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data class GetAnalysisResult(val analysisResult: GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1AnalysisResultResponse, val annotatorSelector: GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1AnnotatorSelectorResponse, val createTime: String, val name: String, val requestTime: String)
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data class GetConversationResult(val agentId: String, val callMetadata: GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1ConversationCallMetadataResponse, val createTime: String, val dataSource: GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1ConversationDataSourceResponse, val dialogflowIntents: Map<String, String>, val duration: String, val expireTime: String, val labels: Map<String, String>, val languageCode: String, val latestAnalysis: GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1AnalysisResponse, val latestSummary: GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1ConversationSummarizationSuggestionDataResponse, val medium: String, val name: String, val obfuscatedUserId: String, val runtimeAnnotations: List<GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1RuntimeAnnotationResponse>, val startTime: String, val transcript: GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1ConversationTranscriptResponse, val ttl: String, val turnCount: Int, val updateTime: String)
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data class GetIssueModelResult(val createTime: String, val displayName: String, val inputDataConfig: GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1IssueModelInputDataConfigResponse, val issueCount: String, val name: String, val state: String, val trainingStats: GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1IssueModelLabelStatsResponse, val updateTime: String)
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data class GetPhraseMatcherResult(val activationUpdateTime: String, val active: Boolean, val displayName: String, val name: String, val phraseMatchRuleGroups: List<GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1PhraseMatchRuleGroupResponse>, val revisionCreateTime: String, val revisionId: String, val roleMatch: String, val type: String, val updateTime: String, val versionTag: String)
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data class GetViewResult(val createTime: String, val displayName: String, val name: String, val updateTime: String, val value: String)

The analysis resource.

data class GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1AnnotationBoundaryResponse(val transcriptIndex: Int, val wordIndex: Int)

A point in a conversation that marks the start or the end of an annotation.

data class GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1AnnotatorSelectorResponse(val issueModels: List<String>, val phraseMatchers: List<String>, val runEntityAnnotator: Boolean, val runIntentAnnotator: Boolean, val runInterruptionAnnotator: Boolean, val runIssueModelAnnotator: Boolean, val runPhraseMatcherAnnotator: Boolean, val runSentimentAnnotator: Boolean, val runSilenceAnnotator: Boolean, val runSummarizationAnnotator: Boolean, val summarizationConfig: GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1AnnotatorSelectorSummarizationConfigResponse)

Selector of all available annotators and phrase matchers to run.

data class GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1AnnotatorSelectorSummarizationConfigResponse(val conversationProfile: String, val summarizationModel: String)

Configuration for summarization.

data class GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1AnswerFeedbackResponse(val clicked: Boolean, val correctnessLevel: String, val displayed: Boolean)

The feedback that the customer has about a certain answer in the conversation.

data class GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1ArticleSuggestionDataResponse(val confidenceScore: Double, val metadata: Map<String, String>, val queryRecord: String, val source: String, val title: String, val uri: String)

Agent Assist Article Suggestion data.

data class GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1ConversationCallMetadataResponse(val agentChannel: Int, val customerChannel: Int)

Call-specific metadata.

data class GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1ConversationParticipantResponse(val dialogflowParticipant: String, val dialogflowParticipantName: String, val obfuscatedExternalUserId: String, val role: String, val userId: String)

The call participant speaking for a given utterance.

data class GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1ConversationSummarizationSuggestionDataResponse(val answerRecord: String, val confidence: Double, val conversationModel: String, val metadata: Map<String, String>, val text: String, val textSections: Map<String, String>)

Conversation summarization suggestion data.

data class GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1ConversationTranscriptTranscriptSegmentWordInfoResponse(val confidence: Double, val endOffset: String, val startOffset: String, val word: String)

Word-level info for words in a transcript.

data class GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1DialogflowInteractionDataResponse(val confidence: Double, val dialogflowIntentId: String)

Dialogflow interaction data.

data class GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1DialogflowSourceResponse(val audioUri: String, val dialogflowConversation: String)

A Dialogflow source of conversation data.

The data for an entity mention annotation. This represents a mention of an Entity in the conversation.

Exact match configuration.

data class GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1FaqAnswerDataResponse(val answer: String, val confidenceScore: Double, val metadata: Map<String, String>, val queryRecord: String, val question: String, val source: String)

Agent Assist frequently-asked-question answer data.

data class GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1GcsSourceResponse(val audioUri: String, val transcriptUri: String)

A Cloud Storage source of conversation data.

The data for an intent match. Represents an intent match for a text segment in the conversation. A text segment can be part of a sentence, a complete sentence, or an utterance with multiple sentences.

data class GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1IssueAssignmentResponse(val displayName: String, val issue: String, val score: Double)

Information about the issue.

data class GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1IssueModelInputDataConfigResponse(val filter: String, val medium: String, val trainingConversationsCount: String)

Configs for the input data used to create the issue model.

data class GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1IssueModelLabelStatsResponse(val analyzedConversationsCount: String, val issueStats: Map<String, String>, val unclassifiedConversationsCount: String)

Aggregated statistics about an issue model.

data class GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1PhraseMatchDataResponse(val displayName: String, val phraseMatcher: String)

The data for a matched phrase matcher. Represents information identifying a phrase matcher for a given match.

A message representing a rule in the phrase matcher.

The data for a sentiment annotation.

data class GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1SmartComposeSuggestionDataResponse(val confidenceScore: Double, val metadata: Map<String, String>, val queryRecord: String, val suggestion: String)

Agent Assist Smart Compose suggestion data.

data class GoogleCloudContactcenterinsightsV1SmartReplyDataResponse(val confidenceScore: Double, val metadata: Map<String, String>, val queryRecord: String, val reply: String)

Agent Assist Smart Reply data.