Coverage for /pythoncovmergedfiles/medio/medio/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/tomlkit/ 59%
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1from __future__ import annotations
3import contextlib
4import datetime as _datetime
6from import Mapping
7from typing import IO
8from typing import Iterable
9from typing import TypeVar
11from tomlkit._utils import parse_rfc3339
12from tomlkit.container import Container
13from tomlkit.exceptions import UnexpectedCharError
14from tomlkit.items import CUSTOM_ENCODERS
15from tomlkit.items import AoT
16from tomlkit.items import Array
17from tomlkit.items import Bool
18from tomlkit.items import Comment
19from tomlkit.items import Date
20from tomlkit.items import DateTime
21from tomlkit.items import DottedKey
22from tomlkit.items import Encoder
23from tomlkit.items import Float
24from tomlkit.items import InlineTable
25from tomlkit.items import Integer
26from tomlkit.items import Item as _Item
27from tomlkit.items import Key
28from tomlkit.items import SingleKey
29from tomlkit.items import String
30from tomlkit.items import StringType as _StringType
31from tomlkit.items import Table
32from tomlkit.items import Time
33from tomlkit.items import Trivia
34from tomlkit.items import Whitespace
35from tomlkit.items import item
36from tomlkit.parser import Parser
37from tomlkit.toml_document import TOMLDocument
40def loads(string: str | bytes) -> TOMLDocument:
41 """
42 Parses a string into a TOMLDocument.
44 Alias for parse().
45 """
46 return parse(string)
49def dumps(data: Mapping, sort_keys: bool = False) -> str:
50 """
51 Dumps a TOMLDocument into a string.
52 """
53 if not isinstance(data, Container) and isinstance(data, Mapping):
54 data = item(dict(data), _sort_keys=sort_keys)
56 try:
57 # data should be a `Container` (and therefore implement `as_string`)
58 # for all type safe invocations of this function
59 return data.as_string() # type: ignore[attr-defined]
60 except AttributeError as ex:
61 msg = f"Expecting Mapping or TOML Container, {type(data)} given"
62 raise TypeError(msg) from ex
65def load(fp: IO[str] | IO[bytes]) -> TOMLDocument:
66 """
67 Load toml document from a file-like object.
68 """
69 return parse(
72def dump(data: Mapping, fp: IO[str], *, sort_keys: bool = False) -> None:
73 """
74 Dump a TOMLDocument into a writable file stream.
76 :param data: a dict-like object to dump
77 :param sort_keys: if true, sort the keys in alphabetic order
79 :Example:
81 >>> with open("output.toml", "w") as fp:
82 ... tomlkit.dump(data, fp)
83 """
84 fp.write(dumps(data, sort_keys=sort_keys))
87def parse(string: str | bytes) -> TOMLDocument:
88 """
89 Parses a string or bytes into a TOMLDocument.
90 """
91 return Parser(string).parse()
94def document() -> TOMLDocument:
95 """
96 Returns a new TOMLDocument instance.
97 """
98 return TOMLDocument()
101# Items
102def integer(raw: str | int) -> Integer:
103 """Create an integer item from a number or string."""
104 return item(int(raw))
107def float_(raw: str | float) -> Float:
108 """Create an float item from a number or string."""
109 return item(float(raw))
112def boolean(raw: str) -> Bool:
113 """Turn `true` or `false` into a boolean item."""
114 return item(raw == "true")
117def string(
118 raw: str,
119 *,
120 literal: bool = False,
121 multiline: bool = False,
122 escape: bool = True,
123) -> String:
124 """Create a string item.
126 By default, this function will create *single line basic* strings, but
127 boolean flags (e.g. ``literal=True`` and/or ``multiline=True``)
128 can be used for personalization.
130 For more information, please check the spec: `<>`__.
132 Common escaping rules will be applied for basic strings.
133 This can be controlled by explicitly setting ``escape=False``.
134 Please note that, if you disable escaping, you will have to make sure that
135 the given strings don't contain any forbidden character or sequence.
136 """
137 type_ =, multiline)
138 return String.from_raw(raw, type_, escape)
141def date(raw: str) -> Date:
142 """Create a TOML date."""
143 value = parse_rfc3339(raw)
144 if not isinstance(value,
145 raise ValueError("date() only accepts date strings.")
147 return item(value)
150def time(raw: str) -> Time:
151 """Create a TOML time."""
152 value = parse_rfc3339(raw)
153 if not isinstance(value, _datetime.time):
154 raise ValueError("time() only accepts time strings.")
156 return item(value)
159def datetime(raw: str) -> DateTime:
160 """Create a TOML datetime."""
161 value = parse_rfc3339(raw)
162 if not isinstance(value, _datetime.datetime):
163 raise ValueError("datetime() only accepts datetime strings.")
165 return item(value)
168def array(raw: str = "[]") -> Array:
169 """Create an array item for its string representation.
171 :Example:
173 >>> array("[1, 2, 3]") # Create from a string
174 [1, 2, 3]
175 >>> a = array()
176 >>> a.extend([1, 2, 3]) # Create from a list
177 >>> a
178 [1, 2, 3]
179 """
180 return value(raw)
183def table(is_super_table: bool | None = None) -> Table:
184 """Create an empty table.
186 :param is_super_table: if true, the table is a super table
188 :Example:
190 >>> doc = document()
191 >>> foo = table(True)
192 >>> bar = table()
193 >>> bar.update({'x': 1})
194 >>> foo.append('bar', bar)
195 >>> doc.append('foo', foo)
196 >>> print(doc.as_string())
197 []
198 x = 1
199 """
200 return Table(Container(), Trivia(), False, is_super_table)
203def inline_table() -> InlineTable:
204 """Create an inline table.
206 :Example:
208 >>> table = inline_table()
209 >>> table.update({'x': 1, 'y': 2})
210 >>> print(table.as_string())
211 {x = 1, y = 2}
212 """
213 return InlineTable(Container(), Trivia(), new=True)
216def aot() -> AoT:
217 """Create an array of table.
219 :Example:
221 >>> doc = document()
222 >>> aot = aot()
223 >>> aot.append(item({'x': 1}))
224 >>> doc.append('foo', aot)
225 >>> print(doc.as_string())
226 [[foo]]
227 x = 1
228 """
229 return AoT([])
232def key(k: str | Iterable[str]) -> Key:
233 """Create a key from a string. When a list of string is given,
234 it will create a dotted key.
236 :Example:
238 >>> doc = document()
239 >>> doc.append(key('foo'), 1)
240 >>> doc.append(key(['bar', 'baz']), 2)
241 >>> print(doc.as_string())
242 foo = 1
243 bar.baz = 2
244 """
245 if isinstance(k, str):
246 return SingleKey(k)
247 return DottedKey([key(_k) for _k in k])
250def value(raw: str) -> _Item:
251 """Parse a simple value from a string.
253 :Example:
255 >>> value("1")
256 1
257 >>> value("true")
258 True
259 >>> value("[1, 2, 3]")
260 [1, 2, 3]
261 """
262 parser = Parser(raw)
263 v = parser._parse_value()
264 if not parser.end():
265 raise parser.parse_error(UnexpectedCharError, char=parser._current)
266 return v
269def key_value(src: str) -> tuple[Key, _Item]:
270 """Parse a key-value pair from a string.
272 :Example:
274 >>> key_value("foo = 1")
275 (Key('foo'), 1)
276 """
277 return Parser(src)._parse_key_value()
280def ws(src: str) -> Whitespace:
281 """Create a whitespace from a string."""
282 return Whitespace(src, fixed=True)
285def nl() -> Whitespace:
286 """Create a newline item."""
287 return ws("\n")
290def comment(string: str) -> Comment:
291 """Create a comment item."""
292 return Comment(Trivia(comment_ws=" ", comment="# " + string))
295E = TypeVar("E", bound=Encoder)
298def register_encoder(encoder: E) -> E:
299 """Add a custom encoder, which should be a function that will be called
300 if the value can't otherwise be converted. It should takes a single value
301 and return a TOMLKit item or raise a ``TypeError``.
302 """
303 CUSTOM_ENCODERS.append(encoder)
304 return encoder
307def unregister_encoder(encoder: Encoder) -> None:
308 """Unregister a custom encoder."""
309 with contextlib.suppress(ValueError):
310 CUSTOM_ENCODERS.remove(encoder)