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data class CompositeFilterResponse(val logicOperator: String, val subFilters: List<FilterResponse>)
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data class DataSourceRestrictionResponse(val filterOptions: List<FilterOptionsResponse>, val source: SourceResponse)

Restriction on Datasource.

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data class DateResponse(val day: Int, val month: Int, val year: Int)

Represents a whole calendar date, for example a date of birth. The time of day and time zone are either specified elsewhere or are not significant. The date is relative to the Proleptic Gregorian Calendar. The date must be a valid calendar date between the year 1 and 9999.

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data class FacetOptionsResponse(val integerFacetingOptions: IntegerFacetingOptionsResponse, val numFacetBuckets: Int, val objectType: String, val operatorName: String, val sourceName: String)

Specifies operators to return facet results for. There will be one FacetResult for every source_name/object_type/operator_name combination.

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data class FilterOptionsResponse(val filter: FilterResponse, val objectType: String)

Filter options to be applied on query.

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data class FilterResponse(val compositeFilter: CompositeFilterResponse, val valueFilter: ValueFilterResponse)

A generic way of expressing filters in a query, which supports two approaches: 1. Setting a ValueFilter. The name must match an operator_name defined in the schema for your data source. 2. Setting a CompositeFilter. The filters are evaluated using the logical operator. The top-level operators can only be either an AND or a NOT. AND can appear only at the top-most level. OR can appear only under a top-level AND.

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data class GetDataSourceResult(val disableModifications: Boolean, val disableServing: Boolean, val displayName: String, val indexingServiceAccounts: List<String>, val itemsVisibility: List<GSuitePrincipalResponse>, val name: String, val operationIds: List<String>, val returnThumbnailUrls: Boolean, val shortName: String)
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data class GetSearchApplicationResult(val dataSourceRestrictions: List<DataSourceRestrictionResponse>, val defaultFacetOptions: List<FacetOptionsResponse>, val defaultSortOptions: SortOptionsResponse, val displayName: String, val enableAuditLog: Boolean, val name: String, val operationIds: List<String>, val queryInterpretationConfig: QueryInterpretationConfigResponse, val returnResultThumbnailUrls: Boolean, val scoringConfig: ScoringConfigResponse, val sourceConfig: List<SourceConfigResponse>)
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data class GSuitePrincipalResponse(val gsuiteDomain: Boolean, val gsuiteGroupEmail: String, val gsuiteUserEmail: String)
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data class IntegerFacetingOptionsResponse(val integerBuckets: List<String>)

Used to specify integer faceting options.

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data class QueryInterpretationConfigResponse(val forceDisableSupplementalResults: Boolean, val forceVerbatimMode: Boolean)

Default options to interpret user query.

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data class ScoringConfigResponse(val disableFreshness: Boolean, val disablePersonalization: Boolean)

Scoring configurations for a source while processing a Search or Suggest request.

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data class SortOptionsResponse(val operatorName: String, val sortOrder: String)
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data class SourceConfigResponse(val crowdingConfig: SourceCrowdingConfigResponse, val scoringConfig: SourceScoringConfigResponse, val source: SourceResponse)

Configurations for a source while processing a Search or Suggest request.

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data class SourceCrowdingConfigResponse(val numResults: Int, val numSuggestions: Int)

Set search results crowding limits. Crowding is a situation in which multiple results from the same source or host "crowd out" other results, diminishing the quality of search for users. To foster better search quality and source diversity in search results, you can set a condition to reduce repetitive results by source.

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data class SourceResponse(val name: String, val predefinedSource: String)

Defines sources for the suggest/search APIs.

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data class SourceScoringConfigResponse(val sourceImportance: String)

Set the scoring configuration. This allows modifying the ranking of results for a source.

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data class ValueFilterResponse(val operatorName: String, val value: ValueResponse)
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data class ValueResponse(val booleanValue: Boolean, val dateValue: DateResponse, val doubleValue: Double, val integerValue: String, val stringValue: String, val timestampValue: String)

Definition of a single value with generic type.