Package-level declarations


enum GoogleCloudBillingBudgetsV1beta1FilterCalendarPeriod : Enum<GoogleCloudBillingBudgetsV1beta1FilterCalendarPeriod> , ConvertibleToJava<GoogleCloudBillingBudgetsV1beta1FilterCalendarPeriod>

Optional. Specifies to track usage for recurring calendar period. For example, assume that CalendarPeriod.QUARTER is set. The budget will track usage from April 1 to June 30, when the current calendar month is April, May, June. After that, it will track usage from July 1 to September 30 when the current calendar month is July, August, September, so on.

enum GoogleCloudBillingBudgetsV1beta1FilterCreditTypesTreatment : Enum<GoogleCloudBillingBudgetsV1beta1FilterCreditTypesTreatment> , ConvertibleToJava<GoogleCloudBillingBudgetsV1beta1FilterCreditTypesTreatment>

Optional. If not set, default behavior is INCLUDE_ALL_CREDITS.

enum GoogleCloudBillingBudgetsV1beta1ThresholdRuleSpendBasis : Enum<GoogleCloudBillingBudgetsV1beta1ThresholdRuleSpendBasis> , ConvertibleToJava<GoogleCloudBillingBudgetsV1beta1ThresholdRuleSpendBasis>

Optional. The type of basis used to determine if spend has passed the threshold. Behavior defaults to CURRENT_SPEND if not set.