Package-level declarations


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Directory Services configuration for Kerberos-based authentication.

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data class FileShareConfigResponse(val capacityGb: String, val name: String, val nfsExportOptions: List<NfsExportOptionsResponse>, val sourceBackup: String)

File share configuration for the instance.

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data class GetBackupResult(val capacityGb: String, val createTime: String, val description: String, val downloadBytes: String, val kmsKeyName: String, val labels: Map<String, String>, val name: String, val satisfiesPzs: Boolean, val sourceFileShare: String, val sourceInstance: String, val sourceInstanceTier: String, val state: String, val storageBytes: String)
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data class GetInstanceResult(val capacityGb: String, val capacityStepSizeGb: String, val createTime: String, val description: String, val directoryServices: DirectoryServicesConfigResponse, val etag: String, val fileShares: List<FileShareConfigResponse>, val kmsKeyName: String, val labels: Map<String, String>, val maxCapacityGb: String, val maxShareCount: String, val multiShareEnabled: Boolean, val name: String, val networks: List<NetworkConfigResponse>, val protocol: String, val satisfiesPzs: Boolean, val state: String, val statusMessage: String, val suspensionReasons: List<String>, val tier: String)
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data class GetShareResult(val backup: String, val capacityGb: String, val createTime: String, val description: String, val labels: Map<String, String>, val mountName: String, val name: String, val nfsExportOptions: List<NfsExportOptionsResponse>, val state: String)
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data class GetSnapshotResult(val createTime: String, val description: String, val filesystemUsedBytes: String, val labels: Map<String, String>, val name: String, val state: String)
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data class ManagedActiveDirectoryConfigResponse(val computer: String, val domain: String)

ManagedActiveDirectoryConfig contains all the parameters for connecting to Managed Active Directory.

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data class NetworkConfigResponse(val connectMode: String, val ipAddresses: List<String>, val modes: List<String>, val network: String, val reservedIpRange: String)

Network configuration for the instance.

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data class NfsExportOptionsResponse(val accessMode: String, val anonGid: String, val anonUid: String, val ipRanges: List<String>, val securityFlavors: List<String>, val squashMode: String)

NFS export options specifications.