Package-level declarations


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class Config : KotlinCustomResource

Creates a new RuntimeConfig resource. The configuration name must be unique within project.

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data class ConfigArgs(val description: Output<String>? = null, val name: Output<String>? = null, val project: Output<String>? = null, val requestId: Output<String>? = null) : ConvertibleToJava<ConfigArgs>

Creates a new RuntimeConfig resource. The configuration name must be unique within project.

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Builder for ConfigArgs.

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class ConfigIamBinding : KotlinCustomResource

Sets the access control policy on the specified resource. Replaces any existing policy. Can return NOT_FOUND, INVALID_ARGUMENT, and PERMISSION_DENIED errors.

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data class ConfigIamBindingArgs(val condition: Output<ConditionArgs>? = null, val members: Output<List<String>>? = null, val name: Output<String>? = null, val role: Output<String>? = null) : ConvertibleToJava<ConfigIamBindingArgs>

Sets the access control policy on the specified resource. Replaces any existing policy. Can return NOT_FOUND, INVALID_ARGUMENT, and PERMISSION_DENIED errors.

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object ConfigIamBindingMapper : ResourceMapper<ConfigIamBinding>
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class ConfigIamMember : KotlinCustomResource

Sets the access control policy on the specified resource. Replaces any existing policy. Can return NOT_FOUND, INVALID_ARGUMENT, and PERMISSION_DENIED errors.

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data class ConfigIamMemberArgs(val condition: Output<ConditionArgs>? = null, val member: Output<String>? = null, val name: Output<String>? = null, val role: Output<String>? = null) : ConvertibleToJava<ConfigIamMemberArgs>

Sets the access control policy on the specified resource. Replaces any existing policy. Can return NOT_FOUND, INVALID_ARGUMENT, and PERMISSION_DENIED errors.

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object ConfigIamMemberMapper : ResourceMapper<ConfigIamMember>
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class ConfigIamPolicy : KotlinCustomResource

Sets the access control policy on the specified resource. Replaces any existing policy. Can return NOT_FOUND, INVALID_ARGUMENT, and PERMISSION_DENIED errors. Note - this resource's API doesn't support deletion. When deleted, the resource will persist on Google Cloud even though it will be deleted from Pulumi state.

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data class ConfigIamPolicyArgs(val bindings: Output<List<BindingArgs>>? = null, val configId: Output<String>? = null, val etag: Output<String>? = null, val project: Output<String>? = null, val version: Output<Int>? = null) : ConvertibleToJava<ConfigIamPolicyArgs>

Sets the access control policy on the specified resource. Replaces any existing policy. Can return NOT_FOUND, INVALID_ARGUMENT, and PERMISSION_DENIED errors. Note - this resource's API doesn't support deletion. When deleted, the resource will persist on Google Cloud even though it will be deleted from Pulumi state.

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object ConfigIamPolicyMapper : ResourceMapper<ConfigIamPolicy>
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object ConfigMapper : ResourceMapper<Config>
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Builder for Config.

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class Variable : KotlinCustomResource

Creates a variable within the given configuration. You cannot create a variable with a name that is a prefix of an existing variable name, or a name that has an existing variable name as a prefix. To learn more about creating a variable, read the /deployment-manager/runtime-configurator/set-and-get-variables documentation.

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data class VariableArgs(val configId: Output<String>? = null, val name: Output<String>? = null, val project: Output<String>? = null, val requestId: Output<String>? = null, val text: Output<String>? = null, val value: Output<String>? = null) : ConvertibleToJava<VariableArgs>

Creates a variable within the given configuration. You cannot create a variable with a name that is a prefix of an existing variable name, or a name that has an existing variable name as a prefix. To learn more about creating a variable, read the /deployment-manager/runtime-configurator/set-and-get-variables documentation.

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object VariableMapper : ResourceMapper<Variable>
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class Waiter : KotlinCustomResource

Creates a Waiter resource. This operation returns a long-running Operation resource which can be polled for completion. However, a waiter with the given name will exist (and can be retrieved) prior to the operation completing. If the operation fails, the failed Waiter resource will still exist and must be deleted prior to subsequent creation attempts.

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data class WaiterArgs(val configId: Output<String>? = null, val failure: Output<EndConditionArgs>? = null, val name: Output<String>? = null, val project: Output<String>? = null, val requestId: Output<String>? = null, val success: Output<EndConditionArgs>? = null, val timeout: Output<String>? = null) : ConvertibleToJava<WaiterArgs>

Creates a Waiter resource. This operation returns a long-running Operation resource which can be polled for completion. However, a waiter with the given name will exist (and can be retrieved) prior to the operation completing. If the operation fails, the failed Waiter resource will still exist and must be deleted prior to subsequent creation attempts.

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Builder for WaiterArgs.

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object WaiterMapper : ResourceMapper<Waiter>
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Builder for Waiter.


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fun config(name: String): Config
suspend fun config(name: String, block: suspend ConfigResourceBuilder.() -> Unit): Config
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suspend fun variable(name: String, block: suspend VariableResourceBuilder.() -> Unit): Variable
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fun waiter(name: String): Waiter
suspend fun waiter(name: String, block: suspend WaiterResourceBuilder.() -> Unit): Waiter