Package-level declarations


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data class AcceleratorResponse(val count: String, val installGpuDrivers: Boolean, val type: String)

Accelerator describes Compute Engine accelerators to be attached to the VM.

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data class ActionConditionResponse(val exitCodes: List<Int>)

Conditions for actions to deal with task failures.

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data class AllocationPolicyResponse(val instances: List<InstancePolicyOrTemplateResponse>, val labels: Map<String, String>, val location: LocationPolicyResponse, val network: NetworkPolicyResponse, val placement: PlacementPolicyResponse, val serviceAccount: ServiceAccountResponse)

A Job's resource allocation policy describes when, where, and how compute resources should be allocated for the Job.

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data class AttachedDiskResponse(val deviceName: String, val existingDisk: String, val newDisk: DiskResponse)

A new or an existing persistent disk (PD) or a local ssd attached to a VM instance.

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data class BarrierResponse(val name: String)

Barrier runnable blocks until all tasks in a taskgroup reach it.

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data class ComputeResourceResponse(val bootDiskMib: String, val cpuMilli: String, val memoryMib: String)

Compute resource requirements

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data class ContainerResponse(val blockExternalNetwork: Boolean, val commands: List<String>, val entrypoint: String, val imageUri: String, val options: String, val password: String, val username: String, val volumes: List<String>)

Container runnable.

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data class DiskResponse(val diskInterface: String, val image: String, val sizeGb: String, val snapshot: String, val type: String)

A new persistent disk or a local ssd. A VM can only have one local SSD setting but multiple local SSD partitions. See and

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data class EnvironmentResponse(val encryptedVariables: KMSEnvMapResponse, val secretVariables: Map<String, String>, val variables: Map<String, String>)

An Environment describes a collection of environment variables to set when executing Tasks.

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data class GCSResponse(val remotePath: String)

Represents a Google Cloud Storage volume.

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data class GetJobResult(val allocationPolicy: AllocationPolicyResponse, val createTime: String, val labels: Map<String, String>, val logsPolicy: LogsPolicyResponse, val name: String, val notifications: List<JobNotificationResponse>, val priority: String, val status: JobStatusResponse, val taskGroups: List<TaskGroupResponse>, val uid: String, val updateTime: String)
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data class InstancePolicyOrTemplateResponse(val installGpuDrivers: Boolean, val instanceTemplate: String, val policy: InstancePolicyResponse)

Either an InstancePolicy or an instance template.

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data class InstancePolicyResponse(val accelerators: List<AcceleratorResponse>, val bootDisk: DiskResponse, val disks: List<AttachedDiskResponse>, val machineType: String, val minCpuPlatform: String, val provisioningModel: String)

InstancePolicy describes an instance type and resources attached to each VM created by this InstancePolicy.

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data class JobNotificationResponse(val message: MessageResponse, val pubsubTopic: String)

Notification configurations.

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data class JobStatusResponse(val runDuration: String, val state: String, val statusEvents: List<StatusEventResponse>, val taskGroups: Map<String, String>)

Job status.

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data class KMSEnvMapResponse(val cipherText: String, val keyName: String)
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data class LifecyclePolicyResponse(val action: String, val actionCondition: ActionConditionResponse)

LifecyclePolicy describes how to deal with task failures based on different conditions.

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data class LocationPolicyResponse(val allowedLocations: List<String>)
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data class LogsPolicyResponse(val destination: String, val logsPath: String)

LogsPolicy describes how outputs from a Job's Tasks (stdout/stderr) will be preserved.

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data class MessageResponse(val newJobState: String, val newTaskState: String, val type: String)

Message details. Describe the attribute that a message should have. Without specified message attributes, no message will be sent by default.

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data class NetworkInterfaceResponse(val network: String, val noExternalIpAddress: Boolean, val subnetwork: String)

A network interface.

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data class NetworkPolicyResponse(val networkInterfaces: List<NetworkInterfaceResponse>)

NetworkPolicy describes VM instance network configurations.

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data class NFSResponse(val remotePath: String, val server: String)

Represents an NFS volume.

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data class PlacementPolicyResponse(val collocation: String, val maxDistance: String)

PlacementPolicy describes a group placement policy for the VMs controlled by this AllocationPolicy.

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data class RunnableResponse(val alwaysRun: Boolean, val background: Boolean, val barrier: BarrierResponse, val container: ContainerResponse, val environment: EnvironmentResponse, val ignoreExitStatus: Boolean, val labels: Map<String, String>, val script: ScriptResponse, val timeout: String)

Runnable describes instructions for executing a specific script or container as part of a Task.

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data class ScriptResponse(val path: String, val text: String)

Script runnable.

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data class ServiceAccountResponse(val email: String, val scopes: List<String>)

Carries information about a Google Cloud service account.

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data class StatusEventResponse(val description: String, val eventTime: String, val taskExecution: TaskExecutionResponse, val taskState: String, val type: String)

Status event

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data class TaskExecutionResponse(val exitCode: Int)

This Task Execution field includes detail information for task execution procedures, based on StatusEvent types.

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data class TaskGroupResponse(val name: String, val parallelism: String, val permissiveSsh: Boolean, val requireHostsFile: Boolean, val taskCount: String, val taskCountPerNode: String, val taskEnvironments: List<EnvironmentResponse>, val taskSpec: TaskSpecResponse)

A TaskGroup contains one or multiple Tasks that share the same Runnable but with different runtime parameters.

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data class TaskSpecResponse(val computeResource: ComputeResourceResponse, val environment: EnvironmentResponse, val environments: Map<String, String>, val lifecyclePolicies: List<LifecyclePolicyResponse>, val maxRetryCount: Int, val maxRunDuration: String, val runnables: List<RunnableResponse>, val volumes: List<VolumeResponse>)

Spec of a task

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data class VolumeResponse(val deviceName: String, val gcs: GCSResponse, val mountOptions: List<String>, val mountPath: String, val nfs: NFSResponse)

Volume describes a volume and parameters for it to be mounted to a VM.