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data class GetControlResult(val associatedServingConfigIds: List<String>, val displayName: String, val facetSpec: GoogleCloudRetailV2alphaSearchRequestFacetSpecResponse, val name: String, val rule: GoogleCloudRetailV2alphaRuleResponse, val searchSolutionUseCase: List<String>, val solutionTypes: List<String>)
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data class GetModelResult(val createTime: String, val dataState: String, val displayName: String, val filteringOption: String, val lastTuneTime: String, val modelFeaturesConfig: GoogleCloudRetailV2alphaModelModelFeaturesConfigResponse, val name: String, val optimizationObjective: String, val pageOptimizationConfig: GoogleCloudRetailV2alphaModelPageOptimizationConfigResponse, val periodicTuningState: String, val servingConfigLists: List<GoogleCloudRetailV2alphaModelServingConfigListResponse>, val servingState: String, val trainingState: String, val tuningOperation: String, val type: String, val updateTime: String)
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data class GetProductResult(val attributes: Map<String, String>, val audience: GoogleCloudRetailV2alphaAudienceResponse, val availability: String, val availableQuantity: Int, val availableTime: String, val brands: List<String>, val categories: List<String>, val collectionMemberIds: List<String>, val colorInfo: GoogleCloudRetailV2alphaColorInfoResponse, val conditions: List<String>, val description: String, val expireTime: String, val fulfillmentInfo: List<GoogleCloudRetailV2alphaFulfillmentInfoResponse>, val gtin: String, val images: List<GoogleCloudRetailV2alphaImageResponse>, val languageCode: String, val localInventories: List<GoogleCloudRetailV2alphaLocalInventoryResponse>, val materials: List<String>, val name: String, val patterns: List<String>, val priceInfo: GoogleCloudRetailV2alphaPriceInfoResponse, val primaryProductId: String, val promotions: List<GoogleCloudRetailV2alphaPromotionResponse>, val publishTime: String, val rating: GoogleCloudRetailV2alphaRatingResponse, val retrievableFields: String, val sizes: List<String>, val tags: List<String>, val title: String, val ttl: String, val type: String, val uri: String, val variants: List<GoogleCloudRetailV2alphaProductResponse>)
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data class GetServingConfigResult(val boostControlIds: List<String>, val displayName: String, val diversityLevel: String, val diversityType: String, val doNotAssociateControlIds: List<String>, val dynamicFacetSpec: GoogleCloudRetailV2alphaSearchRequestDynamicFacetSpecResponse, val enableCategoryFilterLevel: String, val facetControlIds: List<String>, val filterControlIds: List<String>, val ignoreControlIds: List<String>, val modelId: String, val name: String, val onewaySynonymsControlIds: List<String>, val personalizationSpec: GoogleCloudRetailV2alphaSearchRequestPersonalizationSpecResponse, val priceRerankingLevel: String, val redirectControlIds: List<String>, val replacementControlIds: List<String>, val solutionTypes: List<String>, val twowaySynonymsControlIds: List<String>)
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data class GoogleCloudRetailV2alphaAudienceResponse(val ageGroups: List<String>, val genders: List<String>)

An intended audience of the Product for whom it's sold.

data class GoogleCloudRetailV2alphaColorInfoResponse(val colorFamilies: List<String>, val colors: List<String>)

The color information of a Product.

Query terms that we want to match on.

Metadata that is used to define a condition that triggers an action. A valid condition must specify at least one of 'query_terms' or 'products_filter'. If multiple fields are specified, the condition is met if all the fields are satisfied e.g. if a set of query terms and product_filter are set, then only items matching the product_filter for requests with a query matching the query terms wil get boosted.

data class GoogleCloudRetailV2alphaConditionTimeRangeResponse(val endTime: String, val startTime: String)

Used for time-dependent conditions. Example: Want to have rule applied for week long sale.

Fulfillment information, such as the store IDs for in-store pickup or region IDs for different shipping methods.

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data class GoogleCloudRetailV2alphaImageResponse(val height: Int, val uri: String, val width: Int)

Product image. Recommendations AI and Retail Search do not use product images to improve prediction and search results. However, product images can be returned in results, and are shown in prediction or search previews in the console.

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data class GoogleCloudRetailV2alphaIntervalResponse(val exclusiveMaximum: Double, val exclusiveMinimum: Double, val maximum: Double, val minimum: Double)

A floating point interval.

data class GoogleCloudRetailV2alphaLocalInventoryResponse(val attributes: Map<String, String>, val fulfillmentTypes: List<String>, val placeId: String, val priceInfo: GoogleCloudRetailV2alphaPriceInfoResponse)

The inventory information at a place (e.g. a store) identified by a place ID.

Additional configs for the frequently-bought-together model type.

A candidate to consider for a given panel. Currently only ServingConfig are valid candidates.

The PageOptimizationConfig for model training. This determines how many panels to optimize for, and which serving configs to consider for each panel. The purpose of this model is to optimize which ServingConfig to show on which panels in way that optimizes the visitors shopping journey.

Represents an ordered combination of valid serving configs, which can be used for PAGE_OPTIMIZATION recommendations.

The price range of all variant Product having the same Product.primary_product_id.

data class GoogleCloudRetailV2alphaPriceInfoResponse(val cost: Double, val currencyCode: String, val originalPrice: Double, val price: Double, val priceEffectiveTime: String, val priceExpireTime: String, val priceRange: GoogleCloudRetailV2alphaPriceInfoPriceRangeResponse)

The price information of a Product.

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data class GoogleCloudRetailV2alphaProductResponse(val attributes: Map<String, String>, val audience: GoogleCloudRetailV2alphaAudienceResponse, val availability: String, val availableQuantity: Int, val availableTime: String, val brands: List<String>, val categories: List<String>, val collectionMemberIds: List<String>, val colorInfo: GoogleCloudRetailV2alphaColorInfoResponse, val conditions: List<String>, val description: String, val expireTime: String, val fulfillmentInfo: List<GoogleCloudRetailV2alphaFulfillmentInfoResponse>, val gtin: String, val images: List<GoogleCloudRetailV2alphaImageResponse>, val languageCode: String, val localInventories: List<GoogleCloudRetailV2alphaLocalInventoryResponse>, val materials: List<String>, val name: String, val patterns: List<String>, val priceInfo: GoogleCloudRetailV2alphaPriceInfoResponse, val primaryProductId: String, val promotions: List<GoogleCloudRetailV2alphaPromotionResponse>, val publishTime: String, val rating: GoogleCloudRetailV2alphaRatingResponse, val retrievableFields: String, val sizes: List<String>, val tags: List<String>, val title: String, val ttl: String, val type: String, val uri: String, val variants: List<GoogleCloudRetailV2alphaProductResponse>)

Product captures all metadata information of items to be recommended or searched.

Promotion specification.

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data class GoogleCloudRetailV2alphaRatingResponse(val averageRating: Double, val ratingCount: Int, val ratingHistogram: List<Int>)

The rating of a Product.

data class GoogleCloudRetailV2alphaRuleBoostActionResponse(val boost: Double, val productsFilter: String)

A boost action to apply to results matching condition specified above.

data class GoogleCloudRetailV2alphaRuleDoNotAssociateActionResponse(val doNotAssociateTerms: List<String>, val queryTerms: List<String>, val terms: List<String>)

Prevents query_term from being associated with specified terms during search. Example: Don't associate "gShoe" and "cheap".

Prevents a term in the query from being used in search. Example: Don't search for "shoddy".

data class GoogleCloudRetailV2alphaRuleOnewaySynonymsActionResponse(val onewayTerms: List<String>, val queryTerms: List<String>, val synonyms: List<String>)

Maps a set of terms to a set of synonyms. Set of synonyms will be treated as synonyms of each query term only. query_terms will not be treated as synonyms of each other. Example: "sneakers" will use a synonym of "shoes". "shoes" will not use a synonym of "sneakers".

Redirects a shopper to a specific page. * Rule Condition: - Must specify Condition.query_terms. * Action Input: Request Query * Action Result: Redirects shopper to provided uri.

data class GoogleCloudRetailV2alphaRuleReplacementActionResponse(val queryTerms: List<String>, val replacementTerm: String, val term: String)

Replaces a term in the query. Multiple replacement candidates can be specified. All query_terms will be replaced with the replacement term. Example: Replace "gShoe" with "google shoe".

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A rule is a condition-action pair * A condition defines when a rule is to be triggered. * An action specifies what occurs on that trigger. Currently rules only work for controls with SOLUTION_TYPE_SEARCH.

Creates a set of terms that will be treated as synonyms of each other. Example: synonyms of "sneakers" and "shoes": * "sneakers" will use a synonym of "shoes". * "shoes" will use a synonym of "sneakers".

The specifications of dynamically generated facets.

data class GoogleCloudRetailV2alphaSearchRequestFacetSpecFacetKeyResponse(val caseInsensitive: Boolean, val contains: List<String>, val intervals: List<GoogleCloudRetailV2alphaIntervalResponse>, val key: String, val orderBy: String, val prefixes: List<String>, val query: String, val restrictedValues: List<String>, val returnMinMax: Boolean)

Specifies how a facet is computed.

data class GoogleCloudRetailV2alphaSearchRequestFacetSpecResponse(val enableDynamicPosition: Boolean, val excludedFilterKeys: List<String>, val facetKey: GoogleCloudRetailV2alphaSearchRequestFacetSpecFacetKeyResponse, val limit: Int)

A facet specification to perform faceted search.