Fuzz introspector
For issues and ideas: https://github.com/ossf/fuzz-introspector/issues
Report generation date: 2023-06-07

Project overview: ijson

High level conclusions

Reachability and coverage overview

Functions statically reachable by fuzzers
1 / 122
Cyclomatic complexity statically reachable by fuzzers
3 / 407
Runtime code coverage of functions
74 / 122

Warning: The number of runtime covered functions are larger than the number of reachable functions. This means that Fuzz Introspector found there are more functions covered at runtime than what is considered reachable based on the static analysis. This is a limitation in the analysis as anything covered at runtime is by definition reachable by the fuzzers.
This is likely due to a limitation in the static analysis. In this case, the count of functions covered at runtime is the true value, which means this is what should be considered "achieved" by the fuzzer.

Use the project functions table below to query all functions that were not covered at runtime.

Fuzzer details

Fuzzer: fuzz_parser

Call tree

The calltree shows the control flow of the fuzzer. This is overlaid with coverage information to display how much of the potential code a fuzzer can reach is in fact covered at runtime. In the following there is a link to a detailed calltree visualisation as well as a bitmap showing a high-level view of the calltree. For further information about these topics please see the glossary for full calltree and calltree overview

Call tree overview bitmap:

The distribution of callsites in terms of coloring is
Color Runtime hitcount Callsite count Percentage
red 0 0 0.0%
gold [1:9] 0 0.0%
yellow [10:29] 0 0.0%
greenyellow [30:49] 0 0.0%
lawngreen 50+ 2 100.%
All colors 2 100

Runtime coverage analysis

Covered functions
Functions that are reachable but not covered
Reachable functions
Percentage of reachable functions covered
NB: The sum of covered functions and functions that are reachable but not covered need not be equal to Reachable functions . This is because the reachability analysis is an approximation and thus at runtime some functions may be covered that are not included in the reachability analysis. This is a limitation of our static analysis capabilities.
Warning: The number of covered functions are larger than the number of reachable functions. This means that there are more functions covered at runtime than are extracted using static analysis. This is likely a result of the static analysis component failing to extract the right call graph or the coverage runtime being compiled with sanitizers in code that the static analysis has not analysed. This can happen if lto/gold is not used in all places that coverage instrumentation is used.
Function name source code lines source lines hit percentage hit

Files reached

filename functions hit
/ 1
...fuzz_parser 1

Fuzzer: fuzz_native_parser

Call tree

The calltree shows the control flow of the fuzzer. This is overlaid with coverage information to display how much of the potential code a fuzzer can reach is in fact covered at runtime. In the following there is a link to a detailed calltree visualisation as well as a bitmap showing a high-level view of the calltree. For further information about these topics please see the glossary for full calltree and calltree overview

Call tree overview bitmap:

The distribution of callsites in terms of coloring is
Color Runtime hitcount Callsite count Percentage
red 0 0 0.0%
gold [1:9] 0 0.0%
yellow [10:29] 0 0.0%
greenyellow [30:49] 0 0.0%
lawngreen 50+ 5 100.%
All colors 5 100

Runtime coverage analysis

Covered functions
Functions that are reachable but not covered
Reachable functions
Percentage of reachable functions covered
NB: The sum of covered functions and functions that are reachable but not covered need not be equal to Reachable functions . This is because the reachability analysis is an approximation and thus at runtime some functions may be covered that are not included in the reachability analysis. This is a limitation of our static analysis capabilities.
Warning: The number of covered functions are larger than the number of reachable functions. This means that there are more functions covered at runtime than are extracted using static analysis. This is likely a result of the static analysis component failing to extract the right call graph or the coverage runtime being compiled with sanitizers in code that the static analysis has not analysed. This can happen if lto/gold is not used in all places that coverage instrumentation is used.
Function name source code lines source lines hit percentage hit

Files reached

filename functions hit
/ 1
...fuzz_native_parser 3
ijson 1

Fuzzer: fuzz_all

Call tree

The calltree shows the control flow of the fuzzer. This is overlaid with coverage information to display how much of the potential code a fuzzer can reach is in fact covered at runtime. In the following there is a link to a detailed calltree visualisation as well as a bitmap showing a high-level view of the calltree. For further information about these topics please see the glossary for full calltree and calltree overview

Call tree overview bitmap:

The distribution of callsites in terms of coloring is
Color Runtime hitcount Callsite count Percentage
red 0 0 0.0%
gold [1:9] 0 0.0%
yellow [10:29] 0 0.0%
greenyellow [30:49] 0 0.0%
lawngreen 50+ 5 100.%
All colors 5 100

Runtime coverage analysis

Covered functions
Functions that are reachable but not covered
Reachable functions
Percentage of reachable functions covered
NB: The sum of covered functions and functions that are reachable but not covered need not be equal to Reachable functions . This is because the reachability analysis is an approximation and thus at runtime some functions may be covered that are not included in the reachability analysis. This is a limitation of our static analysis capabilities.
Warning: The number of covered functions are larger than the number of reachable functions. This means that there are more functions covered at runtime than are extracted using static analysis. This is likely a result of the static analysis component failing to extract the right call graph or the coverage runtime being compiled with sanitizers in code that the static analysis has not analysed. This can happen if lto/gold is not used in all places that coverage instrumentation is used.
Function name source code lines source lines hit percentage hit

Files reached

filename functions hit
/ 1
...fuzz_all 3
ijson 1