Package-level declarations


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data class GetAgentPlainArgs(val agentId: String, val location: String, val project: String? = null) : ConvertibleToJava<GetAgentPlainArgs>
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data class GetEntityTypePlainArgs(val agentId: String, val entityTypeId: String, val languageCode: String? = null, val location: String, val project: String? = null) : ConvertibleToJava<GetEntityTypePlainArgs>
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data class GetEnvironmentPlainArgs(val agentId: String, val environmentId: String, val location: String, val project: String? = null) : ConvertibleToJava<GetEnvironmentPlainArgs>
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data class GetExperimentPlainArgs(val agentId: String, val environmentId: String, val experimentId: String, val location: String, val project: String? = null) : ConvertibleToJava<GetExperimentPlainArgs>
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data class GetFlowPlainArgs(val agentId: String, val flowId: String, val languageCode: String? = null, val location: String, val project: String? = null) : ConvertibleToJava<GetFlowPlainArgs>
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data class GetIntentPlainArgs(val agentId: String, val intentId: String, val languageCode: String? = null, val location: String, val project: String? = null) : ConvertibleToJava<GetIntentPlainArgs>
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data class GetPagePlainArgs(val agentId: String, val flowId: String, val languageCode: String? = null, val location: String, val pageId: String, val project: String? = null) : ConvertibleToJava<GetPagePlainArgs>
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data class GetSecuritySettingPlainArgs(val location: String, val project: String? = null, val securitySettingId: String) : ConvertibleToJava<GetSecuritySettingPlainArgs>
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data class GetSessionEntityTypePlainArgs(val agentId: String, val entityTypeId: String, val environmentId: String, val location: String, val project: String? = null, val sessionId: String) : ConvertibleToJava<GetSessionEntityTypePlainArgs>
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data class GetTestCasePlainArgs(val agentId: String, val location: String, val project: String? = null, val testCaseId: String) : ConvertibleToJava<GetTestCasePlainArgs>
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data class GetTransitionRouteGroupPlainArgs(val agentId: String, val flowId: String, val languageCode: String? = null, val location: String, val project: String? = null, val transitionRouteGroupId: String) : ConvertibleToJava<GetTransitionRouteGroupPlainArgs>
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data class GetVersionPlainArgs(val agentId: String, val flowId: String, val location: String, val project: String? = null, val versionId: String) : ConvertibleToJava<GetVersionPlainArgs>
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data class GetWebhookPlainArgs(val agentId: String, val location: String, val project: String? = null, val webhookId: String) : ConvertibleToJava<GetWebhookPlainArgs>
data class GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3AdvancedSettingsArgs(val audioExportGcsDestination: Output<GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3GcsDestinationArgs>? = null, val loggingSettings: Output<GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3AdvancedSettingsLoggingSettingsArgs>? = null) : ConvertibleToJava<GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3AdvancedSettingsArgs>

Hierarchical advanced settings for agent/flow/page/fulfillment/parameter. Settings exposed at lower level overrides the settings exposed at higher level. Overriding occurs at the sub-setting level. For example, the playback_interruption_settings at fulfillment level only overrides the playback_interruption_settings at the agent level, leaving other settings at the agent level unchanged. DTMF settings does not override each other. DTMF settings set at different levels define DTMF detections running in parallel. Hierarchy: Agent->Flow->Page->Fulfillment/Parameter.

data class GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3AdvancedSettingsLoggingSettingsArgs(val enableInteractionLogging: Output<Boolean>? = null, val enableStackdriverLogging: Output<Boolean>? = null) : ConvertibleToJava<GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3AdvancedSettingsLoggingSettingsArgs>

Define behaviors on logging.

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data class GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3AudioInputArgs(val audio: Output<String>? = null, val config: Output<GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3InputAudioConfigArgs>) : ConvertibleToJava<GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3AudioInputArgs>

Represents the natural speech audio to be processed.

data class GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3ConversationTurnArgs(val userInput: Output<GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3ConversationTurnUserInputArgs>? = null, val virtualAgentOutput: Output<GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3ConversationTurnVirtualAgentOutputArgs>? = null) : ConvertibleToJava<GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3ConversationTurnArgs>

One interaction between a human and virtual agent. The human provides some input and the virtual agent provides a response.

data class GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3ConversationTurnUserInputArgs(val enableSentimentAnalysis: Output<Boolean>? = null, val injectedParameters: Output<Map<String, String>>? = null, val input: Output<GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3QueryInputArgs>? = null, val isWebhookEnabled: Output<Boolean>? = null) : ConvertibleToJava<GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3ConversationTurnUserInputArgs>

The input from the human user.

data class GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3ConversationTurnVirtualAgentOutputArgs(val currentPage: Output<GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3PageArgs>? = null, val diagnosticInfo: Output<Map<String, String>>, val sessionParameters: Output<Map<String, String>>? = null, val status: Output<GoogleRpcStatusArgs>? = null, val textResponses: Output<List<GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3ResponseMessageTextArgs>>? = null, val triggeredIntent: Output<GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3IntentArgs>? = null) : ConvertibleToJava<GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3ConversationTurnVirtualAgentOutputArgs>

The output from the virtual agent.

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data class GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3DtmfInputArgs(val digits: Output<String>? = null, val finishDigit: Output<String>? = null) : ConvertibleToJava<GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3DtmfInputArgs>

Represents the input for dtmf event.

data class GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3EntityTypeEntityArgs(val synonyms: Output<List<String>>, val value: Output<String>) : ConvertibleToJava<GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3EntityTypeEntityArgs>

An entity entry for an associated entity type.

data class GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3EntityTypeExcludedPhraseArgs(val value: Output<String>) : ConvertibleToJava<GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3EntityTypeExcludedPhraseArgs>

An excluded entity phrase that should not be matched.

data class GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3EnvironmentTestCasesConfigArgs(val enableContinuousRun: Output<Boolean>? = null, val enablePredeploymentRun: Output<Boolean>? = null, val testCases: Output<List<String>>? = null) : ConvertibleToJava<GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3EnvironmentTestCasesConfigArgs>

The configuration for continuous tests.

data class GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3EnvironmentVersionConfigArgs(val version: Output<String>) : ConvertibleToJava<GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3EnvironmentVersionConfigArgs>

Configuration for the version.

data class GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3EnvironmentWebhookConfigArgs(val webhookOverrides: Output<List<GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3WebhookArgs>>? = null) : ConvertibleToJava<GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3EnvironmentWebhookConfigArgs>

Configuration for webhooks.

data class GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3EventHandlerArgs(val event: Output<String>, val targetFlow: Output<String>? = null, val targetPage: Output<String>? = null, val triggerFulfillment: Output<GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3FulfillmentArgs>? = null) : ConvertibleToJava<GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3EventHandlerArgs>

An event handler specifies an event that can be handled during a session. When the specified event happens, the following actions are taken in order: * If there is a trigger_fulfillment associated with the event, it will be called. * If there is a target_page associated with the event, the session will transition into the specified page. * If there is a target_flow associated with the event, the session will transition into the specified flow.

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data class GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3EventInputArgs(val event: Output<String>? = null) : ConvertibleToJava<GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3EventInputArgs>

Represents the event to trigger.

data class GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3ExperimentDefinitionArgs(val condition: Output<String>? = null, val versionVariants: Output<GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3VersionVariantsArgs>? = null) : ConvertibleToJava<GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3ExperimentDefinitionArgs>

Definition of the experiment.

data class GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3ExperimentResultArgs(val lastUpdateTime: Output<String>? = null, val versionMetrics: Output<List<GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3ExperimentResultVersionMetricsArgs>>? = null) : ConvertibleToJava<GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3ExperimentResultArgs>

The inference result which includes an objective metric to optimize and the confidence interval.

data class GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3ExperimentResultConfidenceIntervalArgs(val confidenceLevel: Output<Double>? = null, val lowerBound: Output<Double>? = null, val ratio: Output<Double>? = null, val upperBound: Output<Double>? = null) : ConvertibleToJava<GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3ExperimentResultConfidenceIntervalArgs>

A confidence interval is a range of possible values for the experiment objective you are trying to measure.

data class GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3ExperimentResultMetricArgs(val confidenceInterval: Output<GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3ExperimentResultConfidenceIntervalArgs>? = null, val count: Output<Double>? = null, val countType: Output<GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3ExperimentResultMetricCountType>? = null, val ratio: Output<Double>? = null, val type: Output<GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3ExperimentResultMetricType>? = null) : ConvertibleToJava<GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3ExperimentResultMetricArgs>

Metric and corresponding confidence intervals.

data class GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3ExperimentResultVersionMetricsArgs(val metrics: Output<List<GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3ExperimentResultMetricArgs>>? = null, val sessionCount: Output<Int>? = null, val version: Output<String>? = null) : ConvertibleToJava<GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3ExperimentResultVersionMetricsArgs>

Version variant and associated metrics.

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data class GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3FormArgs(val parameters: Output<List<GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3FormParameterArgs>>? = null) : ConvertibleToJava<GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3FormArgs>

A form is a data model that groups related parameters that can be collected from the user. The process in which the agent prompts the user and collects parameter values from the user is called form filling. A form can be added to a page. When form filling is done, the filled parameters will be written to the session.

data class GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3FormParameterArgs(val defaultValue: Output<Any>? = null, val displayName: Output<String>, val entityType: Output<String>, val fillBehavior: Output<GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3FormParameterFillBehaviorArgs>, val isList: Output<Boolean>? = null, val redact: Output<Boolean>? = null, val required: Output<Boolean>? = null) : ConvertibleToJava<GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3FormParameterArgs>

Represents a form parameter.

data class GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3FormParameterFillBehaviorArgs(val initialPromptFulfillment: Output<GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3FulfillmentArgs>, val repromptEventHandlers: Output<List<GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3EventHandlerArgs>>? = null) : ConvertibleToJava<GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3FormParameterFillBehaviorArgs>

Configuration for how the filling of a parameter should be handled.

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data class GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3FulfillmentArgs(val conditionalCases: Output<List<GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3FulfillmentConditionalCasesArgs>>? = null, val messages: Output<List<GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3ResponseMessageArgs>>? = null, val returnPartialResponses: Output<Boolean>? = null, val setParameterActions: Output<List<GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3FulfillmentSetParameterActionArgs>>? = null, val tag: Output<String>? = null, val webhook: Output<String>? = null) : ConvertibleToJava<GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3FulfillmentArgs>

A fulfillment can do one or more of the following actions at the same time: * Generate rich message responses. * Set parameter values. * Call the webhook. Fulfillments can be called at various stages in the Page or Form lifecycle. For example, when a DetectIntentRequest drives a session to enter a new page, the page's entry fulfillment can add a static response to the QueryResult in the returning DetectIntentResponse, call the webhook (for example, to load user data from a database), or both.

data class GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3FulfillmentConditionalCasesArgs(val cases: Output<List<GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3FulfillmentConditionalCasesCaseArgs>>? = null) : ConvertibleToJava<GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3FulfillmentConditionalCasesArgs>

A list of cascading if-else conditions. Cases are mutually exclusive. The first one with a matching condition is selected, all the rest ignored.

data class GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3FulfillmentConditionalCasesCaseArgs(val caseContent: Output<List<GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3FulfillmentConditionalCasesCaseCaseContentArgs>>? = null, val condition: Output<String>? = null) : ConvertibleToJava<GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3FulfillmentConditionalCasesCaseArgs>

Each case has a Boolean condition. When it is evaluated to be True, the corresponding messages will be selected and evaluated recursively.

data class GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3FulfillmentConditionalCasesCaseCaseContentArgs(val additionalCases: Output<GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3FulfillmentConditionalCasesArgs>? = null, val message: Output<GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3ResponseMessageArgs>? = null) : ConvertibleToJava<GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3FulfillmentConditionalCasesCaseCaseContentArgs>

The list of messages or conditional cases to activate for this case.

data class GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3FulfillmentSetParameterActionArgs(val parameter: Output<String>? = null, val value: Output<Any>? = null) : ConvertibleToJava<GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3FulfillmentSetParameterActionArgs>

Setting a parameter value.

data class GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3GcsDestinationArgs(val uri: Output<String>) : ConvertibleToJava<GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3GcsDestinationArgs>

Google Cloud Storage location for a Dialogflow operation that writes or exports objects (e.g. exported agent or transcripts) outside of Dialogflow.

data class GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3InputAudioConfigArgs(val audioEncoding: Output<GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3InputAudioConfigAudioEncoding>, val enableWordInfo: Output<Boolean>? = null, val model: Output<String>? = null, val modelVariant: Output<GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3InputAudioConfigModelVariant>? = null, val phraseHints: Output<List<String>>? = null, val sampleRateHertz: Output<Int>? = null, val singleUtterance: Output<Boolean>? = null) : ConvertibleToJava<GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3InputAudioConfigArgs>

Instructs the speech recognizer on how to process the audio content.

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data class GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3IntentArgs(val description: Output<String>? = null, val displayName: Output<String>, val isFallback: Output<Boolean>? = null, val labels: Output<Map<String, String>>? = null, val name: Output<String>? = null, val parameters: Output<List<GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3IntentParameterArgs>>? = null, val priority: Output<Int>? = null, val trainingPhrases: Output<List<GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3IntentTrainingPhraseArgs>>? = null) : ConvertibleToJava<GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3IntentArgs>

An intent represents a user's intent to interact with a conversational agent. You can provide information for the Dialogflow API to use to match user input to an intent by adding training phrases (i.e., examples of user input) to your intent.

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data class GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3IntentInputArgs(val intent: Output<String>) : ConvertibleToJava<GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3IntentInputArgs>

Represents the intent to trigger programmatically rather than as a result of natural language processing.

data class GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3IntentParameterArgs(val entityType: Output<String>, val id: Output<String>, val isList: Output<Boolean>? = null, val redact: Output<Boolean>? = null) : ConvertibleToJava<GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3IntentParameterArgs>

Represents an intent parameter.

data class GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3IntentTrainingPhraseArgs(val parts: Output<List<GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3IntentTrainingPhrasePartArgs>>, val repeatCount: Output<Int>? = null) : ConvertibleToJava<GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3IntentTrainingPhraseArgs>

Represents an example that the agent is trained on to identify the intent.

data class GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3IntentTrainingPhrasePartArgs(val parameterId: Output<String>? = null, val text: Output<String>) : ConvertibleToJava<GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3IntentTrainingPhrasePartArgs>

Represents a part of a training phrase.

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data class GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3NluSettingsArgs(val classificationThreshold: Output<Double>? = null, val modelTrainingMode: Output<GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3NluSettingsModelTrainingMode>? = null, val modelType: Output<GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3NluSettingsModelType>? = null) : ConvertibleToJava<GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3NluSettingsArgs>

Settings related to NLU.

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data class GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3PageArgs(val displayName: Output<String>, val entryFulfillment: Output<GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3FulfillmentArgs>? = null, val eventHandlers: Output<List<GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3EventHandlerArgs>>? = null, val form: Output<GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3FormArgs>? = null, val name: Output<String>? = null, val transitionRouteGroups: Output<List<String>>? = null, val transitionRoutes: Output<List<GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3TransitionRouteArgs>>? = null) : ConvertibleToJava<GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3PageArgs>

A Dialogflow CX conversation (session) can be described and visualized as a state machine. The states of a CX session are represented by pages. For each flow, you define many pages, where your combined pages can handle a complete conversation on the topics the flow is designed for. At any given moment, exactly one page is the current page, the current page is considered active, and the flow associated with that page is considered active. Every flow has a special start page. When a flow initially becomes active, the start page page becomes the current page. For each conversational turn, the current page will either stay the same or transition to another page. You configure each page to collect information from the end-user that is relevant for the conversational state represented by the page. For more information, see the Page guide.

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data class GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3QueryInputArgs(val audio: Output<GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3AudioInputArgs>? = null, val dtmf: Output<GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3DtmfInputArgs>? = null, val event: Output<GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3EventInputArgs>? = null, val intent: Output<GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3IntentInputArgs>? = null, val languageCode: Output<String>, val text: Output<GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3TextInputArgs>? = null) : ConvertibleToJava<GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3QueryInputArgs>

Represents the query input. It can contain one of: 1. A conversational query in the form of text. 2. An intent query that specifies which intent to trigger. 3. Natural language speech audio to be processed. 4. An event to be triggered. 5. DTMF digits to invoke an intent and fill in parameter value.

data class GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3ResponseMessageArgs(val channel: Output<String>? = null, val conversationSuccess: Output<GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3ResponseMessageConversationSuccessArgs>? = null, val liveAgentHandoff: Output<GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3ResponseMessageLiveAgentHandoffArgs>? = null, val outputAudioText: Output<GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3ResponseMessageOutputAudioTextArgs>? = null, val payload: Output<Map<String, String>>? = null, val playAudio: Output<GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3ResponseMessagePlayAudioArgs>? = null, val telephonyTransferCall: Output<GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3ResponseMessageTelephonyTransferCallArgs>? = null, val text: Output<GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3ResponseMessageTextArgs>? = null) : ConvertibleToJava<GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3ResponseMessageArgs>

Represents a response message that can be returned by a conversational agent. Response messages are also used for output audio synthesis. The approach is as follows: * If at least one OutputAudioText response is present, then all OutputAudioText responses are linearly concatenated, and the result is used for output audio synthesis. * If the OutputAudioText responses are a mixture of text and SSML, then the concatenated result is treated as SSML; otherwise, the result is treated as either text or SSML as appropriate. The agent designer should ideally use either text or SSML consistently throughout the bot design. * Otherwise, all Text responses are linearly concatenated, and the result is used for output audio synthesis. This approach allows for more sophisticated user experience scenarios, where the text displayed to the user may differ from what is heard.

data class GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3ResponseMessageConversationSuccessArgs(val metadata: Output<Map<String, String>>? = null) : ConvertibleToJava<GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3ResponseMessageConversationSuccessArgs>

Indicates that the conversation succeeded, i.e., the bot handled the issue that the customer talked to it about. Dialogflow only uses this to determine which conversations should be counted as successful and doesn't process the metadata in this message in any way. Note that Dialogflow also considers conversations that get to the conversation end page as successful even if they don't return ConversationSuccess. You may set this, for example: * In the entry_fulfillment of a Page if entering the page indicates that the conversation succeeded. * In a webhook response when you determine that you handled the customer issue.

data class GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3ResponseMessageLiveAgentHandoffArgs(val metadata: Output<Map<String, String>>? = null) : ConvertibleToJava<GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3ResponseMessageLiveAgentHandoffArgs>

Indicates that the conversation should be handed off to a live agent. Dialogflow only uses this to determine which conversations were handed off to a human agent for measurement purposes. What else to do with this signal is up to you and your handoff procedures. You may set this, for example: * In the entry_fulfillment of a Page if entering the page indicates something went extremely wrong in the conversation. * In a webhook response when you determine that the customer issue can only be handled by a human.

data class GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3ResponseMessageOutputAudioTextArgs(val ssml: Output<String>? = null, val text: Output<String>? = null) : ConvertibleToJava<GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3ResponseMessageOutputAudioTextArgs>

A text or ssml response that is preferentially used for TTS output audio synthesis, as described in the comment on the ResponseMessage message.

data class GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3ResponseMessagePlayAudioArgs(val audioUri: Output<String>) : ConvertibleToJava<GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3ResponseMessagePlayAudioArgs>

Specifies an audio clip to be played by the client as part of the response.

data class GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3ResponseMessageTelephonyTransferCallArgs(val phoneNumber: Output<String>? = null) : ConvertibleToJava<GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3ResponseMessageTelephonyTransferCallArgs>

Represents the signal that telles the client to transfer the phone call connected to the agent to a third-party endpoint.

data class GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3ResponseMessageTextArgs(val text: Output<List<String>>) : ConvertibleToJava<GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3ResponseMessageTextArgs>

The text response message.

data class GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3RolloutConfigArgs(val failureCondition: Output<String>? = null, val rolloutCondition: Output<String>? = null, val rolloutSteps: Output<List<GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3RolloutConfigRolloutStepArgs>>? = null) : ConvertibleToJava<GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3RolloutConfigArgs>

The configuration for auto rollout.

data class GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3RolloutConfigRolloutStepArgs(val displayName: Output<String>? = null, val minDuration: Output<String>? = null, val trafficPercent: Output<Int>? = null) : ConvertibleToJava<GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3RolloutConfigRolloutStepArgs>

A single rollout step with specified traffic allocation.

data class GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3RolloutStateArgs(val startTime: Output<String>? = null, val step: Output<String>? = null, val stepIndex: Output<Int>? = null) : ConvertibleToJava<GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3RolloutStateArgs>

State of the auto-rollout process.

data class GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3SecuritySettingsAudioExportSettingsArgs(val audioExportPattern: Output<String>? = null, val audioFormat: Output<GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3SecuritySettingsAudioExportSettingsAudioFormat>? = null, val enableAudioRedaction: Output<Boolean>? = null, val gcsBucket: Output<String>? = null) : ConvertibleToJava<GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3SecuritySettingsAudioExportSettingsArgs>

Settings for exporting audio.

data class GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3SecuritySettingsInsightsExportSettingsArgs(val enableInsightsExport: Output<Boolean>? = null) : ConvertibleToJava<GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3SecuritySettingsInsightsExportSettingsArgs>

Settings for exporting conversations to Insights.

data class GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3SpeechToTextSettingsArgs(val enableSpeechAdaptation: Output<Boolean>? = null) : ConvertibleToJava<GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3SpeechToTextSettingsArgs>

Settings related to speech recognition.

data class GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3TestCaseResultArgs(val conversationTurns: Output<List<GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3ConversationTurnArgs>>? = null, val environment: Output<String>? = null, val name: Output<String>? = null, val testResult: Output<GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3TestCaseResultTestResult>? = null, val testTime: Output<String>? = null) : ConvertibleToJava<GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3TestCaseResultArgs>

Represents a result from running a test case in an agent environment.

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data class GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3TestConfigArgs(val flow: Output<String>? = null, val page: Output<String>? = null, val trackingParameters: Output<List<String>>? = null) : ConvertibleToJava<GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3TestConfigArgs>

Represents configurations for a test case.

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data class GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3TextInputArgs(val text: Output<String>) : ConvertibleToJava<GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3TextInputArgs>

Represents the natural language text to be processed.

data class GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3TextToSpeechSettingsArgs(val synthesizeSpeechConfigs: Output<Map<String, String>>? = null) : ConvertibleToJava<GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3TextToSpeechSettingsArgs>

Settings related to speech synthesizing.

data class GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3TransitionRouteArgs(val condition: Output<String>? = null, val intent: Output<String>? = null, val targetFlow: Output<String>? = null, val targetPage: Output<String>? = null, val triggerFulfillment: Output<GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3FulfillmentArgs>? = null) : ConvertibleToJava<GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3TransitionRouteArgs>

A transition route specifies a intent that can be matched and/or a data condition that can be evaluated during a session. When a specified transition is matched, the following actions are taken in order: * If there is a trigger_fulfillment associated with the transition, it will be called. * If there is a target_page associated with the transition, the session will transition into the specified page. * If there is a target_flow associated with the transition, the session will transition into the specified flow.

data class GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3VariantsHistoryArgs(val updateTime: Output<String>? = null, val versionVariants: Output<GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3VersionVariantsArgs>? = null) : ConvertibleToJava<GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3VariantsHistoryArgs>

The history of variants update.

data class GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3VersionVariantsArgs(val variants: Output<List<GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3VersionVariantsVariantArgs>>? = null) : ConvertibleToJava<GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3VersionVariantsArgs>

A list of flow version variants.

data class GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3VersionVariantsVariantArgs(val isControlGroup: Output<Boolean>? = null, val trafficAllocation: Output<Double>? = null, val version: Output<String>? = null) : ConvertibleToJava<GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3VersionVariantsVariantArgs>

A single flow version with specified traffic allocation.

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data class GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3WebhookArgs(val disabled: Output<Boolean>? = null, val displayName: Output<String>, val genericWebService: Output<GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3WebhookGenericWebServiceArgs>? = null, val name: Output<String>? = null, val serviceDirectory: Output<GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3WebhookServiceDirectoryConfigArgs>? = null, val timeout: Output<String>? = null) : ConvertibleToJava<GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3WebhookArgs>

Webhooks host the developer's business logic. During a session, webhooks allow the developer to use the data extracted by Dialogflow's natural language processing to generate dynamic responses, validate collected data, or trigger actions on the backend.

data class GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3WebhookGenericWebServiceArgs(val allowedCaCerts: Output<List<String>>? = null, val httpMethod: Output<GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3WebhookGenericWebServiceHttpMethod>? = null, val parameterMapping: Output<Map<String, String>>? = null, val password: Output<String>? = null, val requestBody: Output<String>? = null, val requestHeaders: Output<Map<String, String>>? = null, val uri: Output<String>, val username: Output<String>? = null, val webhookType: Output<GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3WebhookGenericWebServiceWebhookType>? = null) : ConvertibleToJava<GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3WebhookGenericWebServiceArgs>

Represents configuration for a generic web service.

data class GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3WebhookServiceDirectoryConfigArgs(val genericWebService: Output<GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3WebhookGenericWebServiceArgs>? = null, val service: Output<String>) : ConvertibleToJava<GoogleCloudDialogflowCxV3WebhookServiceDirectoryConfigArgs>

Represents configuration for a Service Directory service.

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data class GoogleRpcStatusArgs(val code: Output<Int>? = null, val details: Output<List<Map<String, String>>>? = null, val message: Output<String>? = null) : ConvertibleToJava<GoogleRpcStatusArgs>

The Status type defines a logical error model that is suitable for different programming environments, including REST APIs and RPC APIs. It is used by gRPC. Each Status message contains three pieces of data: error code, error message, and error details. You can find out more about this error model and how to work with it in the API Design Guide.