Package-level declarations


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data class AcceleratorConfigResponse(val acceleratorCount: Int, val acceleratorTypeUri: String)

Specifies the type and number of accelerator cards attached to the instances of an instance group (see GPUs on Compute Engine (

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data class AutoscalingConfigResponse(val policyUri: String)

Autoscaling Policy config associated with the cluster.

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data class BasicAutoscalingAlgorithmResponse(val cooldownPeriod: String, val yarnConfig: BasicYarnAutoscalingConfigResponse)

Basic algorithm for autoscaling.

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data class BasicYarnAutoscalingConfigResponse(val gracefulDecommissionTimeout: String, val scaleDownFactor: Double, val scaleDownMinWorkerFraction: Double, val scaleUpFactor: Double, val scaleUpMinWorkerFraction: Double)

Basic autoscaling configurations for YARN.

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data class BindingResponse(val condition: ExprResponse, val members: List<String>, val role: String)

Associates members with a role.

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data class ClusterConfigResponse(val autoscalingConfig: AutoscalingConfigResponse, val configBucket: String, val encryptionConfig: EncryptionConfigResponse, val endpointConfig: EndpointConfigResponse, val gceClusterConfig: GceClusterConfigResponse, val gkeClusterConfig: GkeClusterConfigResponse, val initializationActions: List<NodeInitializationActionResponse>, val lifecycleConfig: LifecycleConfigResponse, val masterConfig: InstanceGroupConfigResponse, val metastoreConfig: MetastoreConfigResponse, val secondaryWorkerConfig: InstanceGroupConfigResponse, val securityConfig: SecurityConfigResponse, val softwareConfig: SoftwareConfigResponse, val tempBucket: String, val workerConfig: InstanceGroupConfigResponse)

The cluster config.

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data class ClusterMetricsResponse(val hdfsMetrics: Map<String, String>, val yarnMetrics: Map<String, String>)

Contains cluster daemon metrics, such as HDFS and YARN stats.Beta Feature: This report is available for testing purposes only. It may be changed before final release.

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data class ClusterSelectorResponse(val clusterLabels: Map<String, String>, val zone: String)

A selector that chooses target cluster for jobs based on metadata.

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data class ClusterStatusResponse(val detail: String, val state: String, val stateStartTime: String, val substate: String)

The status of a cluster and its instances.

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data class DiskConfigResponse(val bootDiskSizeGb: Int, val bootDiskType: String, val numLocalSsds: Int)

Specifies the config of disk options for a group of VM instances.

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data class EncryptionConfigResponse(val gcePdKmsKeyName: String)

Encryption settings for the cluster.

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data class EndpointConfigResponse(val enableHttpPortAccess: Boolean, val httpPorts: Map<String, String>)

Endpoint config for this cluster

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data class ExprResponse(val description: String, val expression: String, val location: String, val title: String)

Represents a textual expression in the Common Expression Language (CEL) syntax. CEL is a C-like expression language. The syntax and semantics of CEL are documented at (Comparison): title: "Summary size limit" description: "Determines if a summary is less than 100 chars" expression: "document.summary.size() < 100" Example (Equality): title: "Requestor is owner" description: "Determines if requestor is the document owner" expression: "document.owner ==" Example (Logic): title: "Public documents" description: "Determine whether the document should be publicly visible" expression: "document.type != 'private' && document.type != 'internal'" Example (Data Manipulation): title: "Notification string" description: "Create a notification string with a timestamp." expression: "'New message received at ' + string(document.create_time)" The exact variables and functions that may be referenced within an expression are determined by the service that evaluates it. See the service documentation for additional information.

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data class GceClusterConfigResponse(val internalIpOnly: Boolean, val metadata: Map<String, String>, val networkUri: String, val nodeGroupAffinity: NodeGroupAffinityResponse, val privateIpv6GoogleAccess: String, val reservationAffinity: ReservationAffinityResponse, val serviceAccount: String, val serviceAccountScopes: List<String>, val shieldedInstanceConfig: ShieldedInstanceConfigResponse, val subnetworkUri: String, val tags: List<String>, val zoneUri: String)

Common config settings for resources of Compute Engine cluster instances, applicable to all instances in the cluster.

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data class GetAutoscalingPolicyIamPolicyResult(val bindings: List<BindingResponse>, val etag: String, val version: Int)
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data class GetClusterResult(val clusterName: String, val clusterUuid: String, val config: ClusterConfigResponse, val labels: Map<String, String>, val metrics: ClusterMetricsResponse, val project: String, val status: ClusterStatusResponse, val statusHistory: List<ClusterStatusResponse>)
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data class GetJobResult(val done: Boolean, val driverControlFilesUri: String, val driverOutputResourceUri: String, val hadoopJob: HadoopJobResponse, val hiveJob: HiveJobResponse, val jobUuid: String, val labels: Map<String, String>, val pigJob: PigJobResponse, val placement: JobPlacementResponse, val prestoJob: PrestoJobResponse, val pysparkJob: PySparkJobResponse, val reference: JobReferenceResponse, val scheduling: JobSchedulingResponse, val sparkJob: SparkJobResponse, val sparkRJob: SparkRJobResponse, val sparkSqlJob: SparkSqlJobResponse, val status: JobStatusResponse, val statusHistory: List<JobStatusResponse>, val submittedBy: String, val yarnApplications: List<YarnApplicationResponse>)
data class GetRegionAutoscalingPolicyIamPolicyResult(val bindings: List<BindingResponse>, val etag: String, val version: Int)
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data class GetRegionClusterIamPolicyResult(val bindings: List<BindingResponse>, val etag: String, val version: Int)
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data class GetRegionJobIamPolicyResult(val bindings: List<BindingResponse>, val etag: String, val version: Int)
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data class GetRegionOperationIamPolicyResult(val bindings: List<BindingResponse>, val etag: String, val version: Int)
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data class GetRegionWorkflowTemplateIamPolicyResult(val bindings: List<BindingResponse>, val etag: String, val version: Int)
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data class GetWorkflowTemplateIamPolicyResult(val bindings: List<BindingResponse>, val etag: String, val version: Int)
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data class GetWorkflowTemplateResult(val createTime: String, val dagTimeout: String, val jobs: List<OrderedJobResponse>, val labels: Map<String, String>, val name: String, val parameters: List<TemplateParameterResponse>, val placement: WorkflowTemplatePlacementResponse, val updateTime: String, val version: Int)
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data class GkeClusterConfigResponse(val namespacedGkeDeploymentTarget: NamespacedGkeDeploymentTargetResponse)

The GKE config for this cluster.

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data class HadoopJobResponse(val archiveUris: List<String>, val args: List<String>, val fileUris: List<String>, val jarFileUris: List<String>, val loggingConfig: LoggingConfigResponse, val mainClass: String, val mainJarFileUri: String, val properties: Map<String, String>)

A Dataproc job for running Apache Hadoop MapReduce ( jobs on Apache Hadoop YARN (

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data class HiveJobResponse(val continueOnFailure: Boolean, val jarFileUris: List<String>, val properties: Map<String, String>, val queryFileUri: String, val queryList: QueryListResponse, val scriptVariables: Map<String, String>)

A Dataproc job for running Apache Hive ( queries on YARN.

data class InstanceGroupAutoscalingPolicyConfigResponse(val maxInstances: Int, val minInstances: Int, val weight: Int)

Configuration for the size bounds of an instance group, including its proportional size to other groups.

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data class InstanceGroupConfigResponse(val accelerators: List<AcceleratorConfigResponse>, val diskConfig: DiskConfigResponse, val imageUri: String, val instanceNames: List<String>, val instanceReferences: List<InstanceReferenceResponse>, val isPreemptible: Boolean, val machineTypeUri: String, val managedGroupConfig: ManagedGroupConfigResponse, val minCpuPlatform: String, val numInstances: Int, val preemptibility: String)

The config settings for Compute Engine resources in an instance group, such as a master or worker group.

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data class InstanceReferenceResponse(val instanceId: String, val instanceName: String, val publicKey: String)

A reference to a Compute Engine instance.

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data class JobPlacementResponse(val clusterLabels: Map<String, String>, val clusterName: String, val clusterUuid: String)

Dataproc job config.

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data class JobReferenceResponse(val jobId: String, val project: String)

Encapsulates the full scoping used to reference a job.

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data class JobSchedulingResponse(val maxFailuresPerHour: Int, val maxFailuresTotal: Int)

Job scheduling options.

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data class JobStatusResponse(val details: String, val state: String, val stateStartTime: String, val substate: String)

Dataproc job status.

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data class KerberosConfigResponse(val crossRealmTrustAdminServer: String, val crossRealmTrustKdc: String, val crossRealmTrustRealm: String, val crossRealmTrustSharedPasswordUri: String, val enableKerberos: Boolean, val kdcDbKeyUri: String, val keyPasswordUri: String, val keystorePasswordUri: String, val keystoreUri: String, val kmsKeyUri: String, val realm: String, val rootPrincipalPasswordUri: String, val tgtLifetimeHours: Int, val truststorePasswordUri: String, val truststoreUri: String)

Specifies Kerberos related configuration.

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data class LifecycleConfigResponse(val autoDeleteTime: String, val autoDeleteTtl: String, val idleDeleteTtl: String, val idleStartTime: String)

Specifies the cluster auto-delete schedule configuration.

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data class LoggingConfigResponse(val driverLogLevels: Map<String, String>)

The runtime logging config of the job.

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data class ManagedClusterResponse(val clusterName: String, val config: ClusterConfigResponse, val labels: Map<String, String>)

Cluster that is managed by the workflow.

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data class ManagedGroupConfigResponse(val instanceGroupManagerName: String, val instanceTemplateName: String)

Specifies the resources used to actively manage an instance group.

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data class MetastoreConfigResponse(val dataprocMetastoreService: String)

Specifies a Metastore configuration.

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data class NamespacedGkeDeploymentTargetResponse(val clusterNamespace: String, val targetGkeCluster: String)

A full, namespace-isolated deployment target for an existing GKE cluster.

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data class NodeGroupAffinityResponse(val nodeGroupUri: String)

Node Group Affinity for clusters using sole-tenant node groups.

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data class NodeInitializationActionResponse(val executableFile: String, val executionTimeout: String)

Specifies an executable to run on a fully configured node and a timeout period for executable completion.

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data class OrderedJobResponse(val hadoopJob: HadoopJobResponse, val hiveJob: HiveJobResponse, val labels: Map<String, String>, val pigJob: PigJobResponse, val prerequisiteStepIds: List<String>, val prestoJob: PrestoJobResponse, val pysparkJob: PySparkJobResponse, val scheduling: JobSchedulingResponse, val sparkJob: SparkJobResponse, val sparkRJob: SparkRJobResponse, val sparkSqlJob: SparkSqlJobResponse, val stepId: String)

A job executed by the workflow.

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Configuration for parameter validation.

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data class PigJobResponse(val continueOnFailure: Boolean, val jarFileUris: List<String>, val loggingConfig: LoggingConfigResponse, val properties: Map<String, String>, val queryFileUri: String, val queryList: QueryListResponse, val scriptVariables: Map<String, String>)

A Dataproc job for running Apache Pig ( queries on YARN.

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data class PrestoJobResponse(val clientTags: List<String>, val continueOnFailure: Boolean, val loggingConfig: LoggingConfigResponse, val outputFormat: String, val properties: Map<String, String>, val queryFileUri: String, val queryList: QueryListResponse)

A Dataproc job for running Presto ( queries. IMPORTANT: The Dataproc Presto Optional Component ( must be enabled when the cluster is created to submit a Presto job to the cluster.

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data class PySparkJobResponse(val archiveUris: List<String>, val args: List<String>, val fileUris: List<String>, val jarFileUris: List<String>, val loggingConfig: LoggingConfigResponse, val mainPythonFileUri: String, val properties: Map<String, String>, val pythonFileUris: List<String>)

A Dataproc job for running Apache PySpark ( applications on YARN.

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data class QueryListResponse(val queries: List<String>)

A list of queries to run on a cluster.

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data class RegexValidationResponse(val regexes: List<String>)

Validation based on regular expressions.

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data class ReservationAffinityResponse(val consumeReservationType: String, val key: String, val values: List<String>)

Reservation Affinity for consuming Zonal reservation.

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data class SecurityConfigResponse(val kerberosConfig: KerberosConfigResponse)

Security related configuration, including encryption, Kerberos, etc.

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data class ShieldedInstanceConfigResponse(val enableIntegrityMonitoring: Boolean, val enableSecureBoot: Boolean, val enableVtpm: Boolean)

Shielded Instance Config for clusters using Compute Engine Shielded VMs (

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data class SoftwareConfigResponse(val imageVersion: String, val optionalComponents: List<String>, val properties: Map<String, String>)

Specifies the selection and config of software inside the cluster.

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data class SparkJobResponse(val archiveUris: List<String>, val args: List<String>, val fileUris: List<String>, val jarFileUris: List<String>, val loggingConfig: LoggingConfigResponse, val mainClass: String, val mainJarFileUri: String, val properties: Map<String, String>)

A Dataproc job for running Apache Spark ( applications on YARN. The specification of the main method to call to drive the job. Specify either the jar file that contains the main class or the main class name. To pass both a main jar and a main class in that jar, add the jar to CommonJob.jar_file_uris, and then specify the main class name in main_class.

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data class SparkRJobResponse(val archiveUris: List<String>, val args: List<String>, val fileUris: List<String>, val loggingConfig: LoggingConfigResponse, val mainRFileUri: String, val properties: Map<String, String>)

A Dataproc job for running Apache SparkR ( applications on YARN.

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data class SparkSqlJobResponse(val jarFileUris: List<String>, val loggingConfig: LoggingConfigResponse, val properties: Map<String, String>, val queryFileUri: String, val queryList: QueryListResponse, val scriptVariables: Map<String, String>)

A Dataproc job for running Apache Spark SQL ( queries.

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data class TemplateParameterResponse(val description: String, val fields: List<String>, val name: String, val validation: ParameterValidationResponse)

A configurable parameter that replaces one or more fields in the template. Parameterizable fields: - Labels - File uris - Job properties - Job arguments - Script variables - Main class (in HadoopJob and SparkJob) - Zone (in ClusterSelector)

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data class ValueValidationResponse(val values: List<String>)

Validation based on a list of allowed values.

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data class WorkflowTemplatePlacementResponse(val clusterSelector: ClusterSelectorResponse, val managedCluster: ManagedClusterResponse)

Specifies workflow execution target.Either managed_cluster or cluster_selector is required.

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data class YarnApplicationResponse(val name: String, val progress: Double, val state: String, val trackingUrl: String)

A YARN application created by a job. Application information is a subset of org.apache.hadoop.yarn.proto.YarnProtos.ApplicationReportProto.Beta Feature: This report is available for testing purposes only. It may be changed before final release.