Package-level declarations


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data class AccessKeyCredentialsResponse(val accessKeyId: String, val secretAccessKey: String, val sessionToken: String)

Message describing AWS Credentials using access key id and secret.

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AdaptingOSStep contains specific step details.

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data class ApplianceVersionResponse(val critical: Boolean, val releaseNotesUri: String, val uri: String, val version: String)

Describes an appliance version.

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data class AppliedLicenseResponse(val osLicense: String, val type: String)

AppliedLicense holds the license data returned by adaptation module report.

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data class AvailableUpdatesResponse(val inPlaceUpdate: ApplianceVersionResponse, val newDeployableAppliance: ApplianceVersionResponse)

Holds informatiom about the available versions for upgrade.

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data class AwsSourceDetailsResponse(val accessKeyCreds: AccessKeyCredentialsResponse, val awsRegion: String, val error: StatusResponse, val inventorySecurityGroupNames: List<String>, val inventoryTagList: List<TagResponse>, val migrationResourcesUserTags: Map<String, String>, val publicIp: String, val state: String)

AwsSourceDetails message describes a specific source details for the AWS source type.

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data class AwsSourceVmDetailsResponse(val committedStorageBytes: String, val firmware: String)

Represent the source AWS VM details.

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data class CloneJobResponse(val computeEngineTargetDetails: ComputeEngineTargetDetailsResponse, val computeEngineVmDetails: TargetVMDetailsResponse, val createTime: String, val endTime: String, val error: StatusResponse, val name: String, val state: String, val stateTime: String, val steps: List<CloneStepResponse>, val targetDetails: TargetVMDetailsResponse)

CloneJob describes the process of creating a clone of a MigratingVM to the requested target based on the latest successful uploaded snapshots. While the migration cycles of a MigratingVm take place, it is possible to verify the uploaded VM can be started in the cloud, by creating a clone. The clone can be created without any downtime, and it is created using the latest snapshots which are already in the cloud. The cloneJob is only responsible for its work, not its products, which means once it is finished, it will never touch the instance it created. It will only delete it in case of the CloneJob being cancelled or upon failure to clone.

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data class CloneStepResponse(val adaptingOs: AdaptingOSStepResponse, val endTime: String, val instantiatingMigratedVm: InstantiatingMigratedVMStepResponse, val preparingVmDisks: PreparingVMDisksStepResponse, val startTime: String)

CloneStep holds information about the clone step progress.

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data class ComputeEngineTargetDefaultsResponse(val additionalLicenses: List<String>, val appliedLicense: AppliedLicenseResponse, val bootOption: String, val computeScheduling: ComputeSchedulingResponse, val diskType: String, val hostname: String, val labels: Map<String, String>, val licenseType: String, val machineType: String, val machineTypeSeries: String, val metadata: Map<String, String>, val networkInterfaces: List<NetworkInterfaceResponse>, val networkTags: List<String>, val secureBoot: Boolean, val serviceAccount: String, val targetProject: String, val vmName: String, val zone: String)

ComputeEngineTargetDefaults is a collection of details for creating a VM in a target Compute Engine project.

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data class ComputeEngineTargetDetailsResponse(val additionalLicenses: List<String>, val appliedLicense: AppliedLicenseResponse, val bootOption: String, val computeScheduling: ComputeSchedulingResponse, val diskType: String, val hostname: String, val labels: Map<String, String>, val licenseType: String, val machineType: String, val machineTypeSeries: String, val metadata: Map<String, String>, val networkInterfaces: List<NetworkInterfaceResponse>, val networkTags: List<String>, val project: String, val secureBoot: Boolean, val serviceAccount: String, val vmName: String, val zone: String)

ComputeEngineTargetDetails is a collection of details for creating a VM in a target Compute Engine project.

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data class ComputeSchedulingResponse(val automaticRestart: Boolean, val minNodeCpus: Int, val nodeAffinities: List<SchedulingNodeAffinityResponse>, val onHostMaintenance: String, val restartType: String)

Scheduling information for VM on maintenance/restart behaviour and node allocation in sole tenant nodes.

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data class CutoverForecastResponse(val estimatedCutoverJobDuration: String)

CutoverForecast holds information about future CutoverJobs of a MigratingVm.

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data class CutoverJobResponse(val computeEngineTargetDetails: ComputeEngineTargetDetailsResponse, val computeEngineVmDetails: TargetVMDetailsResponse, val createTime: String, val endTime: String, val error: StatusResponse, val name: String, val progress: Int, val progressPercent: Int, val state: String, val stateMessage: String, val stateTime: String, val steps: List<CutoverStepResponse>, val targetDetails: TargetVMDetailsResponse)

CutoverJob message describes a cutover of a migrating VM. The CutoverJob is the operation of shutting down the VM, creating a snapshot and clonning the VM using the replicated snapshot.

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data class CutoverStepResponse(val endTime: String, val finalSync: ReplicationCycleResponse, val instantiatingMigratedVm: InstantiatingMigratedVMStepResponse, val preparingVmDisks: PreparingVMDisksStepResponse, val previousReplicationCycle: ReplicationCycleResponse, val shuttingDownSourceVm: ShuttingDownSourceVMStepResponse, val startTime: String)

CutoverStep holds information about the cutover step progress.

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data class CycleStepResponse(val endTime: String, val initializingReplication: InitializingReplicationStepResponse, val postProcessing: PostProcessingStepResponse, val replicating: ReplicatingStepResponse, val startTime: String)

CycleStep holds information about a step progress.

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data class GetCloneJobResult(val computeEngineTargetDetails: ComputeEngineTargetDetailsResponse, val computeEngineVmDetails: TargetVMDetailsResponse, val createTime: String, val endTime: String, val error: StatusResponse, val name: String, val state: String, val stateTime: String, val steps: List<CloneStepResponse>, val targetDetails: TargetVMDetailsResponse)
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data class GetCutoverJobResult(val computeEngineTargetDetails: ComputeEngineTargetDetailsResponse, val computeEngineVmDetails: TargetVMDetailsResponse, val createTime: String, val endTime: String, val error: StatusResponse, val name: String, val progress: Int, val progressPercent: Int, val state: String, val stateMessage: String, val stateTime: String, val steps: List<CutoverStepResponse>, val targetDetails: TargetVMDetailsResponse)
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data class GetDatacenterConnectorResult(val applianceInfrastructureVersion: String, val applianceSoftwareVersion: String, val availableVersions: AvailableUpdatesResponse, val bucket: String, val createTime: String, val error: StatusResponse, val name: String, val registrationId: String, val serviceAccount: String, val state: String, val stateTime: String, val updateTime: String, val upgradeStatus: UpgradeStatusResponse, val version: String)
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data class GetGroupResult(val createTime: String, val description: String, val displayName: String, val name: String, val updateTime: String)
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data class GetMigratingVmResult(val awsSourceVmDetails: AwsSourceVmDetailsResponse, val computeEngineTargetDefaults: ComputeEngineTargetDefaultsResponse, val computeEngineVmDefaults: TargetVMDetailsResponse, val createTime: String, val currentSyncInfo: ReplicationCycleResponse, val cutoverForecast: CutoverForecastResponse, val description: String, val displayName: String, val error: StatusResponse, val group: String, val labels: Map<String, String>, val lastReplicationCycle: ReplicationCycleResponse, val lastSync: ReplicationSyncResponse, val name: String, val policy: SchedulePolicyResponse, val recentCloneJobs: List<CloneJobResponse>, val recentCutoverJobs: List<CutoverJobResponse>, val sourceVmId: String, val state: String, val stateTime: String, val targetDefaults: TargetVMDetailsResponse, val updateTime: String)
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data class GetSourceResult(val aws: AwsSourceDetailsResponse, val createTime: String, val description: String, val error: StatusResponse, val labels: Map<String, String>, val name: String, val updateTime: String, val vmware: VmwareSourceDetailsResponse)
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data class GetTargetProjectResult(val createTime: String, val description: String, val name: String, val project: String, val updateTime: String)
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data class GetUtilizationReportResult(val createTime: String, val displayName: String, val error: StatusResponse, val frameEndTime: String, val name: String, val state: String, val stateTime: String, val timeFrame: String, val vmCount: Int, val vms: List<VmUtilizationInfoResponse>, val vmsCount: Int)
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InitializingReplicationStep contains specific step details.

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InstantiatingMigratedVMStep contains specific step details.

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data class LinkResponse(val description: String, val url: String)

Describes a URL link.

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data class LocalizedMessageResponse(val locale: String, val message: String)

Provides a localized error message that is safe to return to the user which can be attached to an RPC error.

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data class MigrationWarningResponse(val actionItem: LocalizedMessageResponse, val code: String, val helpLinks: List<LinkResponse>, val warningMessage: LocalizedMessageResponse, val warningTime: String)

Represents migration resource warning information that can be used with google.rpc.Status message. MigrationWarning is used to present the user with warning information in migration operations.

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data class NetworkInterfaceResponse(val externalIp: String, val internalIp: String, val network: String, val subnetwork: String)

NetworkInterface represents a NIC of a VM.

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PostProcessingStep contains specific step details.

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PreparingVMDisksStep contains specific step details.

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data class ReplicatingStepResponse(val lastThirtyMinutesAverageBytesPerSecond: String, val lastTwoMinutesAverageBytesPerSecond: String, val replicatedBytes: String, val totalBytes: String)

ReplicatingStep contains specific step details.

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data class ReplicationCycleResponse(val cycleNumber: Int, val endTime: String, val error: StatusResponse, val name: String, val progress: Int, val progressPercent: Int, val startTime: String, val state: String, val steps: List<CycleStepResponse>, val totalPauseDuration: String, val warnings: List<MigrationWarningResponse>)

ReplicationCycle contains information about the current replication cycle status.

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data class ReplicationSyncResponse(val lastSyncTime: String)

ReplicationSync contain information about the last replica sync to the cloud.

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data class SchedulePolicyResponse(val idleDuration: String, val skipOsAdaptation: Boolean)

A policy for scheduling replications.

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data class SchedulingNodeAffinityResponse(val key: String, val operator: String, val values: List<String>)

Node Affinity: the configuration of desired nodes onto which this Instance could be scheduled. Based on

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ShuttingDownSourceVMStep contains specific step details.

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data class StatusResponse(val code: Int, val details: List<Map<String, String>>, val message: String)

The Status type defines a logical error model that is suitable for different programming environments, including REST APIs and RPC APIs. It is used by gRPC. Each Status message contains three pieces of data: error code, error message, and error details. You can find out more about this error model and how to work with it in the API Design Guide.

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data class TagResponse(val key: String, val value: String)

Tag is an AWS tag representation.

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data class TargetVMDetailsResponse(val appliedLicense: AppliedLicenseResponse, val bootOption: String, val computeScheduling: ComputeSchedulingResponse, val diskType: String, val externalIp: String, val internalIp: String, val labels: Map<String, String>, val licenseType: String, val machineType: String, val machineTypeSeries: String, val metadata: Map<String, String>, val name: String, val network: String, val networkInterfaces: List<NetworkInterfaceResponse>, val networkTags: List<String>, val project: String, val secureBoot: Boolean, val serviceAccount: String, val subnetwork: String, val targetProject: String, val zone: String)

TargetVMDetails is a collection of details for creating a VM in a target Compute Engine project.

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data class UpgradeStatusResponse(val error: StatusResponse, val previousVersion: String, val startTime: String, val state: String, val version: String)

UpgradeStatus contains information about upgradeAppliance operation.

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data class VmUtilizationInfoResponse(val utilization: VmUtilizationMetricsResponse, val vmId: String, val vmwareVmDetails: VmwareVmDetailsResponse)

Utilization information of a single VM.

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data class VmUtilizationMetricsResponse(val cpuAverage: Int, val cpuAveragePercent: Int, val cpuMax: Int, val cpuMaxPercent: Int, val diskIoRateAverage: String, val diskIoRateAverageKbps: String, val diskIoRateMax: String, val diskIoRateMaxKbps: String, val memoryAverage: Int, val memoryAveragePercent: Int, val memoryMax: Int, val memoryMaxPercent: Int, val networkThroughputAverage: String, val networkThroughputAverageKbps: String, val networkThroughputMax: String, val networkThroughputMaxKbps: String)

Utilization metrics values for a single VM.

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data class VmwareSourceDetailsResponse(val password: String, val resolvedVcenterHost: String, val thumbprint: String, val username: String, val vcenterIp: String)

VmwareSourceDetails message describes a specific source details for the vmware source type.

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data class VmwareVmDetailsResponse(val bootOption: String, val committedStorage: String, val committedStorageMb: String, val cpuCount: Int, val datacenterDescription: String, val datacenterId: String, val diskCount: Int, val displayName: String, val guestDescription: String, val memoryMb: Int, val powerState: String, val uuid: String, val vmId: String)

VmwareVmDetails describes a VM in vCenter.