Package-level declarations


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enum ComputeEnginePreferencesLicenseType : Enum<ComputeEnginePreferencesLicenseType> , ConvertibleToJava<ComputeEnginePreferencesLicenseType>

License type to consider when calculating costs for virtual machine insights and recommendations. If unspecified, costs are calculated based on the default licensing plan.

enum ComputeEnginePreferencesPersistentDiskType : Enum<ComputeEnginePreferencesPersistentDiskType> , ConvertibleToJava<ComputeEnginePreferencesPersistentDiskType>

Persistent disk type to use. If unspecified (default), all types are considered, based on available usage data.

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enum GCSPayloadInfoFormat : Enum<GCSPayloadInfoFormat> , ConvertibleToJava<GCSPayloadInfoFormat>

The import job format.

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enum ImportDataFileFormat : Enum<ImportDataFileFormat> , ConvertibleToJava<ImportDataFileFormat>

Required. The payload format.

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enum InlinePayloadInfoFormat : Enum<InlinePayloadInfoFormat> , ConvertibleToJava<InlinePayloadInfoFormat>

The import job format.

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enum ReportState : Enum<ReportState> , ConvertibleToJava<ReportState>

Report creation state.

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enum ReportType : Enum<ReportType> , ConvertibleToJava<ReportType>

Report type.

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enum SourceType : Enum<SourceType> , ConvertibleToJava<SourceType>

Data source type.

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enum VirtualMachinePreferencesCommitmentPlan : Enum<VirtualMachinePreferencesCommitmentPlan> , ConvertibleToJava<VirtualMachinePreferencesCommitmentPlan>

Commitment plan to consider when calculating costs for virtual machine insights and recommendations. If you are unsure which value to set, a 3 year commitment plan is often a good value to start with.

enum VirtualMachinePreferencesSizingOptimizationStrategy : Enum<VirtualMachinePreferencesSizingOptimizationStrategy> , ConvertibleToJava<VirtualMachinePreferencesSizingOptimizationStrategy>

Sizing optimization strategy specifies the preferred strategy used when extrapolating usage data to calculate insights and recommendations for a virtual machine. If you are unsure which value to set, a moderate sizing optimization strategy is often a good value to start with.