Package-level declarations


enum GoogleCloudRunV2EmptyDirVolumeSourceMedium : Enum<GoogleCloudRunV2EmptyDirVolumeSourceMedium> , ConvertibleToJava<GoogleCloudRunV2EmptyDirVolumeSourceMedium>

The medium on which the data is stored. Acceptable values today is only MEMORY or none. When none, the default will currently be backed by memory but could change over time. +optional

enum GoogleCloudRunV2RevisionTemplateExecutionEnvironment : Enum<GoogleCloudRunV2RevisionTemplateExecutionEnvironment> , ConvertibleToJava<GoogleCloudRunV2RevisionTemplateExecutionEnvironment>

The sandbox environment to host this Revision.

enum GoogleCloudRunV2TaskTemplateExecutionEnvironment : Enum<GoogleCloudRunV2TaskTemplateExecutionEnvironment> , ConvertibleToJava<GoogleCloudRunV2TaskTemplateExecutionEnvironment>

The execution environment being used to host this Task.

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enum GoogleCloudRunV2TrafficTargetType : Enum<GoogleCloudRunV2TrafficTargetType> , ConvertibleToJava<GoogleCloudRunV2TrafficTargetType>

The allocation type for this traffic target.

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enum GoogleCloudRunV2VpcAccessEgress : Enum<GoogleCloudRunV2VpcAccessEgress> , ConvertibleToJava<GoogleCloudRunV2VpcAccessEgress>

Traffic VPC egress settings.

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enum GoogleIamV1AuditLogConfigLogType : Enum<GoogleIamV1AuditLogConfigLogType> , ConvertibleToJava<GoogleIamV1AuditLogConfigLogType>

The log type that this config enables.

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enum JobLaunchStage : Enum<JobLaunchStage> , ConvertibleToJava<JobLaunchStage>

The launch stage as defined by Google Cloud Platform Launch Stages. Cloud Run supports ALPHA, BETA, and GA. If no value is specified, GA is assumed. Set the launch stage to a preview stage on input to allow use of preview features in that stage. On read (or output), describes whether the resource uses preview features. For example, if ALPHA is provided as input, but only BETA and GA-level features are used, this field will be BETA on output.

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enum ServiceIngress : Enum<ServiceIngress> , ConvertibleToJava<ServiceIngress>

Provides the ingress settings for this Service. On output, returns the currently observed ingress settings, or INGRESS_TRAFFIC_UNSPECIFIED if no revision is active.

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enum ServiceLaunchStage : Enum<ServiceLaunchStage> , ConvertibleToJava<ServiceLaunchStage>

The launch stage as defined by Google Cloud Platform Launch Stages. Cloud Run supports ALPHA, BETA, and GA. If no value is specified, GA is assumed. Set the launch stage to a preview stage on input to allow use of preview features in that stage. On read (or output), describes whether the resource uses preview features. For example, if ALPHA is provided as input, but only BETA and GA-level features are used, this field will be BETA on output.