Package-level declarations


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class CustomClass : KotlinCustomResource

Create a custom class.

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data class CustomClassArgs(val customClassId: Output<String>? = null, val items: Output<List<ClassItemArgs>>? = null, val location: Output<String>? = null, val name: Output<String>? = null, val project: Output<String>? = null) : ConvertibleToJava<CustomClassArgs>

Create a custom class.

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object CustomClassMapper : ResourceMapper<CustomClass>
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class PhraseSet : KotlinCustomResource

Create a set of phrase hints. Each item in the set can be a single word or a multi-word phrase. The items in the PhraseSet are favored by the recognition model when you send a call that includes the PhraseSet.

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data class PhraseSetArgs(val boost: Output<Double>? = null, val location: Output<String>? = null, val name: Output<String>? = null, val phraseSetId: Output<String>? = null, val phrases: Output<List<PhraseArgs>>? = null, val project: Output<String>? = null) : ConvertibleToJava<PhraseSetArgs>

Create a set of phrase hints. Each item in the set can be a single word or a multi-word phrase. The items in the PhraseSet are favored by the recognition model when you send a call that includes the PhraseSet.

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object PhraseSetMapper : ResourceMapper<PhraseSet>
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suspend fun customClass(name: String, block: suspend CustomClassResourceBuilder.() -> Unit): CustomClass
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suspend fun phraseSet(name: String, block: suspend PhraseSetResourceBuilder.() -> Unit): PhraseSet