VSO- Space Reovation Assessments Subject: VSO- Space Reovation Assessments From: War Memorial Commissioner Date: 12/13/2024, 1:22 AM To: Jorge Santiago , Ken Harstine , Richard Purcell , kevin.m.thomas223@gmail.com, Don Andrejczyk Good day Jorge, Thank you for attending our meeting this week.  We appreciate all your input and information shared regarding your Department and staffing. As we discussed during our meeting and in the past we would like to continue to collaborate with the Veterans Service Office to ensure you feel supported and  are aware we are here to help.  The Commission would like to set up some time with you to review your Needs/ Wants assessments.  Your feedback would be greatly appreciated!  As you are aware, the Hampden County Sheriff's Department has extended the offer to help provide suggestions and ideas on how to upgrade our spaces and is open and willing to offer some of the work to be done as well.  To begin, I would like to request for you to provide us with your list of needs and wants.   We also would like for you to answer the following questions,so we can better prepare on how to adequately improve your space and extend the space if necessary. A. Hours of Operations ? Days of the week B. How many Staff on hand ? C. Do you have any request for additional rooms/ office if so, what would the space be used for and approx how much sq. footage? D. Do you have an active mailbox listing? E. Do you have a need for internet access? Need for Hard wire phone service? F. Are there any other requests you may have at this time? In conclusion we the Commission will be diligently revamping our building access, security system, parking enforcement, parking lot allotments, Code and Key distribution. We are fully aware as one of our Full time occupants your department gets the blunt of all the requests, building ask as well as have been housed with the task to be the lead on building access. We are aware that should not lie on your department therefore we want to do all we can to help.2 Please let me know what your availability would be this month or first few weeks of January. Very Respectfully,                    Laddy C. Rua Chairman, War Memorial Commission 310 Appleton St, Holyoke MA Mobile (413)885-0955 E/ commissioner@holyoke.org