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AVRO file format configuration.

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data class BackfillAllStrategyResponse(val mysqlExcludedObjects: MysqlRdbmsResponse, val oracleExcludedObjects: OracleRdbmsResponse, val postgresqlExcludedObjects: PostgresqlRdbmsResponse)

Backfill strategy to automatically backfill the Stream's objects. Specific objects can be excluded.

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Backfill strategy to disable automatic backfill for the Stream's objects.

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data class BigQueryDestinationConfigResponse(val dataFreshness: String, val singleTargetDataset: SingleTargetDatasetResponse, val sourceHierarchyDatasets: SourceHierarchyDatasetsResponse)

BigQuery destination configuration

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BigQuery warehouse profile.

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data class DatasetTemplateResponse(val datasetIdPrefix: String, val kmsKeyName: String, val location: String)

Dataset template used for dynamic dataset creation.

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data class DestinationConfigResponse(val bigqueryDestinationConfig: BigQueryDestinationConfigResponse, val destinationConnectionProfile: String, val gcsDestinationConfig: GcsDestinationConfigResponse)

The configuration of the stream destination.

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Configuration to drop large object values.

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data class ErrorResponse(val details: Map<String, String>, val errorTime: String, val errorUuid: String, val message: String, val reason: String)

Represent a user-facing Error.

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data class ForwardSshTunnelConnectivityResponse(val hostname: String, val password: String, val port: Int, val privateKey: String, val username: String)

Forward SSH Tunnel connectivity.

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data class GcsDestinationConfigResponse(val avroFileFormat: AvroFileFormatResponse, val fileRotationInterval: String, val fileRotationMb: Int, val jsonFileFormat: JsonFileFormatResponse, val path: String)

Google Cloud Storage destination configuration

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data class GcsProfileResponse(val bucket: String, val rootPath: String)

Cloud Storage bucket profile.

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data class GetConnectionProfileResult(val bigqueryProfile: BigQueryProfileResponse, val createTime: String, val displayName: String, val forwardSshConnectivity: ForwardSshTunnelConnectivityResponse, val gcsProfile: GcsProfileResponse, val labels: Map<String, String>, val mysqlProfile: MysqlProfileResponse, val name: String, val oracleProfile: OracleProfileResponse, val postgresqlProfile: PostgresqlProfileResponse, val privateConnectivity: PrivateConnectivityResponse, val staticServiceIpConnectivity: StaticServiceIpConnectivityResponse, val updateTime: String)
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data class GetPrivateConnectionResult(val createTime: String, val displayName: String, val error: ErrorResponse, val labels: Map<String, String>, val name: String, val state: String, val updateTime: String, val vpcPeeringConfig: VpcPeeringConfigResponse)
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data class GetRouteResult(val createTime: String, val destinationAddress: String, val destinationPort: Int, val displayName: String, val labels: Map<String, String>, val name: String, val updateTime: String)
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data class GetStreamResult(val backfillAll: BackfillAllStrategyResponse, val backfillNone: BackfillNoneStrategyResponse, val createTime: String, val customerManagedEncryptionKey: String, val destinationConfig: DestinationConfigResponse, val displayName: String, val errors: List<ErrorResponse>, val labels: Map<String, String>, val name: String, val sourceConfig: SourceConfigResponse, val state: String, val updateTime: String)
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data class JsonFileFormatResponse(val compression: String, val schemaFileFormat: String)

JSON file format configuration.

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data class MysqlColumnResponse(val collation: String, val column: String, val dataType: String, val length: Int, val nullable: Boolean, val ordinalPosition: Int, val primaryKey: Boolean)

MySQL Column.

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data class MysqlDatabaseResponse(val database: String, val mysqlTables: List<MysqlTableResponse>)

MySQL database.

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data class MysqlProfileResponse(val hostname: String, val password: String, val port: Int, val sslConfig: MysqlSslConfigResponse, val username: String)

MySQL database profile.

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data class MysqlRdbmsResponse(val mysqlDatabases: List<MysqlDatabaseResponse>)

MySQL database structure

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data class MysqlSourceConfigResponse(val excludeObjects: MysqlRdbmsResponse, val includeObjects: MysqlRdbmsResponse, val maxConcurrentBackfillTasks: Int, val maxConcurrentCdcTasks: Int)

MySQL source configuration

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data class MysqlSslConfigResponse(val caCertificate: String, val caCertificateSet: Boolean, val clientCertificate: String, val clientCertificateSet: Boolean, val clientKey: String, val clientKeySet: Boolean)

MySQL SSL configuration information.

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data class MysqlTableResponse(val mysqlColumns: List<MysqlColumnResponse>, val table: String)

MySQL table.

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data class OracleColumnResponse(val column: String, val dataType: String, val encoding: String, val length: Int, val nullable: Boolean, val ordinalPosition: Int, val precision: Int, val primaryKey: Boolean, val scale: Int)

Oracle Column.

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data class OracleProfileResponse(val connectionAttributes: Map<String, String>, val databaseService: String, val hostname: String, val password: String, val port: Int, val username: String)

Oracle database profile.

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data class OracleRdbmsResponse(val oracleSchemas: List<OracleSchemaResponse>)

Oracle database structure.

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data class OracleSchemaResponse(val oracleTables: List<OracleTableResponse>, val schema: String)

Oracle schema.

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data class OracleSourceConfigResponse(val dropLargeObjects: DropLargeObjectsResponse, val excludeObjects: OracleRdbmsResponse, val includeObjects: OracleRdbmsResponse, val maxConcurrentBackfillTasks: Int, val maxConcurrentCdcTasks: Int, val streamLargeObjects: StreamLargeObjectsResponse)

Oracle data source configuration

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data class OracleTableResponse(val oracleColumns: List<OracleColumnResponse>, val table: String)

Oracle table.

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data class PostgresqlColumnResponse(val column: String, val dataType: String, val length: Int, val nullable: Boolean, val ordinalPosition: Int, val precision: Int, val primaryKey: Boolean, val scale: Int)

PostgreSQL Column.

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data class PostgresqlProfileResponse(val database: String, val hostname: String, val password: String, val port: Int, val username: String)

PostgreSQL database profile.

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data class PostgresqlRdbmsResponse(val postgresqlSchemas: List<PostgresqlSchemaResponse>)

PostgreSQL database structure.

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data class PostgresqlSchemaResponse(val postgresqlTables: List<PostgresqlTableResponse>, val schema: String)

PostgreSQL schema.

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data class PostgresqlSourceConfigResponse(val excludeObjects: PostgresqlRdbmsResponse, val includeObjects: PostgresqlRdbmsResponse, val maxConcurrentBackfillTasks: Int, val publication: String, val replicationSlot: String)

PostgreSQL data source configuration

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data class PostgresqlTableResponse(val postgresqlColumns: List<PostgresqlColumnResponse>, val table: String)

PostgreSQL table.

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data class PrivateConnectivityResponse(val privateConnection: String)

Private Connectivity

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data class SingleTargetDatasetResponse(val datasetId: String)

A single target dataset to which all data will be streamed.

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data class SourceConfigResponse(val mysqlSourceConfig: MysqlSourceConfigResponse, val oracleSourceConfig: OracleSourceConfigResponse, val postgresqlSourceConfig: PostgresqlSourceConfigResponse, val sourceConnectionProfile: String)

The configuration of the stream source.

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Destination datasets are created so that hierarchy of the destination data objects matches the source hierarchy.

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Static IP address connectivity. Used when the source database is configured to allow incoming connections from the Datastream public IP addresses for the region specified in the connection profile.

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Configuration to stream large object values.

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data class VpcPeeringConfigResponse(val subnet: String, val vpc: String)

The VPC Peering configuration is used to create VPC peering between Datastream and the consumer's VPC.