Fuzz introspector: fuzz_uploader
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Fuzz blockers

The following nodes represent call sites where fuzz blockers occur.

Amount of callsites blocked Calltree index Parent function Callsite Largest blocked function
9 13 google.resumable_media._helpers._get_checksum_object call site: {node_id} google.resumable_media._helpers._get_crc32c_object
2 52 google.resumable_media._upload.get_next_chunk call site: {node_id} _RANGE_UNKNOWN_TEMPLATE.format
1 35 google.resumable_media._upload.construct_multipart_request call site: {node_id} fdp.ConsumeBytes

Fuzzer calltree

0 ...fuzz_uploader.TestOneInput [function] [call site] 00000
1 ...fuzz_uploader.test_simple [function] [call site] 00001
2 google.resumable_media._upload.UploadBase.__init__ [function] [call site] 00002
3 google.resumable_media.common.RetryStrategy.__init__ [function] [call site] 00003
2 google.resumable_media._upload.SimpleUpload._prepare_request [function] [call site] 00004
3 <builtin>.isinstance [function] [call site] 00005
1 ...fuzz_uploader.test_multipart [function] [call site] 00006
2 atheris.FuzzedDataProvider [function] [call site] 00007
2 google.resumable_media._upload.MultipartUpload.__init__ [function] [call site] 00008
3 <builtin>.super [function] [call site] 00009
2 google.resumable_media._upload.MultipartUpload._prepare_request [function] [call site] 00010
3 <builtin>.isinstance [function] [call site] 00011
3 google.resumable_media._helpers._get_checksum_object [function] [call site] 00012
4 hashlib.md5 [function] [call site] 00013
4 google.resumable_media._helpers._get_crc32c_object [function] [call site] 00014
5 google_crc32c.Checksum [function] [call site] 00015
5 crcmod.predefined.Crc [function] [call site] 00016
5 google.resumable_media._helpers._is_fast_crcmod [function] [call site] 00017
6 <builtin>.__import__ [function] [call site] 00018
6 <builtin>.globals [function] [call site] 00019
6 <builtin>.locals [function] [call site] 00020
6 <builtin>.getattr [function] [call site] 00021
6 warnings.warn [function] [call site] 00022
3 checksum_object.update [function] [call site] 00023
3 checksum_object.digest [function] [call site] 00024
3 google.resumable_media._helpers.prepare_checksum_digest [function] [call site] 00025
4 base64.b64encode [function] [call site] 00026
4 encoded_digest.decode [function] [call site] 00027
3 google.resumable_media._helpers._get_metadata_key [function] [call site] 00028
3 google.resumable_media._upload.construct_multipart_request [function] [call site] 00029
4 google.resumable_media._upload.get_boundary [function] [call site] 00030
5 random.randrange [function] [call site] 00031
5 _BOUNDARY_FORMAT.format [function] [call site] 00032
5 boundary.encode [function] [call site] 00033
4 json.dumps [function] [call site] 00034
4 content_type.encode [function] [call site] 00035
2 fdp.ConsumeBytes [function] [call site] 00036
2 fdp.ConsumeString [function] [call site] 00037
1 ...fuzz_uploader.test_checksum [function] [call site] 00038
2 atheris.FuzzedDataProvider [function] [call site] 00039
2 fdp.ConsumeBytes [function] [call site] 00040
2 ...fuzz_uploader._upload_in_flight [function] [call site] 00041
3 google.resumable_media._upload.ResumableUpload.__init__ [function] [call site] 00042
4 <builtin>.super [function] [call site] 00043
3 io.BytesIO [function] [call site] 00044
3 <builtin>.len [function] [call site] 00045
2 google.resumable_media._upload.get_next_chunk [function] [call site] 00046
3 stream.tell [function] [call site] 00047
3 stream.read [function] [call site] 00048
3 stream.read [function] [call site] 00049
3 stream.tell [function] [call site] 00050
3 <builtin>.len [function] [call site] 00051
3 google.resumable_media._upload.get_content_range [function] [call site] 00052
4 _RANGE_UNKNOWN_TEMPLATE.format [function] [call site] 00053
4 _EMPTY_RANGE_TEMPLATE.format [function] [call site] 00054
4 _CONTENT_RANGE_TEMPLATE.format [function] [call site] 00055
2 fdp.ConsumeIntInRange [function] [call site] 00056
2 fdp.ConsumeIntInRange [function] [call site] 00057