Package-level declarations


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data class ComputeEnginePreferencesResponse(val licenseType: String, val machinePreferences: MachinePreferencesResponse, val persistentDiskType: String)

The user preferences relating to Compute Engine target platform.

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data class ExecutionReportResponse(val executionErrors: ValidationReportResponse, val framesReported: Int, val jobErrors: List<ImportErrorResponse>, val totalRowsCount: Int)

A resource that reports result of the import job execution.

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data class FileValidationReportResponse(val fileErrors: List<ImportErrorResponse>, val fileName: String, val partialReport: Boolean, val rowErrors: List<ImportRowErrorResponse>)

A resource that aggregates the validation errors found in an import job file.

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data class GCSPayloadInfoResponse(val format: String, val path: String)

A resource that represents a payload hosted on Google Cloud Storage.

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data class GetGroupResult(val createTime: String, val description: String, val displayName: String, val labels: Map<String, String>, val name: String, val updateTime: String)
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data class GetImportDataFileResult(val createTime: String, val displayName: String, val format: String, val name: String, val state: String, val uploadFileInfo: UploadFileInfoResponse)
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data class GetImportJobResult(val assetSource: String, val completeTime: String, val createTime: String, val displayName: String, val executionReport: ExecutionReportResponse, val gcsPayload: GCSPayloadInfoResponse, val inlinePayload: InlinePayloadInfoResponse, val labels: Map<String, String>, val name: String, val state: String, val updateTime: String, val validationReport: ValidationReportResponse)
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data class GetPreferenceSetResult(val createTime: String, val description: String, val displayName: String, val name: String, val updateTime: String, val virtualMachinePreferences: VirtualMachinePreferencesResponse)
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data class GetReportConfigResult(val createTime: String, val description: String, val displayName: String, val groupPreferencesetAssignments: List<ReportConfigGroupPreferenceSetAssignmentResponse>, val name: String, val updateTime: String)
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data class GetReportResult(val createTime: String, val description: String, val displayName: String, val name: String, val state: String, val summary: ReportSummaryResponse, val type: String, val updateTime: String)
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data class GetSourceResult(val createTime: String, val description: String, val displayName: String, val errorFrameCount: Int, val isManaged: Boolean, val name: String, val pendingFrameCount: Int, val priority: Int, val state: String, val type: String, val updateTime: String)
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data class ImportErrorResponse(val errorDetails: String, val severity: String)

A resource that reports the errors encountered while processing an import job.

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data class ImportRowErrorResponse(val errors: List<ImportErrorResponse>, val rowNumber: Int, val vmName: String, val vmUuid: String)

A resource that reports the import job errors at row level.

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data class InlinePayloadInfoResponse(val format: String, val payload: List<PayloadFileResponse>)

A resource that represents the inline import job payload.

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data class MachinePreferencesResponse(val allowedMachineSeries: List<MachineSeriesResponse>)

The type of machines to consider when calculating virtual machine migration insights and recommendations. Not all machine types are available in all zones and regions.

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data class MachineSeriesResponse(val code: String)

A Compute Engine machine series.

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data class MoneyResponse(val currencyCode: String, val nanos: Int, val units: String)

Represents an amount of money with its currency type.

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data class PayloadFileResponse(val data: String, val name: String)

Payload file for inline import job payload.

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data class RegionPreferencesResponse(val preferredRegions: List<String>)

The user preferences relating to target regions.

data class ReportConfigGroupPreferenceSetAssignmentResponse(val group: String, val preferenceSet: String)

Represents a combination of a group with a preference set.

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data class ReportSummaryAssetAggregateStatsResponse(val assetAge: ReportSummaryChartDataResponse, val coreCountHistogram: ReportSummaryHistogramChartDataResponse, val memoryBytesHistogram: ReportSummaryHistogramChartDataResponse, val memoryUtilization: ReportSummaryChartDataResponse, val memoryUtilizationChart: ReportSummaryUtilizationChartDataResponse, val operatingSystem: ReportSummaryChartDataResponse, val storageBytesHistogram: ReportSummaryHistogramChartDataResponse, val storageUtilization: ReportSummaryChartDataResponse, val storageUtilizationChart: ReportSummaryUtilizationChartDataResponse, val totalAssets: String, val totalCores: String, val totalMemoryBytes: String, val totalStorageBytes: String)

Aggregate statistics for a collection of assets.

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data class ReportSummaryChartDataDataPointResponse(val label: String, val value: Double)

Describes a single data point in the Chart.

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Describes a collection of data points rendered as a Chart.

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data class ReportSummaryGroupFindingResponse(val assetAggregateStats: ReportSummaryAssetAggregateStatsResponse, val description: String, val displayName: String, val overlappingAssetCount: String, val preferenceSetFindings: List<ReportSummaryGroupPreferenceSetFindingResponse>)

Summary Findings for a specific Group.

data class ReportSummaryGroupPreferenceSetFindingResponse(val description: String, val displayName: String, val machineFinding: ReportSummaryMachineFindingResponse, val machinePreferences: VirtualMachinePreferencesResponse, val monthlyCostCompute: MoneyResponse, val monthlyCostNetworkEgress: MoneyResponse, val monthlyCostOsLicense: MoneyResponse, val monthlyCostOther: MoneyResponse, val monthlyCostStorage: MoneyResponse, val monthlyCostTotal: MoneyResponse, val preferredRegion: String, val pricingTrack: String, val topPriority: String)

Summary Findings for a specific Group/PreferenceSet combination.

data class ReportSummaryHistogramChartDataBucketResponse(val count: String, val lowerBound: String, val upperBound: String)

A histogram bucket with a lower and upper bound, and a count of items with a field value between those bounds. The lower bound is inclusive and the upper bound is exclusive. Lower bound may be -infinity and upper bound may be infinity.

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A Histogram Chart shows a distribution of values into buckets, showing a count of values which fall into a bucket.

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data class ReportSummaryMachineFindingResponse(val allocatedAssetCount: String, val allocatedDiskTypes: List<String>, val allocatedRegions: List<String>, val machineSeriesAllocations: List<ReportSummaryMachineSeriesAllocationResponse>)

A set of findings that applies to assets of type Virtual/Physical Machine.

data class ReportSummaryMachineSeriesAllocationResponse(val allocatedAssetCount: String, val machineSeries: MachineSeriesResponse)

Represents a data point tracking the count of assets allocated for a specific Machine Series.

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Describes the Summary view of a Report, which contains aggregated values for all the groups and preference sets included in this Report.

Utilization Chart is a specific type of visualization which displays a metric classified into "Used" and "Free" buckets.

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data class UploadFileInfoResponse(val headers: Map<String, String>, val signedUri: String, val uriExpirationTime: String)

A resource that contains a URI to which a data file can be uploaded.

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data class ValidationReportResponse(val fileValidations: List<FileValidationReportResponse>, val jobErrors: List<ImportErrorResponse>)

A resource that aggregates errors across import job files.

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data class VirtualMachinePreferencesResponse(val commitmentPlan: String, val computeEnginePreferences: ComputeEnginePreferencesResponse, val regionPreferences: RegionPreferencesResponse, val sizingOptimizationStrategy: String)

VirtualMachinePreferences enables you to create sets of assumptions, for example, a geographical location and pricing track, for your migrated virtual machines. The set of preferences influence recommendations for migrating virtual machine assets.