Package-level declarations
AVRO file format configuration.
Backfill strategy to automatically backfill the Stream's objects. Specific objects can be excluded.
Backfill strategy to disable automatic backfill for the Stream's objects.
BigQuery destination configuration
BigQuery warehouse profile.
Dataset template used for dynamic dataset creation.
The configuration of the stream destination.
Configuration to drop large object values.
Google Cloud Storage destination configuration
Cloud Storage bucket profile.
JSON file format configuration.
MySQL database.
MySQL database profile.
MySQL database structure
MySQL source configuration
MySQL table.
Oracle database structure.
Oracle schema.
Oracle data source configuration
Oracle table.
PostgreSQL database structure.
PostgreSQL schema.
PostgreSQL data source configuration
PostgreSQL table.
Private Connectivity
A single target dataset to which all data will be streamed.
The configuration of the stream source.
Destination datasets are created so that hierarchy of the destination data objects matches the source hierarchy.
Static IP address connectivity. Used when the source database is configured to allow incoming connections from the Datastream public IP addresses for the region specified in the connection profile.
Configuration to stream large object values.
The VPC Peering configuration is used to create VPC peering between Datastream and the consumer's VPC.