Package-level declarations


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data class BucketAccessControlProjectTeamResponse(val projectNumber: String, val team: String)

The project team associated with the entity, if any.

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data class BucketAccessControlResponse(val bucket: String, val domain: String, val email: String, val entity: String, val entityId: String, val etag: String, val kind: String, val projectTeam: BucketAccessControlProjectTeamResponse, val role: String, val selfLink: String)

An access-control entry.

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data class BucketAutoclassResponse(val enabled: Boolean, val toggleTime: String)

The bucket's Autoclass configuration.

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data class BucketBillingResponse(val requesterPays: Boolean)

The bucket's billing configuration.

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data class BucketCorsItemResponse(val maxAgeSeconds: Int, val method: List<String>, val origin: List<String>, val responseHeader: List<String>)
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data class BucketCustomPlacementConfigResponse(val dataLocations: List<String>)

The bucket's custom placement configuration for Custom Dual Regions.

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data class BucketEncryptionResponse(val defaultKmsKeyName: String)

Encryption configuration for a bucket.

data class BucketIamConfigurationBucketPolicyOnlyResponse(val enabled: Boolean, val lockedTime: String)

The bucket's uniform bucket-level access configuration. The feature was formerly known as Bucket Policy Only. For backward compatibility, this field will be populated with identical information as the uniformBucketLevelAccess field. We recommend using the uniformBucketLevelAccess field to enable and disable the feature.

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data class BucketIamConfigurationResponse(val bucketPolicyOnly: BucketIamConfigurationBucketPolicyOnlyResponse, val publicAccessPrevention: String, val uniformBucketLevelAccess: BucketIamConfigurationUniformBucketLevelAccessResponse)

The bucket's IAM configuration.

The bucket's uniform bucket-level access configuration.

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data class BucketIamPolicyBindingsItemResponse(val condition: ExprResponse, val members: List<String>, val role: String)
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The bucket's lifecycle configuration. See lifecycle management for more information.

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data class BucketLifecycleRuleItemActionResponse(val storageClass: String, val type: String)

The action to take.

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data class BucketLifecycleRuleItemConditionResponse(val age: Int, val createdBefore: String, val customTimeBefore: String, val daysSinceCustomTime: Int, val daysSinceNoncurrentTime: Int, val isLive: Boolean, val matchesPattern: String, val matchesPrefix: List<String>, val matchesStorageClass: List<String>, val matchesSuffix: List<String>, val noncurrentTimeBefore: String, val numNewerVersions: Int)

The condition(s) under which the action will be taken.

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data class BucketLoggingResponse(val logBucket: String, val logObjectPrefix: String)

The bucket's logging configuration, which defines the destination bucket and optional name prefix for the current bucket's logs.

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data class BucketObjectCustomerEncryptionResponse(val encryptionAlgorithm: String, val keySha256: String)

Metadata of customer-supplied encryption key, if the object is encrypted by such a key.

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data class BucketObjectOwnerResponse(val entity: String, val entityId: String)

The owner of the object. This will always be the uploader of the object.

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data class BucketOwnerResponse(val entity: String, val entityId: String)

The owner of the bucket. This is always the project team's owner group.

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data class BucketRetentionPolicyResponse(val effectiveTime: String, val isLocked: Boolean, val retentionPeriod: String)

The bucket's retention policy. The retention policy enforces a minimum retention time for all objects contained in the bucket, based on their creation time. Any attempt to overwrite or delete objects younger than the retention period will result in a PERMISSION_DENIED error. An unlocked retention policy can be modified or removed from the bucket via a storage.buckets.update operation. A locked retention policy cannot be removed or shortened in duration for the lifetime of the bucket. Attempting to remove or decrease period of a locked retention policy will result in a PERMISSION_DENIED error.

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data class BucketVersioningResponse(val enabled: Boolean)

The bucket's versioning configuration.

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data class BucketWebsiteResponse(val mainPageSuffix: String, val notFoundPage: String)

The bucket's website configuration, controlling how the service behaves when accessing bucket contents as a web site. See the Static Website Examples for more information.

data class DefaultObjectAccessControlProjectTeamResponse(val projectNumber: String, val team: String)

The project team associated with the entity, if any.

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data class ExprResponse(val description: String, val expression: String, val location: String, val title: String)

Represents an expression text. Example: title: "User account presence" description: "Determines whether the request has a user account" expression: "size(request.user) 0"

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data class GetBucketAccessControlResult(val bucket: String, val domain: String, val email: String, val entity: String, val entityId: String, val etag: String, val kind: String, val projectTeam: BucketAccessControlProjectTeamResponse, val role: String, val selfLink: String)
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data class GetBucketIamPolicyResult(val bindings: List<BucketIamPolicyBindingsItemResponse>, val etag: String, val kind: String, val resourceId: String, val version: Int)
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data class GetBucketObjectResult(val acl: List<ObjectAccessControlResponse>, val bucket: String, val cacheControl: String, val componentCount: Int, val contentDisposition: String, val contentEncoding: String, val contentLanguage: String, val contentType: String, val crc32c: String, val customTime: String, val customerEncryption: BucketObjectCustomerEncryptionResponse, val etag: String, val eventBasedHold: Boolean, val generation: String, val kind: String, val kmsKeyName: String, val md5Hash: String, val mediaLink: String, val metadata: Map<String, String>, val metageneration: String, val name: String, val owner: BucketObjectOwnerResponse, val retentionExpirationTime: String, val selfLink: String, val size: String, val storageClass: String, val temporaryHold: Boolean, val timeCreated: String, val timeDeleted: String, val timeStorageClassUpdated: String, val updated: String)
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data class GetBucketResult(val acl: List<BucketAccessControlResponse>, val autoclass: BucketAutoclassResponse, val billing: BucketBillingResponse, val cors: List<BucketCorsItemResponse>, val customPlacementConfig: BucketCustomPlacementConfigResponse, val defaultEventBasedHold: Boolean, val defaultObjectAcl: List<ObjectAccessControlResponse>, val encryption: BucketEncryptionResponse, val etag: String, val iamConfiguration: BucketIamConfigurationResponse, val kind: String, val labels: Map<String, String>, val lifecycle: BucketLifecycleResponse, val location: String, val locationType: String, val logging: BucketLoggingResponse, val metageneration: String, val name: String, val owner: BucketOwnerResponse, val projectNumber: String, val retentionPolicy: BucketRetentionPolicyResponse, val rpo: String, val satisfiesPZS: Boolean, val selfLink: String, val storageClass: String, val timeCreated: String, val updated: String, val versioning: BucketVersioningResponse, val website: BucketWebsiteResponse)
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data class GetDefaultObjectAccessControlResult(val bucket: String, val domain: String, val email: String, val entity: String, val entityId: String, val etag: String, val generation: String, val kind: String, val object: String, val projectTeam: DefaultObjectAccessControlProjectTeamResponse, val role: String, val selfLink: String)
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data class GetHmacKeyResult(val accessId: String, val etag: String, val kind: String, val project: String, val selfLink: String, val serviceAccountEmail: String, val state: String, val timeCreated: String, val updated: String)
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data class GetNotificationResult(val customAttributes: Map<String, String>, val etag: String, val eventTypes: List<String>, val kind: String, val objectNamePrefix: String, val payloadFormat: String, val selfLink: String, val topic: String)
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data class GetObjectAccessControlResult(val bucket: String, val domain: String, val email: String, val entity: String, val entityId: String, val etag: String, val generation: String, val kind: String, val object: String, val projectTeam: ObjectAccessControlProjectTeamResponse, val role: String, val selfLink: String)
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data class GetObjectIamPolicyResult(val bindings: List<ObjectIamPolicyBindingsItemResponse>, val etag: String, val kind: String, val resourceId: String, val version: Int)
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data class ObjectAccessControlProjectTeamResponse(val projectNumber: String, val team: String)

The project team associated with the entity, if any.

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data class ObjectAccessControlResponse(val bucket: String, val domain: String, val email: String, val entity: String, val entityId: String, val etag: String, val generation: String, val kind: String, val object: String, val projectTeam: ObjectAccessControlProjectTeamResponse, val role: String, val selfLink: String)

An access-control entry.

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data class ObjectIamPolicyBindingsItemResponse(val condition: ExprResponse, val members: List<String>, val role: String)