Package-level declarations


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data class AcceleratorConfigResponse(val topology: String, val type: String)

A TPU accelerator configuration.

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Further data for the accepted state.

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data class AccessConfigResponse(val externalIp: String)

An access config attached to the TPU worker.

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Further data for the active state.

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data class AttachedDiskResponse(val mode: String, val sourceDisk: String)

A node-attached disk resource. Next ID: 8;

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BestEffort tier definition.

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Further data for the creating state.

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Further data for the deleting state.

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data class FailedDataResponse(val error: StatusResponse)

Further data for the failed state.

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data class GetNodeResult(val acceleratorConfig: AcceleratorConfigResponse, val acceleratorType: String, val apiVersion: String, val cidrBlock: String, val createTime: String, val dataDisks: List<AttachedDiskResponse>, val description: String, val health: String, val healthDescription: String, val labels: Map<String, String>, val metadata: Map<String, String>, val multisliceNode: Boolean, val name: String, val networkConfig: NetworkConfigResponse, val networkEndpoints: List<NetworkEndpointResponse>, val queuedResource: String, val runtimeVersion: String, val schedulingConfig: SchedulingConfigResponse, val serviceAccount: ServiceAccountResponse, val shieldedInstanceConfig: ShieldedInstanceConfigResponse, val state: String, val symptoms: List<SymptomResponse>, val tags: List<String>)
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data class GetQueuedResourceResult(val bestEffort: BestEffortResponse, val guaranteed: GuaranteedResponse, val name: String, val queueingPolicy: QueueingPolicyResponse, val reservationName: String, val state: QueuedResourceStateResponse, val tpu: TpuResponse)
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data class GuaranteedResponse(val minDuration: String, val reserved: Boolean)

Guaranteed tier definition.

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data class IntervalResponse(val endTime: String, val startTime: String)

Represents a time interval, encoded as a Timestamp start (inclusive) and a Timestamp end (exclusive). The start must be less than or equal to the end. When the start equals the end, the interval is empty (matches no time). When both start and end are unspecified, the interval matches any time.

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data class NetworkConfigResponse(val canIpForward: Boolean, val enableExternalIps: Boolean, val network: String, val subnetwork: String)

Network related configurations.

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data class NetworkEndpointResponse(val accessConfig: AccessConfigResponse, val ipAddress: String, val port: Int)

A network endpoint over which a TPU worker can be reached.

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data class NodeResponse(val acceleratorConfig: AcceleratorConfigResponse, val acceleratorType: String, val apiVersion: String, val cidrBlock: String, val createTime: String, val dataDisks: List<AttachedDiskResponse>, val description: String, val health: String, val healthDescription: String, val labels: Map<String, String>, val metadata: Map<String, String>, val multisliceNode: Boolean, val name: String, val networkConfig: NetworkConfigResponse, val networkEndpoints: List<NetworkEndpointResponse>, val queuedResource: String, val runtimeVersion: String, val schedulingConfig: SchedulingConfigResponse, val serviceAccount: ServiceAccountResponse, val shieldedInstanceConfig: ShieldedInstanceConfigResponse, val state: String, val symptoms: List<SymptomResponse>, val tags: List<String>)

A TPU instance.

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data class NodeSpecResponse(val node: NodeResponse, val nodeId: String, val parent: String)

Details of the TPU node(s) being requested. Users can request either a single node or multiple nodes. NodeSpec provides the specification for node(s) to be created.

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Further data for the provisioning state.

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data class QueuedResourceStateResponse(val acceptedData: AcceptedDataResponse, val activeData: ActiveDataResponse, val creatingData: CreatingDataResponse, val deletingData: DeletingDataResponse, val failedData: FailedDataResponse, val provisioningData: ProvisioningDataResponse, val state: String, val suspendedData: SuspendedDataResponse, val suspendingData: SuspendingDataResponse)

QueuedResourceState defines the details of the QueuedResource request.

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data class QueueingPolicyResponse(val validAfterDuration: String, val validAfterTime: String, val validInterval: IntervalResponse, val validUntilDuration: String, val validUntilTime: String)

Defines the policy of the QueuedRequest.

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data class SchedulingConfigResponse(val preemptible: Boolean, val reserved: Boolean)

Sets the scheduling options for this node.

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data class ServiceAccountResponse(val email: String, val scope: List<String>)

A service account.

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data class ShieldedInstanceConfigResponse(val enableSecureBoot: Boolean)

A set of Shielded Instance options.

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data class StatusResponse(val code: Int, val details: List<Map<String, String>>, val message: String)

The Status type defines a logical error model that is suitable for different programming environments, including REST APIs and RPC APIs. It is used by gRPC. Each Status message contains three pieces of data: error code, error message, and error details. You can find out more about this error model and how to work with it in the API Design Guide.

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Further data for the suspended state.

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Further data for the suspending state.

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data class SymptomResponse(val createTime: String, val details: String, val symptomType: String, val workerId: String)

A Symptom instance.

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data class TpuResponse(val nodeSpec: List<NodeSpecResponse>)

Details of the TPU resource(s) being requested.