Opinion: The Jonglei crisis and the committee formed

By Gen. Salva Mathok Gengdit July 6, 2020 (Nyamilepedia) – The initiative taken by H.E president Gen. Salva Kiir Mayardit in forming the committee chaired by The Vice President H.E Dr. James Wani Igga is a milestone decision to address Greater Jonglei crisis, although the issue may not be necessary rank or post. By 2011, H. E the president declared […]

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Polish charity to help South Sudanese slavery victims

Women line up for food rations at a distribution site in Bentiu, South Sudan, on December 8, 2018. © 2018 Nyagoah Tut Pur/Human Rights Watch

February 10th 2020 (Nyamilepedia) – Organised by an international Catholic pastoral aid organisation Aid to the Church in Need’s (ACN) Polish branch (PKWP), the “Free-Unfree” (“Wolni-Niewolni”) campaign’s purpose is to collect money, which will be forwarded to a local organisation in Kenya that will save South Sudanese from slavery. “Slavery, harassment, human trafficking, organ trafficking – all of this make […]

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Lawyer to speak about American journalist killed in South Sudan in 2017

November 12th 2019 (Nyamilepedia) – A lawyer and a film-maker Jeremy Bliss, who is the cousin of journalist Christopher Allen who was killed in South Sudan in 2017, will address delegates at a conference of Editors Society tomorrow. Jeremy has been advising Christopher Allen’s family on legal matters, including instructing their legal team, co-ordinating early investigative work on the murder, […]

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Breaking Investigative Report: International Profiteers Looted Billions from South Sudan 

Mr. George Clooney and his riend Prendergast thinking about resolving South Sudan crises and how to disarm kleptocrats in that country(Photo: file)

The Sentry’s Co-Founders George Clooney, John Prendergast and Senior Investigators Present Hard-Hitting Report at London Press Conference; World’s Fourth Largest Company Implicated in Funding Deadly Militias; Report Details Activities by Individuals and Companies in U.S., UK, Asia, Africa London, UK. September 19, 2019 (Nyamilepedia) —  A new investigative report released today by The Sentry exposes an array of international profiteers […]

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Kiir’s government buys weapons but cannot buy food for starving citizens – UN experts

September 17th 2019 (Nyamilepedia) – South Sudan’s government is able to buy weapons and ammunition to fight war using millions of dollars but cannot provide food which costs less to its starving citizens, a team of United Nations expert said in a report. The report by the three-member Commission on Human Rights in South Sudan shows no improvements of the […]

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Opinion: From tribalism & ignorance to pluralism – Towards peaceful coexistence

President Kiir flanked by members of the tribal Jieng Council of Elders (File photo)

By Gabriel M. Maliah August 29th 2019 (Nyamilepedia) – Quote: “Ethnic differences exist; of course they exist on the African continent. They are not necessarily political differences, however. They don’t necessarily cause people to kill each other. They become so-called ‘tribalism’ when they are politicized in a particular framework. And in post-independence Africa they have been politicized largely by sections […]

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Kiir’s gov’t bears responsibility for deadly South Sudan conflict – UN official

August 24th 2019 (Nyamilepedia) – South Sudan government bears – in large part – responsibility for the ongoing deadly conflict in the world’s youngest nation, a former United Nations official said in a statement. Klem Ryan, a former UN official in South Sudan said in a statement to defense controversial comments he made against President Kiir last week that South […]

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South Sudan likely to witness second-order conflict – group

August 9th 2019 (Nyamilepedia) – The Armed Conflict Location and Events Dataset (ACLED), an international crisis mapping project, has warned that continued violence between the SSPDF forces and the National Salvation Front (NAS) forces coupled with communal violence throughout the country will not lead to lasting peace and stability. “In 2019 thus far, violence in South Sudan has been marked […]

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Opinion: South Sudan in its doom days

By Tut Kuany Kok August 5th 2019 (Nyamilepedia) – Before the upheavals of political and ethnic compatibility in the Country: South Sudan. We were living peacefully in an excellence term while giving hands to one another, for we have enshrined in our lives the philosophy of fraternity, pluralism and brotherhood before the nation got haunted and plagued by the internecine […]

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Over 80 percent of South Sudan population food insecure – report

Women line up for food rations at a distribution site in Bentiu, South Sudan, on December 8, 2018. © 2018 Nyagoah Tut Pur/Human Rights Watch

August 1st 2019 (Nyamilepedia) – According to a new study released on Wednesday, the International Rescue Committee (IRC) estimated that over 85 percent of South Sudan’s 12 million population is on the verge of experiencing severe food insecurity due to continued violence and drought. “Severe drought and ongoing violence in East Africa has put 8.7 million people in Somalia and […]

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Despite peace deal, ICRC says gunshot injuries still high in South Sudan

July 9th 2019 (Nyamilepedia) – Despite the signing of the revitalized peace agreement and the permanent ceasefire that led to decline in fighting last year, the International Committee of Red Cross (ICRC) said gunshot wounds are still high in South Sudan. “We have seen a drop in fighting between parties to the conflict, a very hopeful sign. However, intercommunal violence—mostly […]

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Hunger stricken soldiers and civilians storm Save the Children Warehouse in South Sudan

01, March 2017 (Nyamilepedia) — Hunger stricken government soldiers and civilians have stormed into a Save the Children warehouse in South Sudan’s Jonglei state and looted everything inside the site as famine starts to bite across the war ravaged country. Save the Children country director Mr Peter Walsh condemned in strongest term the looting by armed men in uniform and civilians from […]

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South Sudan: SPLM Leaders Welcome Regional Intervention As “An African Solution To An African Problem”

SPLM-FPD, formerly the SPLM political detainees taking a photo after meeting Museveni in Kampala(Photo: supplied)

August 10, 2016(Nyamilepedia) —— South Sudan’s Former Political Detainees, a group of senior politicians who were sacked and detained by Kiir’s leadership at the onset of the conflict in December 2013, warmly welcome the regional intervention force to secure major towns and national installations in the country. In a statement issued by Kosti Manibe in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, the regional […]

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Intelleaks: South Sudan Government Plans Imminent Attacks On SPLM/SPLA Cantonments Sites in Mundri and Maridi.

South Sudanese SPLA soldiers are pictured in Pageri in Eastern Equatoria state on August 20 where they fought an armed group identified as SSAF(Photo: Gehtti Image)

April 20, 2016(Nyamilepedia) —– Latest intelligence reports of SPLM/SPLA in Opposition indicates that the government has planned to launch new attacks on SPLA-IO cantonments areas in Maridi and Mundri as soon as the first vice president, Dr. Riek Machar Teny, takes oath in Juba. According to Girma Apaya, the Spokesman of the Commander of SPLA-IO forces in Mundri,  the rebels […]

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Insecurity Spreading Across South Sudan as Salva Kiir’s Government Loses Grip on Security

July 19, 2005(Nymilepedia) – The security situation in South Sudan continues to spiral out of control as Salva Kiir’s government struggles to maintain law and order. This weekend unidentified gunmen opened fire on a Land Cruiser that was in a convoy of vehicles on Juba-Kajo Keji road killing 5 and living more than 8 others critically injured. The 8 were rushed to […]

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South Sudan Rebels Warn Civilians To Vacate Contested Border Town of Nimule

July 05, 2015(Nyamilepedia) — South Sudan’s rebels forces, under the country’s former vice President, urge the citizens in Nimule and other border towns to vacate the strategic towns along the South Sudan-Uganda border and Nimule-Juba highway with immediate effect. According to Lt. Col. James Lokudu, who spoke to our editorial team on behave of the SPLA [IO] forces under the […]

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