Report details
280 searches performed from 5 locations:
Austin, Chicago, Miami, New York, San Francisco
on desktop and mobile devices


Competitors: 14 (-6)
SERP Intel Score: 70 (-12)
Based on ad impression share from all searches performed this week

Your ads Competitor ads
Last week's performance


Your Performance

Your search ads were featured in 89.3% of searches. Your ads ranked:

1st in 81.2% cases
2nd 16.4%
3rd 2.4%

Your ad appearing the most often (review all):
Baremetrics - Subscription Analytics
Make More by Making Data-Driven Decisions with Confidence in Knowing What Drives Growth. Join the More than 900+ Companies Using Baremetrics for...

Organically, your result was featured in all searches and it always ranked 1st.

Your most frequently appearing organic search result (review all):
Baremetrics is Subscription Analytics and Insights: One click and you get hundreds of valuable metrics and business insights!

Competitor Ads

We found 14 competitors advertising for this keyword.

Appeared in 25.4% of searches, they ranked:
1st in 42.3% cases
2nd 49.3%
3rd 8.5%

Competitor most popular ad:
The Most Integrations - Easy Setup & Immediate Impact
We offer a fast, seamless retention solution your team can implement in days not months.

Appeared in 16.4% of searches, they ranked:
1st in 21.7% cases
2nd 52.2%
3rd 26.1%

Competitor most popular ad:
Android Analytics - FullStory - A New Kind of Analytics
FullStory automatically identifies taps, scrolls, screen elements, and user engagement. Detailed...

Appeared in 8.6% of searches, they ranked:
1st in 29.2% cases
2nd 45.8%
3rd 25.0%

Competitor most popular ad:
All Your Data, Fully Automated - Digital marketing analytics
Includes: Data Connection, Harmonization, Transformation, Enrichment and Schema Mapping.

Appeared in 1.1% of searches, they ranked:
2nd in 66.7% cases
3rd 33.3%

Competitor most popular ad:
Turn Data Into Action - Domo Makes It Easy
More than ever, you need to respond quickly. BI leverage at cloud scale, in record time. Domo’s full...

Appeared in 1.8% of searches, they ranked:
3rd in 80.0% cases
4th 20.0%

Competitor most popular ad:
keep metrics® - E-Commerce CFO Services
Schedule a chat today. All we do is e-commerce accounting. You need a qualified team - us.

Appeared in 0.7% of searches, they ranked:
2nd in 100.0% cases

Competitor most popular ad:
Business Intelligence Tool - Insights via real-world data
Revolutionize your organization with industry's top AI data

Appeared in 1.1% of searches, they ranked:
3rd in 100.0% cases

Competitor most popular ad:
Track MRR, Churn, LTV & Growth - Used By Thousands of...
Connect with multiple billing systems and analyze your data in one place. Sign up for free

Appeared in 0.7% of searches, they ranked:
3rd in 100.0% cases

Competitor most popular ad:
Run Data Queries 100X Faster - 100X Faster At 1/10th The Cost
Try kdb on Azure – Run Time Series Data Analytics Workloads For ML and AI In The Cloud. kdb...

Appeared in 0.7% of searches, they ranked:
3rd in 50.0% cases
4th 50.0%

Competitor most popular ad:
Why are my customers canceling - Get Honest Answers
Ask customers why they are canceling when they are at their most honest! Customer Feedback.

Appeared in 0.4% of searches, they ranked:
3rd in 100.0% cases

Competitor most popular ad:
Subscription Analytics Tool - Insights for Recurring Revenue
Recurly recovered $1 billion in subscription revenue for customers in 2022. Learn how. Recurly saved...

Appeared in 0.4% of searches, they ranked:
3rd in 100.0% cases

Competitor most popular ad:
Get a holistic view of your data with Polar Analytics
Use scheduled reports to get updates on vital signs like traffic, conversion, and orders. Integrate...

Appeared in 0.4% of searches, they ranked:
3rd in 100.0% cases

Competitor most popular ad:
CDP Analytics - Customer Data Platform
#1 CDP for 2021 market share as determined by 2022 IDC report. Request a demo today. Segment establishes a modern customer data foundation and helps make data driven...

Appeared in 0.4% of searches, they ranked:
3rd in 100.0% cases

Competitor most popular ad:
Customer Success Platform - Get A Demo Of Our Platform
Your company will benefit from higher retention rates & customer satisfaction. Get a demo.

Appeared in 0.7% of searches, they ranked:
4th in 100.0% cases

Competitor most popular ad:
Data Direct to BI Tools - Share Your Data Anywhere
We are more than a simple data tool, we make marketing data easy, effortless and efficient. The...

Review Competitors