InVEST 3.9.0 documentation

InVEST User Guide


Editors: Richard Sharp, James Douglass, Stacie Wolny.

Contributing Authors: Katie Arkema, Joey Bernhardt, Will Bierbower, Nicholas Chaumont, Douglas Denu, James Douglass, David Fisher, Kathryn Glowinski, Robert Griffin, Gregory Guannel, Anne Guerry, Cyrus Guerry-Lawler, Justin Johnson, Perrine Hamel, Christina Kennedy, Chong-Ki Kim, Martin Lacayo, Eric Lonsdorf, Lisa Mandle, Lauren Rogers, Richard Sharp, Jess Silver, Jodie Toft, Gregory Verutes, Adrian L. Vogl, Stacie Wolny, Spencer Wood, Katherine Wyatt.

Citation: Sharp, R., Douglass, J., Wolny, S., Arkema, K., Bernhardt, J., Bierbower, W., Chaumont, N., Denu, D., Fisher, D., Glowinski, K., Griffin, R., Guannel, G., Guerry, A., Johnson, J., Hamel, P., Kennedy, C., Kim, C.K., Lacayo, M., Lonsdorf, E., Mandle, L., Rogers, L., Silver, J., Toft, J., Verutes, G., Vogl, A. L., Wood, S, and Wyatt, K. 2020, InVEST 3.9.0 User’s Guide. The Natural Capital Project, Stanford University, University of Minnesota, The Nature Conservancy, and World Wildlife Fund.

InVEST Models

Final Ecosystem Services: