Computer Graphics Forum (Proceedings of Eurographics), 2015

Woodification: User-Controlled Cambial
Growth Modeling

Julian Kratt1       Marc Spicker1       Alejandro Guayaquil2       Marek Fiser2
Sören Pirk3       Oliver Deussen1       John C. Hart4       Bedrich Benes2

1University of Konstanz, Germany
2Purdue University, USA
3ESRI R&D Center Zurich, Switzerland
4University of Illinois, USA


We present a botanical simulation of secondary (cambial) tree growth coupled to a physical cracking simulation of its bark. Whereas level set growth would use a fixed resolution voxel grid, our system extends the deformable simplicial complex (DSC), supporting new biological growth functions robustly on any surface polygonal mesh with adaptive subdivision, collision detection and topological control. We extend the DSC with temporally coherent texturing, and surface cracking with a user-controllable biological model coupled to the stresses introduced by the cambial growth model.



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 author     = {Kratt, J. and Spicker, M. and Guayaquil, A. and Fiser, M. and Pirk, S. 
               and Deussen, O. and Hart, J. C. and Benes, B.},
 title      = {Woodification: User-Controlled Cambial Growth Modeling},
 journal    = {Comput. Graph. Forum},
 issue_date = {May 2015},
 volume     = {34},
 number     = {2},
 month      = may,
 year       = {2015},
 issn       = {0167-7055},
 pages      = {361--372},
 numpages   = {12},
 url        = {},
 doi        = {10.1111/cgf.12566},
 acmid      = {2816755},
 publisher  = {The Eurographs Association \&\#38; John Wiley \&\#38; Sons, Ltd.},
 address    = {Chichester, UK},
 keywords   = {Categories and Subject Descriptors according to ACM CCS, 
			  I.3.5 [Computer Graphics]: Computational Geometry and Object Modeling-, 
              I.3.6 [Computer Graphics]: Methodology and Techniques-Interaction Techniques, 
              I.6.8 [Simulation and Modeling]: Types of Simulation-Visual},