Package-level declarations


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class Secret : KotlinCustomResource

Creates a new Secret containing no SecretVersions. Auto-naming is currently not supported for this resource.

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data class SecretArgs(val labels: Output<Map<String, String>>? = null, val project: Output<String>? = null, val replication: Output<ReplicationArgs>? = null, val secretId: Output<String>? = null) : ConvertibleToJava<SecretArgs>

Creates a new Secret containing no SecretVersions. Auto-naming is currently not supported for this resource.

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Builder for SecretArgs.

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class SecretIamBinding : KotlinCustomResource

Sets the access control policy on the specified secret. Replaces any existing policy. Permissions on SecretVersions are enforced according to the policy set on the associated Secret.

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data class SecretIamBindingArgs(val condition: Output<ConditionArgs>? = null, val members: Output<List<String>>? = null, val name: Output<String>? = null, val role: Output<String>? = null) : ConvertibleToJava<SecretIamBindingArgs>

Sets the access control policy on the specified secret. Replaces any existing policy. Permissions on SecretVersions are enforced according to the policy set on the associated Secret.

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object SecretIamBindingMapper : ResourceMapper<SecretIamBinding>
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class SecretIamMember : KotlinCustomResource

Sets the access control policy on the specified secret. Replaces any existing policy. Permissions on SecretVersions are enforced according to the policy set on the associated Secret.

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data class SecretIamMemberArgs(val condition: Output<ConditionArgs>? = null, val member: Output<String>? = null, val name: Output<String>? = null, val role: Output<String>? = null) : ConvertibleToJava<SecretIamMemberArgs>

Sets the access control policy on the specified secret. Replaces any existing policy. Permissions on SecretVersions are enforced according to the policy set on the associated Secret.

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object SecretIamMemberMapper : ResourceMapper<SecretIamMember>
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class SecretIamPolicy : KotlinCustomResource

Sets the access control policy on the specified secret. Replaces any existing policy. Permissions on SecretVersions are enforced according to the policy set on the associated Secret. Note - this resource's API doesn't support deletion. When deleted, the resource will persist on Google Cloud even though it will be deleted from Pulumi state.

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data class SecretIamPolicyArgs(val auditConfigs: Output<List<AuditConfigArgs>>? = null, val bindings: Output<List<BindingArgs>>? = null, val etag: Output<String>? = null, val project: Output<String>? = null, val secretId: Output<String>? = null, val updateMask: Output<String>? = null, val version: Output<Int>? = null) : ConvertibleToJava<SecretIamPolicyArgs>

Sets the access control policy on the specified secret. Replaces any existing policy. Permissions on SecretVersions are enforced according to the policy set on the associated Secret. Note - this resource's API doesn't support deletion. When deleted, the resource will persist on Google Cloud even though it will be deleted from Pulumi state.

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object SecretIamPolicyMapper : ResourceMapper<SecretIamPolicy>
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object SecretMapper : ResourceMapper<Secret>
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Builder for Secret.


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fun secret(name: String): Secret
suspend fun secret(name: String, block: suspend SecretResourceBuilder.() -> Unit): Secret
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