Fuzz introspector
For issues and ideas: https://github.com/ossf/fuzz-introspector/issues

Fuzzer details

Fuzzer: fuzz_regexp

Call tree

The calltree shows the control flow of the fuzzer. This is overlaid with coverage information to display how much of the potential code a fuzzer can reach is in fact covered at runtime. In the following there is a link to a detailed calltree visualisation as well as a bitmap showing a high-level view of the calltree. For further information about these topics please see the glossary for full calltree and calltree overview

Call tree overview bitmap:

The distribution of callsites in terms of coloring is
Color Runtime hitcount Callsite count Percentage
red 0 169 37.9%
gold [1:9] 4 0.89%
yellow [10:29] 2 0.44%
greenyellow [30:49] 1 0.22%
lawngreen 50+ 269 60.4%
All colors 445 100

Fuzz blockers

The followings are the branches where fuzzer fails to bypass.

Unique non-covered Complexity Unique Reachable Complexities Unique Reachable Functions All non-covered Complexity All Reachable Complexity Function Name Function Callsite Blocked Branch
0 8 2 :

['re_parse_error', 'pstrcpy']

0 14 lre_compile call site: 00373 /src/quickjs/libregexp.c:1786
0 4 1 :


0 4 re_emit_range call site: 00290 /src/quickjs/libregexp.c:747
0 2 1 :


0 2 lre_parse_escape call site: 00066 /src/quickjs/libregexp.c:495
0 0 None 366 1397 lre_exec_backtrack call site: 00391 /src/quickjs/libregexp.c:2080
0 0 None 366 1397 lre_exec_backtrack call site: 00398 /src/quickjs/libregexp.c:2124
0 0 None 366 1397 lre_exec_backtrack call site: 00400 /src/quickjs/libregexp.c:2133
0 0 None 366 1397 lre_exec_backtrack call site: 00415 /src/quickjs/libregexp.c:2235
0 0 None 366 1397 lre_exec_backtrack call site: 00419 /src/quickjs/libregexp.c:2249
0 0 None 366 1397 lre_exec_backtrack call site: 00423 /src/quickjs/libregexp.c:2269
0 0 None 366 1397 lre_exec_backtrack call site: 00430 /src/quickjs/libregexp.c:2309
0 0 None 58 923 re_parse_term call site: 00114 /src/quickjs/libregexp.c:1143
0 0 None 58 903 re_parse_term call site: 00306 /src/quickjs/libregexp.c:1366

Runtime coverage analysis

Covered functions
Functions that are reachable but not covered
Reachable functions
Percentage of reachable functions covered
NB: The sum of covered functions and functions that are reachable but not covered need not be equal to Reachable functions . This is because the reachability analysis is an approximation and thus at runtime some functions may be covered that are not included in the reachability analysis. This is a limitation of our static analysis capabilities.
Function name source code lines source lines hit percentage hit

Files reached

filename functions hit
fuzz/fuzz_regexp.c 3
libregexp.c 37
cutils.c 13
./cutils.h 12
./libunicode.h 7
libunicode.c 29

Fuzzer: fuzz_compile

Call tree

The calltree shows the control flow of the fuzzer. This is overlaid with coverage information to display how much of the potential code a fuzzer can reach is in fact covered at runtime. In the following there is a link to a detailed calltree visualisation as well as a bitmap showing a high-level view of the calltree. For further information about these topics please see the glossary for full calltree and calltree overview

Call tree overview bitmap:

The distribution of callsites in terms of coloring is
Color Runtime hitcount Callsite count Percentage
red 0 3176 74.9%
gold [1:9] 700 16.5%
yellow [10:29] 90 2.12%
greenyellow [30:49] 6 0.14%
lawngreen 50+ 268 6.32%
All colors 4240 100

Fuzz blockers

The followings are the branches where fuzzer fails to bypass.

Unique non-covered Complexity Unique Reachable Complexities Unique Reachable Functions All non-covered Complexity All Reachable Complexity Function Name Function Callsite Blocked Branch
54437 132498 21 :

['JS_FreeValue.23', 'js_parse_expr', 'js_parse_expect', 'emit_push_const', 'JS_AtomToValue', 'token_is_ident', 'emit_label', 'emit_atom', 'get_u32', 'optional_chain_test', 'has_with_scope', 'emit_goto', 'get_u16', 'emit_u32', 'emit_op', 'js_parse_error', 'emit_class_field_init', 'next_token', 'js_parse_assign_expr', 'js_parse_template', 'emit_u16']

54459 132532 js_parse_postfix_expr call site: 00000 /src/quickjs/quickjs.c:24768
19771 27700 15 :

['JS_AtomIsNumericIndex1', 'JS_NumberIsNegativeOrMinusZero', 'JS_ToArrayLengthFree', 'JS_IsException.22', '__JS_AtomToUInt32', '__JS_NewFloat64', 'get_prop_flags', 'JS_SetPropertyValue', 'check_define_prop_flags', 'JS_IsUndefined', 'JS_CreateProperty', 'convert_fast_array_to_array', 'JS_AutoInitProperty', 'JS_NumberIsInteger', '__JS_AtomIsTaggedInt']

47968 80322 JS_DefineProperty call site: 00387 /src/quickjs/quickjs.c:9099
19691 43397 9 :

['JS_FreeValue.23', 'check_function', 'js_realloc', 'JS_GetPropertyStr', 'JS_IsException.22', 'JS_ThrowTypeError', 'JS_GetPropertyInternal', 'JS_GetOpaque2', 'JS_IsUndefined']

19691 43397 js_operators_create_internal call site: 02985 /src/quickjs/quickjs.c:50725
7948 23997 6 :

['emit_u32', 'emit_u8', 'js_parse_error', 'emit_return', 'new_label', 'emit_atom']

51856 82987 js_parse_assign_expr2 call site: 00000 /src/quickjs/quickjs.c:25658
7932 7974 4 :

['optimize_scope_make_ref', 'dbuf_put_u16', 'can_opt_put_ref_value', 'get_closure_var']

7969 8434 resolve_scope_var call site: 00000 /src/quickjs/quickjs.c:30633
7896 23667 9 :

['string_buffer_write8', 'string_buffer_end', 'unicode_from_utf8', 'string_buffer_init', 'get_lo_surrogate', 'string_buffer_free', 'get_hi_surrogate', 'string_buffer_putc8', 'string_buffer_putc16']

7896 23667 JS_NewStringLen call site: 00332 /src/quickjs/quickjs.c:3901
7883 7883 2 :

['JS_CallFree', 'js_closure']

7883 7883 JS_EvalFunctionInternal call site: 03298 /src/quickjs/quickjs.c:34399
6018 6018 1 :


60477 138550 js_parse_postfix_expr call site: 00000 /src/quickjs/quickjs.c:24656
5944 5944 1 :


60403 138476 js_parse_postfix_expr call site: 00000 /src/quickjs/quickjs.c:24660
5920 9860 2 :

['js_parse_function_decl', 'js_parse_error']

5920 9879 js_parse_statement_or_decl call site: 00000 /src/quickjs/quickjs.c:27228
5920 5920 1 :


5920 5920 js_parse_source_element call site: 00000 /src/quickjs/quickjs.c:29451
3953 3953 1 :


3953 8391 test_one_input_init call site: 04006 /src/quickjs/fuzz/fuzz_common.c:54

Runtime coverage analysis

Covered functions
Functions that are reachable but not covered
Reachable functions
Percentage of reachable functions covered
NB: The sum of covered functions and functions that are reachable but not covered need not be equal to Reachable functions . This is because the reachability analysis is an approximation and thus at runtime some functions may be covered that are not included in the reachability analysis. This is a limitation of our static analysis capabilities.
Function name source code lines source lines hit percentage hit

Files reached

filename functions hit
fuzz/fuzz_compile.c 1
quickjs.c 607
libbf.c 32
./list.h 6
./cutils.h 18
./quickjs.h 18
./libbf.h 12
cutils.c 16
/usr/include/stdlib.h 1
./libunicode.h 2
libunicode.c 1
fuzz/fuzz_common.c 3
quickjs-libc.c 36
/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/stdio.h 1

Fuzzer: fuzz_eval

Call tree

The calltree shows the control flow of the fuzzer. This is overlaid with coverage information to display how much of the potential code a fuzzer can reach is in fact covered at runtime. In the following there is a link to a detailed calltree visualisation as well as a bitmap showing a high-level view of the calltree. For further information about these topics please see the glossary for full calltree and calltree overview

Call tree overview bitmap:

The distribution of callsites in terms of coloring is
Color Runtime hitcount Callsite count Percentage
red 0 2811 69.9%
gold [1:9] 64 1.59%
yellow [10:29] 38 0.94%
greenyellow [30:49] 451 11.2%
lawngreen 50+ 655 16.2%
All colors 4019 100

Fuzz blockers

The followings are the branches where fuzzer fails to bypass.

Unique non-covered Complexity Unique Reachable Complexities Unique Reachable Functions All non-covered Complexity All Reachable Complexity Function Name Function Callsite Blocked Branch
44017 76352 25 :

['JS_AtomIsNumericIndex1', 'JS_NumberIsNegativeOrMinusZero', 'JS_FreeValue.23', 'JS_ToArrayLengthFree', 'set_array_length', 'JS_IsException.22', 'set_value', 'JS_SetPropertyValue', 'js_shape_prepare_update', 'convert_fast_array_to_array', 'JS_NumberIsInteger', 'js_same_value', '__JS_AtomIsTaggedInt', 'js_update_property_flags', 'JS_IsFunction', '__JS_AtomToUInt32', 'JS_ThrowTypeErrorOrFalse', '__JS_NewFloat64', 'get_prop_flags', 'check_define_prop_flags', 'JS_DupValue', 'free_var_ref', 'JS_AutoInitProperty', 'get_shape_prop', 'JS_IsUndefined']

44017 80322 JS_DefineProperty call site: 00387 /src/quickjs/quickjs.c:9266
37779 132498 21 :

['JS_FreeValue.23', 'js_parse_expr', 'js_parse_expect', 'emit_push_const', 'JS_AtomToValue', 'token_is_ident', 'emit_label', 'emit_atom', 'get_u32', 'optional_chain_test', 'has_with_scope', 'emit_goto', 'get_u16', 'emit_u32', 'emit_op', 'js_parse_error', 'emit_class_field_init', 'next_token', 'js_parse_assign_expr', 'js_parse_template', 'emit_u16']

37801 132532 js_parse_postfix_expr call site: 00000 /src/quickjs/quickjs.c:24768
19691 43397 9 :

['JS_FreeValue.23', 'check_function', 'js_realloc', 'JS_GetPropertyStr', 'JS_IsException.22', 'JS_ThrowTypeError', 'JS_GetPropertyInternal', 'JS_GetOpaque2', 'JS_IsUndefined']

19691 43397 js_operators_create_internal call site: 02985 /src/quickjs/quickjs.c:50725
15820 27700 15 :

['JS_AtomIsNumericIndex1', 'JS_NumberIsNegativeOrMinusZero', 'JS_ToArrayLengthFree', 'JS_IsException.22', '__JS_AtomToUInt32', '__JS_NewFloat64', 'get_prop_flags', 'JS_SetPropertyValue', 'check_define_prop_flags', 'JS_IsUndefined', 'JS_CreateProperty', 'convert_fast_array_to_array', 'JS_AutoInitProperty', 'JS_NumberIsInteger', '__JS_AtomIsTaggedInt']

44017 80322 JS_DefineProperty call site: 00387 /src/quickjs/quickjs.c:9099
11876 11876 2 :

['JS_ToPrimitiveFree', 'js_call_binary_op_fallback']

27640 31587 js_add_slow call site: 02094 /src/quickjs/quickjs.c:13673
7932 7974 4 :

['optimize_scope_make_ref', 'dbuf_put_u16', 'can_opt_put_ref_value', 'get_closure_var']

7969 8434 resolve_scope_var call site: 00000 /src/quickjs/quickjs.c:30633
7886 23667 9 :

['string_buffer_write8', 'string_buffer_end', 'unicode_from_utf8', 'string_buffer_init', 'get_lo_surrogate', 'string_buffer_free', 'get_hi_surrogate', 'string_buffer_putc8', 'string_buffer_putc16']

7886 23667 JS_NewStringLen call site: 00332 /src/quickjs/quickjs.c:3901
6018 6018 1 :


43819 138550 js_parse_postfix_expr call site: 00000 /src/quickjs/quickjs.c:24656
5944 5944 1 :


43745 138476 js_parse_postfix_expr call site: 00000 /src/quickjs/quickjs.c:24660
5920 9860 2 :

['js_parse_function_decl', 'js_parse_error']

5920 9879 js_parse_statement_or_decl call site: 00000 /src/quickjs/quickjs.c:27228
5920 5920 1 :


5920 5920 js_parse_source_element call site: 00000 /src/quickjs/quickjs.c:29451
3953 3953 1 :


3953 8391 test_one_input_init call site: 04006 /src/quickjs/fuzz/fuzz_common.c:54

Runtime coverage analysis

Covered functions
Functions that are reachable but not covered
Reachable functions
Percentage of reachable functions covered
NB: The sum of covered functions and functions that are reachable but not covered need not be equal to Reachable functions . This is because the reachability analysis is an approximation and thus at runtime some functions may be covered that are not included in the reachability analysis. This is a limitation of our static analysis capabilities.
Function name source code lines source lines hit percentage hit

Files reached

filename functions hit
fuzz/fuzz_eval.c 1
quickjs.c 575
libbf.c 32
./list.h 6
./cutils.h 17
./quickjs.h 18
./libbf.h 12
cutils.c 16
/usr/include/stdlib.h 1
./libunicode.h 2
libunicode.c 1
fuzz/fuzz_common.c 3
quickjs-libc.c 36
/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/stdio.h 1

Analyses and suggestions

Optimal target analysis

Remaining optimal interesting functions

The following table shows a list of functions that are optimal targets. Optimal targets are identified by finding the functions that in combination, yield a high code coverage.

Func name Functions filename Arg count Args Function depth hitcount instr count bb count cyclomatic complexity Reachable functions Incoming references total cyclomatic complexity Unreached complexity
__JS_EvalInternal /src/quickjs/quickjs.c 8 ['N/A', 'size_t', 'size_t', 'N/A', 'size_t', 'N/A', 'int', 'int'] 79 0 404 61 21 750 0 6627 2597
js_binary_arith_bigint /src/quickjs/quickjs.c 6 ['N/A', 'int', 'N/A', 'size_t', 'size_t', 'N/A'] 55 0 369 55 15 665 0 4652 699
js_json_stringify /src/quickjs/quickjs.c 5 ['N/A', 'size_t', 'size_t', 'int', 'N/A'] 61 0 25 3 2 599 0 4249 281
js_bigdecimal_fop /src/quickjs/quickjs.c 6 ['N/A', 'size_t', 'size_t', 'int', 'N/A', 'int'] 55 0 284 41 12 630 0 4357 274
js_bigfloat_toExponential /src/quickjs/quickjs.c 5 ['N/A', 'size_t', 'size_t', 'int', 'N/A'] 56 0 162 28 12 663 0 4670 222
js_regexp_Symbol_replace /src/quickjs/quickjs.c 5 ['N/A', 'size_t', 'size_t', 'int', 'N/A'] 61 0 1027 125 51 599 0 4455 205
js_string_normalize /src/quickjs/quickjs.c 5 ['N/A', 'size_t', 'size_t', 'int', 'N/A'] 55 0 190 31 13 581 0 4084 127

Implementing fuzzers that target the above functions will improve reachability such that it becomes:

Functions statically reachable by fuzzers
1315 / 1954
Cyclomatic complexity statically reachable by fuzzers
10875 / 15417

All functions overview

If you implement fuzzers for these functions, the status of all functions in the project will be:

Func name Functions filename Args Function call depth Reached by Fuzzers Fuzzers runtime hit Func lines hit % I Count BB Count Cyclomatic complexity Functions reached Reached by functions Accumulated cyclomatic complexity Undiscovered complexity

Runtime coverage analysis

This section shows analysis of runtime coverage data.

For futher technical details on how this section is generated, please see the Glossary .

Complex functions with low coverage

Func name Function total lines Lines covered at runtime percentage covered Reached by fuzzers
exchange_func 33 9 27.27% ['fuzz_regexp', 'fuzz_compile', 'fuzz_eval']
js_module_set_import_meta 44 24 54.54% ['fuzz_compile', 'fuzz_eval']
JS_NewStringLen 49 16 32.65% ['fuzz_compile', 'fuzz_eval']
JS_ToCStringLen2 77 23 29.87% ['fuzz_compile', 'fuzz_eval']
JS_GetPropertyInternal 128 33 25.78% ['fuzz_compile', 'fuzz_eval']
JS_SetPropertyInternal 244 40 16.39% ['fuzz_compile', 'fuzz_eval']
JS_DefineProperty 236 35 14.83% ['fuzz_compile', 'fuzz_eval']
JS_ToStringInternal 58 16 27.58% ['fuzz_compile', 'fuzz_eval']
is_num_string 31 13 41.93% ['fuzz_compile', 'fuzz_eval']
JS_GetOwnPropertyNamesInternal 168 70 41.66% ['fuzz_compile', 'fuzz_eval']
JS_GetOwnPropertyInternal 70 18 25.71% ['fuzz_compile', 'fuzz_eval']
JS_CallInternal 2371 270 11.38% ['fuzz_compile', 'fuzz_eval']
simple_next_token 81 28 34.56% []
js_host_resolve_imported_module 35 17 48.57% ['fuzz_compile', 'fuzz_eval']
js_default_module_normalize_name 46 8 17.39% ['fuzz_compile', 'fuzz_eval']
js_inner_module_linking 130 67 51.53% ['fuzz_compile', 'fuzz_eval']
js_string_define_own_property 32 11 34.37% []
js_parse_string 123 58 47.15% []
js_promise_resolve_function_call 41 19 46.34% []
fulfill_or_reject_promise 33 12 36.36% []
js_async_function_resume 45 13 28.88% ['fuzz_compile', 'fuzz_eval']
push_scope 32 13 40.62% []
next_token 451 157 34.81% []
js_parse_directives 87 28 32.18% []
js_parse_skip_parens_token 103 47 45.63% []
js_parse_postfix_expr 574 125 21.77% []
js_parse_array_literal 84 38 45.23% []
js_parse_assign_expr2 235 31 13.19% []
js_parse_logical_and_or 35 12 34.28% []
js_parse_expr_binary 163 67 41.10% []
js_parse_unary 121 32 26.44% []
get_lvalue 111 46 41.44% []
put_lvalue 97 34 35.05% []
js_parse_import 105 32 30.47% []
js_parse_statement_or_decl 613 38 6.199% []
is_let 33 5 15.15% []
emit_return 68 17 25.0% []
resolve_variables 312 69 22.11% []
resolve_scope_var 382 75 19.63% []
skip_dead_code 38 13 34.21% []
instantiate_hoisted_definitions 108 27 25.0% []
resolve_labels 757 211 27.87% []
ss_check 33 11 33.33% []
js_operators_create_internal 95 21 22.10% ['fuzz_compile', 'fuzz_eval']
bf_mul_pow_radix 51 22 43.13% []
__bf_round 83 35 42.16% ['fuzz_compile', 'fuzz_eval']
bf_get_rnd_add 43 20 46.51% ['fuzz_compile', 'fuzz_eval']
mp_divnorm 59 8 13.55% []
bf_add_internal 116 60 51.72% []
__bf_div 63 29 46.03% []
bf_atof_internal 227 104 45.81% []
ntt_fft_partial 50 12 24.0% []
js_os_poll 98 14 14.28% ['fuzz_compile', 'fuzz_eval']
JS_ToInt32Free 54 16 29.62% ['fuzz_compile', 'fuzz_eval']
js_closure 42 17 40.47% ['fuzz_compile', 'fuzz_eval']
js_closure2 32 11 34.37% ['fuzz_compile', 'fuzz_eval']
js_add_slow 107 14 13.08% ['fuzz_compile', 'fuzz_eval']
JS_ConcatStringInPlace 34 7 20.58% ['fuzz_compile', 'fuzz_eval']
put_short_code 56 12 21.42% []

Files and Directories in report

This section shows which files and directories are considered in this report. The main reason for showing this is fuzz introspector may include more code in the reasoning than is desired. This section helps identify if too many files/directories are included, e.g. third party code, which may be irrelevant for the threat model. In the event too much is included, fuzz introspector supports a configuration file that can exclude data from the report. See the following link for more information on how to create a config file: link

Files in report

Source file Reached by Covered by
[] []
/src/quickjs/fuzz/fuzz_eval.c ['fuzz_eval'] ['fuzz_eval']
/usr/include/stdlib.h ['fuzz_compile', 'fuzz_eval'] []
/src/quickjs/fuzz/fuzz_regexp.c ['fuzz_regexp'] ['fuzz_regexp']
/src/quickjs/./libbf.h ['fuzz_compile', 'fuzz_eval'] []
/src/quickjs/libbf.c ['fuzz_compile', 'fuzz_eval'] ['fuzz_compile', 'fuzz_eval']
/src/quickjs/libunicode.c ['fuzz_regexp', 'fuzz_compile', 'fuzz_eval'] ['fuzz_regexp', 'fuzz_eval']
/src/quickjs/fuzz/fuzz_compile.c ['fuzz_compile'] ['fuzz_compile']
/src/quickjs/quickjs-libc.c ['fuzz_compile', 'fuzz_eval'] ['fuzz_compile', 'fuzz_eval']
/src/quickjs/./libunicode.h ['fuzz_regexp', 'fuzz_compile', 'fuzz_eval'] []
/src/quickjs/quickjs.c ['fuzz_compile', 'fuzz_eval'] ['fuzz_compile', 'fuzz_eval']
/src/quickjs/./cutils.h ['fuzz_regexp', 'fuzz_compile', 'fuzz_eval'] []
/src/quickjs/./quickjs.h ['fuzz_compile', 'fuzz_eval'] []
/src/quickjs/fuzz/fuzz_common.c ['fuzz_compile', 'fuzz_eval'] ['fuzz_compile', 'fuzz_eval']
/src/quickjs/cutils.c ['fuzz_regexp', 'fuzz_compile', 'fuzz_eval'] ['fuzz_regexp', 'fuzz_compile', 'fuzz_eval']
/src/quickjs/libregexp.c ['fuzz_regexp'] ['fuzz_regexp']
/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/stdio.h ['fuzz_compile', 'fuzz_eval'] []
/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys/stat.h [] []
/src/quickjs/./list.h ['fuzz_compile', 'fuzz_eval'] []

Directories in report
