Fuzz introspector
For issues and ideas: https://github.com/ossf/fuzz-introspector/issues

Fuzzers overview

Fuzzer Fuzzer filename Functions Reached Functions unreached Fuzzer depth Files reached Basic blocks reached Cyclomatic complexity Details
huf_decompress huf_decompress.c 82 1599 12 15 2587 1050 huf_decompress.c
block_decompress block_decompress.c 54 1627 17 27 520 237 block_decompress.c
block_round_trip block_round_trip.c 420 1264 19 48 7776 2554 block_round_trip.c
decompress_dstSize_tooSmall decompress_dstSize_tooSmall.c 418 1263 19 45 7830 2571 decompress_dstSize_tooSmall.c
simple_decompress simple_decompress.c 53 1628 5 13 535 238 simple_decompress.c
raw_dictionary_round_trip raw_dictionary_round_trip.c 551 1133 23 54 10744 3648 raw_dictionary_round_trip.c
dictionary_stream_round_trip dictionary_stream_round_trip.c 584 1102 22 59 11369 3897 dictionary_stream_round_trip.c
dictionary_loader dictionary_loader.c 539 1146 23 52 10563 3595 dictionary_loader.c
simple_compress simple_compress.c 395 1288 19 36 7482 2406 simple_compress.c
dictionary_round_trip dictionary_round_trip.c 589 1095 23 59 11377 3906 dictionary_round_trip.c
huf_round_trip huf_round_trip.c 150 1534 12 21 5603 1711 huf_round_trip.c
stream_round_trip stream_round_trip.c 827 860 21 59 14667 5245 stream_round_trip.c
seekable_roundtrip seekable_roundtrip.c 866 872 22 59 14914 5347 seekable_roundtrip.c
dictionary_decompress dictionary_decompress.c 730 951 22 63 13153 4714 dictionary_decompress.c
zstd_frame_info zstd_frame_info.c 51 1630 6 14 619 236 zstd_frame_info.c
stream_decompress stream_decompress.c 394 1289 18 34 5665 2321 stream_decompress.c
fse_read_ncount fse_read_ncount.c 22 1661 5 9 306 146 fse_read_ncount.c
simple_round_trip simple_round_trip.c 559 1126 23 54 10281 3493 simple_round_trip.c
sequence_compression_api sequence_compression_api.c 414 1274 18 51 6133 2419 sequence_compression_api.c

Fuzzer details

Fuzzer: huf_decompress

Call tree

The calltree shows the control flow of the fuzzer. This is overlaid with coverage information to display how much of the potential code a fuzzer can reach is in fact covered at runtime. In the following there is a link to a detailed calltree visualisation as well as a bitmap showing a high-level view of the calltree. For further information about these topics please see the glossary for full calltree and calltree overview

Call tree overview bitmap:

The distribution of callsites in terms of coloring is
Color Runtime hitcount Callsite count Percentage
red 0 81 31.1%
gold [1:9] 0 0.0%
yellow [10:29] 0 0.0%
greenyellow [30:49] 0 0.0%
lawngreen 50+ 179 68.8%
All colors 260 100

Fuzz blockers

The followings are the branches where fuzzer fails to bypass.

Unique non-covered Complexity Unique Reachable Complexities Unique Reachable Functions All non-covered Complexity All Reachable Complexity Function Name Function Callsite Blocked Branch
0 0 None 0 9 FUZZ_dataProducer_int32Range call site: 00005 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/fuzz_data_producer.c:60

Runtime coverage analysis

Covered functions
Functions that are reachable but not covered
Reachable functions
Percentage of reachable functions covered
NB: The sum of covered functions and functions that are reachable but not covered need not be equal to Reachable functions . This is because the reachability analysis is an approximation and thus at runtime some functions may be covered that are not included in the reachability analysis. This is a limitation of our static analysis capabilities.
Warning: The number of covered functions are larger than the number of reachable functions. This means that there are more functions covered at runtime than are extracted using static analysis. This is likely a result of the static analysis component failing to extract the right call graph or the coverage runtime being compiled with sanitizers in code that the static analysis has not analysed. This can happen if lto/gold is not used in all places that coverage instrumentation is used.
Function name source code lines source lines hit percentage hit

Files reached

filename functions hit
huf_decompress.c 1
fuzz_data_producer.c 5
fuzz_helpers.c 1
../../lib/common/cpu.h 1
../../lib/decompress/huf_decompress.c 28
../../lib/common/entropy_common.c 8
../../lib/common/fse_decompress.c 4
../../lib/common/mem.h 8
../../lib/common/bits.h 3
../../lib/common/error_private.h 1
../../lib/common/bitstream.h 3
../../lib/common/fse.h 1
../../lib/decompress/../common/error_private.h 1
../../lib/common/zstd_common.c 1
../../lib/decompress/../common/bits.h 3

Fuzzer: block_decompress

Call tree

The calltree shows the control flow of the fuzzer. This is overlaid with coverage information to display how much of the potential code a fuzzer can reach is in fact covered at runtime. In the following there is a link to a detailed calltree visualisation as well as a bitmap showing a high-level view of the calltree. For further information about these topics please see the glossary for full calltree and calltree overview

Call tree overview bitmap:

The distribution of callsites in terms of coloring is
Color Runtime hitcount Callsite count Percentage
red 0 237 48.0%
gold [1:9] 2 0.40%
yellow [10:29] 1 0.20%
greenyellow [30:49] 1 0.20%
lawngreen 50+ 252 51.1%
All colors 493 100

Fuzz blockers

The followings are the branches where fuzzer fails to bypass.

Unique non-covered Complexity Unique Reachable Complexities Unique Reachable Functions All non-covered Complexity All Reachable Complexity Function Name Function Callsite Blocked Branch
0 0 None 290 290 HUF_readStats_wksp call site: 00190 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/common/entropy_common.c:334
0 0 None 234 234 ZSTD_decompressSequencesSplitLitBuffer call site: 00418 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/decompress/zstd_decompress_block.c:1962
0 0 None 215 215 FSE_decompress_wksp_bmi2 call site: 00192 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/common/fse_decompress.c:303
0 0 None 165 165 HUF_decompress4X2_usingDTable_internal call site: 00096 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/decompress/huf_decompress.c:1664
0 0 None 101 101 HUF_decompress4X1_usingDTable_internal call site: 00149 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/decompress/huf_decompress.c:853
0 0 None 27 27 ZSTD_buildFSETable call site: 00315 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/decompress/zstd_decompress_block.c:632
0 0 None 21 21 FUZZ_malloc_rand call site: 00004 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/fuzz_helpers.c:28
0 0 None 0 0 ZSTD_customFree call site: 00476 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/decompress/../common/allocations.h:48
0 0 None 0 0 ZSTD_customMalloc call site: 00014 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/decompress/../common/allocations.h:28
0 0 1 :


0 0 ZSTD_freeDDict call site: 00475 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/decompress/zstd_ddict.c:214

Runtime coverage analysis

Covered functions
Functions that are reachable but not covered
Reachable functions
Percentage of reachable functions covered
NB: The sum of covered functions and functions that are reachable but not covered need not be equal to Reachable functions . This is because the reachability analysis is an approximation and thus at runtime some functions may be covered that are not included in the reachability analysis. This is a limitation of our static analysis capabilities.
Warning: The number of covered functions are larger than the number of reachable functions. This means that there are more functions covered at runtime than are extracted using static analysis. This is likely a result of the static analysis component failing to extract the right call graph or the coverage runtime being compiled with sanitizers in code that the static analysis has not analysed. This can happen if lto/gold is not used in all places that coverage instrumentation is used.
Function name source code lines source lines hit percentage hit

Files reached

filename functions hit
block_decompress.c 1
fuzz_data_producer.c 4
fuzz_helpers.c 2
../../lib/decompress/zstd_decompress.c 9
../../lib/decompress/../common/allocations.h 2
../../lib/legacy/../common/zstd_internal.h 1
../../lib/common/cpu.h 2
../../lib/decompress/zstd_decompress_block.c 30
../../lib/decompress/../common/mem.h 9
../../lib/decompress/zstd_decompress_internal.h 1
../../lib/decompress/huf_decompress.c 33
../../lib/common/bitstream.h 4
../../lib/common/mem.h 8
../../lib/decompress/../common/bits.h 3
../../lib/decompress/../common/error_private.h 1
../../lib/common/entropy_common.c 8
../../lib/common/fse_decompress.c 4
../../lib/common/bits.h 3
../../lib/common/error_private.h 1
../../lib/common/fse.h 1
../../lib/decompress/../common/zstd_internal.h 2
../../lib/decompress/zstd_ddict.c 1
../../lib/decompress/../legacy/zstd_legacy.h 1
../../lib/legacy/zstd_v04.c 3
../../lib/legacy/zstd_v05.c 2
../../lib/legacy/zstd_v06.c 2
../../lib/legacy/zstd_v07.c 2

Fuzzer: block_round_trip

Call tree

The calltree shows the control flow of the fuzzer. This is overlaid with coverage information to display how much of the potential code a fuzzer can reach is in fact covered at runtime. In the following there is a link to a detailed calltree visualisation as well as a bitmap showing a high-level view of the calltree. For further information about these topics please see the glossary for full calltree and calltree overview

Call tree overview bitmap:

The distribution of callsites in terms of coloring is
Color Runtime hitcount Callsite count Percentage
red 0 763 49.5%
gold [1:9] 9 0.58%
yellow [10:29] 2 0.12%
greenyellow [30:49] 5 0.32%
lawngreen 50+ 762 49.4%
All colors 1541 100

Fuzz blockers

The followings are the branches where fuzzer fails to bypass.

Unique non-covered Complexity Unique Reachable Complexities Unique Reachable Functions All non-covered Complexity All Reachable Complexity Function Name Function Callsite Blocked Branch
1110 1112 4 :

['ZSTD_reset_compressedBlockState', 'ZSTD_loadDictionaryContent', 'MEM_readLE32.474', 'ZSTD_loadZstdDictionary']

1110 1112 ZSTD_compress_insertDictionary call site: 00291 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/zstd_compress.c:5040
341 341 2 :

['ZSTD_ldm_generateSequences', 'ZSTD_ldm_blockCompress']

341 343 ZSTD_buildSeqStore call site: 00629 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/zstd_compress.c:3261
192 205 9 :

['ZSTDMT_releaseAllJobResources', 'ZSTDMT_freeBufferPool', 'POOL_free', 'ZSTDMT_freeCCtxPool', 'ZSTDMT_freeSeqPool', 'ZSTDMT_freeJobsTable', 'ZSTDMT_serialState_free', 'ZSTD_freeCDict', 'ZSTD_customFree.2175']

192 205 ZSTDMT_freeCCtx call site: 00000 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/zstdmt_compress.c:1015
95 95 1 :


95 95 ZSTD_compressBlock_doubleFast call site: 00000 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/zstd_double_fast.c:559
95 95 1 :


95 95 ZSTD_compressBlock_doubleFast call site: 00000 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/zstd_double_fast.c:559
79 79 1 :


79 79 ZSTD_compressBlock_fast call site: 00000 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/zstd_fast.c:429
79 79 1 :


79 79 ZSTD_compressBlock_fast call site: 00000 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/zstd_fast.c:429
79 79 1 :


79 79 ZSTD_compressBlock_fast call site: 00000 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/zstd_fast.c:442
77 77 1 :


77 77 ZSTD_compressBlock_fast call site: 00000 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/zstd_fast.c:429
20 20 1 :


1624 2521 ZSTD_compressContinue_internal call site: 00547 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/zstd_compress.c:4641
12 12 3 :

['HUF_getNbBitsFromCTable', 'FSE_initCState.1921', 'FSE_getMaxNbBits']

12 31 ZSTD_rescaleFreqs call site: 00000 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/zstd_opt.c:158
11 11 1 :


15 565 ZSTD_resetCCtx_internal call site: 00105 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/zstd_compress.c:2110

Runtime coverage analysis

Covered functions
Functions that are reachable but not covered
Reachable functions
Percentage of reachable functions covered
NB: The sum of covered functions and functions that are reachable but not covered need not be equal to Reachable functions . This is because the reachability analysis is an approximation and thus at runtime some functions may be covered that are not included in the reachability analysis. This is a limitation of our static analysis capabilities.
Warning: The number of covered functions are larger than the number of reachable functions. This means that there are more functions covered at runtime than are extracted using static analysis. This is likely a result of the static analysis component failing to extract the right call graph or the coverage runtime being compiled with sanitizers in code that the static analysis has not analysed. This can happen if lto/gold is not used in all places that coverage instrumentation is used.
Function name source code lines source lines hit percentage hit

Files reached

filename functions hit
block_round_trip.c 2
fuzz_data_producer.c 6
fuzz_helpers.c 2
../../lib/compress/zstd_compress.c 108
../../lib/compress/../common/allocations.h 2
../../lib/compress/../common/zstd_internal.h 3
../../lib/common/cpu.h 2
../../lib/compress/zstd_cwksp.h 32
../../lib/common/error_private.h 1
../../lib/decompress/zstd_decompress.c 9
../../lib/decompress/../common/allocations.h 2
../../lib/legacy/../common/zstd_internal.h 1
../../lib/compress/zstd_compress_internal.h 29
../../lib/compress/../common/bits.h 5
../../lib/compress/zstd_ldm.c 20
../../lib/common/xxhash.h 6
../../lib/compress/zstd_fast.c 3
../../lib/compress/../common/mem.h 13
../../lib/compress/zstd_double_fast.c 3
../../lib/compress/zstd_lazy.c 3
../../lib/common/mem.h 16
../../lib/compress/zstd_opt.c 2
../../lib/compress/huf_compress.c 28
../../lib/common/entropy_common.c 9
../../lib/common/fse_decompress.c 4
../../lib/common/bits.h 3
../../lib/common/bitstream.h 5
../../lib/common/fse.h 4
../../lib/compress/../common/error_private.h 1
../../lib/compress/fse_compress.c 11
../../lib/common/zstd_common.c 1
../../lib/compress/zstd_compress_superblock.c 11
../../lib/compress/hist.c 4
../../lib/compress/zstd_compress_sequences.c 11
../../lib/compress/zstd_compress_literals.c 5
../../lib/decompress/zstd_decompress_block.c 30
../../lib/decompress/../common/mem.h 9
../../lib/decompress/zstd_decompress_internal.h 1
../../lib/decompress/huf_decompress.c 33
../../lib/decompress/../common/bits.h 3
../../lib/decompress/../common/error_private.h 1
../../lib/decompress/../common/zstd_internal.h 2
../../lib/decompress/zstd_ddict.c 1
../../lib/decompress/../legacy/zstd_legacy.h 1
../../lib/legacy/zstd_v04.c 3
../../lib/legacy/zstd_v05.c 2
../../lib/legacy/zstd_v06.c 2
../../lib/legacy/zstd_v07.c 2

Fuzzer: decompress_dstSize_tooSmall

Call tree

The calltree shows the control flow of the fuzzer. This is overlaid with coverage information to display how much of the potential code a fuzzer can reach is in fact covered at runtime. In the following there is a link to a detailed calltree visualisation as well as a bitmap showing a high-level view of the calltree. For further information about these topics please see the glossary for full calltree and calltree overview

Call tree overview bitmap:

The distribution of callsites in terms of coloring is
Color Runtime hitcount Callsite count Percentage
red 0 641 52.3%
gold [1:9] 2 0.16%
yellow [10:29] 0 0.0%
greenyellow [30:49] 0 0.0%
lawngreen 50+ 581 47.4%
All colors 1224 100

Fuzz blockers

The followings are the branches where fuzzer fails to bypass.

Unique non-covered Complexity Unique Reachable Complexities Unique Reachable Functions All non-covered Complexity All Reachable Complexity Function Name Function Callsite Blocked Branch
1110 1112 4 :

['ZSTD_reset_compressedBlockState', 'ZSTD_loadDictionaryContent', 'MEM_readLE32.474', 'ZSTD_loadZstdDictionary']

1110 1112 ZSTD_compress_insertDictionary call site: 00287 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/zstd_compress.c:5040
341 341 2 :

['ZSTD_ldm_generateSequences', 'ZSTD_ldm_blockCompress']

341 343 ZSTD_buildSeqStore call site: 00619 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/zstd_compress.c:3261
314 314 4 :

['ZSTD_compressBlock_fast_noDict_6_1', 'ZSTD_compressBlock_fast_noDict_4_1', 'ZSTD_compressBlock_fast_noDict_5_1', 'ZSTD_compressBlock_fast_noDict_7_1']

314 314 ZSTD_compressBlock_fast call site: 00000 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/zstd_fast.c:428
192 205 9 :

['ZSTDMT_releaseAllJobResources', 'ZSTDMT_freeBufferPool', 'POOL_free', 'ZSTDMT_freeCCtxPool', 'ZSTDMT_freeSeqPool', 'ZSTDMT_freeJobsTable', 'ZSTDMT_serialState_free', 'ZSTD_freeCDict', 'ZSTD_customFree.2175']

192 205 ZSTDMT_freeCCtx call site: 01162 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/zstdmt_compress.c:1015
126 126 5 :

['ZSTD_fseBitCost', 'ZSTD_entropyCost', 'ZSTD_crossEntropyCost', 'ZSTD_NCountCost', 'ERR_isError.798']

126 126 ZSTD_selectEncodingType call site: 00801 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/zstd_compress_sequences.c:179
77 77 1 :


77 77 ZSTD_compressBlock_fast call site: 00000 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/zstd_fast.c:442
12 326 6 :

['ERR_isError.412', 'HUF_estimateCompressedSize', 'HUF_cardinality', 'HUF_writeCTable_wksp', 'HUF_buildCTable_wksp', 'HUF_minTableLog']

12 326 HUF_optimalTableLog call site: 00712 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/huf_compress.c:1251
11 11 1 :


11 565 ZSTD_resetCCtx_internal call site: 00101 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/zstd_compress.c:2110
7 7 1 :


7 7 ZSTD_buildSeqStore call site: 00581 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/zstd_compress.c:3209
0 56 1 :


0 2483 ZSTD_compressContinue_internal call site: 00554 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/zstd_compress.c:4661
0 20 2 :

['ZSTD_writeFrameHeader', 'ERR_isError.463']

27 55 ZSTD_writeEpilogue call site: 01120 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/zstd_compress.c:5188
0 17 1 :


0 17 HIST_count_wksp call site: 00695 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/hist.c:160

Runtime coverage analysis

Covered functions
Functions that are reachable but not covered
Reachable functions
Percentage of reachable functions covered
NB: The sum of covered functions and functions that are reachable but not covered need not be equal to Reachable functions . This is because the reachability analysis is an approximation and thus at runtime some functions may be covered that are not included in the reachability analysis. This is a limitation of our static analysis capabilities.
Function name source code lines source lines hit percentage hit

Files reached

filename functions hit
decompress_dstSize_tooSmall.c 1
fuzz_data_producer.c 4
fuzz_helpers.c 1
../../lib/compress/zstd_compress.c 110
../../lib/compress/../common/allocations.h 2
../../lib/compress/../common/zstd_internal.h 3
../../lib/common/cpu.h 2
../../lib/compress/zstd_cwksp.h 32
../../lib/common/error_private.h 2
../../lib/decompress/zstd_decompress.c 9
../../lib/decompress/../common/allocations.h 2
../../lib/legacy/../common/zstd_internal.h 1
../../lib/compress/zstd_compress_internal.h 29
../../lib/compress/../common/bits.h 5
../../lib/compress/zstd_ldm.c 20
../../lib/common/xxhash.h 11
../../lib/compress/zstd_fast.c 3
../../lib/compress/../common/mem.h 13
../../lib/compress/zstd_double_fast.c 3
../../lib/compress/zstd_lazy.c 3
../../lib/common/mem.h 15
../../lib/compress/zstd_opt.c 2
../../lib/compress/huf_compress.c 28
../../lib/common/entropy_common.c 9
../../lib/common/fse_decompress.c 4
../../lib/common/bits.h 3
../../lib/common/bitstream.h 3
../../lib/common/fse.h 4
../../lib/compress/../common/error_private.h 1
../../lib/compress/fse_compress.c 11
../../lib/compress/zstd_compress_superblock.c 11
../../lib/compress/hist.c 4
../../lib/compress/zstd_compress_sequences.c 11
../../lib/compress/zstd_compress_literals.c 5
../../lib/common/zstd_common.c 2
../../lib/decompress/zstd_ddict.c 1
../../lib/compress/zstdmt_compress.c 8
../../lib/common/pool.c 2
../../lib/common/threading.c 2
../../lib/common/../common/allocations.h 1
../../lib/decompress/../legacy/zstd_legacy.h 1
../../lib/legacy/zstd_v04.c 3
../../lib/legacy/zstd_v05.c 2
../../lib/legacy/zstd_v06.c 2
../../lib/legacy/zstd_v07.c 2

Fuzzer: simple_decompress

Call tree

The calltree shows the control flow of the fuzzer. This is overlaid with coverage information to display how much of the potential code a fuzzer can reach is in fact covered at runtime. In the following there is a link to a detailed calltree visualisation as well as a bitmap showing a high-level view of the calltree. For further information about these topics please see the glossary for full calltree and calltree overview

Call tree overview bitmap:

The distribution of callsites in terms of coloring is
Color Runtime hitcount Callsite count Percentage
red 0 22 48.8%
gold [1:9] 0 0.0%
yellow [10:29] 0 0.0%
greenyellow [30:49] 0 0.0%
lawngreen 50+ 23 51.1%
All colors 45 100

Fuzz blockers

The followings are the branches where fuzzer fails to bypass.

Unique non-covered Complexity Unique Reachable Complexities Unique Reachable Functions All non-covered Complexity All Reachable Complexity Function Name Function Callsite Blocked Branch
52 56 2 :

['HUFv05_decompress1X4_usingDTable', 'HUFv05_isError']

52 56 ZSTDv05_decodeLiteralsBlock call site: 00000 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/legacy/zstd_v05.c:2867
52 52 2 :

['ERR_isError.4868', 'HUFv06_decompress1X4_usingDTable']

52 52 ZSTDv06_decodeLiteralsBlock call site: 00000 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/legacy/zstd_v06.c:3060
0 14 3 :

['ZSTDv05_wildcopy', 'ZSTDv05_copy8', 'ZSTDv05_copy4']

0 14 ZSTDv05_execSequence call site: 00000 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/legacy/zstd_v05.c:3204
0 14 3 :

['ZSTDv06_copy4', 'ZSTDv06_copy8', 'ZSTDv06_wildcopy']

0 14 ZSTDv06_execSequence call site: 00000 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/legacy/zstd_v06.c:3344
0 14 3 :

['ZSTDv07_wildcopy', 'ZSTDv07_copy8', 'ZSTDv07_copy4']

0 14 ZSTDv07_execSequence call site: 00000 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/legacy/zstd_v07.c:3569
0 0 None 290 290 HUF_readStats_wksp call site: 00000 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/common/entropy_common.c:334
0 0 None 234 234 ZSTD_decompressSequencesSplitLitBuffer call site: 00000 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/decompress/zstd_decompress_block.c:1962
0 0 None 215 215 FSE_decompress_wksp_bmi2 call site: 00000 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/common/fse_decompress.c:303
0 0 None 165 165 HUF_decompress4X2_usingDTable_internal call site: 00000 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/decompress/huf_decompress.c:1664
0 0 None 101 101 HUF_decompress4X1_usingDTable_internal call site: 00000 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/decompress/huf_decompress.c:853
0 0 None 27 27 ZSTD_buildFSETable call site: 00000 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/decompress/zstd_decompress_block.c:632
0 0 None 24 2058 ZSTD_decompressMultiFrame call site: 00000 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/decompress/zstd_decompress.c:1116

Runtime coverage analysis

Covered functions
Functions that are reachable but not covered
Reachable functions
Percentage of reachable functions covered
NB: The sum of covered functions and functions that are reachable but not covered need not be equal to Reachable functions . This is because the reachability analysis is an approximation and thus at runtime some functions may be covered that are not included in the reachability analysis. This is a limitation of our static analysis capabilities.
Warning: The number of covered functions are larger than the number of reachable functions. This means that there are more functions covered at runtime than are extracted using static analysis. This is likely a result of the static analysis component failing to extract the right call graph or the coverage runtime being compiled with sanitizers in code that the static analysis has not analysed. This can happen if lto/gold is not used in all places that coverage instrumentation is used.
Function name source code lines source lines hit percentage hit

Files reached

filename functions hit
simple_decompress.c 1
fuzz_data_producer.c 5
fuzz_helpers.c 1
../../lib/decompress/zstd_decompress.c 9
../../lib/decompress/../common/allocations.h 2
../../lib/legacy/../common/zstd_internal.h 1
../../lib/common/cpu.h 2
../../lib/decompress/zstd_ddict.c 1
../../lib/decompress/../legacy/zstd_legacy.h 1
../../lib/legacy/zstd_v04.c 3
../../lib/legacy/zstd_v05.c 2
../../lib/legacy/zstd_v06.c 2
../../lib/legacy/zstd_v07.c 2

Fuzzer: raw_dictionary_round_trip

Call tree

The calltree shows the control flow of the fuzzer. This is overlaid with coverage information to display how much of the potential code a fuzzer can reach is in fact covered at runtime. In the following there is a link to a detailed calltree visualisation as well as a bitmap showing a high-level view of the calltree. For further information about these topics please see the glossary for full calltree and calltree overview

Call tree overview bitmap:

The distribution of callsites in terms of coloring is
Color Runtime hitcount Callsite count Percentage
red 0 320 17.6%
gold [1:9] 4 0.22%
yellow [10:29] 2 0.11%
greenyellow [30:49] 0 0.0%
lawngreen 50+ 1485 81.9%
All colors 1811 100

Fuzz blockers

The followings are the branches where fuzzer fails to bypass.

Unique non-covered Complexity Unique Reachable Complexities Unique Reachable Functions All non-covered Complexity All Reachable Complexity Function Name Function Callsite Blocked Branch
518 518 2 :

['ZSTD_loadZstdDictionary', 'MEM_readLE32.474']

518 814 ZSTD_compress_insertDictionary call site: 00347 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/zstd_compress.c:5048
432 432 3 :

['ZSTD_loadDEntropy', 'ERR_isError.2472', 'MEM_readLE32.2471']

432 432 ZSTD_loadEntropy_intoDDict call site: 01727 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/decompress/zstd_ddict.c:95
12 27 2 :

['ZSTDMT_waitForAllJobsCompleted', 'ZSTDMT_releaseAllJobResources']

12 990 ZSTDMT_initCStream_internal call site: 00720 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/zstdmt_compress.c:1240
12 12 3 :

['HUF_getNbBitsFromCTable', 'FSE_initCState.1921', 'FSE_getMaxNbBits']

12 31 ZSTD_rescaleFreqs call site: 00000 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/zstd_opt.c:158
6 6 1 :


6 435 ZSTD_loadDictionaryContent call site: 00358 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/zstd_compress.c:4780
0 84 1 :


2 86 ZSTDMT_releaseCCtx call site: 01638 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/zstdmt_compress.c:437
0 59 1 :


0 61 ZSTD_buildSeqStore call site: 01127 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/zstd_compress.c:3312
0 56 1 :


0 2483 ZSTD_compressContinue_internal call site: 01067 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/zstd_compress.c:4661
0 25 1 :


0 25 ZSTD_litLengthPrice call site: 00000 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/zstd_opt.c:305
0 20 2 :

['ZSTD_writeFrameHeader', 'ERR_isError.463']

27 55 ZSTD_writeEpilogue call site: 01600 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/zstd_compress.c:5188
0 17 1 :


0 17 HIST_count_wksp call site: 01162 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/hist.c:160
0 3 1 :


0 20 findSynchronizationPoint call site: 00917 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/zstdmt_compress.c:1727

Runtime coverage analysis

Covered functions
Functions that are reachable but not covered
Reachable functions
Percentage of reachable functions covered
NB: The sum of covered functions and functions that are reachable but not covered need not be equal to Reachable functions . This is because the reachability analysis is an approximation and thus at runtime some functions may be covered that are not included in the reachability analysis. This is a limitation of our static analysis capabilities.
Warning: The number of covered functions are larger than the number of reachable functions. This means that there are more functions covered at runtime than are extracted using static analysis. This is likely a result of the static analysis component failing to extract the right call graph or the coverage runtime being compiled with sanitizers in code that the static analysis has not analysed. This can happen if lto/gold is not used in all places that coverage instrumentation is used.
Function name source code lines source lines hit percentage hit

Files reached

filename functions hit
raw_dictionary_round_trip.c 2
fuzz_data_producer.c 5
fuzz_helpers.c 2
../../lib/compress/zstd_compress.c 136
../../lib/compress/../common/allocations.h 3
../../lib/compress/../common/zstd_internal.h 4
../../lib/common/cpu.h 2
../../lib/compress/zstd_cwksp.h 33
../../lib/common/error_private.h 1
../../lib/decompress/zstd_decompress.c 12
../../lib/decompress/../common/allocations.h 2
../../lib/legacy/../common/zstd_internal.h 1
zstd_helpers.c 6
../../lib/compress/zstd_compress_internal.h 34
../../lib/compress/../common/bits.h 5
../../lib/common/zstd_common.c 1
../../contrib/externalSequenceProducer/sequence_producer.c 1
../../lib/common/mem.h 15
../../lib/compress/zstd_ldm.c 20
../../lib/common/xxhash.h 11
../../lib/compress/zstd_fast.c 3
../../lib/compress/../common/mem.h 13
../../lib/compress/zstd_double_fast.c 3
../../lib/compress/zstd_lazy.c 3
../../lib/compress/zstd_opt.c 2
../../lib/compress/huf_compress.c 28
../../lib/common/entropy_common.c 9
../../lib/common/fse_decompress.c 4
../../lib/common/bits.h 3
../../lib/common/bitstream.h 3
../../lib/common/fse.h 4
../../lib/compress/../common/error_private.h 1
../../lib/compress/fse_compress.c 11
../../lib/compress/zstdmt_compress.c 50
../../lib/common/pool.c 9
../../lib/common/../common/allocations.h 2
../../lib/common/threading.c 4
../../lib/compress/zstd_compress_superblock.c 11
../../lib/compress/hist.c 4
../../lib/compress/zstd_compress_sequences.c 11
../../lib/compress/zstd_compress_literals.c 5
../../lib/decompress/zstd_ddict.c 4
../../lib/legacy/../common/mem.h 2
../../lib/decompress/huf_decompress.c 8
../../lib/decompress/../common/error_private.h 1
../../lib/legacy/../common/error_private.h 1
../../lib/decompress/zstd_decompress_block.c 3
../../lib/decompress/../common/mem.h 1
../../lib/decompress/../common/bits.h 2
../../lib/decompress/../legacy/zstd_legacy.h 1
../../lib/legacy/zstd_v04.c 3
../../lib/legacy/zstd_v05.c 2
../../lib/legacy/zstd_v06.c 2
../../lib/legacy/zstd_v07.c 2

Fuzzer: dictionary_stream_round_trip

Call tree

The calltree shows the control flow of the fuzzer. This is overlaid with coverage information to display how much of the potential code a fuzzer can reach is in fact covered at runtime. In the following there is a link to a detailed calltree visualisation as well as a bitmap showing a high-level view of the calltree. For further information about these topics please see the glossary for full calltree and calltree overview

Call tree overview bitmap:

The distribution of callsites in terms of coloring is
Color Runtime hitcount Callsite count Percentage
red 0 198 10.0%
gold [1:9] 4 0.20%
yellow [10:29] 7 0.35%
greenyellow [30:49] 5 0.25%
lawngreen 50+ 1749 89.0%
All colors 1963 100

Fuzz blockers

The followings are the branches where fuzzer fails to bypass.

Unique non-covered Complexity Unique Reachable Complexities Unique Reachable Functions All non-covered Complexity All Reachable Complexity Function Name Function Callsite Blocked Branch
12 27 2 :

['ZSTDMT_waitForAllJobsCompleted', 'ZSTDMT_releaseAllJobResources']

12 990 ZSTDMT_initCStream_internal call site: 01570 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/zstdmt_compress.c:1240
6 6 1 :


6 435 ZSTD_loadDictionaryContent call site: 00284 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/zstd_compress.c:4780
4 4 2 :

['fwrite', 'fflush']

4 101 ZDICT_analyzeEntropy call site: 01268 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/dictBuilder/zdict.c:813
0 84 1 :


2 86 ZSTDMT_releaseCCtx call site: 01787 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/zstdmt_compress.c:437
0 59 1 :


0 61 ZSTD_buildSeqStore call site: 00777 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/zstd_compress.c:3312
0 25 1 :


0 25 ZSTD_litLengthPrice call site: 00000 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/zstd_opt.c:305
0 20 2 :

['ZSTD_writeFrameHeader', 'ERR_isError.463']

0 55 ZSTD_writeEpilogue call site: 01750 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/zstd_compress.c:5188
0 17 1 :


0 17 HIST_count_wksp call site: 00813 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/hist.c:160
0 3 1 :


4 7 FASTCOVER_ctx_init call site: 00065 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/dictBuilder/fastcover.c:383
0 0 None 295 295 ZSTD_decompressSequencesLong call site: 00000 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/decompress/zstd_decompress_block.c:1985
0 0 None 165 165 HUF_decompress4X2_usingDTable_internal call site: 00000 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/decompress/huf_decompress.c:1664
0 0 None 123 4528 ZSTD_compressStream2 call site: 01466 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/zstd_compress.c:6289

Runtime coverage analysis

Covered functions
Functions that are reachable but not covered
Reachable functions
Percentage of reachable functions covered
NB: The sum of covered functions and functions that are reachable but not covered need not be equal to Reachable functions . This is because the reachability analysis is an approximation and thus at runtime some functions may be covered that are not included in the reachability analysis. This is a limitation of our static analysis capabilities.
Warning: The number of covered functions are larger than the number of reachable functions. This means that there are more functions covered at runtime than are extracted using static analysis. This is likely a result of the static analysis component failing to extract the right call graph or the coverage runtime being compiled with sanitizers in code that the static analysis has not analysed. This can happen if lto/gold is not used in all places that coverage instrumentation is used.
Function name source code lines source lines hit percentage hit

Files reached

filename functions hit
dictionary_stream_round_trip.c 4
fuzz_data_producer.c 5
fuzz_helpers.c 2
../../lib/compress/zstd_compress.c 143
../../lib/compress/../common/allocations.h 3
../../lib/compress/../common/zstd_internal.h 4
../../lib/common/cpu.h 2
../../lib/compress/zstd_cwksp.h 33
../../lib/common/error_private.h 1
../../lib/decompress/zstd_decompress.c 12
../../lib/decompress/../common/allocations.h 2
../../lib/legacy/../common/zstd_internal.h 1
zstd_helpers.c 7
../../lib/dictBuilder/fastcover.c 9
../../lib/dictBuilder/cover.c 3
../../lib/dictBuilder/../compress/zstd_compress_internal.h 4
../../lib/common/mem.h 15
../../lib/dictBuilder/zdict.c 8
../../lib/common/xxhash.h 11
../../lib/dictBuilder/../common/bits.h 2
../../lib/compress/zstd_compress_internal.h 34
../../lib/compress/../common/bits.h 5
../../lib/compress/zstd_ldm.c 20
../../lib/compress/zstd_fast.c 3
../../lib/compress/../common/mem.h 13
../../lib/compress/zstd_double_fast.c 3
../../lib/compress/zstd_lazy.c 3
../../lib/compress/zstd_opt.c 2
../../lib/compress/huf_compress.c 28
../../lib/common/entropy_common.c 9
../../lib/common/fse_decompress.c 4
../../lib/common/bits.h 3
../../lib/common/bitstream.h 3
../../lib/common/fse.h 4
../../lib/compress/../common/error_private.h 1
../../lib/compress/fse_compress.c 11
../../lib/compress/zstd_compress_superblock.c 11
../../lib/compress/hist.c 4
../../lib/compress/zstd_compress_sequences.c 11
../../lib/compress/zstd_compress_literals.c 5
../../lib/compress/zstdmt_compress.c 50
../../lib/common/pool.c 9
../../lib/common/threading.c 4
../../lib/common/../common/allocations.h 2
../../lib/common/zstd_common.c 1
../../contrib/externalSequenceProducer/sequence_producer.c 1
../../lib/decompress/zstd_ddict.c 4
../../lib/legacy/../common/mem.h 2
../../lib/decompress/huf_decompress.c 8
../../lib/decompress/../common/error_private.h 1
../../lib/legacy/../common/error_private.h 1
../../lib/decompress/zstd_decompress_block.c 3
../../lib/decompress/../common/mem.h 1
../../lib/decompress/../common/bits.h 2
../../lib/decompress/../legacy/zstd_legacy.h 1
../../lib/legacy/zstd_v04.c 3
../../lib/legacy/zstd_v05.c 2
../../lib/legacy/zstd_v06.c 2
../../lib/legacy/zstd_v07.c 2

Fuzzer: dictionary_loader

Call tree

The calltree shows the control flow of the fuzzer. This is overlaid with coverage information to display how much of the potential code a fuzzer can reach is in fact covered at runtime. In the following there is a link to a detailed calltree visualisation as well as a bitmap showing a high-level view of the calltree. For further information about these topics please see the glossary for full calltree and calltree overview

Call tree overview bitmap:

The distribution of callsites in terms of coloring is
Color Runtime hitcount Callsite count Percentage
red 0 925 53.3%
gold [1:9] 2 0.11%
yellow [10:29] 2 0.11%
greenyellow [30:49] 2 0.11%
lawngreen 50+ 803 46.3%
All colors 1734 100

Fuzz blockers

The followings are the branches where fuzzer fails to bypass.

Unique non-covered Complexity Unique Reachable Complexities Unique Reachable Functions All non-covered Complexity All Reachable Complexity Function Name Function Callsite Blocked Branch
2726 2760 4 :

['ZSTDMT_compressStream_generic', 'ZSTDMT_updateCParams_whileCompressing', 'ZSTD_CCtx_trace', 'ZSTD_CCtx_reset']

2726 2763 ZSTD_compressStream2 call site: 00804 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/zstd_compress.c:6314
1387 1387 3 :

['ZSTDMT_createCCtx_advanced', 'ZSTDMT_initCStream_internal', 'ZSTD_trace_compress_begin']

1387 1387 ZSTD_CCtx_init_compressStream2 call site: 00467 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/zstd_compress.c:6221
341 341 2 :

['ZSTD_ldm_generateSequences', 'ZSTD_ldm_blockCompress']

341 343 ZSTD_buildSeqStore call site: 01035 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/zstd_compress.c:3261
316 316 1 :


316 316 ZSTD_compressBlock_doubleFast_extDict call site: 00000 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/zstd_double_fast.c:748
316 316 1 :


316 316 ZSTD_compressBlock_doubleFast_extDict call site: 00000 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/zstd_double_fast.c:748
192 205 9 :

['ZSTDMT_releaseAllJobResources', 'ZSTDMT_freeBufferPool', 'POOL_free', 'ZSTDMT_freeCCtxPool', 'ZSTDMT_freeSeqPool', 'ZSTDMT_freeJobsTable', 'ZSTDMT_serialState_free', 'ZSTD_freeCDict', 'ZSTD_customFree.2175']

192 205 ZSTDMT_freeCCtx call site: 00581 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/zstdmt_compress.c:1015
126 126 5 :

['ZSTD_fseBitCost', 'ZSTD_entropyCost', 'ZSTD_crossEntropyCost', 'ZSTD_NCountCost', 'ERR_isError.798']

126 126 ZSTD_selectEncodingType call site: 01185 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/zstd_compress_sequences.c:179
121 121 1 :


121 121 ZSTD_compressBlock_doubleFast_dictMatchState call site: 00000 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/zstd_double_fast.c:579
121 121 1 :


121 121 ZSTD_compressBlock_doubleFast_dictMatchState call site: 00000 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/zstd_double_fast.c:579
95 95 1 :


95 95 ZSTD_compressBlock_doubleFast call site: 00000 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/zstd_double_fast.c:559
95 95 1 :


95 95 ZSTD_compressBlock_doubleFast call site: 00000 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/zstd_double_fast.c:559
59 68 2 :

['ZSTD_window_update', 'ZSTD_ldm_fillHashTable']

304 420 ZSTD_loadDictionaryContent call site: 00226 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/zstd_compress.c:4789

Runtime coverage analysis

Covered functions
Functions that are reachable but not covered
Reachable functions
Percentage of reachable functions covered
NB: The sum of covered functions and functions that are reachable but not covered need not be equal to Reachable functions . This is because the reachability analysis is an approximation and thus at runtime some functions may be covered that are not included in the reachability analysis. This is a limitation of our static analysis capabilities.
Function name source code lines source lines hit percentage hit

Files reached

filename functions hit
dictionary_loader.c 3
fuzz_data_producer.c 4
fuzz_helpers.c 2
../../lib/compress/zstd_compress.c 131
../../lib/compress/../common/allocations.h 3
../../lib/compress/../common/zstd_internal.h 4
../../lib/common/cpu.h 2
../../lib/compress/zstd_cwksp.h 33
../../lib/common/error_private.h 1
../../lib/common/zstd_common.c 1
../../lib/compress/zstd_compress_internal.h 34
../../lib/compress/../common/bits.h 5
../../lib/compress/zstd_ldm.c 20
../../lib/common/xxhash.h 11
../../lib/compress/zstd_fast.c 3
../../lib/compress/../common/mem.h 13
../../lib/compress/zstd_double_fast.c 3
../../lib/compress/zstd_lazy.c 3
../../lib/common/mem.h 15
../../lib/compress/zstd_opt.c 2
../../lib/compress/huf_compress.c 28
../../lib/common/entropy_common.c 9
../../lib/common/fse_decompress.c 4
../../lib/common/bits.h 3
../../lib/common/bitstream.h 3
../../lib/common/fse.h 4
../../lib/compress/../common/error_private.h 1
../../lib/compress/fse_compress.c 11
../../lib/compress/zstdmt_compress.c 50
../../lib/common/pool.c 9
../../lib/common/../common/allocations.h 2
../../lib/common/threading.c 4
../../lib/compress/zstd_compress_superblock.c 11
../../lib/compress/hist.c 4
../../lib/compress/zstd_compress_sequences.c 11
../../lib/compress/zstd_compress_literals.c 5
../../lib/decompress/zstd_decompress.c 12
../../lib/decompress/../common/allocations.h 2
../../lib/legacy/../common/zstd_internal.h 1
../../lib/decompress/zstd_ddict.c 4
../../lib/legacy/../common/mem.h 2
../../lib/decompress/huf_decompress.c 8
../../lib/decompress/../common/error_private.h 1
../../lib/legacy/../common/error_private.h 1
../../lib/decompress/zstd_decompress_block.c 3
../../lib/decompress/../common/mem.h 1
../../lib/decompress/../common/bits.h 2
../../lib/decompress/../legacy/zstd_legacy.h 1
../../lib/legacy/zstd_v04.c 3
../../lib/legacy/zstd_v05.c 2
../../lib/legacy/zstd_v06.c 2
../../lib/legacy/zstd_v07.c 2

Fuzzer: simple_compress

Call tree

The calltree shows the control flow of the fuzzer. This is overlaid with coverage information to display how much of the potential code a fuzzer can reach is in fact covered at runtime. In the following there is a link to a detailed calltree visualisation as well as a bitmap showing a high-level view of the calltree. For further information about these topics please see the glossary for full calltree and calltree overview

Call tree overview bitmap:

The distribution of callsites in terms of coloring is
Color Runtime hitcount Callsite count Percentage
red 0 498 41.6%
gold [1:9] 1 0.08%
yellow [10:29] 1 0.08%
greenyellow [30:49] 1 0.08%
lawngreen 50+ 694 58.0%
All colors 1195 100

Fuzz blockers

The followings are the branches where fuzzer fails to bypass.

Unique non-covered Complexity Unique Reachable Complexities Unique Reachable Functions All non-covered Complexity All Reachable Complexity Function Name Function Callsite Blocked Branch
1110 1112 4 :

['ZSTD_reset_compressedBlockState', 'ZSTD_loadDictionaryContent', 'MEM_readLE32.474', 'ZSTD_loadZstdDictionary']

1110 1112 ZSTD_compress_insertDictionary call site: 00284 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/zstd_compress.c:5040
341 341 2 :

['ZSTD_ldm_generateSequences', 'ZSTD_ldm_blockCompress']

341 343 ZSTD_buildSeqStore call site: 00616 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/zstd_compress.c:3261
192 205 9 :

['ZSTDMT_releaseAllJobResources', 'ZSTDMT_freeBufferPool', 'POOL_free', 'ZSTDMT_freeCCtxPool', 'ZSTDMT_freeSeqPool', 'ZSTDMT_freeJobsTable', 'ZSTDMT_serialState_free', 'ZSTD_freeCDict', 'ZSTD_customFree.2175']

192 205 ZSTDMT_freeCCtx call site: 01150 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/zstdmt_compress.c:1015
95 95 1 :


95 95 ZSTD_compressBlock_doubleFast call site: 00000 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/zstd_double_fast.c:559
95 95 1 :


95 95 ZSTD_compressBlock_doubleFast call site: 00000 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/zstd_double_fast.c:559
79 79 1 :


79 79 ZSTD_compressBlock_fast call site: 00000 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/zstd_fast.c:429
77 77 1 :


77 77 ZSTD_compressBlock_fast call site: 00000 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/zstd_fast.c:429
12 12 3 :

['HUF_getNbBitsFromCTable', 'FSE_initCState.1921', 'FSE_getMaxNbBits']

12 31 ZSTD_rescaleFreqs call site: 00000 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/zstd_opt.c:158
11 11 1 :


11 565 ZSTD_resetCCtx_internal call site: 00098 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/zstd_compress.c:2110
0 56 1 :


0 2483 ZSTD_compressContinue_internal call site: 00551 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/zstd_compress.c:4661
0 20 2 :

['ZSTD_writeFrameHeader', 'ERR_isError.463']

27 55 ZSTD_writeEpilogue call site: 01117 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/zstd_compress.c:5188
0 17 1 :


0 17 HIST_count_wksp call site: 00692 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/hist.c:160

Runtime coverage analysis

Covered functions
Functions that are reachable but not covered
Reachable functions
Percentage of reachable functions covered
NB: The sum of covered functions and functions that are reachable but not covered need not be equal to Reachable functions . This is because the reachability analysis is an approximation and thus at runtime some functions may be covered that are not included in the reachability analysis. This is a limitation of our static analysis capabilities.
Function name source code lines source lines hit percentage hit

Files reached

filename functions hit
simple_compress.c 1
fuzz_data_producer.c 6
fuzz_helpers.c 1
../../lib/compress/zstd_compress.c 110
../../lib/compress/../common/allocations.h 2
../../lib/compress/../common/zstd_internal.h 3
../../lib/common/cpu.h 2
../../lib/compress/zstd_cwksp.h 32
../../lib/common/error_private.h 2
../../lib/compress/zstd_compress_internal.h 29
../../lib/compress/../common/bits.h 5
../../lib/compress/zstd_ldm.c 20
../../lib/common/xxhash.h 11
../../lib/compress/zstd_fast.c 3
../../lib/compress/../common/mem.h 13
../../lib/compress/zstd_double_fast.c 3
../../lib/compress/zstd_lazy.c 3
../../lib/common/mem.h 15
../../lib/compress/zstd_opt.c 2
../../lib/compress/huf_compress.c 28
../../lib/common/entropy_common.c 9
../../lib/common/fse_decompress.c 4
../../lib/common/bits.h 3
../../lib/common/bitstream.h 3
../../lib/common/fse.h 4
../../lib/compress/../common/error_private.h 1
../../lib/compress/fse_compress.c 11
../../lib/compress/zstd_compress_superblock.c 11
../../lib/compress/hist.c 4
../../lib/compress/zstd_compress_sequences.c 11
../../lib/compress/zstd_compress_literals.c 5
../../lib/common/zstd_common.c 2
../../lib/compress/zstdmt_compress.c 8
../../lib/common/pool.c 2
../../lib/common/threading.c 2
../../lib/common/../common/allocations.h 1

Fuzzer: dictionary_round_trip

Call tree

The calltree shows the control flow of the fuzzer. This is overlaid with coverage information to display how much of the potential code a fuzzer can reach is in fact covered at runtime. In the following there is a link to a detailed calltree visualisation as well as a bitmap showing a high-level view of the calltree. For further information about these topics please see the glossary for full calltree and calltree overview

Call tree overview bitmap:

The distribution of callsites in terms of coloring is
Color Runtime hitcount Callsite count Percentage
red 0 281 14.2%
gold [1:9] 3 0.15%
yellow [10:29] 4 0.20%
greenyellow [30:49] 2 0.10%
lawngreen 50+ 1688 85.3%
All colors 1978 100

Fuzz blockers

The followings are the branches where fuzzer fails to bypass.

Unique non-covered Complexity Unique Reachable Complexities Unique Reachable Functions All non-covered Complexity All Reachable Complexity Function Name Function Callsite Blocked Branch
12 27 2 :

['ZSTDMT_waitForAllJobsCompleted', 'ZSTDMT_releaseAllJobResources']

12 990 ZSTDMT_initCStream_internal call site: 01610 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/zstdmt_compress.c:1240
6 6 1 :


6 435 ZSTD_loadDictionaryContent call site: 00286 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/zstd_compress.c:4780
4 4 2 :

['fwrite', 'fflush']

4 101 ZDICT_analyzeEntropy call site: 01268 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/dictBuilder/zdict.c:813
0 84 1 :


2 86 ZSTDMT_releaseCCtx call site: 01804 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/zstdmt_compress.c:437
0 59 1 :


0 61 ZSTD_buildSeqStore call site: 00777 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/zstd_compress.c:3312
0 25 1 :


0 25 ZSTD_litLengthPrice call site: 00000 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/zstd_opt.c:305
0 20 2 :

['ZSTD_writeFrameHeader', 'ERR_isError.463']

27 55 ZSTD_writeEpilogue call site: 01348 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/zstd_compress.c:5188
0 17 1 :


0 17 HIST_count_wksp call site: 00813 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/hist.c:160
0 3 1 :


4 7 FASTCOVER_ctx_init call site: 00066 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/dictBuilder/fastcover.c:383
0 3 1 :


0 20 findSynchronizationPoint call site: 01689 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/zstdmt_compress.c:1727
0 0 None 295 295 ZSTD_decompressSequencesLong call site: 00000 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/decompress/zstd_decompress_block.c:1985
0 0 None 234 234 ZSTD_decompressSequencesSplitLitBuffer call site: 00000 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/decompress/zstd_decompress_block.c:1962

Runtime coverage analysis

Covered functions
Functions that are reachable but not covered
Reachable functions
Percentage of reachable functions covered
NB: The sum of covered functions and functions that are reachable but not covered need not be equal to Reachable functions . This is because the reachability analysis is an approximation and thus at runtime some functions may be covered that are not included in the reachability analysis. This is a limitation of our static analysis capabilities.
Warning: The number of covered functions are larger than the number of reachable functions. This means that there are more functions covered at runtime than are extracted using static analysis. This is likely a result of the static analysis component failing to extract the right call graph or the coverage runtime being compiled with sanitizers in code that the static analysis has not analysed. This can happen if lto/gold is not used in all places that coverage instrumentation is used.
Function name source code lines source lines hit percentage hit

Files reached

filename functions hit
dictionary_round_trip.c 2
fuzz_data_producer.c 8
fuzz_helpers.c 2
../../lib/compress/zstd_compress.c 147
../../lib/compress/../common/allocations.h 3
../../lib/compress/../common/zstd_internal.h 4
../../lib/common/cpu.h 2
../../lib/compress/zstd_cwksp.h 33
../../lib/common/error_private.h 1
../../lib/decompress/zstd_decompress.c 12
../../lib/decompress/../common/allocations.h 2
../../lib/legacy/../common/zstd_internal.h 1
zstd_helpers.c 7
../../lib/dictBuilder/fastcover.c 9
../../lib/dictBuilder/cover.c 3
../../lib/dictBuilder/../compress/zstd_compress_internal.h 4
../../lib/common/mem.h 15
../../lib/dictBuilder/zdict.c 8
../../lib/common/xxhash.h 11
../../lib/dictBuilder/../common/bits.h 2
../../lib/compress/zstd_compress_internal.h 34
../../lib/compress/../common/bits.h 5
../../lib/compress/zstd_ldm.c 20
../../lib/compress/zstd_fast.c 3
../../lib/compress/../common/mem.h 13
../../lib/compress/zstd_double_fast.c 3
../../lib/compress/zstd_lazy.c 3
../../lib/compress/zstd_opt.c 2
../../lib/compress/huf_compress.c 28
../../lib/common/entropy_common.c 9
../../lib/common/fse_decompress.c 4
../../lib/common/bits.h 3
../../lib/common/bitstream.h 3
../../lib/common/fse.h 4
../../lib/compress/../common/error_private.h 1
../../lib/compress/fse_compress.c 11
../../lib/compress/zstd_compress_superblock.c 11
../../lib/compress/hist.c 4
../../lib/compress/zstd_compress_sequences.c 11
../../lib/compress/zstd_compress_literals.c 5
../../lib/compress/zstdmt_compress.c 50
../../lib/common/pool.c 9
../../lib/common/threading.c 4
../../lib/common/../common/allocations.h 2
../../lib/common/zstd_common.c 1
../../contrib/externalSequenceProducer/sequence_producer.c 1
../../lib/decompress/zstd_ddict.c 4
../../lib/legacy/../common/mem.h 2
../../lib/decompress/huf_decompress.c 8
../../lib/decompress/../common/error_private.h 1
../../lib/legacy/../common/error_private.h 1
../../lib/decompress/zstd_decompress_block.c 3
../../lib/decompress/../common/mem.h 1
../../lib/decompress/../common/bits.h 2
../../lib/decompress/../legacy/zstd_legacy.h 1
../../lib/legacy/zstd_v04.c 3
../../lib/legacy/zstd_v05.c 2
../../lib/legacy/zstd_v06.c 2
../../lib/legacy/zstd_v07.c 2

Fuzzer: huf_round_trip

Call tree

The calltree shows the control flow of the fuzzer. This is overlaid with coverage information to display how much of the potential code a fuzzer can reach is in fact covered at runtime. In the following there is a link to a detailed calltree visualisation as well as a bitmap showing a high-level view of the calltree. For further information about these topics please see the glossary for full calltree and calltree overview

Call tree overview bitmap:

The distribution of callsites in terms of coloring is
Color Runtime hitcount Callsite count Percentage
red 0 105 23.6%
gold [1:9] 3 0.67%
yellow [10:29] 1 0.22%
greenyellow [30:49] 0 0.0%
lawngreen 50+ 335 75.4%
All colors 444 100

Fuzz blockers

The followings are the branches where fuzzer fails to bypass.

Unique non-covered Complexity Unique Reachable Complexities Unique Reachable Functions All non-covered Complexity All Reachable Complexity Function Name Function Callsite Blocked Branch
0 17 1 :


0 17 HIST_count_wksp call site: 00022 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/hist.c:160
0 0 None 0 9 FUZZ_dataProducer_int32Range call site: 00005 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/fuzz_data_producer.c:60
0 0 None 0 0 FSE_buildDTable_internal call site: 00164 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/common/fse_decompress.c:93
0 0 None 0 0 FSE_buildCTable_wksp call site: 00118 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/fse_compress.c:104
0 0 None 0 0 FSE_buildCTable_wksp call site: 00120 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/fse_compress.c:116
0 0 None 0 0 FSE_normalizeM2 call site: 00108 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/fse_compress.c:414
0 0 None 0 0 FSE_normalizeM2 call site: 00108 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/fse_compress.c:427
0 0 None 0 0 FSE_normalizeM2 call site: 00108 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/fse_compress.c:438
0 0 None 0 0 HIST_count_parallel_wksp call site: 00024 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/hist.c:83

Runtime coverage analysis

Covered functions
Functions that are reachable but not covered
Reachable functions
Percentage of reachable functions covered
NB: The sum of covered functions and functions that are reachable but not covered need not be equal to Reachable functions . This is because the reachability analysis is an approximation and thus at runtime some functions may be covered that are not included in the reachability analysis. This is a limitation of our static analysis capabilities.
Warning: The number of covered functions are larger than the number of reachable functions. This means that there are more functions covered at runtime than are extracted using static analysis. This is likely a result of the static analysis component failing to extract the right call graph or the coverage runtime being compiled with sanitizers in code that the static analysis has not analysed. This can happen if lto/gold is not used in all places that coverage instrumentation is used.
Function name source code lines source lines hit percentage hit

Files reached

filename functions hit
huf_round_trip.c 2
fuzz_data_producer.c 5
fuzz_helpers.c 2
../../lib/common/cpu.h 1
../../lib/compress/hist.c 5
../../lib/compress/../common/mem.h 1
../../lib/common/zstd_common.c 1
../../lib/common/error_private.h 2
../../lib/common/bits.h 3
../../lib/compress/huf_compress.c 26
../../lib/compress/fse_compress.c 10
../../lib/compress/../common/bits.h 2
../../lib/compress/../common/error_private.h 1
../../lib/common/mem.h 12
../../lib/decompress/huf_decompress.c 28
../../lib/common/entropy_common.c 8
../../lib/common/fse_decompress.c 4
../../lib/common/bitstream.h 3
../../lib/common/fse.h 1
../../lib/decompress/../common/error_private.h 1
../../lib/decompress/../common/bits.h 3

Fuzzer: stream_round_trip

Call tree

The calltree shows the control flow of the fuzzer. This is overlaid with coverage information to display how much of the potential code a fuzzer can reach is in fact covered at runtime. In the following there is a link to a detailed calltree visualisation as well as a bitmap showing a high-level view of the calltree. For further information about these topics please see the glossary for full calltree and calltree overview

Call tree overview bitmap:

The distribution of callsites in terms of coloring is
Color Runtime hitcount Callsite count Percentage
red 0 1444 45.9%
gold [1:9] 0 0.0%
yellow [10:29] 12 0.38%
greenyellow [30:49] 0 0.0%
lawngreen 50+ 1684 53.6%
All colors 3140 100

Fuzz blockers

The followings are the branches where fuzzer fails to bypass.

Unique non-covered Complexity Unique Reachable Complexities Unique Reachable Functions All non-covered Complexity All Reachable Complexity Function Name Function Callsite Blocked Branch
776 776 1 :


776 776 ZSTD_initLocalDict call site: 00206 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/zstd_compress.c:1242
518 518 2 :

['ZSTD_loadZstdDictionary', 'MEM_readLE32.474']

518 814 ZSTD_compress_insertDictionary call site: 00343 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/zstd_compress.c:5048
59 68 2 :

['ZSTD_window_update', 'ZSTD_ldm_fillHashTable']

111 420 ZSTD_loadDictionaryContent call site: 00359 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/zstd_compress.c:4789
40 40 1 :


40 40 ZSTD_fillDoubleHashTable call site: 00412 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/zstd_double_fast.c:91
36 36 1 :


36 36 ZSTD_fillHashTable call site: 00396 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/zstd_fast.c:88
12 27 2 :

['ZSTDMT_waitForAllJobsCompleted', 'ZSTDMT_releaseAllJobResources']

792 990 ZSTDMT_initCStream_internal call site: 00716 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/zstdmt_compress.c:1240
12 12 3 :

['HUF_getNbBitsFromCTable', 'FSE_initCState.1921', 'FSE_getMaxNbBits']

12 31 ZSTD_rescaleFreqs call site: 00000 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/zstd_opt.c:158
6 6 1 :


117 435 ZSTD_loadDictionaryContent call site: 00354 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/zstd_compress.c:4780
4 4 1 :


4 4 ZSTD_decompressStream call site: 03107 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/decompress/zstd_decompress.c:2346
2 2 1 :


2 2 ZSTD_findFrameSizeInfo call site: 02662 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/decompress/zstd_decompress.c:784
0 84 1 :


2 86 ZSTDMT_releaseCCtx call site: 01635 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/zstdmt_compress.c:437
0 59 1 :


0 61 ZSTD_buildSeqStore call site: 01123 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/zstd_compress.c:3312

Runtime coverage analysis

Covered functions
Functions that are reachable but not covered
Reachable functions
Percentage of reachable functions covered
NB: The sum of covered functions and functions that are reachable but not covered need not be equal to Reachable functions . This is because the reachability analysis is an approximation and thus at runtime some functions may be covered that are not included in the reachability analysis. This is a limitation of our static analysis capabilities.
Function name source code lines source lines hit percentage hit

Files reached

filename functions hit
stream_round_trip.c 5
fuzz_data_producer.c 5
fuzz_helpers.c 2
../../lib/compress/zstd_compress.c 134
../../lib/compress/../common/allocations.h 3
../../lib/compress/../common/zstd_internal.h 4
../../lib/common/cpu.h 2
../../lib/compress/zstd_cwksp.h 33
../../lib/common/error_private.h 1
../../lib/decompress/zstd_decompress.c 40
../../lib/decompress/../common/allocations.h 2
../../lib/legacy/../common/zstd_internal.h 2
zstd_helpers.c 6
../../lib/compress/zstd_compress_internal.h 34
../../lib/compress/../common/bits.h 5
../../lib/common/zstd_common.c 1
../../contrib/externalSequenceProducer/sequence_producer.c 1
../../lib/common/mem.h 16
../../lib/compress/zstd_ldm.c 20
../../lib/common/xxhash.h 11
../../lib/compress/zstd_fast.c 3
../../lib/compress/../common/mem.h 13
../../lib/compress/zstd_double_fast.c 3
../../lib/compress/zstd_lazy.c 3
../../lib/compress/zstd_opt.c 2
../../lib/compress/huf_compress.c 28
../../lib/common/entropy_common.c 9
../../lib/common/fse_decompress.c 4
../../lib/common/bits.h 3
../../lib/common/bitstream.h 5
../../lib/common/fse.h 4
../../lib/compress/../common/error_private.h 1
../../lib/compress/fse_compress.c 11
../../lib/compress/zstdmt_compress.c 50
../../lib/common/pool.c 9
../../lib/common/../common/allocations.h 2
../../lib/common/threading.c 4
../../lib/compress/zstd_compress_superblock.c 11
../../lib/compress/hist.c 4
../../lib/compress/zstd_compress_sequences.c 11
../../lib/compress/zstd_compress_literals.c 5
../../lib/legacy/../common/error_private.h 1
../../lib/decompress/../legacy/zstd_legacy.h 5
../../lib/legacy/zstd_v04.c 61
../../lib/legacy/zstd_v05.c 67
../../lib/legacy/../common/mem.h 11
../../lib/legacy/zstd_v06.c 73
../../lib/legacy/zstd_v07.c 83
../../lib/decompress/zstd_ddict.c 4
../../lib/legacy/zstd_v01.c 5
../../lib/legacy/zstd_v02.c 6
../../lib/legacy/zstd_v03.c 6
../../lib/decompress/zstd_decompress_block.c 29
../../lib/decompress/../common/mem.h 9
../../lib/decompress/zstd_decompress_internal.h 1
../../lib/decompress/huf_decompress.c 33
../../lib/decompress/../common/bits.h 3
../../lib/decompress/../common/error_private.h 1
../../lib/decompress/../common/zstd_internal.h 2

Fuzzer: seekable_roundtrip

Call tree

The calltree shows the control flow of the fuzzer. This is overlaid with coverage information to display how much of the potential code a fuzzer can reach is in fact covered at runtime. In the following there is a link to a detailed calltree visualisation as well as a bitmap showing a high-level view of the calltree. For further information about these topics please see the glossary for full calltree and calltree overview

Call tree overview bitmap:

The distribution of callsites in terms of coloring is
Color Runtime hitcount Callsite count Percentage
red 0 1969 63.6%
gold [1:9] 1 0.03%
yellow [10:29] 1 0.03%
greenyellow [30:49] 0 0.0%
lawngreen 50+ 1121 36.2%
All colors 3092 100

Fuzz blockers

The followings are the branches where fuzzer fails to bypass.

Unique non-covered Complexity Unique Reachable Complexities Unique Reachable Functions All non-covered Complexity All Reachable Complexity Function Name Function Callsite Blocked Branch
2726 2760 4 :

['ZSTDMT_compressStream_generic', 'ZSTDMT_updateCParams_whileCompressing', 'ZSTD_CCtx_trace', 'ZSTD_CCtx_reset']

2726 2763 ZSTD_compressStream2 call site: 00834 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/zstd_compress.c:6314
1387 1387 3 :

['ZSTDMT_createCCtx_advanced', 'ZSTDMT_initCStream_internal', 'ZSTD_trace_compress_begin']

1387 1387 ZSTD_CCtx_init_compressStream2 call site: 00582 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/zstd_compress.c:6221
1110 1112 4 :

['ZSTD_reset_compressedBlockState', 'ZSTD_loadDictionaryContent', 'MEM_readLE32.474', 'ZSTD_loadZstdDictionary']

1110 1112 ZSTD_compress_insertDictionary call site: 00326 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/zstd_compress.c:5040
776 776 1 :


776 776 ZSTD_initLocalDict call site: 00169 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/zstd_compress.c:1242
383 383 1 :


383 383 ZSTD_compressBlock_fast_extDict call site: 00000 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/zstd_fast.c:948
383 383 1 :


383 383 ZSTD_compressBlock_fast_extDict call site: 00000 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/zstd_fast.c:948
341 341 2 :

['ZSTD_ldm_generateSequences', 'ZSTD_ldm_blockCompress']

341 343 ZSTD_buildSeqStore call site: 01064 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/zstd_compress.c:3261
192 205 9 :

['ZSTDMT_releaseAllJobResources', 'ZSTDMT_freeBufferPool', 'POOL_free', 'ZSTDMT_freeCCtxPool', 'ZSTDMT_freeSeqPool', 'ZSTDMT_freeJobsTable', 'ZSTDMT_serialState_free', 'ZSTD_freeCDict', 'ZSTD_customFree.2175']

192 205 ZSTDMT_freeCCtx call site: 00049 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/zstdmt_compress.c:1015
95 95 1 :


95 95 ZSTD_compressBlock_doubleFast call site: 00000 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/zstd_double_fast.c:559
95 95 1 :


95 95 ZSTD_compressBlock_doubleFast call site: 00000 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/zstd_double_fast.c:559
79 79 1 :


79 79 ZSTD_compressBlock_fast call site: 00000 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/zstd_fast.c:429
77 77 1 :


77 77 ZSTD_compressBlock_fast call site: 00000 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/zstd_fast.c:429

Runtime coverage analysis

Covered functions
Functions that are reachable but not covered
Reachable functions
Percentage of reachable functions covered
NB: The sum of covered functions and functions that are reachable but not covered need not be equal to Reachable functions . This is because the reachability analysis is an approximation and thus at runtime some functions may be covered that are not included in the reachability analysis. This is a limitation of our static analysis capabilities.
Function name source code lines source lines hit percentage hit

Files reached

filename functions hit
seekable_roundtrip.c 1
fuzz_data_producer.c 6
fuzz_helpers.c 2
../../lib/compress/zstd_compress.c 138
../../contrib/seekable_format/zstdseek_compress.c 12
../../lib/compress/../common/allocations.h 3
../../lib/compress/../common/zstd_internal.h 4
../../lib/common/cpu.h 2
../../lib/compress/zstd_cwksp.h 33
../../lib/common/error_private.h 1
../../lib/common/zstd_common.c 1
../../lib/compress/zstdmt_compress.c 51
../../lib/common/pool.c 9
../../lib/common/threading.c 4
../../lib/common/../common/allocations.h 2
../../contrib/seekable_format/zstdseek_decompress.c 7
../../lib/decompress/zstd_decompress.c 37
../../lib/decompress/../common/allocations.h 2
../../lib/legacy/../common/zstd_internal.h 2
../../lib/common/xxhash.h 11
../../lib/compress/zstd_compress_internal.h 34
../../lib/compress/../common/bits.h 5
../../lib/compress/zstd_ldm.c 20
../../lib/compress/zstd_fast.c 3
../../lib/compress/../common/mem.h 13
../../lib/compress/zstd_double_fast.c 3
../../lib/compress/zstd_lazy.c 3
../../lib/common/mem.h 17
../../lib/compress/zstd_opt.c 2
../../lib/compress/huf_compress.c 28
../../lib/common/entropy_common.c 9
../../lib/common/fse_decompress.c 4
../../lib/common/bits.h 3
../../lib/common/bitstream.h 5
../../lib/common/fse.h 4
../../lib/compress/../common/error_private.h 1
../../lib/compress/fse_compress.c 11
../../lib/compress/zstd_compress_superblock.c 11
../../lib/compress/hist.c 4
../../lib/compress/zstd_compress_sequences.c 11
../../lib/compress/zstd_compress_literals.c 5
../../lib/decompress/zstd_ddict.c 4
../../lib/legacy/../common/error_private.h 1
../../lib/decompress/../legacy/zstd_legacy.h 5
../../lib/legacy/zstd_v04.c 61
../../lib/legacy/zstd_v05.c 67
../../lib/legacy/../common/mem.h 11
../../lib/legacy/zstd_v06.c 73
../../lib/legacy/zstd_v07.c 83
../../lib/legacy/zstd_v01.c 5
../../lib/legacy/zstd_v02.c 6
../../lib/legacy/zstd_v03.c 6
../../lib/decompress/zstd_decompress_block.c 29
../../lib/decompress/../common/mem.h 9
../../lib/decompress/zstd_decompress_internal.h 1
../../lib/decompress/huf_decompress.c 33
../../lib/decompress/../common/bits.h 3
../../lib/decompress/../common/error_private.h 1
../../lib/decompress/../common/zstd_internal.h 2

Fuzzer: dictionary_decompress

Call tree

The calltree shows the control flow of the fuzzer. This is overlaid with coverage information to display how much of the potential code a fuzzer can reach is in fact covered at runtime. In the following there is a link to a detailed calltree visualisation as well as a bitmap showing a high-level view of the calltree. For further information about these topics please see the glossary for full calltree and calltree overview

Call tree overview bitmap:

The distribution of callsites in terms of coloring is
Color Runtime hitcount Callsite count Percentage
red 0 1176 40.1%
gold [1:9] 7 0.23%
yellow [10:29] 14 0.47%
greenyellow [30:49] 2 0.06%
lawngreen 50+ 1732 59.0%
All colors 2931 100

Fuzz blockers

The followings are the branches where fuzzer fails to bypass.

Unique non-covered Complexity Unique Reachable Complexities Unique Reachable Functions All non-covered Complexity All Reachable Complexity Function Name Function Callsite Blocked Branch
518 518 2 :

['ZSTD_loadZstdDictionary', 'MEM_readLE32.474']

518 814 ZSTD_compress_insertDictionary call site: 00251 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/zstd_compress.c:5048
341 341 2 :

['ZSTD_ldm_generateSequences', 'ZSTD_ldm_blockCompress']

341 343 ZSTD_buildSeqStore call site: 00732 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/zstd_compress.c:3261
314 314 4 :

['ZSTD_compressBlock_fast_noDict_6_1', 'ZSTD_compressBlock_fast_noDict_4_1', 'ZSTD_compressBlock_fast_noDict_5_1', 'ZSTD_compressBlock_fast_noDict_7_1']

314 314 ZSTD_compressBlock_fast call site: 00000 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/zstd_fast.c:428
192 205 9 :

['ZSTDMT_releaseAllJobResources', 'ZSTDMT_freeBufferPool', 'POOL_free', 'ZSTDMT_freeCCtxPool', 'ZSTDMT_freeSeqPool', 'ZSTDMT_freeJobsTable', 'ZSTDMT_serialState_free', 'ZSTD_freeCDict', 'ZSTD_customFree.2175']

192 205 ZSTDMT_freeCCtx call site: 01272 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/zstdmt_compress.c:1015
126 126 5 :

['ZSTD_fseBitCost', 'ZSTD_entropyCost', 'ZSTD_crossEntropyCost', 'ZSTD_NCountCost', 'ERR_isError.798']

126 126 ZSTD_selectEncodingType call site: 00912 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/zstd_compress_sequences.c:179
101 101 1 :


101 101 ZSTD_compressBlock_fast_dictMatchState call site: 00000 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/zstd_fast.c:669
99 99 1 :


99 99 ZSTD_compressBlock_fast_dictMatchState call site: 00000 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/zstd_fast.c:669
79 79 1 :


79 79 ZSTD_compressBlock_fast call site: 00000 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/zstd_fast.c:442
79 79 1 :


79 79 ZSTD_compressBlock_fast call site: 00000 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/zstd_fast.c:442
77 77 1 :


77 77 ZSTD_compressBlock_fast call site: 00000 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/zstd_fast.c:442
59 68 2 :

['ZSTD_window_update', 'ZSTD_ldm_fillHashTable']

311 420 ZSTD_loadDictionaryContent call site: 00267 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/zstd_compress.c:4789
52 56 2 :

['HUFv05_decompress1X4_usingDTable', 'HUFv05_isError']

52 56 ZSTDv05_decodeLiteralsBlock call site: 01960 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/legacy/zstd_v05.c:2867

Runtime coverage analysis

Covered functions
Functions that are reachable but not covered
Reachable functions
Percentage of reachable functions covered
NB: The sum of covered functions and functions that are reachable but not covered need not be equal to Reachable functions . This is because the reachability analysis is an approximation and thus at runtime some functions may be covered that are not included in the reachability analysis. This is a limitation of our static analysis capabilities.
Warning: The number of covered functions are larger than the number of reachable functions. This means that there are more functions covered at runtime than are extracted using static analysis. This is likely a result of the static analysis component failing to extract the right call graph or the coverage runtime being compiled with sanitizers in code that the static analysis has not analysed. This can happen if lto/gold is not used in all places that coverage instrumentation is used.
Function name source code lines source lines hit percentage hit

Files reached

filename functions hit
dictionary_decompress.c 1
fuzz_data_producer.c 5
fuzz_helpers.c 1
../../lib/decompress/zstd_decompress.c 31
../../lib/decompress/../common/allocations.h 2
../../lib/legacy/../common/zstd_internal.h 1
../../lib/common/cpu.h 2
zstd_helpers.c 1
../../lib/dictBuilder/fastcover.c 9
../../lib/dictBuilder/cover.c 3
../../lib/dictBuilder/../compress/zstd_compress_internal.h 4
../../lib/common/mem.h 16
../../lib/common/error_private.h 2
../../lib/dictBuilder/zdict.c 8
../../lib/common/xxhash.h 11
../../lib/dictBuilder/../common/bits.h 2
../../lib/compress/zstd_compress.c 119
../../lib/compress/zstd_compress_internal.h 29
../../lib/compress/../common/bits.h 5
../../lib/compress/zstd_cwksp.h 33
../../lib/compress/../common/allocations.h 2
../../lib/compress/zstd_ldm.c 20
../../lib/compress/zstd_fast.c 3
../../lib/compress/../common/mem.h 13
../../lib/compress/zstd_double_fast.c 3
../../lib/compress/zstd_lazy.c 3
../../lib/compress/zstd_opt.c 2
../../lib/compress/huf_compress.c 28
../../lib/common/entropy_common.c 9
../../lib/common/fse_decompress.c 4
../../lib/common/bits.h 3
../../lib/common/bitstream.h 5
../../lib/common/fse.h 4
../../lib/compress/../common/error_private.h 1
../../lib/compress/fse_compress.c 11
../../lib/compress/../common/zstd_internal.h 3
../../lib/compress/zstd_compress_superblock.c 11
../../lib/compress/hist.c 4
../../lib/compress/zstd_compress_sequences.c 11
../../lib/compress/zstd_compress_literals.c 5
../../lib/compress/zstdmt_compress.c 8
../../lib/common/pool.c 2
../../lib/common/threading.c 2
../../lib/common/../common/allocations.h 1
../../lib/common/zstd_common.c 2
../../lib/decompress/zstd_ddict.c 9
../../lib/legacy/../common/mem.h 11
../../lib/decompress/huf_decompress.c 33
../../lib/decompress/../common/error_private.h 1
../../lib/legacy/../common/error_private.h 1
../../lib/decompress/zstd_decompress_block.c 29
../../lib/decompress/../common/mem.h 9
../../lib/decompress/../common/bits.h 3
../../lib/decompress/../legacy/zstd_legacy.h 5
../../lib/legacy/zstd_v01.c 50
../../lib/legacy/zstd_v02.c 43
../../lib/legacy/zstd_v03.c 43
../../lib/legacy/zstd_v04.c 51
../../lib/legacy/zstd_v05.c 63
../../lib/legacy/zstd_v06.c 69
../../lib/legacy/zstd_v07.c 79
../../lib/decompress/zstd_decompress_internal.h 1
../../lib/decompress/../common/zstd_internal.h 2

Fuzzer: zstd_frame_info

Call tree

The calltree shows the control flow of the fuzzer. This is overlaid with coverage information to display how much of the potential code a fuzzer can reach is in fact covered at runtime. In the following there is a link to a detailed calltree visualisation as well as a bitmap showing a high-level view of the calltree. For further information about these topics please see the glossary for full calltree and calltree overview

Call tree overview bitmap:

The distribution of callsites in terms of coloring is
Color Runtime hitcount Callsite count Percentage
red 0 24 14.1%
gold [1:9] 1 0.58%
yellow [10:29] 8 4.70%
greenyellow [30:49] 1 0.58%
lawngreen 50+ 136 80.0%
All colors 170 100

Fuzz blockers

The followings are the branches where fuzzer fails to bypass.

Unique non-covered Complexity Unique Reachable Complexities Unique Reachable Functions All non-covered Complexity All Reachable Complexity Function Name Function Callsite Blocked Branch
0 0 None 0 13 ZSTDv01_findFrameSizeInfoLegacy call site: 00059 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/legacy/zstd_v01.c:1993
0 0 None 0 9 ZSTDv05_findFrameSizeInfoLegacy call site: 00098 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/legacy/zstd_v05.c:3496
0 0 None 0 5 ZSTDv06_findFrameSizeInfoLegacy call site: 00109 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/legacy/zstd_v06.c:3638
0 0 None 0 5 ZSTDv07_findFrameSizeInfoLegacy call site: 00119 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/legacy/zstd_v07.c:3882
0 0 None 0 5 ZSTDv07_findFrameSizeInfoLegacy call site: 00121 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/legacy/zstd_v07.c:3886
0 0 None 0 2 ZSTDv07_getFrameParams call site: 00018 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/legacy/zstd_v07.c:3109
0 0 None 0 0 ZSTDv02_findFrameSizeInfoLegacy call site: 00068 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/legacy/zstd_v02.c:3308
0 0 None 0 0 ZSTDv03_findFrameSizeInfoLegacy call site: 00078 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/legacy/zstd_v03.c:2947
0 0 None 0 0 ZSTDv04_findFrameSizeInfoLegacy call site: 00088 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/legacy/zstd_v04.c:3113

Runtime coverage analysis

Covered functions
Functions that are reachable but not covered
Reachable functions
Percentage of reachable functions covered
NB: The sum of covered functions and functions that are reachable but not covered need not be equal to Reachable functions . This is because the reachability analysis is an approximation and thus at runtime some functions may be covered that are not included in the reachability analysis. This is a limitation of our static analysis capabilities.
Warning: The number of covered functions are larger than the number of reachable functions. This means that there are more functions covered at runtime than are extracted using static analysis. This is likely a result of the static analysis component failing to extract the right call graph or the coverage runtime being compiled with sanitizers in code that the static analysis has not analysed. This can happen if lto/gold is not used in all places that coverage instrumentation is used.
Function name source code lines source lines hit percentage hit

Files reached

filename functions hit
zstd_frame_info.c 1
../../lib/decompress/zstd_decompress.c 15
../../lib/decompress/../legacy/zstd_legacy.h 3
../../lib/legacy/../common/mem.h 8
../../lib/legacy/zstd_v05.c 5
../../lib/legacy/zstd_v06.c 11
../../lib/legacy/zstd_v07.c 11
../../lib/legacy/zstd_v01.c 5
../../lib/legacy/../common/error_private.h 1
../../lib/legacy/zstd_v02.c 6
../../lib/legacy/zstd_v03.c 6
../../lib/legacy/zstd_v04.c 6
../../lib/decompress/zstd_decompress_block.c 1
../../lib/decompress/../common/mem.h 3

Fuzzer: stream_decompress

Call tree

The calltree shows the control flow of the fuzzer. This is overlaid with coverage information to display how much of the potential code a fuzzer can reach is in fact covered at runtime. In the following there is a link to a detailed calltree visualisation as well as a bitmap showing a high-level view of the calltree. For further information about these topics please see the glossary for full calltree and calltree overview

Call tree overview bitmap:

The distribution of callsites in terms of coloring is
Color Runtime hitcount Callsite count Percentage
red 0 446 29.2%
gold [1:9] 6 0.39%
yellow [10:29] 19 1.24%
greenyellow [30:49] 7 0.45%
lawngreen 50+ 1045 68.6%
All colors 1523 100

Fuzz blockers

The followings are the branches where fuzzer fails to bypass.

Unique non-covered Complexity Unique Reachable Complexities Unique Reachable Functions All non-covered Complexity All Reachable Complexity Function Name Function Callsite Blocked Branch
52 56 2 :

['HUFv05_decompress1X4_usingDTable', 'HUFv05_isError']

52 56 ZSTDv05_decodeLiteralsBlock call site: 00226 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/legacy/zstd_v05.c:2867
52 52 2 :

['ERR_isError.4868', 'HUFv06_decompress1X4_usingDTable']

52 52 ZSTDv06_decodeLiteralsBlock call site: 00372 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/legacy/zstd_v06.c:3060
0 36 2 :

['ERR_isError.5188', 'ZSTDv07_decodeFrameHeader']

0 36 ZSTDv07_decompressContinue call site: 00472 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/legacy/zstd_v07.c:3960
0 0 None 295 295 ZSTD_decompressSequencesLong call site: 01336 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/decompress/zstd_decompress_block.c:1985
0 0 None 290 290 HUF_readStats_wksp call site: 01191 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/common/entropy_common.c:334
0 0 None 234 234 ZSTD_decompressSequencesSplitLitBuffer call site: 01417 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/decompress/zstd_decompress_block.c:1962
0 0 None 215 215 FSE_decompress_wksp_bmi2 call site: 01193 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/common/fse_decompress.c:303
0 0 None 165 165 HUF_decompress4X2_usingDTable_internal call site: 01098 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/decompress/huf_decompress.c:1664
0 0 None 101 101 HUF_decompress4X1_usingDTable_internal call site: 01150 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/decompress/huf_decompress.c:853
0 0 None 60 6406 ZSTD_decompressStream call site: 00737 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/decompress/zstd_decompress.c:2119
0 0 None 60 6406 ZSTD_decompressStream call site: 01009 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/decompress/zstd_decompress.c:2212
0 0 None 60 6406 ZSTD_decompressStream call site: 01013 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/decompress/zstd_decompress.c:2232

Runtime coverage analysis

Covered functions
Functions that are reachable but not covered
Reachable functions
Percentage of reachable functions covered
NB: The sum of covered functions and functions that are reachable but not covered need not be equal to Reachable functions . This is because the reachability analysis is an approximation and thus at runtime some functions may be covered that are not included in the reachability analysis. This is a limitation of our static analysis capabilities.
Warning: The number of covered functions are larger than the number of reachable functions. This means that there are more functions covered at runtime than are extracted using static analysis. This is likely a result of the static analysis component failing to extract the right call graph or the coverage runtime being compiled with sanitizers in code that the static analysis has not analysed. This can happen if lto/gold is not used in all places that coverage instrumentation is used.
Function name source code lines source lines hit percentage hit

Files reached

filename functions hit
stream_decompress.c 3
fuzz_data_producer.c 6
fuzz_helpers.c 1
../../lib/decompress/zstd_decompress.c 40
../../lib/decompress/../common/allocations.h 2
../../lib/legacy/../common/zstd_internal.h 2
../../lib/common/cpu.h 2
../../lib/decompress/zstd_ddict.c 4
../../lib/common/zstd_common.c 1
../../lib/common/error_private.h 1
../../lib/legacy/../common/error_private.h 1
../../lib/decompress/../legacy/zstd_legacy.h 5
../../lib/legacy/zstd_v04.c 61
../../lib/legacy/zstd_v05.c 67
../../lib/legacy/../common/mem.h 11
../../lib/legacy/zstd_v06.c 73
../../lib/legacy/zstd_v07.c 83
../../lib/common/xxhash.h 11
../../lib/legacy/zstd_v01.c 5
../../lib/legacy/zstd_v02.c 6
../../lib/legacy/zstd_v03.c 6
../../lib/decompress/zstd_decompress_block.c 29
../../lib/decompress/../common/mem.h 9
../../lib/decompress/zstd_decompress_internal.h 1
../../lib/decompress/huf_decompress.c 33
../../lib/common/bitstream.h 4
../../lib/common/mem.h 8
../../lib/decompress/../common/bits.h 3
../../lib/decompress/../common/error_private.h 1
../../lib/common/entropy_common.c 8
../../lib/common/fse_decompress.c 4
../../lib/common/bits.h 3
../../lib/common/fse.h 1
../../lib/decompress/../common/zstd_internal.h 2

Fuzzer: fse_read_ncount

Call tree

The calltree shows the control flow of the fuzzer. This is overlaid with coverage information to display how much of the potential code a fuzzer can reach is in fact covered at runtime. In the following there is a link to a detailed calltree visualisation as well as a bitmap showing a high-level view of the calltree. For further information about these topics please see the glossary for full calltree and calltree overview

Call tree overview bitmap:

The distribution of callsites in terms of coloring is
Color Runtime hitcount Callsite count Percentage
red 0 8 17.7%
gold [1:9] 0 0.0%
yellow [10:29] 0 0.0%
greenyellow [30:49] 0 0.0%
lawngreen 50+ 37 82.2%
All colors 45 100

Fuzz blockers

The followings are the branches where fuzzer fails to bypass.

Unique non-covered Complexity Unique Reachable Complexities Unique Reachable Functions All non-covered Complexity All Reachable Complexity Function Name Function Callsite Blocked Branch
0 0 None 0 70 FSE_readNCount_bmi2 call site: 00026 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/common/entropy_common.c:211
0 0 None 0 9 FUZZ_dataProducer_int32Range call site: 00008 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/fuzz_data_producer.c:60

Runtime coverage analysis

Covered functions
Functions that are reachable but not covered
Reachable functions
Percentage of reachable functions covered
NB: The sum of covered functions and functions that are reachable but not covered need not be equal to Reachable functions . This is because the reachability analysis is an approximation and thus at runtime some functions may be covered that are not included in the reachability analysis. This is a limitation of our static analysis capabilities.
Function name source code lines source lines hit percentage hit

Files reached

filename functions hit
fse_read_ncount.c 1
fuzz_data_producer.c 4
fuzz_helpers.c 1
../../lib/compress/fse_compress.c 3
../../lib/common/zstd_common.c 1
../../lib/common/error_private.h 1
../../lib/common/entropy_common.c 4
../../lib/common/mem.h 2
../../lib/common/bits.h 1

Fuzzer: simple_round_trip

Call tree

The calltree shows the control flow of the fuzzer. This is overlaid with coverage information to display how much of the potential code a fuzzer can reach is in fact covered at runtime. In the following there is a link to a detailed calltree visualisation as well as a bitmap showing a high-level view of the calltree. For further information about these topics please see the glossary for full calltree and calltree overview

Call tree overview bitmap:

The distribution of callsites in terms of coloring is
Color Runtime hitcount Callsite count Percentage
red 0 495 25.8%
gold [1:9] 4 0.20%
yellow [10:29] 1 0.05%
greenyellow [30:49] 2 0.10%
lawngreen 50+ 1413 73.7%
All colors 1915 100

Fuzz blockers

The followings are the branches where fuzzer fails to bypass.

Unique non-covered Complexity Unique Reachable Complexities Unique Reachable Functions All non-covered Complexity All Reachable Complexity Function Name Function Callsite Blocked Branch
776 776 1 :


776 776 ZSTD_initLocalDict call site: 00196 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/zstd_compress.c:1242
518 518 2 :

['ZSTD_loadZstdDictionary', 'MEM_readLE32.474']

518 814 ZSTD_compress_insertDictionary call site: 00333 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/zstd_compress.c:5048
59 68 2 :

['ZSTD_window_update', 'ZSTD_ldm_fillHashTable']

111 420 ZSTD_loadDictionaryContent call site: 00349 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/zstd_compress.c:4789
40 40 1 :


40 40 ZSTD_fillDoubleHashTable call site: 00402 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/zstd_double_fast.c:91
36 36 1 :


36 36 ZSTD_fillHashTable call site: 00386 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/zstd_fast.c:88
12 27 2 :

['ZSTDMT_waitForAllJobsCompleted', 'ZSTDMT_releaseAllJobResources']

792 990 ZSTDMT_initCStream_internal call site: 00706 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/zstdmt_compress.c:1240
12 12 3 :

['HUF_getNbBitsFromCTable', 'FSE_initCState.1921', 'FSE_getMaxNbBits']

12 31 ZSTD_rescaleFreqs call site: 00000 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/zstd_opt.c:158
6 6 1 :


117 435 ZSTD_loadDictionaryContent call site: 00344 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/zstd_compress.c:4780
2 2 1 :


2 2 ZSTD_findFrameSizeInfo call site: 01880 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/decompress/zstd_decompress.c:784
0 84 1 :


2 86 ZSTDMT_releaseCCtx call site: 01625 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/zstdmt_compress.c:437
0 59 1 :


0 61 ZSTD_buildSeqStore call site: 01113 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/zstd_compress.c:3312
0 56 1 :


0 2483 ZSTD_compressContinue_internal call site: 01053 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/zstd_compress.c:4661

Runtime coverage analysis

Covered functions
Functions that are reachable but not covered
Reachable functions
Percentage of reachable functions covered
NB: The sum of covered functions and functions that are reachable but not covered need not be equal to Reachable functions . This is because the reachability analysis is an approximation and thus at runtime some functions may be covered that are not included in the reachability analysis. This is a limitation of our static analysis capabilities.
Warning: The number of covered functions are larger than the number of reachable functions. This means that there are more functions covered at runtime than are extracted using static analysis. This is likely a result of the static analysis component failing to extract the right call graph or the coverage runtime being compiled with sanitizers in code that the static analysis has not analysed. This can happen if lto/gold is not used in all places that coverage instrumentation is used.
Function name source code lines source lines hit percentage hit

Files reached

filename functions hit
simple_round_trip.c 3
fuzz_helpers.c 2
../../lib/compress/zstd_compress.c 141
fuzz_data_producer.c 8
../../lib/compress/../common/allocations.h 3
../../lib/compress/../common/zstd_internal.h 4
../../lib/common/cpu.h 2
../../lib/compress/zstd_cwksp.h 33
../../lib/common/error_private.h 1
../../lib/decompress/zstd_decompress.c 20
../../lib/decompress/../common/allocations.h 2
../../lib/legacy/../common/zstd_internal.h 1
zstd_helpers.c 6
../../lib/compress/zstd_compress_internal.h 34
../../lib/compress/../common/bits.h 5
../../lib/common/zstd_common.c 1
../../contrib/externalSequenceProducer/sequence_producer.c 1
../../lib/common/mem.h 15
../../lib/compress/zstd_ldm.c 20
../../lib/common/xxhash.h 11
../../lib/compress/zstd_fast.c 3
../../lib/compress/../common/mem.h 13
../../lib/compress/zstd_double_fast.c 3
../../lib/compress/zstd_lazy.c 3
../../lib/compress/zstd_opt.c 2
../../lib/compress/huf_compress.c 28
../../lib/common/entropy_common.c 9
../../lib/common/fse_decompress.c 4
../../lib/common/bits.h 3
../../lib/common/bitstream.h 3
../../lib/common/fse.h 4
../../lib/compress/../common/error_private.h 1
../../lib/compress/fse_compress.c 11
../../lib/compress/zstdmt_compress.c 50
../../lib/common/pool.c 9
../../lib/common/../common/allocations.h 2
../../lib/common/threading.c 4
../../lib/compress/zstd_compress_superblock.c 11
../../lib/compress/hist.c 4
../../lib/compress/zstd_compress_sequences.c 11
../../lib/compress/zstd_compress_literals.c 5
../../lib/legacy/../common/error_private.h 1
../../lib/decompress/zstd_ddict.c 1
../../lib/decompress/../legacy/zstd_legacy.h 3
../../lib/legacy/../common/mem.h 8
../../lib/legacy/zstd_v01.c 5
../../lib/legacy/zstd_v02.c 6
../../lib/legacy/zstd_v03.c 6
../../lib/legacy/zstd_v04.c 9
../../lib/legacy/zstd_v05.c 6
../../lib/legacy/zstd_v06.c 8
../../lib/legacy/zstd_v07.c 8
../../lib/decompress/zstd_decompress_block.c 1
../../lib/decompress/../common/mem.h 3

Fuzzer: sequence_compression_api

Call tree

The calltree shows the control flow of the fuzzer. This is overlaid with coverage information to display how much of the potential code a fuzzer can reach is in fact covered at runtime. In the following there is a link to a detailed calltree visualisation as well as a bitmap showing a high-level view of the calltree. For further information about these topics please see the glossary for full calltree and calltree overview

Call tree overview bitmap:

The distribution of callsites in terms of coloring is
Color Runtime hitcount Callsite count Percentage
red 0 513 43.1%
gold [1:9] 66 5.54%
yellow [10:29] 3 0.25%
greenyellow [30:49] 0 0.0%
lawngreen 50+ 608 51.0%
All colors 1190 100

Fuzz blockers

The followings are the branches where fuzzer fails to bypass.

Unique non-covered Complexity Unique Reachable Complexities Unique Reachable Functions All non-covered Complexity All Reachable Complexity Function Name Function Callsite Blocked Branch
1387 1387 3 :

['ZSTDMT_createCCtx_advanced', 'ZSTDMT_initCStream_internal', 'ZSTD_trace_compress_begin']

1387 1387 ZSTD_CCtx_init_compressStream2 call site: 00634 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/zstd_compress.c:6221
518 518 2 :

['ZSTD_loadZstdDictionary', 'MEM_readLE32.474']

518 814 ZSTD_compress_insertDictionary call site: 00257 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/zstd_compress.c:5048
432 432 3 :

['ZSTD_loadDEntropy', 'ERR_isError.2472', 'MEM_readLE32.2471']

432 432 ZSTD_loadEntropy_intoDDict call site: 00507 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/decompress/zstd_ddict.c:95
192 205 9 :

['ZSTDMT_releaseAllJobResources', 'ZSTDMT_freeBufferPool', 'POOL_free', 'ZSTDMT_freeCCtxPool', 'ZSTDMT_freeSeqPool', 'ZSTDMT_freeJobsTable', 'ZSTDMT_serialState_free', 'ZSTD_freeCDict', 'ZSTD_customFree.2175']

192 205 ZSTDMT_freeCCtx call site: 00707 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/zstdmt_compress.c:1015
80 80 3 :

['ERR_isError.2732', 'ZSTD_createDDictHashSet', 'ZSTD_DDictHashSet_addDDict']

80 80 ZSTD_DCtx_refDDict call site: 00589 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/decompress/zstd_decompress.c:1768
59 68 2 :

['ZSTD_window_update', 'ZSTD_ldm_fillHashTable']

311 420 ZSTD_loadDictionaryContent call site: 00273 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/zstd_compress.c:4789
35 35 1 :


35 35 ZSTD_fillHashTable call site: 00310 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/zstd_fast.c:88
34 34 2 :

['allBytesIdentical', 'ZSTD_compressRleLiteralsBlock']

34 34 ZSTD_compressLiterals call site: 00990 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/zstd_compress_literals.c:192
11 11 1 :


11 565 ZSTD_resetCCtx_internal call site: 00827 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/zstd_compress.c:2110
6 6 1 :


317 435 ZSTD_loadDictionaryContent call site: 00268 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/zstd_compress.c:4780
0 776 1 :


0 776 ZSTD_initLocalDict call site: 00616 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/zstd_compress.c:1242
0 17 1 :


0 17 HIST_count_wksp call site: 00000 /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/hist.c:160

Runtime coverage analysis

Covered functions
Functions that are reachable but not covered
Reachable functions
Percentage of reachable functions covered
NB: The sum of covered functions and functions that are reachable but not covered need not be equal to Reachable functions . This is because the reachability analysis is an approximation and thus at runtime some functions may be covered that are not included in the reachability analysis. This is a limitation of our static analysis capabilities.
Warning: The number of covered functions are larger than the number of reachable functions. This means that there are more functions covered at runtime than are extracted using static analysis. This is likely a result of the static analysis component failing to extract the right call graph or the coverage runtime being compiled with sanitizers in code that the static analysis has not analysed. This can happen if lto/gold is not used in all places that coverage instrumentation is used.
Function name source code lines source lines hit percentage hit

Files reached

filename functions hit
sequence_compression_api.c 6
fuzz_data_producer.c 6
fuzz_helpers.c 2
../../lib/compress/zstd_compress.c 89
../../lib/compress/../common/allocations.h 3
../../lib/compress/../common/zstd_internal.h 1
../../lib/common/cpu.h 2
../../lib/compress/zstd_cwksp.h 33
../../lib/common/error_private.h 2
../../lib/decompress/zstd_decompress.c 16
../../lib/decompress/../common/allocations.h 3
../../lib/legacy/../common/zstd_internal.h 1
../../lib/compress/zstd_compress_internal.h 25
../../lib/compress/../common/bits.h 5
../../lib/compress/zstd_ldm.c 8
../../lib/common/xxhash.h 11
../../lib/compress/zstd_fast.c 3
../../lib/compress/../common/mem.h 13
../../lib/compress/zstd_double_fast.c 3
../../lib/compress/zstd_lazy.c 3
../../lib/common/mem.h 13
../../lib/compress/zstd_opt.c 2
../../lib/compress/huf_compress.c 3
../../lib/common/entropy_common.c 9
../../lib/common/fse_decompress.c 4
../../lib/common/bits.h 3
../../lib/common/bitstream.h 3
../../lib/common/fse.h 4
../../lib/compress/../common/error_private.h 1
../../lib/compress/fse_compress.c 10
../../lib/decompress/zstd_ddict.c 5
../../lib/legacy/../common/mem.h 2
../../lib/decompress/huf_decompress.c 8
../../lib/decompress/../common/error_private.h 1
../../lib/legacy/../common/error_private.h 1
../../lib/decompress/zstd_decompress_block.c 3
../../lib/decompress/../common/mem.h 1
../../lib/decompress/../common/bits.h 2
../../lib/common/zstd_common.c 2
../../lib/compress/zstdmt_compress.c 30
../../lib/common/pool.c 6
../../lib/common/../common/allocations.h 2
../../lib/common/threading.c 4
../../lib/compress/zstd_compress_literals.c 5
../../lib/compress/hist.c 3
../../lib/compress/zstd_compress_sequences.c 11
../../lib/decompress/../legacy/zstd_legacy.h 1
../../lib/legacy/zstd_v04.c 3
../../lib/legacy/zstd_v05.c 2
../../lib/legacy/zstd_v06.c 2
../../lib/legacy/zstd_v07.c 2

Analyses and suggestions

Optimal target analysis

Remaining optimal interesting functions

The following table shows a list of functions that are optimal targets. Optimal targets are identified by finding the functions that in combination, yield a high code coverage.

Func name Functions filename Arg count Args Function depth hitcount instr count bb count cyclomatic complexity Reachable functions Incoming references total cyclomatic complexity Unreached complexity
ZDICT_trainFromBuffer_legacy /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/dictBuilder/zdict.c 6 ['char *', 'size_t ', 'char *', 'size_t *', 'int ', 'struct.ZDICT_legacy_params_t *'] 7 0 46 8 4 450 0 3185 694
ZSTD_compressBlock_lazy2_dedicatedDictSearch_row /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/zstd_lazy.c 5 ['struct.ZSTD_matchState_t *', 'struct.seqStore_t *', 'int *', 'char *', 'size_t '] 3 0 1943 319 51 42 0 629 551
ZSTD_compressBlock_lazy2_dictMatchState_row /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/zstd_lazy.c 5 ['struct.ZSTD_matchState_t *', 'struct.seqStore_t *', 'int *', 'char *', 'size_t '] 3 0 1943 319 51 42 0 563 477
ZSTD_decompressSequencesLong /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/decompress/zstd_decompress_block.c 6 ['struct.ZSTD_DCtx_s *', 'char *', 'size_t ', 'char *', 'size_t ', 'int '] 3 0 33 6 3 22 0 499 465
ZSTD_compressBlock_lazy2_extDict_row /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/zstd_lazy.c 5 ['struct.ZSTD_matchState_t *', 'struct.seqStore_t *', 'int *', 'char *', 'size_t '] 3 0 1897 313 51 40 0 482 399
ZSTD_compressBlock_lazy2_row /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/zstd_lazy.c 5 ['struct.ZSTD_matchState_t *', 'struct.seqStore_t *', 'int *', 'char *', 'size_t '] 3 0 1782 289 41 39 0 441 365
ZSTD_compressBlock_fast_extDict /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/zstd_fast.c 5 ['struct.ZSTD_matchState_t *', 'struct.seqStore_t *', 'int *', 'char *', 'size_t '] 4 0 53 10 11 39 0 400 328
ZSTD_decompressSequencesSplitLitBuffer /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/decompress/zstd_decompress_block.c 6 ['struct.ZSTD_DCtx_s *', 'char *', 'size_t ', 'char *', 'size_t ', 'int '] 3 0 33 6 3 22 0 377 279
ZSTD_compressBlock_doubleFast_dictMatchState /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/zstd_double_fast.c 5 ['struct.ZSTD_matchState_t *', 'struct.seqStore_t *', 'int *', 'char *', 'size_t '] 3 0 43 8 9 29 0 336 267
ZSTD_compressBlock_doubleFast_extDict /src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/zstd_double_fast.c 5 ['struct.ZSTD_matchState_t *', 'struct.seqStore_t *', 'int *', 'char *', 'size_t '] 4 0 43 8 9 35 0 331 259

Implementing fuzzers that target the above functions will improve reachability such that it becomes:

Functions statically reachable by fuzzers
1113 / 1675
Cyclomatic complexity statically reachable by fuzzers
10995 / 15541

All functions overview

If you implement fuzzers for these functions, the status of all functions in the project will be:

Func name Functions filename Args Function call depth Reached by Fuzzers Fuzzers runtime hit Func lines hit % I Count BB Count Cyclomatic complexity Functions reached Reached by functions Accumulated cyclomatic complexity Undiscovered complexity

Files and Directories in report

This section shows which files and directories are considered in this report. The main reason for showing this is fuzz introspector may include more code in the reasoning than is desired. This section helps identify if too many files/directories are included, e.g. third party code, which may be irrelevant for the threat model. In the event too much is included, fuzz introspector supports a configuration file that can exclude data from the report. See the following link for more information on how to create a config file: link

Files in report

Source file Reached by Covered by
[] []
/src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/legacy/zstd_v02.c ['stream_round_trip', 'seekable_roundtrip', 'dictionary_decompress', 'zstd_frame_info', 'stream_decompress', 'simple_round_trip'] []
/src/zstd/tests/fuzz/raw_dictionary_round_trip.c ['raw_dictionary_round_trip'] ['raw_dictionary_round_trip']
/src/zstd/tests/fuzz/dictionary_decompress.c ['dictionary_decompress'] ['dictionary_decompress']
/src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/legacy/../common/error_private.h ['raw_dictionary_round_trip', 'dictionary_stream_round_trip', 'dictionary_loader', 'dictionary_round_trip', 'stream_round_trip', 'seekable_roundtrip', 'dictionary_decompress', 'zstd_frame_info', 'stream_decompress', 'simple_round_trip', 'sequence_compression_api'] []
/src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/zstd_compress.c ['block_round_trip', 'decompress_dstSize_tooSmall', 'raw_dictionary_round_trip', 'dictionary_stream_round_trip', 'dictionary_loader', 'simple_compress', 'dictionary_round_trip', 'stream_round_trip', 'seekable_roundtrip', 'dictionary_decompress', 'simple_round_trip', 'sequence_compression_api'] []
/src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/common/fse_decompress.c ['huf_decompress', 'block_decompress', 'block_round_trip', 'decompress_dstSize_tooSmall', 'raw_dictionary_round_trip', 'dictionary_stream_round_trip', 'dictionary_loader', 'simple_compress', 'dictionary_round_trip', 'huf_round_trip', 'stream_round_trip', 'seekable_roundtrip', 'dictionary_decompress', 'stream_decompress', 'simple_round_trip', 'sequence_compression_api'] []
/src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/common/fse.h ['huf_decompress', 'block_decompress', 'block_round_trip', 'decompress_dstSize_tooSmall', 'raw_dictionary_round_trip', 'dictionary_stream_round_trip', 'dictionary_loader', 'simple_compress', 'dictionary_round_trip', 'huf_round_trip', 'stream_round_trip', 'seekable_roundtrip', 'dictionary_decompress', 'stream_decompress', 'simple_round_trip', 'sequence_compression_api'] []
/src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/decompress/../legacy/zstd_legacy.h ['block_decompress', 'block_round_trip', 'decompress_dstSize_tooSmall', 'simple_decompress', 'raw_dictionary_round_trip', 'dictionary_stream_round_trip', 'dictionary_loader', 'dictionary_round_trip', 'stream_round_trip', 'seekable_roundtrip', 'dictionary_decompress', 'zstd_frame_info', 'stream_decompress', 'simple_round_trip', 'sequence_compression_api'] []
/src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../contrib/seekable_format/zstdseek_compress.c ['seekable_roundtrip'] []
/src/zstd/tests/fuzz/decompress_dstSize_tooSmall.c ['decompress_dstSize_tooSmall'] ['decompress_dstSize_tooSmall']
/src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/common/cpu.h ['huf_decompress', 'block_decompress', 'block_round_trip', 'decompress_dstSize_tooSmall', 'simple_decompress', 'raw_dictionary_round_trip', 'dictionary_stream_round_trip', 'dictionary_loader', 'simple_compress', 'dictionary_round_trip', 'huf_round_trip', 'stream_round_trip', 'seekable_roundtrip', 'dictionary_decompress', 'stream_decompress', 'simple_round_trip', 'sequence_compression_api'] []
/src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/legacy/zstd_v04.c ['block_decompress', 'block_round_trip', 'decompress_dstSize_tooSmall', 'simple_decompress', 'raw_dictionary_round_trip', 'dictionary_stream_round_trip', 'dictionary_loader', 'dictionary_round_trip', 'stream_round_trip', 'seekable_roundtrip', 'dictionary_decompress', 'zstd_frame_info', 'stream_decompress', 'simple_round_trip', 'sequence_compression_api'] []
/src/zstd/tests/fuzz/seekable_roundtrip.c ['seekable_roundtrip'] ['seekable_roundtrip']
/src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/zstdmt_compress.c ['decompress_dstSize_tooSmall', 'raw_dictionary_round_trip', 'dictionary_stream_round_trip', 'dictionary_loader', 'simple_compress', 'dictionary_round_trip', 'stream_round_trip', 'seekable_roundtrip', 'dictionary_decompress', 'simple_round_trip', 'sequence_compression_api'] []
/src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/zstd_cwksp.h ['block_round_trip', 'decompress_dstSize_tooSmall', 'raw_dictionary_round_trip', 'dictionary_stream_round_trip', 'dictionary_loader', 'simple_compress', 'dictionary_round_trip', 'stream_round_trip', 'seekable_roundtrip', 'dictionary_decompress', 'simple_round_trip', 'sequence_compression_api'] []
/src/zstd/tests/fuzz/simple_round_trip.c ['simple_round_trip'] ['simple_round_trip']
/src/zstd/tests/fuzz/dictionary_round_trip.c ['dictionary_round_trip'] ['dictionary_round_trip']
/src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/zstd_ldm.c ['block_round_trip', 'decompress_dstSize_tooSmall', 'raw_dictionary_round_trip', 'dictionary_stream_round_trip', 'dictionary_loader', 'simple_compress', 'dictionary_round_trip', 'stream_round_trip', 'seekable_roundtrip', 'dictionary_decompress', 'simple_round_trip', 'sequence_compression_api'] []
/src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/legacy/zstd_v07.c ['block_decompress', 'block_round_trip', 'decompress_dstSize_tooSmall', 'simple_decompress', 'raw_dictionary_round_trip', 'dictionary_stream_round_trip', 'dictionary_loader', 'dictionary_round_trip', 'stream_round_trip', 'seekable_roundtrip', 'dictionary_decompress', 'zstd_frame_info', 'stream_decompress', 'simple_round_trip', 'sequence_compression_api'] []
/src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/dictBuilder/fastcover.c ['dictionary_stream_round_trip', 'dictionary_round_trip', 'dictionary_decompress'] []
/src/zstd/tests/fuzz/sequence_compression_api.c ['sequence_compression_api'] ['sequence_compression_api']
/src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/common/xxhash.h ['block_round_trip', 'decompress_dstSize_tooSmall', 'raw_dictionary_round_trip', 'dictionary_stream_round_trip', 'dictionary_loader', 'simple_compress', 'dictionary_round_trip', 'stream_round_trip', 'seekable_roundtrip', 'dictionary_decompress', 'stream_decompress', 'simple_round_trip', 'sequence_compression_api'] []
/src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/common/error_private.h ['huf_decompress', 'block_decompress', 'block_round_trip', 'decompress_dstSize_tooSmall', 'raw_dictionary_round_trip', 'dictionary_stream_round_trip', 'dictionary_loader', 'simple_compress', 'dictionary_round_trip', 'huf_round_trip', 'stream_round_trip', 'seekable_roundtrip', 'dictionary_decompress', 'stream_decompress', 'fse_read_ncount', 'simple_round_trip', 'sequence_compression_api'] []
/src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/huf_compress.c ['block_round_trip', 'decompress_dstSize_tooSmall', 'raw_dictionary_round_trip', 'dictionary_stream_round_trip', 'dictionary_loader', 'simple_compress', 'dictionary_round_trip', 'huf_round_trip', 'stream_round_trip', 'seekable_roundtrip', 'dictionary_decompress', 'simple_round_trip', 'sequence_compression_api'] []
/src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../programs/util.c [] []
/src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/common/entropy_common.c ['huf_decompress', 'block_decompress', 'block_round_trip', 'decompress_dstSize_tooSmall', 'raw_dictionary_round_trip', 'dictionary_stream_round_trip', 'dictionary_loader', 'simple_compress', 'dictionary_round_trip', 'huf_round_trip', 'stream_round_trip', 'seekable_roundtrip', 'dictionary_decompress', 'stream_decompress', 'fse_read_ncount', 'simple_round_trip', 'sequence_compression_api'] []
/src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/decompress/zstd_decompress_internal.h ['block_decompress', 'block_round_trip', 'stream_round_trip', 'seekable_roundtrip', 'dictionary_decompress', 'stream_decompress'] []
/src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/dictBuilder/divsufsort.c [] []
/src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/common/bits.h ['huf_decompress', 'block_decompress', 'block_round_trip', 'decompress_dstSize_tooSmall', 'raw_dictionary_round_trip', 'dictionary_stream_round_trip', 'dictionary_loader', 'simple_compress', 'dictionary_round_trip', 'huf_round_trip', 'stream_round_trip', 'seekable_roundtrip', 'dictionary_decompress', 'stream_decompress', 'fse_read_ncount', 'simple_round_trip', 'sequence_compression_api'] []
/src/zstd/tests/fuzz/fuzz_helpers.c ['huf_decompress', 'block_decompress', 'block_round_trip', 'decompress_dstSize_tooSmall', 'simple_decompress', 'raw_dictionary_round_trip', 'dictionary_stream_round_trip', 'dictionary_loader', 'simple_compress', 'dictionary_round_trip', 'huf_round_trip', 'stream_round_trip', 'seekable_roundtrip', 'dictionary_decompress', 'stream_decompress', 'fse_read_ncount', 'simple_round_trip', 'sequence_compression_api'] ['huf_decompress', 'block_decompress', 'block_round_trip', 'decompress_dstSize_tooSmall', 'simple_decompress', 'raw_dictionary_round_trip', 'dictionary_stream_round_trip', 'dictionary_loader', 'simple_compress', 'dictionary_round_trip', 'huf_round_trip', 'stream_round_trip', 'seekable_roundtrip', 'dictionary_decompress', 'stream_decompress', 'fse_read_ncount', 'simple_round_trip', 'sequence_compression_api']
/src/zstd/tests/fuzz/zstd_frame_info.c ['zstd_frame_info'] ['zstd_frame_info']
/src/zstd/tests/fuzz/dictionary_loader.c ['dictionary_loader'] ['dictionary_loader']
/src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/decompress/../common/mem.h ['block_decompress', 'block_round_trip', 'raw_dictionary_round_trip', 'dictionary_stream_round_trip', 'dictionary_loader', 'dictionary_round_trip', 'stream_round_trip', 'seekable_roundtrip', 'dictionary_decompress', 'zstd_frame_info', 'stream_decompress', 'simple_round_trip', 'sequence_compression_api'] []
/src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/decompress/zstd_ddict.c ['block_decompress', 'block_round_trip', 'decompress_dstSize_tooSmall', 'simple_decompress', 'raw_dictionary_round_trip', 'dictionary_stream_round_trip', 'dictionary_loader', 'dictionary_round_trip', 'stream_round_trip', 'seekable_roundtrip', 'dictionary_decompress', 'stream_decompress', 'simple_round_trip', 'sequence_compression_api'] []
/src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/dictBuilder/zdict.c ['dictionary_stream_round_trip', 'dictionary_round_trip', 'dictionary_decompress'] []
/src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/decompress/zstd_decompress_block.c ['block_decompress', 'block_round_trip', 'raw_dictionary_round_trip', 'dictionary_stream_round_trip', 'dictionary_loader', 'dictionary_round_trip', 'stream_round_trip', 'seekable_roundtrip', 'dictionary_decompress', 'zstd_frame_info', 'stream_decompress', 'simple_round_trip', 'sequence_compression_api'] []
/src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/common/zstd_common.c ['huf_decompress', 'block_round_trip', 'decompress_dstSize_tooSmall', 'raw_dictionary_round_trip', 'dictionary_stream_round_trip', 'dictionary_loader', 'simple_compress', 'dictionary_round_trip', 'huf_round_trip', 'stream_round_trip', 'seekable_roundtrip', 'dictionary_decompress', 'stream_decompress', 'fse_read_ncount', 'simple_round_trip', 'sequence_compression_api'] []
/src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/legacy/zstd_v03.c ['stream_round_trip', 'seekable_roundtrip', 'dictionary_decompress', 'zstd_frame_info', 'stream_decompress', 'simple_round_trip'] []
/src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/zstd_double_fast.c ['block_round_trip', 'decompress_dstSize_tooSmall', 'raw_dictionary_round_trip', 'dictionary_stream_round_trip', 'dictionary_loader', 'simple_compress', 'dictionary_round_trip', 'stream_round_trip', 'seekable_roundtrip', 'dictionary_decompress', 'simple_round_trip', 'sequence_compression_api'] []
/src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/common/bitstream.h ['huf_decompress', 'block_decompress', 'block_round_trip', 'decompress_dstSize_tooSmall', 'raw_dictionary_round_trip', 'dictionary_stream_round_trip', 'dictionary_loader', 'simple_compress', 'dictionary_round_trip', 'huf_round_trip', 'stream_round_trip', 'seekable_roundtrip', 'dictionary_decompress', 'stream_decompress', 'simple_round_trip', 'sequence_compression_api'] []
/src/zstd/tests/fuzz/stream_decompress.c ['stream_decompress'] ['stream_decompress']
/src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/zstd_fast.c ['block_round_trip', 'decompress_dstSize_tooSmall', 'raw_dictionary_round_trip', 'dictionary_stream_round_trip', 'dictionary_loader', 'simple_compress', 'dictionary_round_trip', 'stream_round_trip', 'seekable_roundtrip', 'dictionary_decompress', 'simple_round_trip', 'sequence_compression_api'] []
/src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/legacy/zstd_v01.c ['stream_round_trip', 'seekable_roundtrip', 'dictionary_decompress', 'zstd_frame_info', 'stream_decompress', 'simple_round_trip'] []
/src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/hist.c ['block_round_trip', 'decompress_dstSize_tooSmall', 'raw_dictionary_round_trip', 'dictionary_stream_round_trip', 'dictionary_loader', 'simple_compress', 'dictionary_round_trip', 'huf_round_trip', 'stream_round_trip', 'seekable_roundtrip', 'dictionary_decompress', 'simple_round_trip', 'sequence_compression_api'] []
/src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/decompress/huf_decompress.c ['huf_decompress', 'block_decompress', 'block_round_trip', 'raw_dictionary_round_trip', 'dictionary_stream_round_trip', 'dictionary_loader', 'dictionary_round_trip', 'huf_round_trip', 'stream_round_trip', 'seekable_roundtrip', 'dictionary_decompress', 'stream_decompress', 'sequence_compression_api'] []
/src/zstd/tests/fuzz/stream_round_trip.c ['stream_round_trip'] ['stream_round_trip']
/src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/dictBuilder/../compress/zstd_compress_internal.h ['dictionary_stream_round_trip', 'dictionary_round_trip', 'dictionary_decompress'] []
/src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/decompress/../common/zstd_internal.h ['block_decompress', 'block_round_trip', 'stream_round_trip', 'seekable_roundtrip', 'dictionary_decompress', 'stream_decompress'] []
/src/zstd/tests/fuzz/fuzz_data_producer.c ['huf_decompress', 'block_decompress', 'block_round_trip', 'decompress_dstSize_tooSmall', 'simple_decompress', 'raw_dictionary_round_trip', 'dictionary_stream_round_trip', 'dictionary_loader', 'simple_compress', 'dictionary_round_trip', 'huf_round_trip', 'stream_round_trip', 'seekable_roundtrip', 'dictionary_decompress', 'stream_decompress', 'fse_read_ncount', 'simple_round_trip', 'sequence_compression_api'] ['huf_decompress', 'block_decompress', 'block_round_trip', 'decompress_dstSize_tooSmall', 'simple_decompress', 'raw_dictionary_round_trip', 'dictionary_stream_round_trip', 'dictionary_loader', 'simple_compress', 'dictionary_round_trip', 'huf_round_trip', 'stream_round_trip', 'seekable_roundtrip', 'dictionary_decompress', 'stream_decompress', 'fse_read_ncount', 'simple_round_trip', 'sequence_compression_api']
/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/stdio.h [] []
/src/zstd/tests/fuzz/block_decompress.c ['block_decompress'] ['block_decompress']
/src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/../common/bits.h ['block_round_trip', 'decompress_dstSize_tooSmall', 'raw_dictionary_round_trip', 'dictionary_stream_round_trip', 'dictionary_loader', 'simple_compress', 'dictionary_round_trip', 'huf_round_trip', 'stream_round_trip', 'seekable_roundtrip', 'dictionary_decompress', 'simple_round_trip', 'sequence_compression_api'] []
/src/zstd/tests/fuzz/zstd_helpers.c ['raw_dictionary_round_trip', 'dictionary_stream_round_trip', 'dictionary_round_trip', 'stream_round_trip', 'dictionary_decompress', 'simple_round_trip'] ['raw_dictionary_round_trip', 'dictionary_stream_round_trip', 'dictionary_round_trip', 'stream_round_trip', 'dictionary_decompress', 'simple_round_trip']
/src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/legacy/../common/zstd_internal.h ['block_decompress', 'block_round_trip', 'decompress_dstSize_tooSmall', 'simple_decompress', 'raw_dictionary_round_trip', 'dictionary_stream_round_trip', 'dictionary_loader', 'dictionary_round_trip', 'stream_round_trip', 'seekable_roundtrip', 'dictionary_decompress', 'stream_decompress', 'simple_round_trip', 'sequence_compression_api'] []
/usr/include/stdlib.h [] []
/src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/common/error_private.c [] []
/src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/common/pool.c ['decompress_dstSize_tooSmall', 'raw_dictionary_round_trip', 'dictionary_stream_round_trip', 'dictionary_loader', 'simple_compress', 'dictionary_round_trip', 'stream_round_trip', 'seekable_roundtrip', 'dictionary_decompress', 'simple_round_trip', 'sequence_compression_api'] []
/src/zstd/tests/fuzz/fse_read_ncount.c ['fse_read_ncount'] ['fse_read_ncount']
/src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/dictBuilder/cover.c ['dictionary_stream_round_trip', 'dictionary_round_trip', 'dictionary_decompress'] []
/src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/zstd_compress_literals.c ['block_round_trip', 'decompress_dstSize_tooSmall', 'raw_dictionary_round_trip', 'dictionary_stream_round_trip', 'dictionary_loader', 'simple_compress', 'dictionary_round_trip', 'stream_round_trip', 'seekable_roundtrip', 'dictionary_decompress', 'simple_round_trip', 'sequence_compression_api'] []
/src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/../common/zstd_internal.h ['block_round_trip', 'decompress_dstSize_tooSmall', 'raw_dictionary_round_trip', 'dictionary_stream_round_trip', 'dictionary_loader', 'simple_compress', 'dictionary_round_trip', 'stream_round_trip', 'seekable_roundtrip', 'dictionary_decompress', 'simple_round_trip', 'sequence_compression_api'] []
/src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/zstd_compress_sequences.c ['block_round_trip', 'decompress_dstSize_tooSmall', 'raw_dictionary_round_trip', 'dictionary_stream_round_trip', 'dictionary_loader', 'simple_compress', 'dictionary_round_trip', 'stream_round_trip', 'seekable_roundtrip', 'dictionary_decompress', 'simple_round_trip', 'sequence_compression_api'] []
/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/sys/stat.h [] []
/src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/legacy/zstd_v05.c ['block_decompress', 'block_round_trip', 'decompress_dstSize_tooSmall', 'simple_decompress', 'raw_dictionary_round_trip', 'dictionary_stream_round_trip', 'dictionary_loader', 'dictionary_round_trip', 'stream_round_trip', 'seekable_roundtrip', 'dictionary_decompress', 'zstd_frame_info', 'stream_decompress', 'simple_round_trip', 'sequence_compression_api'] []
/src/zstd/tests/fuzz/simple_compress.c ['simple_compress'] ['simple_compress']
/src/zstd/tests/fuzz/block_round_trip.c ['block_round_trip'] ['block_round_trip']
/src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/decompress/../common/allocations.h ['block_decompress', 'block_round_trip', 'decompress_dstSize_tooSmall', 'simple_decompress', 'raw_dictionary_round_trip', 'dictionary_stream_round_trip', 'dictionary_loader', 'dictionary_round_trip', 'stream_round_trip', 'seekable_roundtrip', 'dictionary_decompress', 'stream_decompress', 'simple_round_trip', 'sequence_compression_api'] []
/src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/zstd_compress_internal.h ['block_round_trip', 'decompress_dstSize_tooSmall', 'raw_dictionary_round_trip', 'dictionary_stream_round_trip', 'dictionary_loader', 'simple_compress', 'dictionary_round_trip', 'stream_round_trip', 'seekable_roundtrip', 'dictionary_decompress', 'simple_round_trip', 'sequence_compression_api'] []
/src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../contrib/seekable_format/zstdseek_decompress.c ['seekable_roundtrip'] []
/src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/common/mem.h ['huf_decompress', 'block_decompress', 'block_round_trip', 'decompress_dstSize_tooSmall', 'raw_dictionary_round_trip', 'dictionary_stream_round_trip', 'dictionary_loader', 'simple_compress', 'dictionary_round_trip', 'huf_round_trip', 'stream_round_trip', 'seekable_roundtrip', 'dictionary_decompress', 'stream_decompress', 'fse_read_ncount', 'simple_round_trip', 'sequence_compression_api'] []
/src/zstd/tests/fuzz/simple_decompress.c ['simple_decompress'] ['simple_decompress']
/src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/legacy/zstd_v06.c ['block_decompress', 'block_round_trip', 'decompress_dstSize_tooSmall', 'simple_decompress', 'raw_dictionary_round_trip', 'dictionary_stream_round_trip', 'dictionary_loader', 'dictionary_round_trip', 'stream_round_trip', 'seekable_roundtrip', 'dictionary_decompress', 'zstd_frame_info', 'stream_decompress', 'simple_round_trip', 'sequence_compression_api'] []
/src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/common/threading.c ['decompress_dstSize_tooSmall', 'raw_dictionary_round_trip', 'dictionary_stream_round_trip', 'dictionary_loader', 'simple_compress', 'dictionary_round_trip', 'stream_round_trip', 'seekable_roundtrip', 'dictionary_decompress', 'simple_round_trip', 'sequence_compression_api'] []
/src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/zstd_lazy.c ['block_round_trip', 'decompress_dstSize_tooSmall', 'raw_dictionary_round_trip', 'dictionary_stream_round_trip', 'dictionary_loader', 'simple_compress', 'dictionary_round_trip', 'stream_round_trip', 'seekable_roundtrip', 'dictionary_decompress', 'simple_round_trip', 'sequence_compression_api'] []
/src/zstd/tests/fuzz/huf_decompress.c ['huf_decompress'] ['huf_decompress']
/src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../contrib/externalSequenceProducer/sequence_producer.c ['raw_dictionary_round_trip', 'dictionary_stream_round_trip', 'dictionary_round_trip', 'stream_round_trip', 'simple_round_trip'] []
/src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/zstd_opt.c ['block_round_trip', 'decompress_dstSize_tooSmall', 'raw_dictionary_round_trip', 'dictionary_stream_round_trip', 'dictionary_loader', 'simple_compress', 'dictionary_round_trip', 'stream_round_trip', 'seekable_roundtrip', 'dictionary_decompress', 'simple_round_trip', 'sequence_compression_api'] []
/src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/dictBuilder/../common/bits.h ['dictionary_stream_round_trip', 'dictionary_round_trip', 'dictionary_decompress'] []
/src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/fse_compress.c ['block_round_trip', 'decompress_dstSize_tooSmall', 'raw_dictionary_round_trip', 'dictionary_stream_round_trip', 'dictionary_loader', 'simple_compress', 'dictionary_round_trip', 'huf_round_trip', 'stream_round_trip', 'seekable_roundtrip', 'dictionary_decompress', 'fse_read_ncount', 'simple_round_trip', 'sequence_compression_api'] []
/src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/decompress/zstd_decompress.c ['block_decompress', 'block_round_trip', 'decompress_dstSize_tooSmall', 'simple_decompress', 'raw_dictionary_round_trip', 'dictionary_stream_round_trip', 'dictionary_loader', 'dictionary_round_trip', 'stream_round_trip', 'seekable_roundtrip', 'dictionary_decompress', 'zstd_frame_info', 'stream_decompress', 'simple_round_trip', 'sequence_compression_api'] []
/src/zstd/tests/fuzz/dictionary_stream_round_trip.c ['dictionary_stream_round_trip'] ['dictionary_stream_round_trip']
/src/zstd/tests/fuzz/huf_round_trip.c ['huf_round_trip'] ['huf_round_trip']
/src/zstd/tests/fuzz/../../lib/compress/zstd_compress_superblock.c ['block_round_trip', 'decompress_dstSize_tooSmall', 'raw_dictionary_round_trip', 'dictionary_stream_round_trip', 'dictionary_loader', 'simple_compress', 'dictionary_round_trip', 'stream_round_trip', 'seekable_roundtrip', 'dictionary_decompress', 'simple_round_trip'] []

Directories in report


Metadata section

This sections shows the raw data that is used to produce this report. This is mainly used for further processing and developer debugging.

Fuzzer Calltree file Program data file Coverage file
huf_decompress fuzzerLogFile-0-rDh98zlpub.data fuzzerLogFile-0-rDh98zlpub.data.yaml huf_decompress.covreport
block_decompress fuzzerLogFile-0-EyiC7vXRdJ.data fuzzerLogFile-0-EyiC7vXRdJ.data.yaml block_decompress.covreport
block_round_trip fuzzerLogFile-0-pBXX4I3hoQ.data fuzzerLogFile-0-pBXX4I3hoQ.data.yaml block_round_trip.covreport
decompress_dstSize_tooSmall fuzzerLogFile-0-XY9Vb4vXHL.data fuzzerLogFile-0-XY9Vb4vXHL.data.yaml decompress_dstSize_tooSmall.covreport
simple_decompress fuzzerLogFile-0-YK7UfFWARS.data fuzzerLogFile-0-YK7UfFWARS.data.yaml simple_decompress.covreport
raw_dictionary_round_trip fuzzerLogFile-0-1HLF8ScmPA.data fuzzerLogFile-0-1HLF8ScmPA.data.yaml raw_dictionary_round_trip.covreport
dictionary_stream_round_trip fuzzerLogFile-0-Ay0F35fXud.data fuzzerLogFile-0-Ay0F35fXud.data.yaml dictionary_stream_round_trip.covreport
dictionary_loader fuzzerLogFile-0-eHgalnG1nN.data fuzzerLogFile-0-eHgalnG1nN.data.yaml dictionary_loader.covreport
simple_compress fuzzerLogFile-0-rAiAm1GbdX.data fuzzerLogFile-0-rAiAm1GbdX.data.yaml simple_compress.covreport
dictionary_round_trip fuzzerLogFile-0-GicNxcPZJ1.data fuzzerLogFile-0-GicNxcPZJ1.data.yaml dictionary_round_trip.covreport
huf_round_trip fuzzerLogFile-0-216x41X1fP.data fuzzerLogFile-0-216x41X1fP.data.yaml huf_round_trip.covreport
stream_round_trip fuzzerLogFile-0-LeILwXAuy7.data fuzzerLogFile-0-LeILwXAuy7.data.yaml stream_round_trip.covreport
seekable_roundtrip fuzzerLogFile-0-p3ESwu17Nd.data fuzzerLogFile-0-p3ESwu17Nd.data.yaml seekable_roundtrip.covreport
dictionary_decompress fuzzerLogFile-0-7vhbDH9j94.data fuzzerLogFile-0-7vhbDH9j94.data.yaml dictionary_decompress.covreport
zstd_frame_info fuzzerLogFile-0-eD7MVuJd4f.data fuzzerLogFile-0-eD7MVuJd4f.data.yaml zstd_frame_info.covreport
stream_decompress fuzzerLogFile-0-CVVZndXGVl.data fuzzerLogFile-0-CVVZndXGVl.data.yaml stream_decompress.covreport
fse_read_ncount fuzzerLogFile-0-2oSrpMBa9w.data fuzzerLogFile-0-2oSrpMBa9w.data.yaml fse_read_ncount.covreport
simple_round_trip fuzzerLogFile-0-G5TSbZ5Qcx.data fuzzerLogFile-0-G5TSbZ5Qcx.data.yaml simple_round_trip.covreport
sequence_compression_api fuzzerLogFile-0-hlsJglEYEI.data fuzzerLogFile-0-hlsJglEYEI.data.yaml sequence_compression_api.covreport