The Garden Dawn and Sunrise
Thus it was that Jurgen and the Centaur came to the garden and sunrise, entering this place in a fashion which it is not to record. But as they passed over the three them, screaming. And when the life had been out of the small which these three had misused, there was none to oppose the Centaur's entry into the garden and sunrise.
This was a garden: yet nothing was strange. Instead, it that was heart-breakingly familiar and very dear to Jurgen. For he had come to a lawn which to a well-remembered brook: and and locust-trees here and there, irregularly, and were being played with very by an west wind, so that to and like green spray: but autumn was at hand, for the locust-trees were a Danaë's of small yellow leaves. Around the garden was an circle of hills. And this was a place of twilight, by either sun or stars, and with no in the that this garden, which is not visible to any man in the and sunrise.
"Why, but it is Count Emmerick's garden at Storisende," says Jurgen, "where I used to be having such times when I was a lad."
"I will wager," said Nessus, "that you did not use to walk alone in this garden."
"Well, no; there was a girl."
"Just so," Nessus. "It is a local by-law: and here are those who with it."
For now had come toward them, walking together in the dawn, a boy and girl. And the girl was beautiful, in the garden saw her with the of the boy who was with her. "I am Rudolph," said this boy, "and she is Anne."
"And are you happy here?" asked Jurgen.
"Oh, yes, sir, we are happy: but Anne's father is very rich, and my mother is poor, so that we cannot be happy until I have gone into lands and come with a great many of and pieces of eight."
"And what will you do with all this money, Rudolph?"
"My duty, sir, as I see it. But I eyesight."
"God speed to you, Rudolph!" said Jurgen, "for many others are in your plight."
Then came to Jurgen and the Centaur another boy with the small blue-eyed person in he took delight. And this and looking boy them that he and the girl who was with him were walking in the of the red jar, which Jurgen was gibberish: and the boy said that he and the girl had to any older, which Jurgen said was excellent good if only they manage it.
"Oh, I can manage that," said this boy, reflectively, "if only I do not the of it uncomfortable."
Jurgen for a moment him, and then hands.
"I for you," said Jurgen, "for I that you, too, are a fellow: so life will the best of you."
"But is not the main thing, sir?"
"Time will you, my lad," says Jurgen, a little sorrowfully. "And God speed to you, for many others are in your plight."
And a of boys and girls did Jurgen see in the garden. And all the that Jurgen saw were and and very and heart-breakingly confident, as came toward Jurgen and passed him there, in the of dawn: so they all in the of their youth, and life to be a from one might take very easily anything which one desired. And all passed in couples--"as though they came from the Ark," said Jurgen. But the Centaur said they a which was older than the Ark.
"For in this garden," said the Centaur, "each man that has for a little while, with no company save his illusions. I must tell you again that in this garden are none but creatures. And take their hour of here, and go hence unaccompanied, to and merchants and bishops, and to be as captains upon horses, or as kings upon tall thrones; each in his station not at all of the garden any more. But now and then come persons, Jurgen, who to this garden without an escort: so these must need go hence with one or another creature, to them about and by-paths, little in the public highways, and them. Thus must these about with their and guides, and they do not into the places where men and thrones."
"And what of these persons, Centaur?"
"Why, sometimes they paper, Jurgen, and sometimes they lives."
"Then are these persons," Jurgen considered.
"You should know best," the Centaur.
"Oh, very probably," said Jurgen. "Meanwhile here is one who walks alone in this garden, and I wonder to see the local by-laws thus violated."
Now Nessus looked at Jurgen for a while without speaking: and in the of the Centaur was so much of and that it Jurgen. For somehow it Jurgen and this an personal way of looking at anybody.
"Yes, certainly," said the Centaur, "this woman walks alone. But there is no help for her loneliness, since the who loved this woman is dead."
"Nessus, I am to be sorry about it. Still, is there any need of such a long face? After all, a great many other have died, off and on: and for anything I can say to the contrary, this particular may have been no to anybody."
Again the Centaur said, "You should know best."