The of the second day of her in the east tower of the of Astok, Prince of Dusar, Thuvia of Ptarth waiting in the of the assassin.
She had every possibility of escape, going over and over again the door and the windows, the and the walls.
The solid she not scratch; the Barsoomian of the would have to nothing less than a in the hands of a man. The door and the lock were impregnable. There was no escape. And they had her of her so that she not the hour of her doom, thus them of the of her last moments.
When would they come? Would Astok do the with his own hands? She that he had the for it. At he was a coward—she had it since she had him as, a visitor at the of her father, he had to her with his valour.
She not help but him with another. And with would an an suitor? With her betrothed? And did Thuvia of Ptarth now measure Astok of Dusar by the of Kulan Tith, Jeddak of Kaol?
She was about to die; her were her own to do with as she pleased; yet from them was Kulan Tith. Instead the of the tall and Heliumite her mind, all other images.
She of his face, the of his bearing, the that his as he with his friends, and the that touched his as he with his enemies—the of his Virginian sire.
And Thuvia of Ptarth, true of Barsoom, her and to the memory of this other smile—the that she would see again. With a little half-sob the girl to the of and that were in the east windows, her in her arms.
In the her prison-room two men had paused in argument.
“I tell you again, Astok,” one was saying, “that I shall not do this thing unless you be present in the room.”
There was little of the respect in the of the speaker’s voice. The other, it, flushed.
“Do not too upon my for you, Vas Kor,” he snapped. “There is a limit to my patience.”
“There is no question of here,” returned Vas Kor. “You ask me to an in your stead, and against your jeddak’s injunctions. You are in no position, Astok, to to me; but should you be to to my that you be present, thus the with me. Why should I it all?”
The man scowled, but he toward the locked door, and as it in upon its hinges, he entered the room at the of Vas Kor.
Across the the girl, them enter, rose to her and them. Under the soft copper of her skin she just a trifle; but her were and level, and the of her little was of and contempt.
“You still death?” asked Astok.
“To you, yes,” the girl coldly.
The Prince of Dusar to Vas Kor and nodded. The his short-sword and the room toward Thuvia.
“Kneel!” he commanded.
“I to die standing,” she replied.
“As you will,” said Vas Kor, the point of his with his left thumb. “In the name of Nutus, Jeddak of Dusar!” he cried, and ran toward her.
“In the name of Carthoris, Prince of Helium!” came in low from the doorway.
Vas Kor to see the he had recruited at his son’s house across the toward him. The past Astok with an: “After him, you—calot!”
Vas Kor to meet the man.
“What means this treason?” he cried.
Astok, with sword, to Vas Kor’s assistance. The panthan’s against that of the noble, and in the Vas Kor that he a master swordsman.
Before he the stranger’s purpose he the man himself and Thuvia of Ptarth, at the two of the Dusarians. But he not like a man at bay. Ever was he the aggressor, and though always he his the girl and her enemies, yet he managed to them and about the room, calling to the girl to close him.
Until it was too late neither Vas Kor Astok of that which in the panthan’s mind; but at last as the with his toward the door, understood—they were in their own prison, and now the them at his will, for Thuvia of Ptarth was the door at the man’s direction, taking the key from the opposite side, where Astok had left it when they had entered.
Astok, as was his way, that the enemy did not their swords, was the of the to Vas Kor, and now as his the they presently and wider, for slowly he had come to the of the Prince of Helium.
The Heliumite was pressing close upon Vas Kor. The was from a dozen wounds. Astok saw that he not for long the of that terrible hand.
“Courage, Vas Kor!” he in the other’s ear. “I have a plan. Hold him but a moment longer and all will be well,” but the of the sentence, “with Astok, Prince of Dusar,” he did not voice aloud.
Vas Kor, no treachery, his head, and for a moment succeeded in Carthoris at bay. Then the Heliumite and the girl saw the Dusarian to the opposite of the chamber, touch something in the that sent a great inward, and into the black beyond.
It was done so that by no possibility they have him. Carthoris, Vas Kor might him, or Astok return with reinforcements, in upon his antagonist, and a moment later the of the Dusarian rolled upon the floor.
“Come!” Carthoris. “There is no time to be lost. Astok will be in a moment with to me.”
But Astok had no such plan in mind, for such a move would have meant the of the among the that the Ptarthian was a in the east tower. Quickly would the word have come to his father, and no amount of have away the that the jeddak’s would have to light.
Instead Astok was through a long to the door of the tower-room Carthoris and Thuvia left the apartment. He had the girl remove the key and place it in her pocket-pouch, and he that a point into the from the opposite would them in the till eight worlds a cold, sun.
As fast as he Astok entered the main that to the tower chamber. Would he the door in time? What if the Heliumite should have already and he should upon him in the passageway? Astok a cold up his spine. He had no to that blade.
He was almost at the door. Around the next turn of the it stood. No, they had not left the apartment. Evidently Vas Kor was still the Heliumite!
Astok a at the manner in which he had the and of him at the same time. And then he the turn and came to with an auburn-haired, white giant.
The did not wait to ask the for his coming; he upon him with a long-sword, so that Astok had to a dozen he himself and the runway.
A moment later Carthoris and Thuvia entered the from the chamber.
“Well, Kar Komak?” asked the Heliumite.
“It is that you left me here, red man,” said the bowman. “I but just now one who over-anxious to this door—it was he they call Astok, Prince of Dusar.”
Carthoris smiled.
“Where is he now?” he asked.
“He my blade, and ran this corridor,” Kar Komak.
“We must no time, then!” Carthoris. “He will have the upon us yet!”
Together the three along the passages through which Carthoris and Kar Komak had the Dusarians by the marks of the latter’s sandals in the thin that the of these seldom-used passage-ways.
They had come to the at the to the they met with opposition. Here they a of guardsmen, and an officer, who, that they were strangers, questioned their presence in the of Astok.
Once more Carthoris and Kar Komak had to their blades, and they had their way to one of the the noise of the must have the entire palace, for they men shouting, and as they passed the many on their quick passage to the landing stage they saw men and in search of the of the commotion.
Beside the stage the Thuria, with three on guard. Again the Heliumite and the Lotharian to shoulder, but the was soon over, for the Prince of Helium alone would have been a match for any three that Dusar produce.
Scarce had the Thuria from the a hundred or more men to view upon the landing stage. At their was Astok of Dusar, and as he saw the two he had so safely in his power from his grasp, he with and chagrin, his and and at them.
With her at a angle, the Thuria meteor-like into the sky. From a dozen points after her, for the upon the landing stage above the of the Prince of Dusar had not gone unnoticed.
A dozen times the Thuria’s side, and as Carthoris not the levers, Thuvia of Ptarth the of the craft’s rapid-fire upon the enemy as she to the and surface of the deck.
It was a and a fight. One against a score now, for other Dusarian had joined in the pursuit; but Astok, Prince of Dusar, had well when he the Thuria. None in the of his a flier; no other so well or so well armed.
One by one the were distanced, and as the last of them out of range behind, Carthoris the Thuria’s nose to a plane, as with to the last notch, she through the thin air of Mars toward the east and Ptarth.
Thirteen and a thousand away Ptarth—a thirty-hour for the of fliers, and Dusar and Ptarth might the of Dusar, for in this direction was the reported seat of the great that now might be in progress.
Could Carthoris have where the great of the nations lay, he would have to them without delay, for in the return of Thuvia to her the of peace.
Half the they without a single warship, and then Kar Komak called Carthoris’ attention to a that rested upon the of the great sea-bottom, above which the Thuria was speeding.
About the many be swarming. With the of powerful glasses, the Heliumite saw that they were green warriors, and that they were upon the of the airship. The nationality of the he not make out at so great a distance.
It was not necessary to the of the Thuria to permit of directly above the of battle, but Carthoris his a hundred that he might have a and closer view.
If the ship was of a power, he do no less than stop and direct his upon her enemies, though with the he he in landing, for he offer but two in reinforcement—scarce to the safety of the Princess of Ptarth.
As they came close above the ship, they see that it would be but a question of minutes the green would across the to the of their upon the defenders.
“It would be to descend,” said Carthoris to Thuvia. “The may be of Dusar—she no insignia. All that we may do is fire upon the hordesmen”; and as he spoke he to one of the and its toward the green at the ship’s side.
At the from the Thuria those upon the her for the time. Immediately a device from the of the on the ground. Thuvia of Ptarth her quickly, at Carthoris.
The device was that of Kulan Tith, Jeddak of Kaol—the man to the Princess of Ptarth was betrothed!
How easy for the Heliumite to pass on, his to the that not for long be averted! No man him of or treachery, for Kulan Tith was in arms against Helium, and, further, upon the Thuria were not to the outcome that already was a in the minds of the watchers.
What would Carthoris, Prince of Helium, do?
Scarce had the device to the the of the Thuria at a toward the ground.
“Can you her?” asked Carthoris of Thuvia.
The girl nodded.
“I am going to try to take the aboard,” he continued. “It will need Kar Komak and myself to man the while the Kaolians take to the tackle. Keep her against the fire. She can it in her armour, and at the same time the will be protected.”
He to the as Thuvia took the control. A moment later the from the of the Thuria, and from a dozen points along either stout, lines downward. At the same time a from her bow:
“Prepare to us.”
A from the of the Kaolian warship. Carthoris, who by this time had returned from the cabin, sadly. He was about to from the of death the man who himself and the woman he loved.
“Take the port gun, Kar Komak,” he called to the bowman, and himself to the gun upon the bow.
They now the of the of the green warriors’ against the of the Thuria.
It was a at best. At any moment the might be pierced. The men upon the Kaolian ship were with hope. In the Kulan Tith, a his warriors, the green men.
The Thuria came low above the other craft. The Kaolians were under their officers in to board, and then a from the of the green their of death and into the of the flier.
Like a bird she Marsward drunkenly. Thuvia the in an to the tragedy, but she succeeded only in the of the flier’s impact as she the ground the Kaolian ship.
When the green men saw only two and a woman upon the of the Thuria, a of from their ranks, while an from the of the Kaolians.
The now their attention upon the new arrival, for they saw her soon be overcome and that from her they the of the better-manned ship.
As they a of came from Kulan Tith, upon the of his own ship, and with it an of the of the act that had put the smaller in these straits.
“Who is it,” he cried, “that offers his life in the service of Kulan Tith? Never was a of self-sacrifice upon Barsoom!”
The green was over the Thuria’s as there from the the device of Carthoris, Prince of Helium, in reply to the of the of Kaol. None upon the smaller had opportunity to note the of this upon the Kaolians, for their attention was slowly now by that which was upon their own deck.
Kar Komak the gun he had been operating, with wide at the green warriors. Carthoris, him thus, a of that, after all, this man that he had so should prove, in the hour of need, as as Jav or Tario.
“Kar Komak—the man!” he shouted. “Grip yourself! Remember the days of the of the of Lothar. Fight! Fight, man! Fight as man before. All that to us is to die fighting.”
Kar Komak toward the Heliumite, a upon his lips.
“Why should we fight,” he asked. “Against such odds? There is another way—a way. Look!” He pointed toward the companion-way that deck.
The green men, a of them, had already the Thuria’s deck, as Carthoris in the direction the Lotharian had indicated. The that met his set his to in and relief—Thuvia of Ptarth might yet be saved? For from there a of bowmen, and terrible. Not the of Tario or Jav, but the of an of bowmen—savage men, for the fray.
The green paused in and consternation, but only for a moment. Then with war-cries they to meet these strange, new foemen.
A of stopped them in their tracks. In a moment the only green upon the of the Thuria were warriors, and the of Kar Komak were over the vessel’s to the upon the ground.
Utan after from the of the Thuria to themselves upon the green men. Kulan Tith and his Kaolians wide-eyed and with as they saw thousands of these strange, from the companion-way of the small that not have more than fifty.
At last the green men the of numbers no longer. Slowly, at first, they across the plain. The them. Kar Komak, upon the of the Thuria, with excitement.
At the top of his he the war-cry of his day. He and at his utans, and then, as they and from the Thuria, he no longer the of battle.
Leaping over the ship’s to the ground, he joined the last of his as they off over the sea-bottom in of the green horde.
Beyond a low of what once had been an the green men were toward the west. Close upon their the of a day, and ahead among them Carthoris and Thuvia see the of Kar Komak, the Torquasian short-sword with which he was armed, as he his after the enemy.
As the last of them the promontory, Carthoris toward Thuvia of Ptarth.
“They have me a lesson, these of Lothar,” he said. “When they have their purpose they not to their masters by their presence. Kulan Tith and his are here to protect you. My have the proof of my of purpose. Good-bye,” and he at her feet, a of her to his lips.
The girl out a hand and it upon the thick black of the her. Softly she asked:
“Where are you going, Carthoris?”
“With Kar Komak, the bowman,” he replied. “There will be and forgetfulness.”
The girl put her hands her eyes, as though to out some from her sight.
“May my have upon me,” she cried, “if I say the thing I have no right to say; but I cannot see you your life away, Carthoris, Prince of Helium! Stay, my chieftain. Stay—I love you!”
A them about, and there they saw standing, not two from them Kulan Tith, Jeddak of Kaol.
For a long moment none spoke. Then Kulan Tith his throat.
“I not help all that passed,” he said. “I am no fool, to be to the love that you. Nor am I to the that has you, Carthoris, to your life and hers to save mine, though you that that very act would you of the to keep her for your own.
“Nor can I fail to the that has your sealed against of love for this Heliumite, Thuvia, for I know that I have but just the of your for him. I do not you. Rather should I have you had you entered a marriage with me.
“Take your liberty, Thuvia of Ptarth,” he cried, “and it where your already enchained, and when the are about your necks you will see that Kulan Tith’s is the to be in of for the new Princess of Helium and her mate!”
Aaanthor. A city of Mars.
Aisle of Hope. An leading to the court-room in Helium.
Apt. An Arctic monster. A huge, white-furred with six limbs, four of which, and heavy, it over the and ice; the other two, which from its on either of its long, powerful neck, in white, hands with which it and its prey. Its and mouth are in to those of a hippopotamus, that from the of the two toward the front. Its two in two from the centre of the top of the either of the to the of the horns, so that these out from the part of the eyes, which are of thousand each. Each is with its own lid, and the can, at will, close as many of the of his as he chooses. (See THE WARLORD OF MARS.)
Astok. Prince of Dusar.
Avenue of Ancestors. A in Helium.
Banth. Barsoomian lion. A of that the low the of Mars. It is almost hairless, having only a great, about its thick neck. Its long, is supported by ten powerful legs, its are with of long needle-like fangs, and its mouth to a point of its ears. It has of green. (See THE GODS OF MARS.)
Bar Comas. Jeddak of Warhoon. (See A PRINCESS OF MARS.)
Barsoom. MARS.
Black of Barsoom. Men six and over in height. Have clear-cut and features; their are well set and large, though a them a appearance. The is black while the itself is white and clear. Their skin has the of ebony. (See THE GODS OF MARS.)
Calot. A dog. About the size of a Shetland and has ten legs. The a to that of a frog, that the are with three of long, tusks. (See A PRINCESS OF MARS.)
Carter, John. Warlord of Mars.
Carthoris of Helium. Son of John Carter and Dejah Thoris.
Dak Kova. Jed among the Warhoons (later jeddak).
Darseen. Chameleon-like reptile.
Dator. Chief or among the First Born.
Dejah Thoris. Princess of Helium.
Djor Kantos. Son of Kantos Kan; of the Fifth Utan.
Dor. Valley of Heaven.
Dotar Sojat. John Carter’s Martian name, from the of the two he killed.
Dusar. A Martian kingdom.
Dwar. Captain.
Ersite. A of stone.
Father of Therns. High Priest of religious cult.
First Born. Black race; black pirates.
Kar Komak. Odwar of Lotharian bowmen.
Gate of Jeddaks. A gate in Helium.
Gozava. Tars Tarkas’ wife.
Gur Tus. Dwar of the Tenth Utan.
Haad. Martian mile.
Hal Vas. Son of Vas Kor the Dusarian noble.
Hastor. A city of Helium.
Hekkador. Title of Father of Therns.
Helium. The of the of Dejah Thoris.
Holy Therns. A Martian religious cult.
Hortan Gur. Jeddak of Torquas.
Hor Vastus. Padwar in the of Helium.
Horz. Deserted city; Barsoomian Greenwich.
Illall. A city of Okar.
Iss. River of Death. (See A PRINCESS OF MARS.)
Issus. Goddess of Death, is upon the banks of the Lost Sea of Korus. (See THE GODS OF MARS.)
Jav. A Lotharian.
Jed. King.
Jeddak. Emperor.
Kab Kadja. Jeddak of the Warhoons of the south.
Kadabra. Capital of Okar.
Kadar. Guard.
Kalksus. Cruiser; transport under Vas Kor.
Kantos Kan. Padwar in the Helium navy.
Kaol. A Martian in the hemisphere.
Kaor. Greeting.
Karad. Martian degree.
Komal. The Lotharian god; a banth.
Korad. A city of Mars. (See A PRINCESS OF MARS.)
Korus. The Lost Sea of Dor.
Kulan Tith. Jeddak of Kaol. (See THE WARLORD OF MARS.)
Lakor. A thern.
Larok. A Dusarian warrior; artificer.
Lorquas Ptomel. Jed among the Tharks. (See A PRINCESS OF MARS.)
Lothar. The city.
Marentina. A of Okar.
Matai Shang. Father of Therns. (See THE GODS OF MARS.)
Mors Kajak. A of Helium.
Notan. Royal Psychologist of Zodanga.
Nutus. Jeddak of Dusar.
Od. Martian foot.
Odwar. A commander, or general.
Okar. Land of the yellow men.
Old Ben (or Uncle Ben). The writer’s body-servant (coloured).
Omad. Man with one name.
Omean. The sea.
Orluk. A black and yellow Arctic monster.
Otz Mountains. Surrounding the Valley Dor and the Lost Sea of Korus.
Padwar. Lieutenant.
Panthan. A soldier of fortune.
Parthak. The Zodangan who food to John Carter in the of Zat Arras. (See THE GODS OF MARS.)
Pedestal of Truth. Within the of Helium.
Phaidor. Daughter of Matai Shang. (See THE GODS OF MARS.)
Pimalia. Gorgeous plant.
Plant men of Barsoom. A the Valley Dor. They are ten or twelve in when erect; their arms are very and after the manner of an elephant’s trunk, being sinuous; the is and for a of white which the protruding, single eye, the pupil, and of which are white. The nose is a ragged, inflamed, in the centre of the blank face, a fresh which has not yet to bleed. There is no mouth in the head. With the of the face, the is by a of jet-black some eight or ten in length. Each is about the of a large angleworm. The body, and are of shape but of proportions, the being three long and very and broad. The method of in their odd hands over the surface of the turf, off the with razor-like and it up from two mouths, which one in the of each hand. They are with a about six long, where it the body, but to a flat, thin toward the end, which at right to the ground. (See THE GODS OF MARS.)
Prince Soran. Overlord of the of Ptarth.
Ptarth. A Martian kingdom.
Ptor. Family name of three Zodangan brothers.
Sab Than. Prince of Zodanga. (See A PRINCESS OF MARS.)
Safad. A Martian inch.
Sak. Jump.
Salensus Oll. Jeddak of Okar. (See THE WARLORD OF MARS.)
Saran Tal. Carthoris’ major-domo.
Sarkoja. A green Martian woman. (See A PRINCESS OF MARS.)
Sator Throg. A Holy Thern of the Tenth Cycle.
Shador. Island in Omean used as a prison.
Silian. Slimy the Sea of Korus.
Sith. Hornet-like monster. Bald-faced and about the size of a Hereford bull. Has in and behind. The eyes, of facets, three-fourths of the head, the to see in all at one and the same time. (See THE WARLORD OF MARS.)
Skeel. A Martian hardwood.
Sola. A green Martian woman.
Solan. An official of the palace.
Sompus. A of tree.
Sorak. A little animal among the red Martian women, about the size of a cat.
Sorapus. A Martian hardwood.
Sorav. An officer of Salensus Oll.
Tal. A Martian second.
Tal Hajus. Jeddak of Thark.
Talu. Rebel Prince of Marentina.
Tan Gama. Warhoon warrior.
Tardos Mors. Grandfather of Dejah Thoris and Jeddak of Helium.
Tario. Jeddak of Lothar.
Tars Tarkas. A green man, of the Tharks.
Temple of Reward. In Helium.
Tenth Cycle. A sphere, or plane of eminence, among the Holy Therns.
Thabis. Issus’ chief.
Than Kosis. Jeddak of Zodanga. (See A PRINCESS OF MARS.)
Thark. City and name of a green Martian horde.
Thoat. A green Martian horse. Ten high at the shoulder, with four on either side; a broad, tail, larger at the than at the which it out while running; a mouth its from to the long, neck. It is of and is of a dark colour and and glossy. It has a white and the are from at the and to a yellow at the feet. The are and nailless. (See A PRINCESS OF MARS.)
Thor Ban. Jed among the green men of Torquas.
Thorian. Chief of the Therns.
Throne of Righteousness. In the court-room of Helium.
Throxus. Mightiest of the five oceans.
Thurds. A green to Torquas.
Thuria. The nearer moon.
Thurid. A black dator.
Thuvan Dihn. Jeddak of Ptarth.
Thuvia. Princess of Ptarth.
Torith. Officer of the at pool.
Torkar Bar. Kaolian noble; of the Kaolian Road.
Torquas. A green horde.
Turjun. Carthoris’ alias.
Utan. A company of one hundred men (military).
Vas Kor. A Dusarian noble.
Warhoon. A of green men; enemy of Thark.
Woola. A Barsoomian calot.
Xat. A Martian minute.
Xavarian. A Helium warship.
Xodar. Dator among the First Born.
Yersted. Commander of the submarine.
Zad. Tharkian warrior.
Zat Arras. Jed of Zodanga.
Zithad. Dator of the of Issus. (See THE GODS OF MARS.)
Zitidars. Mastodonian animals.
Zodanga. Martian city of red men at with Helium.
Zode. A Martian hour.