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data class AppEngineHttpRequestResponse(val appEngineRouting: AppEngineRoutingResponse, val headers: Map<String, String>, val httpMethod: String, val payload: String, val relativeUrl: String)

App Engine HTTP request. The message defines the HTTP request that is sent to an App Engine app when the task is dispatched. This proto can only be used for tasks in a queue which has app_engine_http_target set. Using AppEngineHttpRequest requires appengine&#46;applications&#46;get Google IAM permission for the project and the following scope: https://www&#46;googleapis&#46;com/auth/cloud-platform The task will be delivered to the App Engine app which belongs to the same project as the queue. For more information, see How Requests are Routed and how routing is affected by dispatch files. Traffic is encrypted during transport and never leaves Google datacenters. Because this traffic is carried over a communication mechanism internal to Google, you cannot explicitly set the protocol (for example, HTTP or HTTPS). The request to the handler, however, will appear to have used the HTTP protocol. The AppEngineRouting used to construct the URL that the task is delivered to can be set at the queue-level or task-level: * If set, app_engine_routing_override is used for all tasks in the queue, no matter what the setting is for the task-level app_engine_routing. The url that the task will be sent to is: * url = host + relative_url Tasks can be dispatched to secure app handlers, unsecure app handlers, and URIs restricted with login: admin. Because tasks are not run as any user, they cannot be dispatched to URIs restricted with login: required Task dispatches also do not follow redirects. The task attempt has succeeded if the app's request handler returns an HTTP response code in the range `200` - `299`. The task attempt has failed if the app's handler returns a non-2xx response code or Cloud Tasks does not receive response before the deadline. Failed tasks will be retried according to the retry configuration. 503 (Service Unavailable) is considered an App Engine system error instead of an application error and will cause Cloud Tasks' traffic congestion control to temporarily throttle the queue's dispatches. Unlike other types of task targets, a 429 (Too Many Requests) response from an app handler does not cause traffic congestion control to throttle the queue.

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data class AppEngineHttpTargetResponse(val appEngineRoutingOverride: AppEngineRoutingResponse)

App Engine HTTP target. The task will be delivered to the App Engine application hostname specified by its AppEngineHttpTarget and AppEngineHttpRequest. The documentation for AppEngineHttpRequest explains how the task's host URL is constructed. Using AppEngineHttpTarget requires appengine&#46;applications&#46;get Google IAM permission for the project and the following scope:

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data class AppEngineRoutingResponse(val host: String, val instance: String, val service: String, val version: String)

App Engine Routing. Defines routing characteristics specific to App Engine - service, version, and instance. For more information about services, versions, and instances see An Overview of App Engine, Microservices Architecture on Google App Engine, App Engine Standard request routing, and App Engine Flex request routing.

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data class AttemptStatusResponse(val dispatchTime: String, val responseStatus: StatusResponse, val responseTime: String, val scheduleTime: String)

The status of a task attempt.

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data class BindingResponse(val condition: ExprResponse, val members: List<String>, val role: String)

Associates members, or principals, with a role.

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data class ExprResponse(val description: String, val expression: String, val location: String, val title: String)

Represents a textual expression in the Common Expression Language (CEL) syntax. CEL is a C-like expression language. The syntax and semantics of CEL are documented at Example (Comparison): title: "Summary size limit" description: "Determines if a summary is less than 100 chars" expression: "document.summary.size() < 100" Example (Equality): title: "Requestor is owner" description: "Determines if requestor is the document owner" expression: "document.owner ==" Example (Logic): title: "Public documents" description: "Determine whether the document should be publicly visible" expression: "document.type != 'private' && document.type != 'internal'" Example (Data Manipulation): title: "Notification string" description: "Create a notification string with a timestamp." expression: "'New message received at ' + string(document.create_time)" The exact variables and functions that may be referenced within an expression are determined by the service that evaluates it. See the service documentation for additional information.

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data class GetQueueIamPolicyResult(val bindings: List<BindingResponse>, val etag: String, val version: Int)
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data class GetQueueResult(val appEngineHttpTarget: AppEngineHttpTargetResponse, val httpTarget: HttpTargetResponse, val name: String, val pullTarget: PullTargetResponse, val purgeTime: String, val rateLimits: RateLimitsResponse, val retryConfig: RetryConfigResponse, val state: String, val stats: QueueStatsResponse, val taskTtl: String, val tombstoneTtl: String)
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data class GetTaskResult(val appEngineHttpRequest: AppEngineHttpRequestResponse, val createTime: String, val httpRequest: HttpRequestResponse, val name: String, val pullMessage: PullMessageResponse, val scheduleTime: String, val status: TaskStatusResponse, val view: String)
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data class HeaderOverrideResponse(val header: HeaderResponse)

Wraps the Header object.

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data class HeaderResponse(val key: String, val value: String)

Defines a header message. A header can have a key and a value.

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data class HttpRequestResponse(val body: String, val headers: Map<String, String>, val httpMethod: String, val oauthToken: OAuthTokenResponse, val oidcToken: OidcTokenResponse, val url: String)

HTTP request. The task will be pushed to the worker as an HTTP request. An HTTP request embodies a url, an http method, headers, body and authorization for the http task.

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data class HttpTargetResponse(val headerOverrides: List<HeaderOverrideResponse>, val httpMethod: String, val oauthToken: OAuthTokenResponse, val oidcToken: OidcTokenResponse, val uriOverride: UriOverrideResponse)

HTTP target. When specified as a Queue, all the tasks with HttpRequest will be overridden according to the target.

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data class OAuthTokenResponse(val scope: String, val serviceAccountEmail: String)

Contains information needed for generating an OAuth token. This type of authorization should generally only be used when calling Google APIs hosted on *

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data class OidcTokenResponse(val audience: String, val serviceAccountEmail: String)

Contains information needed for generating an OpenID Connect token. This type of authorization can be used for many scenarios, including calling Cloud Run, or endpoints where you intend to validate the token yourself.

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data class PathOverrideResponse(val path: String)

PathOverride. Path message defines path override for HTTP targets.

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data class PullMessageResponse(val payload: String, val tag: String)

The pull message contains data that can be used by the caller of LeaseTasks to process the task. This proto can only be used for tasks in a queue which has pull_target set.

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Pull target.

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data class QueryOverrideResponse(val queryParams: String)

QueryOverride. Query message defines query override for HTTP targets.

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data class QueueStatsResponse(val concurrentDispatchesCount: String, val effectiveExecutionRate: Double, val executedLastMinuteCount: String, val oldestEstimatedArrivalTime: String, val tasksCount: String)

Statistics for a queue.

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data class RateLimitsResponse(val maxBurstSize: Int, val maxConcurrentTasks: Int, val maxTasksDispatchedPerSecond: Double)

Rate limits. This message determines the maximum rate that tasks can be dispatched by a queue, regardless of whether the dispatch is a first task attempt or a retry. Note: The debugging command, RunTask, will run a task even if the queue has reached its RateLimits.

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data class RetryConfigResponse(val maxAttempts: Int, val maxBackoff: String, val maxDoublings: Int, val maxRetryDuration: String, val minBackoff: String, val unlimitedAttempts: Boolean)

Retry config. These settings determine how a failed task attempt is retried.

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data class StatusResponse(val code: Int, val details: List<Map<String, String>>, val message: String)

The Status type defines a logical error model that is suitable for different programming environments, including REST APIs and RPC APIs. It is used by gRPC. Each Status message contains three pieces of data: error code, error message, and error details. You can find out more about this error model and how to work with it in the API Design Guide.

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data class TaskStatusResponse(val attemptDispatchCount: Int, val attemptResponseCount: Int, val firstAttemptStatus: AttemptStatusResponse, val lastAttemptStatus: AttemptStatusResponse)

Status of the task.

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data class UriOverrideResponse(val host: String, val pathOverride: PathOverrideResponse, val port: String, val queryOverride: QueryOverrideResponse, val scheme: String, val uriOverrideEnforceMode: String)

Uri Override. When specified, all the HTTP tasks inside the queue will be partially or fully overridden depending on the configured values.