How Do We Qualify The Stance of IGAD, AU, UN, TROIKA and UNSC on the Nuer genocide?

By John Juan Dong, July 5, 2015(Nyamilepedia) — No doubt the 15th December 2013 of Juba the capital city massacre on specific tribe was a total government disaster that rebelled in greed against strong rich tribe, the Nuer just because of wealth that it administered from A to Z as tribalism is concerned. Governments are being rebelled, now a government […]

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IGAD Mediation Extremely Dismayed, yet Again, at the Heavy Fighting Continuing in Malakal, Upper Nile State of South Sudan

PRESS STATEMENT Addis Ababa, Ethiopia May 16, 2015 (Nyamilepedia) — According to preliminary reports filed by the IGAD Monitoring and Verification Team-MVT on ground, fighting has been going on in Malakal since yesterday evening. Shilluk militia forces of General Johnson Olony joined by forces from the SPLM/ SPLA -IO attacked against Government forces in and around Malakal. The IGAD Mediation […]

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Summary of Latest Reports of Violations of the Cessation of Hostilities Agreement (COHA), Reporting Period: 31 March – 30 April 2015

May 16, 2015(Nyamilepedia) — During late March and continuing into April, a build-up of Government Forces and weapons was observed by the IGAD Monitoring and Verification Team (MVT) in the Bentiu area. Tensions have been high in the area for some time, with an outbreak of fighting initiated by Government Forces to the south of Bentiu, as specified in Violation […]

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IGAD Mediators profoundly deplore the escalation of fighting in South Sudan and urge the warring Parties to immediately cease all hostilities

The Leaders of the compromised regional bloc, IGAD, IGAD summit heads of states and governments, deliberating on South Sudan conflict(Photo: IGAD)

IGAD, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 15 May 2015(Nyamilepedia) —  According to reports filed by the IGAD Monitoring and Verification Team-MVT, United Nations agencies and humanitarian organizations on ground, Government forces have been conducting full-scale military offensive against opposition forces in Rubkona, Mayom, Guit, Koch and Mayendit counties in Unity State since 27 April 2015. It is also increasingly clear that the offensive […]

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Leaked: IGAD Action Plan and Mechanism To Restore Peace in South Sudan, and the Region.

March 25, 2015(Nyamilepedia) — The eight-members regional bloc, IGAD, is crafting a document, believed to be a masterpiece mechanism to end the 15-months-old conflict in the world’s youngest nation, South Sudan, before the mid of April, 2015. According to a programme of work, entitled “Action Plan and Programme of Work on Drafting Agreement on the Resolution of the Conflict in […]

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