September 18, 2023

Common Plumbing Mistakes to Avoid at All Costs

Plumbing issues can be a homeowner's worst nightmare. From leaky pipes to clogged toilets, the problems seem never-ending. But did you know that many of these issues can be avoided by simply avoiding some common plumbing mistakes? In this article, we will explore the most common plumbing mistakes and provide you with tips on how to avoid them. So grab your wrench and let's get started!

Hiring an Inexperienced Plumber

When it comes to plumbing issues, it is crucial to hire a professional plumber who has the necessary experience and expertise. Hiring an inexperienced plumber may save you some money upfront, but it can lead to costly repairs down the line. A professional plumber will have the knowledge and skills to quickly identify and fix any plumbing problem.

Sub-How to Find a Reliable Plumber

To find a reliable plumber, ask for recommendations from friends and family or check online reviews. Look for plumbers who are licensed and insured, as this ensures that they have met certain standards of professionalism and competence. Additionally, make sure to get multiple quotes before making a decision.

Ignoring Dripping Faucets

Sub-The Consequences of Ignoring Dripping Faucets

Dripping faucets may seem like a minor annoyance, but they can actually waste a significant amount of water over time. Not only does this result in higher water bills, but it also puts unnecessary strain on your plumbing system. Ignoring dripping faucets can eventually lead to more serious leaks and damage.

Sub-How to Fix Dripping Faucets

Fixing dripping faucets is usually a simple task that can be done by homeowners themselves. Start by turning off the water supply to the faucet. Then, disassemble the faucet and replace any worn-out parts, such as the washer or O-ring. If you're unsure how to proceed, it's best to call a professional plumber.

Allowing a Slow Draining Sink

Sub-Causes of a Slow Draining Sink

A slow draining sink is often caused by a buildup of debris and hair in the drain pipes. Over time, this buildup can restrict the flow of water and lead to complete blockage if left untreated. Ignoring a slow draining sink can result in unpleasant odors and even sewage backups.

Sub-How to Fix a Slow Draining Sink

To fix a slow draining sink, start by removing any visible debris from the drain. Then, pour boiling water down the drain to help break up any clogs. If the problem persists, use a plunger or a drain snake to dislodge the blockage. In severe cases, you may need to call a plumber to professionally clean your pipes.

Neglecting Clogged Bath and Shower Drains

Sub-Common Causes of Clogged Bath and Shower Drains

Clogged bath and shower drains are usually caused by a combination of soap scum, hair, and other debris that accumulates over time. Failing to address these clogs can result in standing water in your tub or shower, making it impossible to properly clean yourself.

Sub-How to Clear Clogged Bath and Shower Drains

To clear clogged bath and shower drains, start by removing any visible hair or debris from the drain using your hands or tweezers. Next, use a plunger to create suction and dislodge the clog. If this doesn't work, try using a mixture of baking soda and vinegar followed by hot water. For stubborn clogs, consider using a drain snake or calling a professional plumber.

Overusing Chemical Drain Cleaners

Sub-The Dangers of Chemical Drain Cleaners

Chemical drain cleaners may seem like a quick and easy solution for clogged drains, but they can actually do more harm than good. These harsh chemicals can corrode your pipes over time, leading to leaks and other plumbing issues. Additionally, they can be harmful to the environment and pose a health risk if not used properly.

Sub-Safer Alternatives to Chemical Drain Cleaners

Instead of relying on chemical drain cleaners, consider using natural alternatives that are safer for your pipes and the environment. For example, you can use a mixture of baking soda and vinegar followed by hot water to break up clogs. Alternatively, invest in a drain snake or call a professional plumber for assistance.

Flushing Non-Flushable Items Down the Toilet

Sub-Common Non-Flushable Items

Many homeowners make the mistake of flushing non-flushable items down the toilet, thinking that it will simply disappear. However, these items can cause serious clogs and damage to your plumbing system. Common non-flushable items include paper towels, feminine hygiene products, baby wipes, and plumbers Long Grove, IL dental floss.

Sub-Proper Disposal Methods

To avoid toilet clogs caused by non-flushable items, always dispose of them in the trash instead. Provide trash cans in your bathroom for convenience and educate your family members about what can and cannot be flushed down the toilet.


  • Q: How often should I have my plumbing system inspected? A: It is recommended to have your plumbing system inspected at least once a year to catch any potential issues before they become major problems.

  • Q: What should I do if I have a sewer system backup? A: In the case of a sewer system backup, it's important to immediately stop using any plumbing fixtures and call a professional plumber to assess and resolve the issue.

  • Q: How can I prevent frozen pipes during winter? A: To prevent frozen pipes, insulate exposed pipes, keep your home well-heated, and allow faucets to drip during extremely cold temperatures.

  • Q: What are the signs of a gas leak? A: Signs of a gas leak include a rotten egg smell, hissing sounds near gas appliances, and dying plants or discolored vegetation near gas lines.

  • Q: How can I fix a noisy pipe? A: Noisy pipes can be fixed by securing them with clips or cushions, insulating them to reduce vibration, or calling a plumber if the problem persists.

  • Q: What should I do if my washing machine hose leaks? A: If your washing machine hose leaks, turn off the water supply immediately and replace the faulty hose with a new one. Regularly inspect and replace hoses as needed.

  • By avoiding these common plumbing mistakes, you can save yourself time, money, and frustration in the long run. Remember to hire a professional plumber when needed, address dripping faucets and slow draining sinks promptly, and use proper disposal methods for non-flushable items. Additionally, be cautious when using chemical drain cleaners and take steps to prevent frozen pipes during winter. With these tips in mind, you'll be well on your way to maintaining a healthy and functional plumbing system in your home.

    Jake Mitchell, a seasoned plumber with over 15 years of experience, has become a trusted name in the plumbing industry. Born and raised in Springfield, IL Jake's passion for plumbing began when he assisted his father, a master plumber, during summer breaks. Over the years, he has honed his skills, specializing in both residential and commercial plumbing solutions. Jake is not only known for his technical expertise but also for his commitment to customer satisfaction. When he's not fixing leaks or installing fixtures, Jake enjoys fishing and spending quality time with his family.