Fuzz introspector
For issues and ideas: https://github.com/ossf/fuzz-introspector/issues

Fuzzer details

Fuzzer: json_parser_target

Call tree

The calltree shows the control flow of the fuzzer. This is overlaid with coverage information to display how much of the potential code a fuzzer can reach is in fact covered at runtime. In the following there is a link to a detailed calltree visualisation as well as a bitmap showing a high-level view of the calltree. For further information about these topics please see the glossary for full calltree and calltree overview

Call tree overview bitmap:

The distribution of callsites in terms of coloring is
Color Runtime hitcount Callsite count Percentage
red 0 761 69.0%
gold [1:9] 19 1.72%
yellow [10:29] 13 1.17%
greenyellow [30:49] 5 0.45%
lawngreen 50+ 304 27.5%
All colors 1102 100

Fuzz blockers

The followings are the branches where fuzzer fails to bypass.

Unique non-covered Complexity Unique Reachable Complexities Unique Reachable Functions All non-covered Complexity All Reachable Complexity Function Name Function Callsite Blocked Branch
50 50 1 :


50 50 xcalloc__ call site: 00008 /src/openvswitch/lib/util.c:125
50 50 1 :


50 50 xmalloc__ call site: 00040 /src/openvswitch/lib/util.c:141
50 50 1 :


50 50 xrealloc__ call site: 00057 /src/openvswitch/lib/util.c:151
2 2 1 :


2 2 json_parser_put_value call site: 00097 /src/openvswitch/lib/json.c:1275
2 2 1 :


2 2 json_parser_pop call site: 00071 /src/openvswitch/lib/json.c:1395
0 88 1 :


0 88 ds_put_utf8 call site: 01033 /src/openvswitch/lib/dynamic-string.c:98
0 73 1 :


0 73 ds_put_char call site: 00232 /src/openvswitch/./include/openvswitch/dynamic-string.h:91
0 11 2 :

['hmap_first', 'hmap_next']

0 259 json_serialize_object call site: 00235 /src/openvswitch/lib/json.c:1652
0 0 None 0 149 json_string_unescape call site: 01008 /src/openvswitch/lib/json.c:875
0 0 None 0 149 json_string_unescape call site: 01011 /src/openvswitch/lib/json.c:886
0 0 None 0 0 mhash_add__ call site: 00107 /src/openvswitch/./lib/hash.h:66
0 0 None 0 0 json_parser_pop call site: 00068 /src/openvswitch/lib/json.c:1387

Runtime coverage analysis

Covered functions
Functions that are reachable but not covered
Reachable functions
Percentage of reachable functions covered
NB: The sum of covered functions and functions that are reachable but not covered need not be equal to Reachable functions . This is because the reachability analysis is an approximation and thus at runtime some functions may be covered that are not included in the reachability analysis. This is a limitation of our static analysis capabilities.
Function name source code lines source lines hit percentage hit

Files reached

filename functions hit
tests/oss-fuzz/json_parser_target.c 1
lib/json.c 46
lib/util.c 43
lib/shash.c 19
lib/hmap.c 11
lib/dynamic-string.c 16
./lib/hash.h 9
lib/hash.c 1
./lib/unaligned.h 2
./include/openvswitch/hmap.h 9
./include/openvswitch/util.h 1
lib/vlog.c 40
lib/ovs-thread.c 14
lib/token-bucket.c 1
lib/timeval.c 16
lib/coverage.c 8
lib/unixctl.c 6
lib/svec.c 8
lib/jsonrpc.c 14
./include/openvswitch/json.h 2
./include/openvswitch/dynamic-string.h 1
./include/openvswitch/thread.h 1
lib/syslog-null.c 1
lib/syslog-libc.c 1
lib/syslog-direct.c 1
lib/socket-util.c 14
lib/packets.c 2
lib/dns-resolve-stub.c 1
./lib/socket-util.h 1
lib/socket-util-unix.c 7
lib/fatal-signal.c 9
lib/async-append-aio.c 7
lib/byteq.c 10
lib/signals.c 2
lib/sset.c 8
lib/random.c 5
lib/entropy.c 2
lib/ofpbuf.c 5
./include/openvswitch/list.h 5
lib/stream.c 5
lib/stream-replay.c 2
lib/ovs-replay.c 5
./include/openvswitch/ofpbuf.h 3
./lib/syslog-provider.h 1
./lib/dirs.c.in 2
lib/seq.c 7
lib/latch-unix.c 2
./lib/sat-math.h 2
./lib/unicode.h 2
lib/unicode.c 1

Fuzzer: miniflow_target

Call tree

The calltree shows the control flow of the fuzzer. This is overlaid with coverage information to display how much of the potential code a fuzzer can reach is in fact covered at runtime. In the following there is a link to a detailed calltree visualisation as well as a bitmap showing a high-level view of the calltree. For further information about these topics please see the glossary for full calltree and calltree overview

Call tree overview bitmap:

The distribution of callsites in terms of coloring is
Color Runtime hitcount Callsite count Percentage
red 0 915 72.3%
gold [1:9] 26 2.05%
yellow [10:29] 21 1.66%
greenyellow [30:49] 7 0.55%
lawngreen 50+ 296 23.3%
All colors 1265 100

Fuzz blockers

The followings are the branches where fuzzer fails to bypass.

Unique non-covered Complexity Unique Reachable Complexities Unique Reachable Functions All non-covered Complexity All Reachable Complexity Function Name Function Callsite Blocked Branch
1432 1432 2 :

['ovs_retval_to_string', 'vlog']

1432 1432 get_entropy call site: 00616 /src/openvswitch/lib/entropy.c:53
1432 1432 2 :

['ovs_retval_to_string', 'vlog_fatal']

1432 1432 get_entropy_or_die call site: 00606 /src/openvswitch/lib/entropy.c:78
1430 1430 3 :

['__errno_location', 'vlog_fatal', 'ovs_strerror']

1430 1430 xgettimeofday call site: 00602 /src/openvswitch/lib/timeval.c:488
50 50 1 :


50 50 xmalloc__ call site: 00131 /src/openvswitch/lib/util.c:141
50 50 1 :


50 50 xrealloc__ call site: 00168 /src/openvswitch/lib/util.c:151
17 17 2 :

['__errno_location', 'ovs_strerror']

1434 1434 get_entropy call site: 00607 /src/openvswitch/lib/entropy.c:45
4 4 1 :


2966 3140 miniflow_extract call site: 00044 /src/openvswitch/lib/flow.c:833
4 4 1 :


16 48 flow_wildcards_init_for_packet call site: 01173 /src/openvswitch/lib/flow.c:1901
2 2 1 :


2984 3173 miniflow_extract call site: 00036 /src/openvswitch/lib/flow.c:808
0 0 None 2984 3175 miniflow_extract call site: 00027 /src/openvswitch/lib/flow.c:780
0 0 None 2984 3175 miniflow_extract call site: 00033 /src/openvswitch/lib/flow.c:802
0 0 None 2982 3171 miniflow_extract call site: 00040 /src/openvswitch/lib/flow.c:821

Runtime coverage analysis

Covered functions
Functions that are reachable but not covered
Reachable functions
Percentage of reachable functions covered
NB: The sum of covered functions and functions that are reachable but not covered need not be equal to Reachable functions . This is because the reachability analysis is an approximation and thus at runtime some functions may be covered that are not included in the reachability analysis. This is a limitation of our static analysis capabilities.
Function name source code lines source lines hit percentage hit

Files reached

filename functions hit
tests/oss-fuzz/miniflow_target.c 8
lib/dp-packet.c 3
./lib/dp-packet.h 16
./lib/packets.h 10
lib/flow.c 43
./lib/flow.h 27
./lib/util.h 4
./lib/unaligned.h 3
./lib/byte-order.h 2
lib/vlog.c 40
lib/ovs-thread.c 14
lib/util.c 39
lib/token-bucket.c 1
lib/timeval.c 16
lib/coverage.c 8
lib/unixctl.c 6
lib/shash.c 14
./lib/hash.h 10
lib/hash.c 1
lib/svec.c 8
lib/dynamic-string.c 18
lib/json.c 18
lib/jsonrpc.c 11
./include/openvswitch/json.h 2
./include/openvswitch/dynamic-string.h 1
./include/openvswitch/hmap.h 9
./include/openvswitch/thread.h 1
lib/syslog-null.c 1
lib/syslog-libc.c 1
lib/syslog-direct.c 1
lib/socket-util.c 14
lib/packets.c 2
lib/dns-resolve-stub.c 1
./lib/socket-util.h 1
lib/socket-util-unix.c 7
lib/fatal-signal.c 9
lib/async-append-aio.c 7
lib/byteq.c 10
lib/signals.c 2
lib/sset.c 8
lib/hmap.c 11
./include/openvswitch/util.h 1
lib/random.c 5
lib/entropy.c 2
lib/ofpbuf.c 5
./include/openvswitch/list.h 5
lib/stream.c 5
lib/stream-replay.c 2
lib/ovs-replay.c 5
./include/openvswitch/ofpbuf.h 3
./lib/syslog-provider.h 1
./lib/dirs.c.in 2
lib/seq.c 7
lib/latch-unix.c 2
./lib/sat-math.h 2
./include/openvswitch/nsh.h 6
./lib/classifier-private.h 2
./lib/random.h 1

Fuzzer: ofctl_parse_target

Call tree

The calltree shows the control flow of the fuzzer. This is overlaid with coverage information to display how much of the potential code a fuzzer can reach is in fact covered at runtime. In the following there is a link to a detailed calltree visualisation as well as a bitmap showing a high-level view of the calltree. For further information about these topics please see the glossary for full calltree and calltree overview

Call tree overview bitmap:

The distribution of callsites in terms of coloring is
Color Runtime hitcount Callsite count Percentage
red 0 1190 44.9%
gold [1:9] 154 5.81%
yellow [10:29] 47 1.77%
greenyellow [30:49] 37 1.39%
lawngreen 50+ 1221 46.0%
All colors 2649 100

Fuzz blockers

The followings are the branches where fuzzer fails to bypass.

Unique non-covered Complexity Unique Reachable Complexities Unique Reachable Functions All non-covered Complexity All Reachable Complexity Function Name Function Callsite Blocked Branch
1458 1458 1 :


1464 4561 encode_REG_MOVE call site: 00000 /src/openvswitch/lib/ofp-actions.c:2685
588 4839 3 :

['free', 'match_to_string', 'vlog']

588 4839 ofputil_normalize_match__ call site: 02288 /src/openvswitch/lib/ofp-match.c:970
182 289 4 :

['ds_cstr', 'namemap_put_name', 'ds_destroy', 'ofputil_port_map_get_name']

182 294 ofputil_port_to_string call site: 01064 /src/openvswitch/lib/ofp-port.c:272
182 182 1 :


182 182 ofputil_format_port call site: 01599 /src/openvswitch/lib/ofp-port.c:254
50 50 1 :


50 50 xmalloc__ call site: 00011 /src/openvswitch/lib/util.c:141
50 50 1 :


50 50 xrealloc__ call site: 00397 /src/openvswitch/lib/util.c:151
50 50 1 :


50 50 vlog_set_verbosity call site: 00004 /src/openvswitch/lib/vlog.c:608
20 20 1 :


20 20 hash_words call site: 00000 /src/openvswitch/./lib/hash.h:359
14 75 3 :

['xmalloc', 'ofpbuf_copy__', 'free']

14 75 ofpbuf_resize__ call site: 01814 /src/openvswitch/lib/ofpbuf.c:260
2 2 1 :


2 4078 ofputil_encode_flow_mod call site: 02324 /src/openvswitch/lib/ofp-flow.c:420
0 2260 1 :


0 2260 ofpacts_put_openflow_instructions call site: 02559 /src/openvswitch/lib/ofp-actions.c:8930
0 1504 1 :


6 7559 nxm_put_ip call site: 02457 /src/openvswitch/lib/nx-match.c:1008

Runtime coverage analysis

Covered functions
Functions that are reachable but not covered
Reachable functions
Percentage of reachable functions covered
NB: The sum of covered functions and functions that are reachable but not covered need not be equal to Reachable functions . This is because the reachability analysis is an approximation and thus at runtime some functions may be covered that are not included in the reachability analysis. This is a limitation of our static analysis capabilities.
Function name source code lines source lines hit percentage hit

Files reached

filename functions hit
tests/oss-fuzz/ofctl_parse_target.c 3
lib/vlog.c 43
lib/util.c 60
lib/ovs-thread.c 15
lib/ofp-flow.c 7
lib/ofp-parse.c 10
lib/match.c 148
lib/meta-flow.c 34
lib/shash.c 17
lib/hmap.c 11
./lib/hash.h 12
lib/hash.c 1
./lib/unaligned.h 2
lib/flow.c 26
./lib/bitmap.h 6
lib/packets.c 20
./lib/util.h 10
lib/ofp-port.c 8
./include/openvswitch/thread.h 1
lib/syslog-null.c 1
lib/syslog-libc.c 1
lib/syslog-direct.c 1
lib/socket-util.c 14
lib/dns-resolve-stub.c 1
./lib/socket-util.h 1
lib/socket-util-unix.c 7
lib/fatal-signal.c 9
lib/signals.c 2
lib/dynamic-string.c 18
./include/openvswitch/dynamic-string.h 1
lib/timeval.c 16
lib/coverage.c 8
lib/unixctl.c 6
lib/svec.c 8
lib/json.c 22
lib/jsonrpc.c 11
./include/openvswitch/json.h 2
./include/openvswitch/hmap.h 10
lib/ofpbuf.c 16
./include/openvswitch/list.h 6
lib/token-bucket.c 1
./lib/sat-math.h 2
lib/async-append-aio.c 7
lib/byteq.c 10
lib/stream.c 5
lib/stream-replay.c 2
lib/ovs-replay.c 5
./include/openvswitch/ofpbuf.h 10
lib/seq.c 7
lib/latch-unix.c 2
lib/sset.c 8
./include/openvswitch/util.h 1
lib/random.c 5
lib/entropy.c 2
./lib/syslog-provider.h 1
./lib/dirs.c.in 2
./lib/flow.h 23
lib/namemap.c 4
./lib/unicode.h 2
lib/unicode.c 1
lib/tun-metadata.c 10
./lib/byte-order.h 5
./include/openvswitch/nsh.h 4
./lib/packets.h 18
lib/nx-match.c 36
./include/openvswitch/meta-flow.h 1
lib/ofp-table.c 2
lib/ofp-group.c 1
lib/ofp-actions.c 44
./include/openvswitch/ofp-actions.h 15
lib/bundle.c 2
lib/ofp-errors.c 3
lib/ofp-match.c 8
lib/ofp-protocol.c 3
lib/ofp-msgs.c 3
./lib/ovs-atomic.h 1
./lib/ofp-actions.inc2 2

Fuzzer: odp_target

Call tree

The calltree shows the control flow of the fuzzer. This is overlaid with coverage information to display how much of the potential code a fuzzer can reach is in fact covered at runtime. In the following there is a link to a detailed calltree visualisation as well as a bitmap showing a high-level view of the calltree. For further information about these topics please see the glossary for full calltree and calltree overview

Call tree overview bitmap:

The distribution of callsites in terms of coloring is
Color Runtime hitcount Callsite count Percentage
red 0 1594 48.5%
gold [1:9] 68 2.06%
yellow [10:29] 39 1.18%
greenyellow [30:49] 15 0.45%
lawngreen 50+ 1570 47.7%
All colors 3286 100

Fuzz blockers

The followings are the branches where fuzzer fails to bypass.

Unique non-covered Complexity Unique Reachable Complexities Unique Reachable Functions All non-covered Complexity All Reachable Complexity Function Name Function Callsite Blocked Branch
1450 1452 2 :

['odp_nsh_key_from_attr__', 'nl_attr_get_size']

1494 7844 parse_l2_5_onward call site: 02099 /src/openvswitch/lib/odp-util.c:7016
1418 1418 1 :


1418 1418 nl_attr_validate call site: 01446 /src/openvswitch/lib/netlink.c:874
1418 1418 1 :


1418 1418 odp_to_ovs_frag call site: 02083 /src/openvswitch/lib/odp-util.c:6704
188 426 4 :

['ds_put_char.13456', 'ds_put_format', 'format_generic_odp_key', 'nl_attr_get_size']

188 426 check_attr_len call site: 01520 /src/openvswitch/lib/odp-util.c:3613
131 131 1 :


131 131 format_odp_action call site: 03096 /src/openvswitch/lib/odp-util.c:1169
104 104 1 :


104 104 parse_odp_action__ call site: 02881 /src/openvswitch/lib/odp-util.c:2634
50 50 1 :


50 50 xmalloc__ call site: 00011 /src/openvswitch/lib/util.c:141
50 50 1 :


50 50 xrealloc__ call site: 00173 /src/openvswitch/lib/util.c:151
50 50 1 :


50 50 vlog_set_verbosity call site: 00004 /src/openvswitch/lib/vlog.c:608
42 42 2 :

['simap_find_len', 'strcspn']

172 12264 parse_odp_action__ call site: 02672 /src/openvswitch/lib/odp-util.c:2352
21 21 3 :

['hmap_next_in_bucket.13538', 'hash_odp_port', 'hmap_first_in_bucket.13537']

21 21 odp_portno_names_get call site: 01833 /src/openvswitch/lib/odp-util.c:3374
4 3244 5 :

['strncasecmp', 'parse_action_list', 'nl_msg_put_u16', 'nl_msg_end_nested', 'nl_msg_start_nested']

4 3422 parse_odp_action__ call site: 02796 /src/openvswitch/lib/odp-util.c:2556

Runtime coverage analysis

Covered functions
Functions that are reachable but not covered
Reachable functions
Percentage of reachable functions covered
NB: The sum of covered functions and functions that are reachable but not covered need not be equal to Reachable functions . This is because the reachability analysis is an approximation and thus at runtime some functions may be covered that are not included in the reachability analysis. This is a limitation of our static analysis capabilities.
Function name source code lines source lines hit percentage hit

Files reached

filename functions hit
tests/oss-fuzz/odp_target.c 3
lib/vlog.c 43
lib/util.c 55
lib/ovs-thread.c 15
lib/ofpbuf.c 16
./include/openvswitch/list.h 5
lib/odp-util.c 144
./lib/bitmap.h 6
lib/uuid.c 2
lib/netlink.c 39
./include/openvswitch/ofpbuf.h 10
./lib/util.h 8
lib/flow.c 9
./lib/byte-order.h 5
lib/simap.c 2
lib/hash.c 1
./lib/unaligned.h 9
./lib/hash.h 9
lib/packets.c 11
./include/openvswitch/nsh.h 13
./lib/netlink.h 1
lib/token-bucket.c 1
lib/timeval.c 16
lib/coverage.c 8
lib/unixctl.c 6
lib/shash.c 14
lib/svec.c 8
lib/dynamic-string.c 17
lib/json.c 19
lib/jsonrpc.c 11
./include/openvswitch/json.h 2
./include/openvswitch/dynamic-string.h 1
./include/openvswitch/hmap.h 10
./include/openvswitch/thread.h 1
lib/syslog-null.c 1
lib/syslog-libc.c 1
lib/syslog-direct.c 1
lib/socket-util.c 14
lib/dns-resolve-stub.c 1
./lib/socket-util.h 1
lib/socket-util-unix.c 7
lib/fatal-signal.c 9
lib/signals.c 2
lib/async-append-aio.c 7
lib/byteq.c 10
lib/sset.c 8
lib/hmap.c 11
./include/openvswitch/util.h 1
lib/random.c 5
lib/entropy.c 2
lib/stream.c 5
lib/stream-replay.c 2
lib/ovs-replay.c 5
./lib/syslog-provider.h 1
./lib/dirs.c.in 2
lib/seq.c 7
lib/latch-unix.c 2
./lib/sat-math.h 2
lib/tun-metadata.c 14
./lib/packets.h 25
./lib/flow.h 9
lib/match.c 16
lib/ofp-port.c 3
lib/namemap.c 3
lib/csum.c 2
./lib/csum.h 1

Fuzzer: ofp_print_target

Call tree

The calltree shows the control flow of the fuzzer. This is overlaid with coverage information to display how much of the potential code a fuzzer can reach is in fact covered at runtime. In the following there is a link to a detailed calltree visualisation as well as a bitmap showing a high-level view of the calltree. For further information about these topics please see the glossary for full calltree and calltree overview

Call tree overview bitmap:

The distribution of callsites in terms of coloring is
Color Runtime hitcount Callsite count Percentage
red 0 1174 22.8%
gold [1:9] 41 0.79%
yellow [10:29] 161 3.13%
greenyellow [30:49] 71 1.38%
lawngreen 50+ 3685 71.8%
All colors 5132 100

Fuzz blockers

The followings are the branches where fuzzer fails to bypass.

Unique non-covered Complexity Unique Reachable Complexities Unique Reachable Functions All non-covered Complexity All Reachable Complexity Function Name Function Callsite Blocked Branch
4839 4839 3 :

['free', 'match_to_string', 'vlog']

4839 4839 ofputil_normalize_match__ call site: 03841 /src/openvswitch/lib/ofp-match.c:970
1607 3061 4 :

['ntohs', 'ofpmsg_body', 'free', 'nx_match_to_string']

1607 6233 ofputil_flow_mod_format call site: 03946 /src/openvswitch/lib/ofp-flow.c:542
281 281 1 :


281 4832 ofputil_flow_mod_format call site: 03944 /src/openvswitch/lib/ofp-flow.c:536
182 182 1 :


182 182 ofputil_format_port call site: 01399 /src/openvswitch/lib/ofp-port.c:254
182 182 1 :


182 182 ofputil_format_table call site: 02430 /src/openvswitch/lib/ofp-table.c:203
73 75 2 :

['ds_destroy', 'ds_put_buffer']

73 603 ofputil_format_port_stats call site: 04698 /src/openvswitch/lib/ofp-port.c:1799
50 50 1 :


50 50 xcalloc__ call site: 04584 /src/openvswitch/lib/util.c:125
50 50 1 :


50 50 xmalloc__ call site: 00009 /src/openvswitch/lib/util.c:141
50 50 1 :


50 50 xrealloc__ call site: 00110 /src/openvswitch/lib/util.c:151
50 50 1 :


50 50 vlog_set_verbosity call site: 00002 /src/openvswitch/lib/vlog.c:608
20 20 1 :


20 20 hash_words call site: 00934 /src/openvswitch/./lib/hash.h:359
6 1424 4 :

['vlog_rate_limit', 'ntohs', 'htons', 'ntohl']

6 2865 parse_async_tlv call site: 04849 /src/openvswitch/lib/ofp-connection.c:366

Runtime coverage analysis

Covered functions
Functions that are reachable but not covered
Reachable functions
Percentage of reachable functions covered
NB: The sum of covered functions and functions that are reachable but not covered need not be equal to Reachable functions . This is because the reachability analysis is an approximation and thus at runtime some functions may be covered that are not included in the reachability analysis. This is a limitation of our static analysis capabilities.
Function name source code lines source lines hit percentage hit

Files reached

filename functions hit
tests/oss-fuzz/ofp_print_target.c 1
lib/vlog.c 43
lib/util.c 46
lib/ovs-thread.c 15
lib/ofpbuf.c 21
./include/openvswitch/list.h 8
./include/openvswitch/ofpbuf.h 14
lib/ofp-print.c 59
lib/dynamic-string.c 22
lib/ofp-msgs.c 29
lib/token-bucket.c 1
lib/timeval.c 16
lib/coverage.c 8
lib/unixctl.c 6
lib/shash.c 14
./lib/hash.h 16
lib/hash.c 2
./lib/unaligned.h 8
lib/svec.c 8
lib/json.c 19
lib/jsonrpc.c 11
./include/openvswitch/json.h 2
./include/openvswitch/dynamic-string.h 1
./include/openvswitch/hmap.h 10
./include/openvswitch/thread.h 1
lib/syslog-null.c 1
lib/syslog-libc.c 1
lib/syslog-direct.c 1
lib/socket-util.c 14
lib/packets.c 17
lib/dns-resolve-stub.c 1
./lib/socket-util.h 1
lib/socket-util-unix.c 7
lib/fatal-signal.c 9
lib/signals.c 2
lib/async-append-aio.c 7
lib/byteq.c 10
lib/sset.c 8
lib/hmap.c 11
./include/openvswitch/util.h 1
lib/random.c 5
lib/entropy.c 2
lib/stream.c 5
lib/stream-replay.c 2
lib/ovs-replay.c 5
./lib/syslog-provider.h 1
./lib/dirs.c.in 2
lib/seq.c 7
lib/latch-unix.c 2
./lib/sat-math.h 2
lib/ofp-group.c 33
./lib/byte-order.h 6
lib/ofp-actions.c 138
lib/ofp-protocol.c 8
./lib/ofp-actions.inc2 1
./include/openvswitch/ofp-actions.h 70
./lib/flow.h 33
lib/ofp-port.c 43
./lib/packets.h 22
lib/meta-flow.c 34
lib/nx-match.c 47
./include/openvswitch/meta-flow.h 1
lib/cmap.c 9
./lib/cmap.h 1
lib/namemap.c 3
lib/flow.c 50
./lib/util.h 14
./lib/nx-match.h 2
lib/multipath.c 1
lib/bundle.c 1
lib/ofp-prop.c 12
./include/openvswitch/ofp-prop.h 1
lib/ofp-ed-props.c 1
lib/ofp-errors.c 7
./lib/bitmap.h 13
./include/openvswitch/ofp-group.h 1
lib/ofp-table.c 54
lib/ofp-util.c 4
lib/ofp-switch.c 9
lib/netdev.c 4
lib/ofp-packet.c 13
lib/match.c 150
lib/tun-metadata.c 8
./include/openvswitch/nsh.h 10
lib/uuid.c 1
lib/dp-packet.c 3
./lib/dp-packet.h 20
lib/ofp-monitor.c 15
lib/ofp-match.c 20
lib/ox-stat.c 12
lib/ofp-flow.c 14
lib/ofp-meter.c 15
lib/ofp-queue.c 20
lib/ofp-connection.c 18
lib/ofp-bundle.c 6
lib/ofp-ipfix.c 7
lib/ofp-ct.c 5

Fuzzer: flow_extract_target

Call tree

The calltree shows the control flow of the fuzzer. This is overlaid with coverage information to display how much of the potential code a fuzzer can reach is in fact covered at runtime. In the following there is a link to a detailed calltree visualisation as well as a bitmap showing a high-level view of the calltree. For further information about these topics please see the glossary for full calltree and calltree overview

Call tree overview bitmap:

The distribution of callsites in terms of coloring is
Color Runtime hitcount Callsite count Percentage
red 0 1081 62.9%
gold [1:9] 7 0.40%
yellow [10:29] 20 1.16%
greenyellow [30:49] 8 0.46%
lawngreen 50+ 600 34.9%
All colors 1716 100

Fuzz blockers

The followings are the branches where fuzzer fails to bypass.

Unique non-covered Complexity Unique Reachable Complexities Unique Reachable Functions All non-covered Complexity All Reachable Complexity Function Name Function Callsite Blocked Branch
196 204 4 :

['pt_ns', 'pt_ns_type', 'put_u16_masked', 'ds_put_char.382']

196 279 format_packet_type_masked call site: 01471 /src/openvswitch/lib/flow.c:1578
182 182 1 :


182 182 ofputil_format_port call site: 01379 /src/openvswitch/lib/ofp-port.c:254
50 50 1 :


50 50 xrealloc__ call site: 00158 /src/openvswitch/lib/util.c:151
38 45 11 :

['match_set_ct_tp_dst', 'htons', 'match_set_ct_state', 'match_set_ct_nw_src', 'match_set_ct_nw_dst', 'match_set_ct_ipv6_dst', 'match_set_ct_ipv6_src', 'match_set_ct_nw_proto', 'match_set_ct_tp_src', 'is_ct_valid', 'match_set_dl_type']

50 59 flow_get_metadata call site: 01174 /src/openvswitch/lib/flow.c:1326
10 163 5 :

['ipv6_count_cidr_bits', 'ds_put_char.3897', 'ipv6_format_addr', 'ds_put_format', 'ipv6_is_cidr']

10 163 ipv6_format_masked call site: 01448 /src/openvswitch/lib/packets.c:943
4 4 1 :


2966 3140 miniflow_extract call site: 00034 /src/openvswitch/lib/flow.c:833
4 4 1 :


122 241 flow_get_metadata call site: 01124 /src/openvswitch/lib/flow.c:1263
4 4 1 :


118 237 flow_get_metadata call site: 01126 /src/openvswitch/lib/flow.c:1266
4 4 1 :


114 233 flow_get_metadata call site: 01128 /src/openvswitch/lib/flow.c:1270
4 4 1 :


110 229 flow_get_metadata call site: 01130 /src/openvswitch/lib/flow.c:1273
4 4 1 :


100 207 flow_get_metadata call site: 01138 /src/openvswitch/lib/flow.c:1282
4 4 1 :


96 203 flow_get_metadata call site: 01139 /src/openvswitch/lib/flow.c:1285

Runtime coverage analysis

Covered functions
Functions that are reachable but not covered
Reachable functions
Percentage of reachable functions covered
NB: The sum of covered functions and functions that are reachable but not covered need not be equal to Reachable functions . This is because the reachability analysis is an approximation and thus at runtime some functions may be covered that are not included in the reachability analysis. This is a limitation of our static analysis capabilities.
Function name source code lines source lines hit percentage hit

Files reached

filename functions hit
tests/oss-fuzz/flow_extract_target.c 3
lib/dp-packet.c 2
./lib/dp-packet.h 14
lib/flow.c 42
./lib/flow.h 13
./lib/packets.h 20
./lib/util.h 4
./lib/unaligned.h 3
./lib/byte-order.h 5
lib/vlog.c 40
lib/ovs-thread.c 14
lib/util.c 41
lib/token-bucket.c 1
lib/timeval.c 16
lib/coverage.c 8
lib/unixctl.c 6
lib/shash.c 14
./lib/hash.h 10
lib/hash.c 1
lib/svec.c 8
lib/dynamic-string.c 19
lib/json.c 19
lib/jsonrpc.c 11
./include/openvswitch/json.h 2
./include/openvswitch/dynamic-string.h 1
./include/openvswitch/hmap.h 10
./include/openvswitch/thread.h 1
lib/syslog-null.c 1
lib/syslog-libc.c 1
lib/syslog-direct.c 1
lib/socket-util.c 14
lib/packets.c 10
lib/dns-resolve-stub.c 1
./lib/socket-util.h 1
lib/socket-util-unix.c 7
lib/fatal-signal.c 9
lib/async-append-aio.c 7
lib/byteq.c 10
lib/signals.c 2
lib/sset.c 8
lib/hmap.c 11
./include/openvswitch/util.h 1
lib/random.c 5
lib/entropy.c 2
lib/ofpbuf.c 5
./include/openvswitch/list.h 5
lib/stream.c 5
lib/stream-replay.c 2
lib/ovs-replay.c 5
./include/openvswitch/ofpbuf.h 3
./lib/syslog-provider.h 1
./lib/dirs.c.in 2
lib/seq.c 7
lib/latch-unix.c 2
./lib/sat-math.h 2
./include/openvswitch/nsh.h 8
lib/match.c 71
lib/tun-metadata.c 6
lib/jhash.c 4
lib/ofp-match.c 3
lib/ofp-print.c 2
lib/ofp-port.c 3
lib/namemap.c 3

Analyses and suggestions

Optimal target analysis

Remaining optimal interesting functions

The following table shows a list of functions that are optimal targets. Optimal targets are identified by finding the functions that in combination, yield a high code coverage.

Func name Functions filename Arg count Args Function depth hitcount instr count bb count cyclomatic complexity Reachable functions Incoming references total cyclomatic complexity Unreached complexity
dpif_dummy_register /src/openvswitch/lib/dpif-netdev.c 1 ['int '] 81 0 103 19 7 2150 0 9003 5211
ovsdb_idl_txn_commit_block /src/openvswitch/lib/ovsdb-idl.c 1 ['struct.ovsdb_idl_txn *'] 83 0 42 6 3 1038 0 4043 1844
netdev_tc_flow_put /src/openvswitch/lib/netdev-offload-tc.c 7 ['struct.netdev.903 *', 'struct.match *', 'struct.anon.11 *', 'size_t ', 'union.ovs_u128 *', 'struct.offload_info *', 'struct.dpif_flow_stats *'] 68 0 2109 217 72 727 0 2923 940
dpctl_dump_flows /src/openvswitch/lib/dpctl.c 3 ['int ', 'char **', 'struct.dpctl_params *'] 82 0 464 72 27 1347 0 6217 532
htb_tc_install /src/openvswitch/lib/netdev-linux.c 2 ['struct.netdev.751 *', 'struct.smap *'] 73 0 59 9 4 720 0 2582 385
ssl_connect /src/openvswitch/lib/stream-ssl.c 1 ['struct.stream.221 *'] 74 0 290 46 13 504 0 1669 222
dpif_netlink_operate /src/openvswitch/lib/dpif-netlink.c 4 ['struct.dpif.2523 *', 'struct.dpif_op **', 'size_t ', 'int '] 81 0 234 42 15 970 0 4226 212

Implementing fuzzers that target the above functions will improve reachability such that it becomes:

Functions statically reachable by fuzzers
Cyclomatic complexity statically reachable by fuzzers
22524 / 40941

All functions overview

If you implement fuzzers for these functions, the status of all functions in the project will be:

Func name Functions filename Args Function call depth Reached by Fuzzers Fuzzers runtime hit Func lines hit % I Count BB Count Cyclomatic complexity Functions reached Reached by functions Accumulated cyclomatic complexity Undiscovered complexity

Files and Directories in report

This section shows which files and directories are considered in this report. The main reason for showing this is fuzz introspector may include more code in the reasoning than is desired. This section helps identify if too many files/directories are included, e.g. third party code, which may be irrelevant for the threat model. In the event too much is included, fuzz introspector supports a configuration file that can exclude data from the report. See the following link for more information on how to create a config file: link

Files in report

Source file Reached by Covered by
[] []
/src/openvswitch/lib/dpif-netdev-private-extract.c [] []
/src/openvswitch/lib/vlog.c ['json_parser_target', 'miniflow_target', 'ofctl_parse_target', 'odp_target', 'ofp_print_target', 'flow_extract_target'] ['json_parser_target', 'miniflow_target', 'ofctl_parse_target', 'odp_target', 'ofp_print_target', 'flow_extract_target']
/src/openvswitch/./lib/ovs-thread.h [] []
/src/openvswitch/lib/tnl-neigh-cache.c [] []
/src/openvswitch/lib/userspace-tso.c [] []
/src/openvswitch/lib/ovsdb-idl.c [] []
/src/openvswitch/lib/netlink-conntrack.c [] []
/src/openvswitch/lib/ofp-msgs.c ['ofctl_parse_target', 'ofp_print_target'] ['ofctl_parse_target', 'ofp_print_target']
/src/openvswitch/lib/shash.c ['json_parser_target', 'miniflow_target', 'ofctl_parse_target', 'odp_target', 'ofp_print_target', 'flow_extract_target'] ['json_parser_target', 'ofctl_parse_target']
/src/openvswitch/lib/nx-match.c ['ofctl_parse_target', 'ofp_print_target'] ['ofctl_parse_target', 'ofp_print_target']
/src/openvswitch/lib/ofp-meter.c ['ofp_print_target'] ['ofp_print_target']
/src/openvswitch/lib/odp-execute.c [] []
/src/openvswitch/./lib/dpif-netdev-private-dfc.h [] []
/src/openvswitch/./lib/ovs-atomic-flag-gcc4.7+.h [] []
/src/openvswitch/./include/openvswitch/util.h ['json_parser_target', 'miniflow_target', 'ofctl_parse_target', 'odp_target', 'ofp_print_target', 'flow_extract_target'] []
/src/openvswitch/lib/ofp-connection.c ['ofp_print_target'] ['ofp_print_target']
/src/openvswitch/./lib/ovs-atomic.h ['ofctl_parse_target'] []
/src/openvswitch/lib/crc32c.c [] []
/src/openvswitch/./include/openvswitch/dynamic-string.h ['json_parser_target', 'miniflow_target', 'ofctl_parse_target', 'odp_target', 'ofp_print_target', 'flow_extract_target'] []
/src/openvswitch/lib/dpif-netdev-lookup.c [] []
/src/openvswitch/lib/ofpbuf.c ['json_parser_target', 'miniflow_target', 'ofctl_parse_target', 'odp_target', 'ofp_print_target', 'flow_extract_target'] ['ofctl_parse_target', 'odp_target', 'ofp_print_target']
/src/openvswitch/./lib/flow.h ['miniflow_target', 'ofctl_parse_target', 'odp_target', 'ofp_print_target', 'flow_extract_target'] []
/src/openvswitch/tests/oss-fuzz/flow_extract_target.c ['flow_extract_target'] ['flow_extract_target']
/src/openvswitch/lib/flow.c ['miniflow_target', 'ofctl_parse_target', 'odp_target', 'ofp_print_target', 'flow_extract_target'] ['miniflow_target', 'ofctl_parse_target', 'odp_target', 'ofp_print_target', 'flow_extract_target']
/src/openvswitch/lib/netdev-native-tnl.c [] []
/src/openvswitch/lib/id-fpool.c [] []
/src/openvswitch/./lib/csum.h ['odp_target'] []
/src/openvswitch/./lib/ovs-replay.h [] []
/src/openvswitch/lib/dpif-netdev-perf.c [] []
/src/openvswitch/lib/conntrack-other.c [] []
/src/openvswitch/lib/fatal-signal.c ['json_parser_target', 'miniflow_target', 'ofctl_parse_target', 'odp_target', 'ofp_print_target', 'flow_extract_target'] ['json_parser_target', 'miniflow_target', 'ofctl_parse_target', 'odp_target', 'ofp_print_target', 'flow_extract_target']
/src/openvswitch/lib/pvector.c [] []
/src/openvswitch/./lib/pvector.h [] []
/src/openvswitch/./include/openvswitch/json.h ['json_parser_target', 'miniflow_target', 'ofctl_parse_target', 'odp_target', 'ofp_print_target', 'flow_extract_target'] []
/src/openvswitch/lib/csum.c ['odp_target'] []
/src/openvswitch/lib/dpctl.c [] []
/src/openvswitch/lib/stream.c ['json_parser_target', 'miniflow_target', 'ofctl_parse_target', 'odp_target', 'ofp_print_target', 'flow_extract_target'] ['json_parser_target', 'miniflow_target', 'ofctl_parse_target', 'odp_target', 'ofp_print_target', 'flow_extract_target']
/src/openvswitch/./lib/classifier-private.h ['miniflow_target'] []
/src/openvswitch/./lib/netdev-offload.h [] []
/src/openvswitch/lib/ipf.c [] []
/src/openvswitch/./include/openvswitch/list.h ['json_parser_target', 'miniflow_target', 'ofctl_parse_target', 'odp_target', 'ofp_print_target', 'flow_extract_target'] []
/src/openvswitch/lib/netlink-notifier.c [] []
/src/openvswitch/lib/bundle.c ['ofctl_parse_target', 'ofp_print_target'] ['ofctl_parse_target', 'ofp_print_target']
/src/openvswitch/lib/ct-dpif.c [] []
/src/openvswitch/lib/backtrace.c [] []
/src/openvswitch/./lib/random.h ['miniflow_target'] []
/src/openvswitch/lib/meta-flow.c ['ofctl_parse_target', 'ofp_print_target'] ['ofctl_parse_target', 'ofp_print_target']
/src/openvswitch/lib/route-table.c [] []
/src/openvswitch/./lib/socket-util.h ['json_parser_target', 'miniflow_target', 'ofctl_parse_target', 'odp_target', 'ofp_print_target', 'flow_extract_target'] []
/src/openvswitch/./include/openvswitch/ofp-group.h ['ofp_print_target'] []
/src/openvswitch/lib/dp-packet.c ['miniflow_target', 'ofp_print_target', 'flow_extract_target'] ['miniflow_target', 'ofp_print_target', 'flow_extract_target']
/src/openvswitch/lib/dpif-netlink.c [] []
/src/openvswitch/lib/token-bucket.c ['json_parser_target', 'miniflow_target', 'ofctl_parse_target', 'odp_target', 'ofp_print_target', 'flow_extract_target'] []
/src/openvswitch/./lib/hindex.h [] []
/src/openvswitch/lib/tc.c [] []
/src/openvswitch/lib/hmap.c ['json_parser_target', 'miniflow_target', 'ofctl_parse_target', 'odp_target', 'ofp_print_target', 'flow_extract_target'] ['json_parser_target', 'miniflow_target', 'ofctl_parse_target', 'odp_target', 'ofp_print_target', 'flow_extract_target']
/src/openvswitch/lib/ofp-errors.c ['ofctl_parse_target', 'ofp_print_target'] ['ofctl_parse_target', 'ofp_print_target']
/src/openvswitch/lib/conntrack-tcp.c [] []
/src/openvswitch/lib/reconnect.c [] []
/src/openvswitch/./include/openvswitch/ofp-prop.h ['ofp_print_target'] []
/src/openvswitch/lib/tnl-ports.c [] []
/src/openvswitch/./lib/timer.h [] []
/src/openvswitch/lib/netdev-linux.c [] []
/src/openvswitch/lib/stream-ssl.c [] []
/src/openvswitch/lib/coverage.c ['json_parser_target', 'miniflow_target', 'ofctl_parse_target', 'odp_target', 'ofp_print_target', 'flow_extract_target'] ['json_parser_target', 'miniflow_target', 'ofctl_parse_target', 'odp_target', 'ofp_print_target', 'flow_extract_target']
/src/openvswitch/./lib/ofp-errors.inc [] []
/src/openvswitch/lib/cmap.c ['ofp_print_target'] ['ofp_print_target']
/src/openvswitch/tests/oss-fuzz/ofctl_parse_target.c ['ofctl_parse_target'] ['ofctl_parse_target']
/src/openvswitch/lib/ofp-parse.c ['ofctl_parse_target'] ['ofctl_parse_target']
/src/openvswitch/./include/openvswitch/meta-flow.h ['ofctl_parse_target', 'ofp_print_target'] []
/src/openvswitch/lib/classifier.c [] []
/src/openvswitch/lib/ovsdb-types.c [] []
/src/openvswitch/lib/ofp-ipfix.c ['ofp_print_target'] ['ofp_print_target']
/src/openvswitch/lib/ovs-numa.c [] []
/src/openvswitch/lib/stream-tcp.c [] []
/src/openvswitch/lib/ovsdb-session.c [] []
/src/openvswitch/./lib/ovsdb-types.h [] []
/src/openvswitch/./include/openvswitch/ofp-actions.h ['ofctl_parse_target', 'ofp_print_target'] []
/src/openvswitch/lib/dpif-netdev-lookup-generic.c [] []
/src/openvswitch/lib/byteq.c ['json_parser_target', 'miniflow_target', 'ofctl_parse_target', 'odp_target', 'ofp_print_target', 'flow_extract_target'] []
/src/openvswitch/lib/dpif-netdev-private-dfc.c [] []
/src/openvswitch/lib/dpif.c [] []
/src/openvswitch/./lib/netdev-afxdp.h [] []
/src/openvswitch/lib/svec.c ['json_parser_target', 'miniflow_target', 'ofctl_parse_target', 'odp_target', 'ofp_print_target', 'flow_extract_target'] ['json_parser_target', 'miniflow_target', 'ofctl_parse_target', 'odp_target', 'ofp_print_target', 'flow_extract_target']
/src/openvswitch/lib/ofp-protocol.c ['ofctl_parse_target', 'ofp_print_target'] ['ofctl_parse_target', 'ofp_print_target']
/src/openvswitch/lib/ofp-queue.c ['ofp_print_target'] ['ofp_print_target']
/src/openvswitch/tests/oss-fuzz/ofp_print_target.c ['ofp_print_target'] ['ofp_print_target']
/src/openvswitch/lib/timeval.c ['json_parser_target', 'miniflow_target', 'ofctl_parse_target', 'odp_target', 'ofp_print_target', 'flow_extract_target'] ['json_parser_target', 'miniflow_target', 'ofctl_parse_target', 'odp_target', 'ofp_print_target', 'flow_extract_target']
/src/openvswitch/lib/netlink-socket.c [] []
/src/openvswitch/lib/ofp-monitor.c ['ofp_print_target'] ['ofp_print_target']
/src/openvswitch/lib/dpif-netdev-extract-study.c [] []
/src/openvswitch/lib/guarded-list.c [] []
/src/openvswitch/./lib/nx-match.h ['ofp_print_target'] []
/src/openvswitch/lib/ofp-actions.c ['ofctl_parse_target', 'ofp_print_target'] ['ofctl_parse_target', 'ofp_print_target']
/src/openvswitch/lib/syslog-direct.c ['json_parser_target', 'miniflow_target', 'ofctl_parse_target', 'odp_target', 'ofp_print_target', 'flow_extract_target'] []
/src/openvswitch/./lib/netdev-linux-private.h [] []
/src/openvswitch/lib/smap.c [] []
/src/openvswitch/./lib/ofp-actions.inc2 ['ofctl_parse_target', 'ofp_print_target'] []
/src/openvswitch/lib/ofp-bundle.c ['ofp_print_target'] ['ofp_print_target']
/src/openvswitch/./lib/uuid.h [] []
/src/openvswitch/lib/ofp-packet.c ['ofp_print_target'] ['ofp_print_target']
/src/openvswitch/lib/sset.c ['json_parser_target', 'miniflow_target', 'ofctl_parse_target', 'odp_target', 'ofp_print_target', 'flow_extract_target'] ['json_parser_target']
/src/openvswitch/lib/aes128.c [] []
/src/openvswitch/lib/ovsdb-error.c [] []
/src/openvswitch/lib/dynamic-string.c ['json_parser_target', 'miniflow_target', 'ofctl_parse_target', 'odp_target', 'ofp_print_target', 'flow_extract_target'] ['json_parser_target', 'ofctl_parse_target', 'odp_target', 'ofp_print_target', 'flow_extract_target']
/src/openvswitch/lib/syslog-null.c ['json_parser_target', 'miniflow_target', 'ofctl_parse_target', 'odp_target', 'ofp_print_target', 'flow_extract_target'] []
/src/openvswitch/lib/seq.c ['json_parser_target', 'miniflow_target', 'ofctl_parse_target', 'odp_target', 'ofp_print_target', 'flow_extract_target'] ['json_parser_target', 'miniflow_target', 'ofctl_parse_target', 'odp_target', 'ofp_print_target', 'flow_extract_target']
/src/openvswitch/./lib/unicode.h ['json_parser_target', 'ofctl_parse_target'] []
/src/openvswitch/lib/multipath.c ['ofp_print_target'] ['ofp_print_target']
/src/openvswitch/lib/dpdk-stub.c [] []
/src/openvswitch/lib/signals.c ['json_parser_target', 'miniflow_target', 'ofctl_parse_target', 'odp_target', 'ofp_print_target', 'flow_extract_target'] ['json_parser_target', 'miniflow_target', 'ofctl_parse_target', 'odp_target', 'ofp_print_target', 'flow_extract_target']
/src/openvswitch/lib/match.c ['ofctl_parse_target', 'odp_target', 'ofp_print_target', 'flow_extract_target'] ['ofctl_parse_target', 'odp_target', 'ofp_print_target', 'flow_extract_target']
/src/openvswitch/./lib/tc.h [] []
/src/openvswitch/./lib/netdev-native-tnl.h [] []
/src/openvswitch/./lib/dpif-provider.h [] []
/src/openvswitch/lib/colors.c [] []
/src/openvswitch/./include/openvswitch/thread.h ['json_parser_target', 'miniflow_target', 'ofctl_parse_target', 'odp_target', 'ofp_print_target', 'flow_extract_target'] []
/src/openvswitch/./lib/dirs.c.in ['json_parser_target', 'miniflow_target', 'ofctl_parse_target', 'odp_target', 'ofp_print_target', 'flow_extract_target'] []
/src/openvswitch/tests/oss-fuzz/miniflow_target.c ['miniflow_target'] ['miniflow_target']
/src/openvswitch/lib/ovs-rcu.c [] []
/src/openvswitch/lib/ovsdb-map-op.c [] []
/src/openvswitch/./lib/classifier.h [] []
/src/openvswitch/lib/uuid.c ['odp_target', 'ofp_print_target'] ['odp_target', 'ofp_print_target']
/src/openvswitch/lib/json.c ['json_parser_target', 'miniflow_target', 'ofctl_parse_target', 'odp_target', 'ofp_print_target', 'flow_extract_target'] ['json_parser_target', 'ofctl_parse_target']
/src/openvswitch/lib/ofp-prop.c ['ofp_print_target'] ['ofp_print_target']
/src/openvswitch/lib/dpif-netdev-private-dpif.c [] []
/src/openvswitch/./lib/netdev-vport-private.h [] []
/src/openvswitch/lib/hmapx.c [] []
/src/openvswitch/tests/oss-fuzz/json_parser_target.c ['json_parser_target'] ['json_parser_target']
/src/openvswitch/lib/poll-loop.c [] []
/src/openvswitch/./lib/versions.h [] []
/src/openvswitch/lib/sha1.c [] []
/src/openvswitch/./include/openvswitch/ofpbuf.h ['json_parser_target', 'miniflow_target', 'ofctl_parse_target', 'odp_target', 'ofp_print_target', 'flow_extract_target'] []
/src/openvswitch/lib/unixctl.c ['json_parser_target', 'miniflow_target', 'ofctl_parse_target', 'odp_target', 'ofp_print_target', 'flow_extract_target'] ['json_parser_target', 'miniflow_target', 'ofctl_parse_target', 'odp_target', 'ofp_print_target', 'flow_extract_target']
/src/openvswitch/./lib/ovsdb-data.h [] []
/src/openvswitch/lib/netlink.c ['odp_target'] ['odp_target']
/src/openvswitch/lib/odp-util.c ['odp_target'] ['odp_target']
/src/openvswitch/lib/id-pool.c [] []
/src/openvswitch/lib/socket-util.c ['json_parser_target', 'miniflow_target', 'ofctl_parse_target', 'odp_target', 'ofp_print_target', 'flow_extract_target'] ['json_parser_target', 'miniflow_target', 'ofctl_parse_target', 'odp_target', 'ofp_print_target', 'flow_extract_target']
/src/openvswitch/./lib/sat-math.h ['json_parser_target', 'miniflow_target', 'ofctl_parse_target', 'odp_target', 'ofp_print_target', 'flow_extract_target'] []
/src/openvswitch/./lib/netdev-provider.h [] []
/src/openvswitch/lib/conntrack.c [] []
/src/openvswitch/lib/dns-resolve-stub.c ['json_parser_target', 'miniflow_target', 'ofctl_parse_target', 'odp_target', 'ofp_print_target', 'flow_extract_target'] []
/src/openvswitch/lib/ofp-util.c ['ofp_print_target'] ['ofp_print_target']
/src/openvswitch/lib/netdev-offload-tc.c [] []
/src/openvswitch/lib/hindex.c [] []
/src/openvswitch/./lib/unaligned.h ['json_parser_target', 'miniflow_target', 'ofctl_parse_target', 'odp_target', 'ofp_print_target', 'flow_extract_target'] []
/src/openvswitch/./lib/byte-order.h ['miniflow_target', 'ofctl_parse_target', 'odp_target', 'ofp_print_target', 'flow_extract_target'] []
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/src/openvswitch/lib/latch-unix.c ['json_parser_target', 'miniflow_target', 'ofctl_parse_target', 'odp_target', 'ofp_print_target', 'flow_extract_target'] []
/src/openvswitch/lib/ccmap.c [] []
/src/openvswitch/lib/ofp-group.c ['ofctl_parse_target', 'ofp_print_target'] ['ofctl_parse_target', 'ofp_print_target']
/src/openvswitch/./lib/hash.h ['json_parser_target', 'miniflow_target', 'ofctl_parse_target', 'odp_target', 'ofp_print_target', 'flow_extract_target'] []
/src/openvswitch/lib/socket-util-unix.c ['json_parser_target', 'miniflow_target', 'ofctl_parse_target', 'odp_target', 'ofp_print_target', 'flow_extract_target'] ['json_parser_target', 'miniflow_target', 'ofctl_parse_target', 'odp_target', 'ofp_print_target', 'flow_extract_target']
/src/openvswitch/lib/ovs-thread.c ['json_parser_target', 'miniflow_target', 'ofctl_parse_target', 'odp_target', 'ofp_print_target', 'flow_extract_target'] ['json_parser_target', 'miniflow_target', 'ofctl_parse_target', 'odp_target', 'ofp_print_target', 'flow_extract_target']
/src/openvswitch/./lib/stream-provider.h [] []
/src/openvswitch/lib/odp-execute-private.c [] []
/src/openvswitch/lib/mpsc-queue.c [] []
/src/openvswitch/lib/ovsdb-cs.c [] []
/src/openvswitch/lib/rtnetlink.c [] []
/src/openvswitch/./lib/dpif-netdev-private-dpcls.h [] []
/src/openvswitch/./include/openvswitch/hmap.h ['json_parser_target', 'miniflow_target', 'ofctl_parse_target', 'odp_target', 'ofp_print_target', 'flow_extract_target'] []
/src/openvswitch/./include/openvswitch/nsh.h ['miniflow_target', 'ofctl_parse_target', 'odp_target', 'ofp_print_target', 'flow_extract_target'] []
/src/openvswitch/lib/jhash.c ['flow_extract_target'] ['flow_extract_target']
/src/openvswitch/./lib/rculist.h [] []
/src/openvswitch/./lib/dp-packet.h ['miniflow_target', 'ofp_print_target', 'flow_extract_target'] []
/src/openvswitch/lib/connectivity.c [] []
/src/openvswitch/lib/packets.c ['json_parser_target', 'miniflow_target', 'ofctl_parse_target', 'odp_target', 'ofp_print_target', 'flow_extract_target'] ['ofctl_parse_target', 'odp_target', 'ofp_print_target', 'flow_extract_target']
/src/openvswitch/lib/ovsdb-data.c [] []
/src/openvswitch/lib/entropy.c ['json_parser_target', 'miniflow_target', 'ofctl_parse_target', 'odp_target', 'ofp_print_target', 'flow_extract_target'] ['json_parser_target', 'miniflow_target', 'ofctl_parse_target', 'odp_target', 'ofp_print_target', 'flow_extract_target']
/src/openvswitch/lib/stream-replay.c ['json_parser_target', 'miniflow_target', 'ofctl_parse_target', 'odp_target', 'ofp_print_target', 'flow_extract_target'] ['json_parser_target', 'miniflow_target', 'ofctl_parse_target', 'odp_target', 'ofp_print_target', 'flow_extract_target']
/src/openvswitch/./lib/cmap.h ['ofp_print_target'] []
/src/openvswitch/lib/conntrack-icmp.c [] []
/src/openvswitch/lib/skiplist.c [] []
/src/openvswitch/./lib/dpif-netdev-perf.h [] []
/src/openvswitch/lib/fat-rwlock.c [] []
/src/openvswitch/lib/dpif-netlink-rtnl.c [] []
/src/openvswitch/lib/ofp-ed-props.c ['ofp_print_target'] ['ofp_print_target']
/src/openvswitch/lib/dpif-netdev-lookup-autovalidator.c [] []
/src/openvswitch/lib/ofp-flow.c ['ofctl_parse_target', 'ofp_print_target'] ['ofctl_parse_target', 'ofp_print_target']
/src/openvswitch/lib/ox-stat.c ['ofp_print_target'] ['ofp_print_target']
/src/openvswitch/lib/timer.c [] []
/src/openvswitch/lib/jsonrpc.c ['json_parser_target', 'miniflow_target', 'ofctl_parse_target', 'odp_target', 'ofp_print_target', 'flow_extract_target'] ['json_parser_target', 'miniflow_target', 'ofctl_parse_target', 'odp_target', 'ofp_print_target', 'flow_extract_target']
/src/openvswitch/lib/ovs-replay.c ['json_parser_target', 'miniflow_target', 'ofctl_parse_target', 'odp_target', 'ofp_print_target', 'flow_extract_target'] ['json_parser_target', 'miniflow_target', 'ofctl_parse_target', 'odp_target', 'ofp_print_target', 'flow_extract_target']
/src/openvswitch/lib/simap.c ['odp_target'] []
/usr/include/openssl/x509.h [] []
/src/openvswitch/lib/learn.c [] []
/src/openvswitch/lib/conntrack-tp.c [] []
/src/openvswitch/./lib/util.h ['miniflow_target', 'ofctl_parse_target', 'odp_target', 'ofp_print_target', 'flow_extract_target'] []
/src/openvswitch/lib/hash.c ['json_parser_target', 'miniflow_target', 'ofctl_parse_target', 'odp_target', 'ofp_print_target', 'flow_extract_target'] ['json_parser_target', 'miniflow_target', 'ofctl_parse_target', 'ofp_print_target']
/src/openvswitch/lib/ovsdb-parser.c [] []
/src/openvswitch/./lib/syslog-provider.h ['json_parser_target', 'miniflow_target', 'ofctl_parse_target', 'odp_target', 'ofp_print_target', 'flow_extract_target'] []
/src/openvswitch/lib/ofp-print.c ['ofp_print_target', 'flow_extract_target'] ['ofp_print_target', 'flow_extract_target']
/src/openvswitch/lib/netdev-vport.c [] []
/src/openvswitch/lib/ofp-table.c ['ofctl_parse_target', 'ofp_print_target'] ['ofctl_parse_target', 'ofp_print_target']
/src/openvswitch/lib/ovsdb-condition.c [] []
/src/openvswitch/./lib/mov-avg.h [] []
/src/openvswitch/lib/ofp-match.c ['ofctl_parse_target', 'ofp_print_target', 'flow_extract_target'] ['ofctl_parse_target', 'ofp_print_target', 'flow_extract_target']
/src/openvswitch/./lib/dpif-netdev-private-flow.h [] []
/src/openvswitch/lib/ofp-switch.c ['ofp_print_target'] ['ofp_print_target']
/src/openvswitch/./lib/netdev-dpdk.h [] []
/src/openvswitch/./lib/packets.h ['miniflow_target', 'ofctl_parse_target', 'odp_target', 'ofp_print_target', 'flow_extract_target'] []
/src/openvswitch/lib/syslog-libc.c ['json_parser_target', 'miniflow_target', 'ofctl_parse_target', 'odp_target', 'ofp_print_target', 'flow_extract_target'] []
/src/openvswitch/tests/oss-fuzz/odp_target.c ['odp_target'] ['odp_target']
/src/openvswitch/lib/dpif-netdev.c [] []
/src/openvswitch/lib/vswitch-idl.c [] []
/src/openvswitch/lib/stream-fd.c [] []
/src/openvswitch/./lib/netlink.h ['odp_target'] []
/src/openvswitch/./lib/netnsid.h [] []
/src/openvswitch/lib/netdev.c ['ofp_print_target'] ['ofp_print_target']
/src/openvswitch/lib/stream-unix.c [] []
/src/openvswitch/lib/sort.c [] []
/src/openvswitch/./lib/bitmap.h ['ofctl_parse_target', 'odp_target', 'ofp_print_target'] []
/src/openvswitch/lib/ovs-router.c [] []
/src/openvswitch/lib/util.c ['json_parser_target', 'miniflow_target', 'ofctl_parse_target', 'odp_target', 'ofp_print_target', 'flow_extract_target'] ['json_parser_target', 'miniflow_target', 'ofctl_parse_target', 'odp_target', 'ofp_print_target', 'flow_extract_target']
/src/openvswitch/lib/namemap.c ['ofctl_parse_target', 'odp_target', 'ofp_print_target', 'flow_extract_target'] []
/src/openvswitch/lib/ofp-ct.c ['ofp_print_target'] ['ofp_print_target']
/src/openvswitch/lib/async-append-aio.c ['json_parser_target', 'miniflow_target', 'ofctl_parse_target', 'odp_target', 'ofp_print_target', 'flow_extract_target'] []
/src/openvswitch/lib/netdev-offload.c [] []
/src/openvswitch/lib/dhparams.c [] []
/src/openvswitch/lib/random.c ['json_parser_target', 'miniflow_target', 'ofctl_parse_target', 'odp_target', 'ofp_print_target', 'flow_extract_target'] ['miniflow_target']
/src/openvswitch/lib/ovsdb-set-op.c [] []
/src/openvswitch/lib/tun-metadata.c ['ofctl_parse_target', 'odp_target', 'ofp_print_target', 'flow_extract_target'] ['ofctl_parse_target', 'odp_target', 'ofp_print_target', 'flow_extract_target']
/src/openvswitch/lib/ofp-port.c ['ofctl_parse_target', 'odp_target', 'ofp_print_target', 'flow_extract_target'] ['ofctl_parse_target', 'odp_target', 'ofp_print_target', 'flow_extract_target']

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