
236 return fdp.ConsumeUnicode(1000)
237 if TESTS[idx][1] == SSHORTSTR:
238 return fdp.ConsumeUnicode(100)
239 return None
241def test_one_input(input_bytes):
242 """ Fuzzer's entry point """
243 if len(input_bytes) < 1:
244 return
245 idx = struct.unpack('>B', input_bytes[:1])[0]
246 if idx >= len(TESTS):
247 return
248 TESTS[idx][0](get_input(input_bytes[1:], idx))
250def main():
251 """ main function """
252 atheris.Setup(sys.argv, test_one_input, enable_python_coverage=False)
253 atheris.Fuzz()
256if __name__ == "__main__":
257 atheris.instrument_all()
258 main()