Package-level declarations


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data class AuthenticationResponse(val customAccount: CustomAccountResponse, val googleAccount: GoogleAccountResponse, val iapCredential: IapCredentialResponse)

Scan authentication configuration.

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data class CustomAccountResponse(val loginUrl: String, val password: String, val username: String)

Describes authentication configuration that uses a custom account.

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data class GetScanConfigResult(val authentication: AuthenticationResponse, val blacklistPatterns: List<String>, val displayName: String, val exportToSecurityCommandCenter: String, val ignoreHttpStatusErrors: Boolean, val managedScan: Boolean, val maxQps: Int, val name: String, val riskLevel: String, val schedule: ScheduleResponse, val startingUrls: List<String>, val staticIpScan: Boolean, val userAgent: String)
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data class GoogleAccountResponse(val password: String, val username: String)

Describes authentication configuration that uses a Google account.

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data class IapCredentialResponse(val iapTestServiceAccountInfo: IapTestServiceAccountInfoResponse)

Describes authentication configuration for Identity-Aware-Proxy (IAP).

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data class IapTestServiceAccountInfoResponse(val targetAudienceClientId: String)

Describes authentication configuration when Web-Security-Scanner service account is added in Identity-Aware-Proxy (IAP) access policies.

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data class ScheduleResponse(val intervalDurationDays: Int, val scheduleTime: String)

Scan schedule configuration.