Opinion: People of Rubkona must understand nature of South Sudan politics

Thiraan Chan (Photo courtesy of the author)

By Thiraan Chan Toup July 9, 2020 (Nyamilepedia) — South Sudan’s First Vice President and SPLM-IO chairman, Dr. Riek Machar, has betrayed the people of Rubkona County following the formation of the revitalized unity government, years after seeking political support from them. He refused that the people of Rubkona be represented at the level of the National government and in […]

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Opinion: Response to false claims on Ruweng border with Unity State – Part II

By Eng. WIlliang Gatjang Gieng March 23, 2020 (Nyamilepedia) – It has become a habit always that when somebody wants to quit away from other, he/she tries to coin out something bad against the accused so as to qualify the reason separation for exit even if it is not true. Likewise brother Ayual claimed that ‘’Ruweng suffered serious political marginalization and […]

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Opinion: Response to false claims on Ruweng border with Unity State Part I

By Eng. Williang Gatjang Gieng March 22, 2020 (Nyamilepedia) – On 24th February 2020, somebody by name Dr. Santino Ayual Luangar wrote an article, claiming that Ruweng had a clear administrative border with Unity State since 1905. However, when I went through his document, it appeared that the man was claiming almost the whole part of Nuer territory northern of […]

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SPLM-IO recruiting in part of South Sudan – authorities

January 21st 2020 (Nyamilepedia) – South Sudan’s main armed opposition group, SPLM/A (IO), is forcefully conscripting youth in part of the country, authorities said on Monday. Northern Liech information minister, David Gai, said the group – which is a signatory to the revitalized peace agreement signed with the government last year – was forcefully recruiting youth into its rank and […]

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Rubkona university students in Sudan elects new leader

November 23rd 2019 (Nyamilepedia) – University students of South Sudan’s Rubkona County in Sudan have elected a new leader for a 1-year tenure, the Nyamilepedia has been told. On Friday, the Leek Students’ Association in Universities and Higher Institutes in the Republic of Sudan conducted elections in which two candidates – Wiyiy Chuol Bachuy and Yar Ter Maluit – competed. […]

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South Sudan: Rubkona youth group condemns reckless dumping of oil waste

October 7th 2019 (Nyamilepedia) – A youth group from South Sudan’s Rubkona country have condemned what they said is a reckless dumping of oil wastes in their land saying government actions and those of oil firms have resulted in threatening lives of local communities. This came a week after an oil spillage near unity oilfields in Rubkona sparked concerns from […]

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