Your SaaS Products

Basic Office Tools

SaaS Price ($/mo.) Quantity Total ($/mo.)

Popular SaaS Products

SaaS Price ($/mo.) Quantity Total ($/mo.)

My other SaaS Products

SaaS Price ($/mo.) Quantity Total ($/mo.)

Your total SaaS license costs
Direct SaaS costs

(list prices or actual prices you pay)

0.00 $ / mo.
Indirect administration and management costs


0.00 $ / mo.
Total SaaS cost


0.00 $ / mo.

Possible savings
SaaS Audit Savings

This includes savings from reviewing license usage and eliminating unused licenses or optimizing license levels in use.

0.00 $ / mo. 0%
Consolidation savings

Consolidation savings (or direct discounts) are those receive when centralizing all license purchases with one supplier

0.00 $ / mo. 0%
Indirect Savings

Indirect savings consist of the time saved administering and managing subscription software licenses with the assistance of SaaShop experts.

0.00 $ / mo. 0%


0.00 $ / mo. 0%

Request a personalized SaaS audit and estimate of SaaS consolidation Savings

Request a personalized audit of your company’s SaaS products and usage, as well as an estimate of the savings possible by consolidating the purchasing and managing of all SaaS products with SaaShop.