Package-level declarations


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data class AuthorizationResponse(val adminUsers: List<ClusterUserResponse>)

Authorization defines the On-Prem cluster authorization configuration to bootstrap onto the admin cluster.

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data class BareMetalAdminApiServerArgumentResponse(val argument: String, val value: String)

BareMetalAdminApiServerArgument represents an arg name->value pair. Only a subset of customized flags are supported. Please refer to the API server documentation below to know the exact format:

data class BareMetalAdminClusterOperationsConfigResponse(val enableApplicationLogs: Boolean)

BareMetalAdminClusterOperationsConfig specifies the admin cluster's observability infrastructure.

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BareMetalAdminControlPlaneConfig specifies the control plane configuration.

BareMetalAdminControlPlaneNodePoolConfig specifies the control plane node pool configuration. We have a control plane specific node pool config so that we can flexible about supporting control plane specific fields in the future.

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BareMetalAdminDrainedMachine represents the machines that are drained.

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data class BareMetalAdminDrainingMachineResponse(val nodeIp: String, val podCount: Int)

BareMetalAdminDrainingMachine represents the machines that are currently draining.

data class BareMetalAdminIslandModeCidrConfigResponse(val podAddressCidrBlocks: List<String>, val serviceAddressCidrBlocks: List<String>)

BareMetalAdminIslandModeCidrConfig specifies the cluster CIDR configuration while running in island mode.

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BareMetalAdminLoadBalancerConfig specifies the load balancer configuration.

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BareMetalAdminMachineDrainStatus represents the status of bare metal node machines that are undergoing drain operations.

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data class BareMetalAdminMaintenanceConfigResponse(val maintenanceAddressCidrBlocks: List<String>)

BareMetalAdminMaintenanceConfig specifies configurations to put bare metal Admin cluster CRs nodes in and out of maintenance.

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BareMetalAdminMaintenanceStatus represents the maintenance status for bare metal Admin cluster CR's nodes.

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BareMetalAdminManualLbConfig represents configuration parameters for a manual load balancer.

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BareMetalAdminNetworkConfig specifies the cluster network configuration.

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Specifies the node access related settings for the bare metal admin cluster.

data class BareMetalAdminOsEnvironmentConfigResponse(val packageRepoExcluded: Boolean)

Specifies operating system operation settings for cluster provisioning.

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data class BareMetalAdminPortConfigResponse(val controlPlaneLoadBalancerPort: Int)

BareMetalAdminPortConfig is the specification of load balancer ports.

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data class BareMetalAdminProxyConfigResponse(val noProxy: List<String>, val uri: String)

BareMetalAdminProxyConfig specifies the cluster proxy configuration.

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Specifies the security related settings for the bare metal admin cluster.

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BareMetalAdminStorageConfig specifies the cluster storage configuration.

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data class BareMetalAdminVipConfigResponse(val controlPlaneVip: String)

BareMetalAdminVipConfig for bare metal load balancer configurations.

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data class BareMetalAdminWorkloadNodeConfigResponse(val maxPodsPerNode: String)

BareMetalAdminWorkloadNodeConfig specifies the workload node configurations.

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data class BareMetalApiServerArgumentResponse(val argument: String, val value: String)

Represents an arg name->value pair. Only a subset of customized flags are supported. For the exact format, refer to the API server documentation.

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BareMetalBgpLbConfig represents configuration parameters for a Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) load balancer.

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data class BareMetalBgpPeerConfigResponse(val asn: String, val controlPlaneNodes: List<String>, val ipAddress: String)

BareMetalBgpPeerConfig represents configuration parameters for a Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) peer.

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data class BareMetalClusterOperationsConfigResponse(val enableApplicationLogs: Boolean)

Specifies the bare metal user cluster's observability infrastructure.

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Specifies the control plane configuration.

Specifies the control plane node pool configuration.

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data class BareMetalDrainedMachineResponse(val nodeIp: String)

Represents a machine that is currently drained.

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data class BareMetalDrainingMachineResponse(val nodeIp: String, val podCount: Int)

Represents a machine that is currently draining.

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data class BareMetalIslandModeCidrConfigResponse(val podAddressCidrBlocks: List<String>, val serviceAddressCidrBlocks: List<String>)

Specifies the cluster CIDR configuration while running in island mode.

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data class BareMetalKubeletConfigResponse(val registryBurst: Int, val registryPullQps: Int, val serializeImagePullsDisabled: Boolean)

KubeletConfig defines the modifiable kubelet configurations for baremetal machines. Note: this list includes fields supported in GKE (see

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data class BareMetalLoadBalancerAddressPoolResponse(val addresses: List<String>, val avoidBuggyIps: Boolean, val manualAssign: Boolean, val pool: String)

Represents an IP pool used by the load balancer.

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Specifies the load balancer configuration.

Specifies the load balancer's node pool configuration.

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data class BareMetalLvpConfigResponse(val path: String, val storageClass: String)

Specifies the configs for local persistent volumes (PVs).

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data class BareMetalLvpShareConfigResponse(val lvpConfig: BareMetalLvpConfigResponse, val sharedPathPvCount: Int)

Specifies the configs for local persistent volumes under a shared file system.

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Represents the status of node machines that are undergoing drain operations.

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data class BareMetalMaintenanceConfigResponse(val maintenanceAddressCidrBlocks: List<String>)

Specifies configurations to put bare metal nodes in and out of maintenance.

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Represents the maintenance status of the bare metal user cluster.

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data class BareMetalManualLbConfigResponse(val enabled: Boolean)

Represents configuration parameters for a manual load balancer.

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Represents configuration parameters for a MetalLB load balancer.

Specifies the multiple networking interfaces cluster configuration.

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data class BareMetalNetworkConfigResponse(val advancedNetworking: Boolean, val islandModeCidr: BareMetalIslandModeCidrConfigResponse, val multipleNetworkInterfacesConfig: BareMetalMultipleNetworkInterfacesConfigResponse, val srIovConfig: BareMetalSrIovConfigResponse)

Specifies the cluster network configuration.

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data class BareMetalNodeAccessConfigResponse(val loginUser: String)

Specifies the node access related settings for the bare metal user cluster.

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data class BareMetalNodeConfigResponse(val labels: Map<String, String>, val nodeIp: String)

BareMetalNodeConfig lists machine addresses to access Nodes.

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data class BareMetalNodePoolConfigResponse(val kubeletConfig: BareMetalKubeletConfigResponse, val labels: Map<String, String>, val nodeConfigs: List<BareMetalNodeConfigResponse>, val operatingSystem: String, val taints: List<NodeTaintResponse>)

BareMetalNodePoolConfig describes the configuration of all nodes within a given bare metal node pool.

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data class BareMetalOsEnvironmentConfigResponse(val packageRepoExcluded: Boolean)

Specifies operating system settings for cluster provisioning.

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data class BareMetalPortConfigResponse(val controlPlaneLoadBalancerPort: Int)

Specifies load balancer ports for the bare metal user cluster.

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data class BareMetalProxyConfigResponse(val noProxy: List<String>, val uri: String)

Specifies the cluster proxy configuration.

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Specifies the security related settings for the bare metal user cluster.

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data class BareMetalSrIovConfigResponse(val enabled: Boolean)

Specifies the SR-IOV networking operator config.

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data class BareMetalStorageConfigResponse(val lvpNodeMountsConfig: BareMetalLvpConfigResponse, val lvpShareConfig: BareMetalLvpShareConfigResponse)

BareMetalStorageConfig specifies the cluster storage configuration.

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data class BareMetalVipConfigResponse(val controlPlaneVip: String, val ingressVip: String)

Specifies the VIP config for the bare metal load balancer.

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data class BareMetalWorkloadNodeConfigResponse(val containerRuntime: String, val maxPodsPerNode: String)

Specifies the workload node configurations.

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data class BindingResponse(val condition: ExprResponse, val members: List<String>, val role: String)

Associates members, or principals, with a role.

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data class ClusterUserResponse(val username: String)

ClusterUser configures user principals for an RBAC policy.

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data class ExprResponse(val description: String, val expression: String, val location: String, val title: String)

Represents a textual expression in the Common Expression Language (CEL) syntax. CEL is a C-like expression language. The syntax and semantics of CEL are documented at Example (Comparison): title: "Summary size limit" description: "Determines if a summary is less than 100 chars" expression: "document.summary.size() < 100" Example (Equality): title: "Requestor is owner" description: "Determines if requestor is the document owner" expression: "document.owner ==" Example (Logic): title: "Public documents" description: "Determine whether the document should be publicly visible" expression: "document.type != 'private' && document.type != 'internal'" Example (Data Manipulation): title: "Notification string" description: "Create a notification string with a timestamp." expression: "'New message received at ' + string(document.create_time)" The exact variables and functions that may be referenced within an expression are determined by the service that evaluates it. See the service documentation for additional information.

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data class FleetResponse(val membership: String)

Fleet related configuration. Fleets are a Google Cloud concept for logically organizing clusters, letting you use and manage multi-cluster capabilities and apply consistent policies across your systems. See Anthos Fleets for more details on Anthos multi-cluster capabilities using Fleets. ##

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data class GetBareMetalAdminClusterIamPolicyResult(val bindings: List<BindingResponse>, val etag: String, val version: Int)
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data class GetBareMetalAdminClusterResult(val annotations: Map<String, String>, val bareMetalVersion: String, val clusterOperations: BareMetalAdminClusterOperationsConfigResponse, val controlPlane: BareMetalAdminControlPlaneConfigResponse, val createTime: String, val deleteTime: String, val description: String, val endpoint: String, val etag: String, val fleet: FleetResponse, val loadBalancer: BareMetalAdminLoadBalancerConfigResponse, val localName: String, val maintenanceConfig: BareMetalAdminMaintenanceConfigResponse, val maintenanceStatus: BareMetalAdminMaintenanceStatusResponse, val name: String, val networkConfig: BareMetalAdminNetworkConfigResponse, val nodeAccessConfig: BareMetalAdminNodeAccessConfigResponse, val nodeConfig: BareMetalAdminWorkloadNodeConfigResponse, val osEnvironmentConfig: BareMetalAdminOsEnvironmentConfigResponse, val proxy: BareMetalAdminProxyConfigResponse, val reconciling: Boolean, val securityConfig: BareMetalAdminSecurityConfigResponse, val state: String, val status: ResourceStatusResponse, val storage: BareMetalAdminStorageConfigResponse, val uid: String, val updateTime: String, val validationCheck: ValidationCheckResponse)
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data class GetBareMetalClusterIamPolicyResult(val bindings: List<BindingResponse>, val etag: String, val version: Int)
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data class GetBareMetalClusterResult(val adminClusterMembership: String, val adminClusterName: String, val annotations: Map<String, String>, val bareMetalVersion: String, val clusterOperations: BareMetalClusterOperationsConfigResponse, val controlPlane: BareMetalControlPlaneConfigResponse, val createTime: String, val deleteTime: String, val description: String, val endpoint: String, val etag: String, val fleet: FleetResponse, val loadBalancer: BareMetalLoadBalancerConfigResponse, val localName: String, val maintenanceConfig: BareMetalMaintenanceConfigResponse, val maintenanceStatus: BareMetalMaintenanceStatusResponse, val name: String, val networkConfig: BareMetalNetworkConfigResponse, val nodeAccessConfig: BareMetalNodeAccessConfigResponse, val nodeConfig: BareMetalWorkloadNodeConfigResponse, val osEnvironmentConfig: BareMetalOsEnvironmentConfigResponse, val proxy: BareMetalProxyConfigResponse, val reconciling: Boolean, val securityConfig: BareMetalSecurityConfigResponse, val state: String, val status: ResourceStatusResponse, val storage: BareMetalStorageConfigResponse, val uid: String, val updateTime: String, val validationCheck: ValidationCheckResponse)
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data class GetBareMetalNodePoolResult(val annotations: Map<String, String>, val createTime: String, val deleteTime: String, val displayName: String, val etag: String, val name: String, val nodePoolConfig: BareMetalNodePoolConfigResponse, val reconciling: Boolean, val state: String, val status: ResourceStatusResponse, val uid: String, val updateTime: String)
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data class GetVmwareAdminClusterIamPolicyResult(val bindings: List<BindingResponse>, val etag: String, val version: Int)
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data class GetVmwareClusterIamPolicyResult(val bindings: List<BindingResponse>, val etag: String, val version: Int)
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data class GetVmwareClusterResult(val adminClusterMembership: String, val adminClusterName: String, val annotations: Map<String, String>, val antiAffinityGroups: VmwareAAGConfigResponse, val authorization: AuthorizationResponse, val autoRepairConfig: VmwareAutoRepairConfigResponse, val controlPlaneNode: VmwareControlPlaneNodeConfigResponse, val createTime: String, val dataplaneV2: VmwareDataplaneV2ConfigResponse, val deleteTime: String, val description: String, val enableControlPlaneV2: Boolean, val endpoint: String, val etag: String, val fleet: FleetResponse, val loadBalancer: VmwareLoadBalancerConfigResponse, val localName: String, val name: String, val networkConfig: VmwareNetworkConfigResponse, val onPremVersion: String, val reconciling: Boolean, val state: String, val status: ResourceStatusResponse, val storage: VmwareStorageConfigResponse, val uid: String, val updateTime: String, val validationCheck: ValidationCheckResponse, val vcenter: VmwareVCenterConfigResponse, val vmTrackingEnabled: Boolean)
data class GetVmwareClusterVmwareNodePoolIamPolicyResult(val bindings: List<BindingResponse>, val etag: String, val version: Int)
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data class GetVmwareNodePoolResult(val annotations: Map<String, String>, val config: VmwareNodeConfigResponse, val createTime: String, val deleteTime: String, val displayName: String, val etag: String, val name: String, val nodePoolAutoscaling: VmwareNodePoolAutoscalingConfigResponse, val onPremVersion: String, val reconciling: Boolean, val state: String, val status: ResourceStatusResponse, val uid: String, val updateTime: String)
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data class NodeTaintResponse(val effect: String, val key: String, val value: String)

NodeTaint applied to every Kubernetes node in a node pool. Kubernetes taints can be used together with tolerations to control how workloads are scheduled to your nodes. Node taints are permanent.

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data class ResourceConditionResponse(val lastTransitionTime: String, val message: String, val reason: String, val state: String, val type: String)

ResourceCondition provides a standard mechanism for higher-level status reporting from controller.

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data class ResourceStatusResponse(val conditions: List<ResourceConditionResponse>, val errorMessage: String)

ResourceStatus describes why a cluster or node pool has a certain status. (e.g., ERROR or DEGRADED).

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data class ValidationCheckResponse(val option: String, val scenario: String, val status: ValidationCheckStatusResponse)

ValidationCheck represents the result of preflight check.

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data class ValidationCheckResultResponse(val category: String, val description: String, val details: String, val reason: String, val state: String)

ValidationCheckResult defines the details about the validation check.

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ValidationCheckStatus defines the detailed validation check status.

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data class VmwareAAGConfigResponse(val aagConfigDisabled: Boolean)

Specifies anti affinity group config for the VMware user cluster.

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data class VmwareAddressPoolResponse(val addresses: List<String>, val avoidBuggyIps: Boolean, val manualAssign: Boolean, val pool: String)

Represents an IP pool used by the load balancer.

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data class VmwareAutoRepairConfigResponse(val enabled: Boolean)

Specifies config to enable/disable auto repair. The cluster-health-controller is deployed only if Enabled is true.

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data class VmwareAutoResizeConfigResponse(val enabled: Boolean)

Represents auto resizing configurations for the VMware user cluster.

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data class VmwareControlPlaneNodeConfigResponse(val autoResizeConfig: VmwareAutoResizeConfigResponse, val cpus: String, val memory: String, val replicas: String, val vsphereConfig: VmwareControlPlaneVsphereConfigResponse)

Specifies control plane node config for the VMware user cluster.

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data class VmwareControlPlaneV2ConfigResponse(val controlPlaneIpBlock: VmwareIpBlockResponse)

Specifies control plane V2 config.

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Specifies control plane node config.

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data class VmwareDataplaneV2ConfigResponse(val advancedNetworking: Boolean, val dataplaneV2Enabled: Boolean, val windowsDataplaneV2Enabled: Boolean)

Contains configurations for Dataplane V2, which is optimized dataplane for Kubernetes networking. For more information, see:

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data class VmwareDhcpIpConfigResponse(val enabled: Boolean)

Represents the network configuration required for the VMware user clusters with DHCP IP configurations.

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data class VmwareF5BigIpConfigResponse(val address: String, val partition: String, val snatPool: String)

Represents configuration parameters for an F5 BIG-IP load balancer.

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data class VmwareHostConfigResponse(val dnsSearchDomains: List<String>, val dnsServers: List<String>, val ntpServers: List<String>)

Represents the common parameters for all the hosts irrespective of their IP address.

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data class VmwareHostIpResponse(val hostname: String, val ip: String)

Represents VMware user cluster node's network configuration.

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data class VmwareIpBlockResponse(val gateway: String, val ips: List<VmwareHostIpResponse>, val netmask: String)

Represents a collection of IP addresses to assign to nodes.

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Specifies the locad balancer config for the VMware user cluster.

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data class VmwareManualLbConfigResponse(val controlPlaneNodePort: Int, val ingressHttpNodePort: Int, val ingressHttpsNodePort: Int, val konnectivityServerNodePort: Int)

Represents configuration parameters for an already existing manual load balancer. Given the nature of manual load balancers it is expected that said load balancer will be fully managed by users. IMPORTANT: Please note that the Anthos On-Prem API will not generate or update ManualLB configurations it can only bind a pre-existing configuration to a new VMware user cluster.

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Represents configuration parameters for the MetalLB load balancer.

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data class VmwareNetworkConfigResponse(val controlPlaneV2Config: VmwareControlPlaneV2ConfigResponse, val dhcpIpConfig: VmwareDhcpIpConfigResponse, val hostConfig: VmwareHostConfigResponse, val podAddressCidrBlocks: List<String>, val serviceAddressCidrBlocks: List<String>, val staticIpConfig: VmwareStaticIpConfigResponse, val vcenterNetwork: String)

Specifies network config for the VMware user cluster.

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data class VmwareNodeConfigResponse(val bootDiskSizeGb: String, val cpus: String, val enableLoadBalancer: Boolean, val image: String, val imageType: String, val labels: Map<String, String>, val memoryMb: String, val replicas: String, val taints: List<NodeTaintResponse>, val vsphereConfig: VmwareVsphereConfigResponse)

Parameters that describe the configuration of all nodes within a given node pool.

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data class VmwareNodePoolAutoscalingConfigResponse(val maxReplicas: Int, val minReplicas: Int)

NodePoolAutoscaling config for the NodePool to allow for the kubernetes to scale NodePool.

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Represents the network configuration required for the VMware user clusters with Static IP configurations.

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data class VmwareStorageConfigResponse(val vsphereCsiDisabled: Boolean)

Specifies vSphere CSI components deployment config in the VMware user cluster.

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data class VmwareVCenterConfigResponse(val address: String, val caCertData: String, val cluster: String, val datacenter: String, val datastore: String, val folder: String, val resourcePool: String)

Represents configuration for the VMware VCenter for the user cluster.

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data class VmwareVipConfigResponse(val controlPlaneVip: String, val ingressVip: String)

Specifies the VIP config for the VMware user cluster load balancer.

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data class VmwareVsphereConfigResponse(val datastore: String, val tags: List<VmwareVsphereTagResponse>)

VmwareVsphereConfig represents configuration for the VMware VCenter for node pool.

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data class VmwareVsphereTagResponse(val category: String, val tag: String)

VmwareVsphereTag describes a vSphere tag to be placed on VMs in the node pool. For more information, see