Package-level declarations


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data class AdBreakResponse(val startTimeOffset: String)

Ad break.

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data class AnimationEndResponse(val startTimeOffset: String)

End previous overlay animation from the video. Without AnimationEnd, the overlay object will keep the state of previous animation until the end of the video.

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data class AnimationFadeResponse(val endTimeOffset: String, val fadeType: String, val startTimeOffset: String, val xy: NormalizedCoordinateResponse)

Display overlay object with fade animation.

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data class AnimationResponse(val animationEnd: AnimationEndResponse, val animationFade: AnimationFadeResponse, val animationStatic: AnimationStaticResponse)

Animation types.

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data class AnimationStaticResponse(val startTimeOffset: String, val xy: NormalizedCoordinateResponse)

Display static overlay object.

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data class AudioMappingResponse(val atomKey: String, val gainDb: Double, val inputChannel: Int, val inputKey: String, val inputTrack: Int, val outputChannel: Int)

The mapping for the Job.edit_list atoms with audio EditAtom.inputs.

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data class AudioResponse(val highBoost: Boolean, val lowBoost: Boolean, val lufs: Double)

Audio preprocessing configuration.

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data class AudioStreamResponse(val bitrateBps: Int, val channelCount: Int, val channelLayout: List<String>, val codec: String, val displayName: String, val languageCode: String, val mapping: List<AudioMappingResponse>, val sampleRateHertz: Int)

Audio stream resource.

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data class BwdifConfigResponse(val deinterlaceAllFrames: Boolean, val mode: String, val parity: String)

Bob Weaver Deinterlacing Filter Configuration.

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data class ColorResponse(val brightness: Double, val contrast: Double, val saturation: Double)

Color preprocessing configuration. Note: This configuration is not supported.

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data class CropResponse(val bottomPixels: Int, val leftPixels: Int, val rightPixels: Int, val topPixels: Int)

Video cropping configuration for the input video. The cropped input video is scaled to match the output resolution.

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data class DeblockResponse(val enabled: Boolean, val strength: Double)

Deblock preprocessing configuration. Note: This configuration is not supported.

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Deinterlace configuration for input video.

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data class DenoiseResponse(val strength: Double, val tune: String)

Denoise preprocessing configuration. Note: This configuration is not supported.

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data class EditAtomResponse(val endTimeOffset: String, val inputs: List<String>, val key: String, val startTimeOffset: String)

Edit atom.

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data class ElementaryStreamResponse(val audioStream: AudioStreamResponse, val key: String, val textStream: TextStreamResponse, val videoStream: VideoStreamResponse)

Encoding of an input file such as an audio, video, or text track. Elementary streams must be packaged before mapping and sharing between different output formats.

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data class GetJobResult(val config: JobConfigResponse, val createTime: String, val endTime: String, val error: StatusResponse, val inputUri: String, val labels: Map<String, String>, val mode: String, val name: String, val outputUri: String, val startTime: String, val state: String, val templateId: String, val ttlAfterCompletionDays: Int)
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data class GetJobTemplateResult(val config: JobConfigResponse, val labels: Map<String, String>, val name: String)
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data class H264CodecSettingsResponse(val allowOpenGop: Boolean, val aqStrength: Double, val bFrameCount: Int, val bPyramid: Boolean, val bitrateBps: Int, val crfLevel: Int, val enableTwoPass: Boolean, val entropyCoder: String, val frameRate: Double, val gopDuration: String, val gopFrameCount: Int, val heightPixels: Int, val pixelFormat: String, val preset: String, val profile: String, val rateControlMode: String, val tune: String, val vbvFullnessBits: Int, val vbvSizeBits: Int, val widthPixels: Int)

H264 codec settings.

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data class H265CodecSettingsResponse(val allowOpenGop: Boolean, val aqStrength: Double, val bFrameCount: Int, val bPyramid: Boolean, val bitrateBps: Int, val crfLevel: Int, val enableTwoPass: Boolean, val frameRate: Double, val gopDuration: String, val gopFrameCount: Int, val heightPixels: Int, val pixelFormat: String, val preset: String, val profile: String, val rateControlMode: String, val tune: String, val vbvFullnessBits: Int, val vbvSizeBits: Int, val widthPixels: Int)

H265 codec settings.

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data class ImageResponse(val alpha: Double, val resolution: NormalizedCoordinateResponse, val uri: String)

Overlaid image.

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data class InputResponse(val key: String, val preprocessingConfig: PreprocessingConfigResponse, val uri: String)

Input asset.

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data class JobConfigResponse(val adBreaks: List<AdBreakResponse>, val editList: List<EditAtomResponse>, val elementaryStreams: List<ElementaryStreamResponse>, val inputs: List<InputResponse>, val manifests: List<ManifestResponse>, val muxStreams: List<MuxStreamResponse>, val output: OutputResponse, val overlays: List<OverlayResponse>, val pubsubDestination: PubsubDestinationResponse, val spriteSheets: List<SpriteSheetResponse>)

Job configuration

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data class ManifestResponse(val fileName: String, val muxStreams: List<String>, val type: String)

Manifest configuration.

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data class MuxStreamResponse(val container: String, val elementaryStreams: List<String>, val fileName: String, val key: String, val segmentSettings: SegmentSettingsResponse)

Multiplexing settings for output stream.

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data class NormalizedCoordinateResponse(val x: Double, val y: Double)

2D normalized coordinates. Default: {0.0, 0.0}

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data class OutputResponse(val uri: String)

Location of output file(s) in a Cloud Storage bucket.

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data class OverlayResponse(val animations: List<AnimationResponse>, val image: ImageResponse)

Overlay configuration.

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data class PadResponse(val bottomPixels: Int, val leftPixels: Int, val rightPixels: Int, val topPixels: Int)

Pad filter configuration for the input video. The padded input video is scaled after padding with black to match the output resolution.

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data class PreprocessingConfigResponse(val audio: AudioResponse, val color: ColorResponse, val crop: CropResponse, val deblock: DeblockResponse, val deinterlace: DeinterlaceResponse, val denoise: DenoiseResponse, val pad: PadResponse)

Preprocessing configurations.

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data class PubsubDestinationResponse(val topic: String)

A Pub/Sub destination.

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data class SegmentSettingsResponse(val individualSegments: Boolean, val segmentDuration: String)

Segment settings for ts, fmp4 and vtt.

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data class SpriteSheetResponse(val columnCount: Int, val endTimeOffset: String, val filePrefix: String, val format: String, val interval: String, val quality: Int, val rowCount: Int, val spriteHeightPixels: Int, val spriteWidthPixels: Int, val startTimeOffset: String, val totalCount: Int)

Sprite sheet configuration.

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data class StatusResponse(val code: Int, val details: List<Map<String, String>>, val message: String)

The Status type defines a logical error model that is suitable for different programming environments, including REST APIs and RPC APIs. It is used by gRPC. Each Status message contains three pieces of data: error code, error message, and error details. You can find out more about this error model and how to work with it in the API Design Guide.

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data class TextMappingResponse(val atomKey: String, val inputKey: String, val inputTrack: Int)

The mapping for the Job.edit_list atoms with text EditAtom.inputs.

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data class TextStreamResponse(val codec: String, val displayName: String, val languageCode: String, val mapping: List<TextMappingResponse>)

Encoding of a text stream. For example, closed captions or subtitles.

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Video stream resource.

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data class Vp9CodecSettingsResponse(val bitrateBps: Int, val crfLevel: Int, val frameRate: Double, val gopDuration: String, val gopFrameCount: Int, val heightPixels: Int, val pixelFormat: String, val profile: String, val rateControlMode: String, val widthPixels: Int)

VP9 codec settings.

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data class YadifConfigResponse(val deinterlaceAllFrames: Boolean, val disableSpatialInterlacing: Boolean, val mode: String, val parity: String)

Yet Another Deinterlacing Filter Configuration.