Fuzz introspector: fuzz_command_parser
For issues and ideas: https://github.com/ossf/fuzz-introspector/issues

Fuzz blockers

The followings are the branches where fuzzer fails to bypass.

Unique non-covered Complexity Unique Reachable Complexities Unique Reachable Functions All non-covered Complexity All Reachable Complexity Function Name Function Callsite Blocked Branch
1823 1823 2 :

['rtpp_cfile_process', 'init_config_bail']

1851 1871 init_config call site: 00000 /src/rtpproxy/src/main.c:676
963 1036 11 :

['handle_copy', 'rtp_resizer_set_ptime', 'rtp_resizer_free', 'rtpp_session_ctor', 'rtpp_timeout_data_ctor', 'free', 'handle_nomem', 'rtp_resizer_new', 'rtpp_create_listener', 'rtpp_rlim_max', 'ul_reply_port']

963 1134 rtpp_command_ul_handle call site: 00285 /src/rtpproxy/src/../src/commands/rpcpv1_ul.c:520
126 1174 6 :

['flush_cstats', 'rtpp_command_stream_get', 'pthread_mutex_lock', 'free_command', 'pthread_mutex_unlock', 'handle_command']

126 1174 process_commands_stream call site: 00000 /src/rtpproxy/src/rtpp_command_async.c:230
82 82 3 :

['prdic_free', 'free', 'rtpp_queue_destroy']

82 82 rtpp_timed_ctor call site: 00000 /src/rtpproxy/src/rtpp_timed.c:173
76 83 7 :

['getdtime', '_rtpp_log_lock', '_rtpp_log_unlock', 'ftime', 'fflush', 'strlvl', 'vsyslog_async']

76 83 _rtpp_log_write_va call site: 00340 /src/rtpproxy/src/rtpp_log_stand.c:256
67 67 3 :

['rtpp_netio_async_destroy', 'free', 'rtpp_proc_async_thread_destroy']

67 67 rtpp_proc_async_ctor call site: 00000 /src/rtpproxy/src/rtpp_proc_async.c:373
55 84 5 :

['rtpp_queue_get_item_by', 'rtpp_queue_get_item', 'run_servers', 'dtime2mtimespec', 'getdtime']

61 90 rtpp_proc_servers_run call site: 00000 /src/rtpproxy/src/rtpp_proc_servers.c:187
50 50 1 :


60 70 _rtpp_log_open call site: 00304 /src/rtpproxy/src/rtpp_log_stand.c:87
46 46 2 :

['getcwd', 'rtpp_daemon']

147 2649 rtpp_main call site: 00000 /src/rtpproxy/src/main.c:966
35 35 1 :


35 35 rtpc_doreply call site: 00025 /src/rtpproxy/src/rtpp_command.c:199
33 33 2 :

['dlclose', 'rtpp_queue_destroy']

33 33 rtpp_mif_load call site: 00000 /src/rtpproxy/src/rtpp_module_if.c:276
31 31 2 :

['free', 'rtpp_queue_destroy']

31 31 rtpp_notify_ctor call site: 00000 /src/rtpproxy/src/rtpp_notify.c:129

Fuzzer calltree

0 LLVMFuzzerTestOneInput [function] [call site] 00000
1 rtpp_command_ctor [function] [call site] 00001
2 rtpp_zmalloc [function] [call site] 00002
1 __assert_fail [call site] 00003
1 rtpp_command_split [function] [call site] 00004
2 rtpp_strsplit [function] [call site] 00005
2 memchr [call site] 00006
2 strlen [call site] 00007
2 rtpp_command_guard_retrans [function] [call site] 00008
3 strlen [call site] 00009
3 rtpp_anetio_sendto [function] [call site] 00010
4 rtpp_wi_malloc [function] [call site] 00011
5 rtpp_rmalloc [function] [call site] 00012
6 rtpp_refcnt_ctor_pa [function] [call site] 00013
5 rtpp_wi_free [function] [call site] 00014
4 rtpp_queue_put_item [function] [call site] 00015
5 pthread_mutex_lock [call site] 00016
5 circ_buf_push [function] [call site] 00017
5 rtpp_queue_getclen [function] [call site] 00018
5 pthread_cond_signal [call site] 00019
5 pthread_mutex_unlock [call site] 00020
2 rtpp_command_pre_parse [function] [call site] 00021
3 fill_cmd_props [function] [call site] 00022
3 reply_error [function] [call site] 00023
4 snprintf [call site] 00024
4 rtpc_doreply [function] [call site] 00025
5 write [call site] 00026
5 snprintf [call site] 00027
5 rtpp_anetio_sendto [function] [call site] 00028
3 reply_error [function] [call site] 00029
3 reply_error [function] [call site] 00030
3 reply_error [function] [call site] 00031
2 reply_error [function] [call site] 00032
1 handle_command [function] [call site] 00033
2 handle_ver_feature [function] [call site] 00034
3 strcmp [call site] 00035
3 reply_number [function] [call site] 00036
4 snprintf [call site] 00037
4 rtpc_doreply [function] [call site] 00038
3 strcmp [call site] 00039
3 reply_number [function] [call site] 00040
2 reply_number [function] [call site] 00041
2 reply_ok [function] [call site] 00042
3 reply_number [function] [call site] 00043
2 handle_info [function] [call site] 00044
3 reply_error [function] [call site] 00045
3 snprintf [call site] 00046
3 snprintf [call site] 00047
3 rtpc_doreply [function] [call site] 00048
2 rtpp_command_play_opts_parse [function] [call site] 00049
3 rtpp_zmalloc [function] [call site] 00050
3 reply_error [function] [call site] 00051
3 strtol [call site] 00052
3 reply_error [function] [call site] 00053
3 rtpp_command_play_opts_free [function] [call site] 00054
2 reply_error [function] [call site] 00055
2 reply_error [function] [call site] 00056
2 reply_error [function] [call site] 00057
2 reply_error [function] [call site] 00058
2 rtpp_command_del_opts_parse [function] [call site] 00059
3 rtpp_zmalloc [function] [call site] 00060
3 reply_error [function] [call site] 00061
3 reply_error [function] [call site] 00062
3 rtpp_command_del_opts_free [function] [call site] 00063
2 rtpp_command_ul_opts_parse [function] [call site] 00064
3 rtpp_zmalloc [function] [call site] 00065
3 reply_error [function] [call site] 00066
3 ul_opts_init [function] [call site] 00067
3 url_unquote [function] [call site] 00068
4 url_unquote2 [function] [call site] 00069
3 reply_error [function] [call site] 00070
3 reply_error [function] [call site] 00071
3 reply_error [function] [call site] 00072
3 strtol [call site] 00073
3 reply_error [function] [call site] 00074
3 __ctype_b_loc [call site] 00075
3 reply_error [function] [call site] 00076
3 reply_error [function] [call site] 00077
3 extractaddr [function] [call site] 00078
4 __ctype_b_loc [call site] 00079
4 __ctype_b_loc [call site] 00080
3 reply_error [function] [call site] 00081
3 reply_error [function] [call site] 00082
3 extractaddr [function] [call site] 00083
3 reply_error [function] [call site] 00084
3 resolve [function] [call site] 00085
4 getaddrinfo [call site] 00086
4 freeaddrinfo [call site] 00087
3 gai_strerror [call site] 00088
3 reply_error [function] [call site] 00089
3 local4remote [function] [call site] 00090
4 socket [call site] 00091
4 connect [call site] 00092
4 close [call site] 00093
4 getsockname [call site] 00094
4 close [call site] 00095
3 reply_error [function] [call site] 00096
3 reply_error [function] [call site] 00097
3 reply_error [function] [call site] 00098
3 reply_error [function] [call site] 00099
3 strlen [call site] 00100
3 ishostnull [function] [call site] 00102
4 abort [call site] 00103
3 reply_error [function] [call site] 00104
3 ntohs [call site] 00105
3 htons [call site] 00106
3 gai_strerror [call site] 00107
3 reply_error [function] [call site] 00108
3 rtpp_command_ul_opts_free [function] [call site] 00109
2 reply_error [function] [call site] 00110
2 handle_get_stats [function] [call site] 00111
3 snprintf [call site] 00112
3 snprintf [call site] 00113
3 snprintf [call site] 00114
3 rtpc_doreply [function] [call site] 00115
2 reply_error [function] [call site] 00116
2 rtpp_subcommand_ul_opts_parse [function] [call site] 00117
3 atoi_safe_sep [function] [call site] 00118
4 strtol [call site] 00119
3 atoi_safe [function] [call site] 00120
4 atoi_safe_sep [function] [call site] 00121
3 rtpp_command_del_opts_parse [function] [call site] 00122
3 handle_delete_as_subc [function] [call site] 00123
4 rtpp_cmd_delete_ematch [function] [call site] 00124
5 compare_session_tags [function] [call site] 00125
6 memcmp [call site] 00126
6 strtoul [call site] 00127
5 compare_session_tags [function] [call site] 00128
2 rtpp_command_ul_opts_free [function] [call site] 00129
2 reply_error [function] [call site] 00130
2 handle_delete [function] [call site] 00131
3 rtpp_cmd_delete_ematch [function] [call site] 00132
3 rtpp_command_del_opts_free [function] [call site] 00133
2 handle_record [function] [call site] 00134
3 rtpp_cmd_record_ematch [function] [call site] 00135
4 compare_session_tags [function] [call site] 00136
4 compare_session_tags [function] [call site] 00137
4 handle_copy [function] [call site] 00138
5 strncmp [call site] 00139
5 rtpp_record_ctor [function] [call site] 00140
6 strncmp [call site] 00141
6 rtpp_rzmalloc [function] [call site] 00142
7 rtpp_refcnt_ctor_pa [function] [call site] 00143
6 pthread_mutex_init [call site] 00144
6 ropen_remote_ctor_pa [function] [call site] 00145
7 strdup [call site] 00146
7 strrchr [call site] 00147
7 atoi [call site] 00148
7 sprintf [call site] 00149
7 gai_strerror [call site] 00151
7 socket [call site] 00152
7 connect [call site] 00153
7 close [call site] 00154
6 rtpp_record_close [function] [call site] 00155
7 flush_rbuf [function] [call site] 00156
8 write [call site] 00157
8 close [call site] 00158
7 close [call site] 00159
7 unlink [call site] 00160
7 rename [call site] 00161
7 pthread_mutex_destroy [call site] 00162
6 sprintf [call site] 00163
6 sprintf [call site] 00164
6 sprintf [call site] 00165
6 sprintf [call site] 00166
6 open [call site] 00167
6 rtpp_record_close [function] [call site] 00168
6 close [call site] 00169
6 pthread_mutex_destroy [call site] 00170
5 __assert_fail [call site] 00171
5 rtpp_record_ctor [function] [call site] 00172
5 rtpp_record_ctor [function] [call site] 00173
2 handle_norecord [function] [call site] 00174
3 rtpp_cmd_norecord_ematch [function] [call site] 00175
4 compare_session_tags [function] [call site] 00176
4 compare_session_tags [function] [call site] 00177
4 handle_stop_record [function] [call site] 00178
4 handle_stop_record [function] [call site] 00179
2 find_stream [function] [call site] 00180
3 rtpp_session_ematch [function] [call site] 00181
4 compare_session_tags [function] [call site] 00182
4 strrchr [call site] 00183
4 strrchr [call site] 00184
2 rtpp_command_ul_opts_free [function] [call site] 00185
2 ul_reply_port [function] [call site] 00186
3 ishostnull [function] [call site] 00187
3 snprintf [call site] 00188
3 addr2char_r [function] [call site] 00189
4 abort [call site] 00190
4 inet_ntop [call site] 00191
3 snprintf [call site] 00192
3 snprintf [call site] 00193
3 snprintf [call site] 00194
3 snprintf [call site] 00195
3 snprintf [call site] 00196
3 rtpc_doreply [function] [call site] 00197
2 rtpp_command_play_opts_free [function] [call site] 00198
2 reply_error [function] [call site] 00199
2 rtpp_command_play_handle [function] [call site] 00202
3 strcmp [call site] 00203
3 reply_error [function] [call site] 00204
3 reply_error [function] [call site] 00205
3 rtpp_command_play_opts_free [function] [call site] 00207
2 handle_copy [function] [call site] 00208
2 reply_error [function] [call site] 00209
2 handle_query [function] [call site] 00211
3 handle_query_simple [function] [call site] 00212
4 snprintf [call site] 00213
4 snprintf [call site] 00214
3 snprintf [call site] 00215
3 snprintf [call site] 00216
3 strcmp [call site] 00217
3 strcmp [call site] 00218
3 snprintf [call site] 00219
3 strcmp [call site] 00220
3 snprintf [call site] 00221
3 snprintf [call site] 00222
3 strcmp [call site] 00223
3 strcmp [call site] 00224
3 snprintf [call site] 00225
3 strcmp [call site] 00226
3 snprintf [call site] 00227
3 strcmp [call site] 00228
3 strcmp [call site] 00229
3 snprintf [call site] 00230
3 strcmp [call site] 00231
3 snprintf [call site] 00232
3 strcmp [call site] 00233
3 snprintf [call site] 00234
3 snprintf [call site] 00235
3 strcmp [call site] 00236
3 snprintf [call site] 00237
3 snprintf [call site] 00238
3 snprintf [call site] 00239
2 reply_error [function] [call site] 00240
2 rtpp_command_ul_handle [function] [call site] 00241
3 reply_error [function] [call site] 00242
3 rtpp_create_listener [function] [call site] 00243
4 create_twinlistener [function] [call site] 00244
5 rtpp_socket_ctor [function] [call site] 00245
6 rtpp_rzmalloc [function] [call site] 00246
6 socket [call site] 00247
6 setsockopt [call site] 00248
6 rtpp_socket_bind [function] [call site] 00249
7 bind [call site] 00250
6 rtpp_socket_settos [function] [call site] 00251
7 setsockopt [call site] 00252
6 rtpp_socket_setrbuf [function] [call site] 00253
6 rtpp_socket_setnonblock [function] [call site] 00254
7 fcntl [call site] 00255
6 rtpp_socket_settimestamp [function] [call site] 00256
7 setsockopt [call site] 00257
7 setsockopt [call site] 00258
7 rtpp_socket_rtp_recv [function] [call site] 00259
8 _rtpp_socket_rtp_recv [function] [call site] 00260
9 rtp_packet_alloc [function] [call site] 00261
10 rtpp_rzmalloc [function] [call site] 00262
9 setport [function] [call site] 00263
10 __assert_fail [call site] 00264
10 htons [call site] 00265
8 recvfromto [function] [call site] 00266
9 _recvfromto [function] [call site] 00267
10 recvmsg [call site] 00268
10 __cmsg_nxthdr [call site] 00269
6 rtpp_socket_send_pkt_na [function] [call site] 00270
7 rtpp_anetio_send_pkt_na [function] [call site] 00271
8 rtpp_wi_malloc_pkt_na [function] [call site] 00272
9 rtpp_wi_pkt_free [function] [call site] 00273
8 rtpp_queue_put_item [function] [call site] 00274
6 rtpp_socket_rtp_recv_simple [function] [call site] 00275
7 rtp_packet_alloc [function] [call site] 00276
7 recvfrom [call site] 00277
6 rtpp_socket_getfd [function] [call site] 00278
6 rtpp_socket_drain [function] [call site] 00279
6 rtpp_socket_set_stuid [function] [call site] 00280
6 rtpp_socket_get_stuid [function] [call site] 00281
6 rtpp_socket_dtor [function] [call site] 00282
5 htons [call site] 00283
5 __errno_location [call site] 00284
3 reply_error [function] [call site] 00285
3 reply_error [function] [call site] 00286
3 reply_error [function] [call site] 00287
3 rtpp_create_listener [function] [call site] 00288
3 reply_error [function] [call site] 00289
3 rtpp_session_ctor [function] [call site] 00290
4 rtpp_gen_uid [function] [call site] 00291
4 rtpp_log_ctor [function] [call site] 00292
5 rtpp_rzmalloc [function] [call site] 00293
5 rtpp_gen_uid [function] [call site] 00294
5 rtpp_log_obj_write_early [function] [call site] 00295
6 fprintf [call site] 00296
6 fflush [call site] 00297
5 rtpp_log_obj_ewrite_early [function] [call site] 00298
6 fprintf [call site] 00299
6 __errno_location [call site] 00300
6 fflush [call site] 00301
5 rtpp_log_obj_setlevel_early [function] [call site] 00302
5 rtpp_log_obj_start [function] [call site] 00303
6 _rtpp_log_open [function] [call site] 00304
7 syslog_async_init [function] [call site] 00305
8 syslog_queue_init [function] [call site] 00306
9 pthread_mutex_init [call site] 00307
9 pthread_cond_init [call site] 00308
9 pthread_mutex_init [call site] 00309
9 pthread_create [call site] 00310
9 syslog_queue_run [function] [call site] 00311
10 pthread_mutex_lock [call site] 00312
10 pthread_mutex_unlock [call site] 00313
10 syslog [call site] 00314
10 pthread_mutex_lock [call site] 00315
10 pthread_cond_signal [call site] 00316
10 pthread_mutex_unlock [call site] 00317
9 pthread_mutex_destroy [call site] 00318
9 pthread_cond_destroy [call site] 00319
8 pthread_mutex_unlock [call site] 00320
8 openlog [call site] 00321
8 atexit [call site] 00322
8 syslog_async_atexit [function] [call site] 00323
9 syslog_queue_get_free_item [function] [call site] 00324
10 pthread_mutex_unlock [call site] 00325
10 pthread_cond_wait [call site] 00326
9 syslog_queue_put_item [function] [call site] 00327
10 pthread_mutex_unlock [call site] 00328
9 pthread_join [call site] 00329
7 rtpp_zmalloc [function] [call site] 00330
7 strcmp [call site] 00331
7 getenv [call site] 00332
7 strtod [call site] 00333
7 getdtime [function] [call site] 00334
8 _getdtime [function] [call site] 00335
9 clock_gettime [call site] 00336
7 strdup [call site] 00337
6 rtpp_log_obj_write [function] [call site] 00338
7 _rtpp_log_write_va [function] [call site] 00339
8 check_level [function] [call site] 00340
8 strlvl [function] [call site] 00341
9 abort [call site] 00342
8 snprintf [call site] 00343
8 vsyslog_async [function] [call site] 00344
9 syslog_queue_get_free_item [function] [call site] 00345
9 syslog_queue_put_item [function] [call site] 00348
8 ftime [function] [call site] 00350
9 modf [call site] 00351
9 snprintf [call site] 00352
8 _rtpp_log_lock [function] [call site] 00353
8 vfprintf [call site] 00355
8 fprintf [call site] 00356
8 _rtpp_log_unlock [function] [call site] 00357
6 rtpp_log_obj_ewrite [function] [call site] 00358
7 _rtpp_log_ewrite_va [function] [call site] 00359
8 check_level [function] [call site] 00360
8 snprintf [call site] 00362
8 __errno_location [call site] 00363
8 vsyslog_async [function] [call site] 00364
8 _rtpp_log_lock [function] [call site] 00367
8 fprintf [call site] 00369
8 fflush [call site] 00370
8 _rtpp_log_unlock [function] [call site] 00371
6 rtpp_log_obj_setlevel [function] [call site] 00372
7 rtpp_log_setlevel [function] [call site] 00373
7 rtpp_log_setlevel [function] [call site] 00374
6 rtpp_log_setlevel [function] [call site] 00375
5 rtpp_log_obj_dtor [function] [call site] 00376
6 _rtpp_log_close [function] [call site] 00377
4 rtpp_pipe_ctor [function] [call site] 00378
5 rtpp_rzmalloc [function] [call site] 00379
5 rtpp_gen_uid [function] [call site] 00380
5 rtpp_stream_ctor [function] [call site] 00381
6 rtpp_rzmalloc [function] [call site] 00382
6 rtpp_analyzer_ctor [function] [call site] 00383
7 rtpp_rzmalloc [function] [call site] 00384
7 rtpp_stats_init [function] [call site] 00385
8 rtp_analyze_jt_ctor [function] [call site] 00386
9 rtpp_zmalloc [function] [call site] 00387
9 rtp_analyze_jdata_ctor [function] [call site] 00388
10 rtpp_zmalloc [function] [call site] 00389
10 rtpp_ringbuf_ctor [function] [call site] 00390
11 rtpp_rzmalloc [function] [call site] 00391
11 rtpp_zmalloc [function] [call site] 00392
11 rtpp_ringbuf_dtor [function] [call site] 00393
7 rtpp_analyzer_dtor [function] [call site] 00394
8 rtpp_stats_destroy [function] [call site] 00395
9 rtp_analyze_jt_destroy [function] [call site] 00396
6 resizer_injest [function] [call site] 00397
7 rtp_resizer_enqueue [function] [call site] 00398
8 rtp_packet_parse [function] [call site] 00399
9 __assert_fail [call site] 00400
9 rtp_packet_parse_raw [function] [call site] 00401
10 ntohs [call site] 00402
10 ntohl [call site] 00403
10 rtp_calc_samples [function] [call site] 00404
11 g723_samples [function] [call site] 00405
12 g723_len [function] [call site] 00406
6 rtpp_pcnt_strm_ctor [function] [call site] 00407
7 rtpp_rzmalloc [function] [call site] 00408
7 pthread_mutex_init [call site] 00409
7 rtpp_pcnt_strm_dtor [function] [call site] 00410
6 rtpp_netaddr_ctor [function] [call site] 00411
7 rtpp_rzmalloc [function] [call site] 00412
7 pthread_mutex_init [call site] 00413
7 rtpp_netaddr_dtor [function] [call site] 00414
6 rtpp_netaddr_ctor [function] [call site] 00415
6 rtpp_gen_uid [function] [call site] 00416
6 rtpp_stream_dtor [function] [call site] 00417
7 _rtpp_stream_get_actor [function] [call site] 00418
7 snprintf [call site] 00419
7 rtp_resizer_free [function] [call site] 00420
7 pthread_mutex_destroy [call site] 00421
5 rtpp_pcount_ctor [function] [call site] 00422
6 rtpp_pcount_dtor [function] [call site] 00423
5 rtpp_pipe_dtor [function] [call site] 00424
4 rtpp_pipe_ctor [function] [call site] 00425
4 rtpp_acct_ctor [function] [call site] 00426
5 rtpp_rzmalloc [function] [call site] 00427
5 rtpp_acct_dtor [function] [call site] 00428
4 _rtpp_str_dup2_sf [function] [call site] 00429
5 _rtpp_str_dup2 [function] [call site] 00430
4 _rtpp_str_dup2_sf [function] [call site] 00431
4 _rtpp_str_dup2_sc [function] [call site] 00432
5 _rtpp_str_dup2 [function] [call site] 00433
4 rtpp_ttl_ctor [function] [call site] 00434
5 rtpp_rzmalloc [function] [call site] 00435
5 pthread_mutex_init [call site] 00436
5 rtpp_ttl_dtor [function] [call site] 00437
6 pthread_mutex_destroy [call site] 00438
4 rtpp_session_dtor [function] [call site] 00439
5 rtpp_timestamp_get [function] [call site] 00440
3 handle_nomem [function] [call site] 00443
4 reply_error [function] [call site] 00444
3 handle_nomem [function] [call site] 00445
3 handle_nomem [function] [call site] 00446
3 rtpp_rlim_max [function] [call site] 00447
3 rtpp_rlim_max [function] [call site] 00448
3 handle_copy [function] [call site] 00449
3 handle_copy [function] [call site] 00450
3 rtpp_timeout_data_ctor [function] [call site] 00451
4 rtpp_rzmalloc [function] [call site] 00452
3 rtp_resizer_set_ptime [function] [call site] 00453
4 rtp_resizer_get_ptime [function] [call site] 00454
3 rtp_resizer_new [function] [call site] 00455
4 rtpp_zmalloc [function] [call site] 00456
4 rtp_resizer_set_ptime [function] [call site] 00457
3 rtp_resizer_free [function] [call site] 00458
3 ul_reply_port [function] [call site] 00459
2 rtpp_command_ul_opts_free [function] [call site] 00460
2 abort [call site] 00461
1 free_command [function] [call site] 00462