
Sighthound Analytics

Analytics data sent by the Sighthound video/image analysis pipeline. This data is sent based on configuration when the number of detected objects or attributes of detected objects changes, the confidence of detected objects or their attributes improves, or a configurable timeout occurs.


ALPR Example

A simple example mapping license plate to vehicle


  "apiVersion": {
    "major": 1,
    "minor": 1
  "frameDimensions": {
    "w": 1024,
    "h": 768
  "sourceId": "53658928-3cd3-4f24-b023-cb54228689ba",
  "frameId": "53658928-3cd3-4f24-b023-cb54228689ba-frame-1",
  "analyticsTimestamp": 1643922414525,
  "metaClasses": {
    "licensePlates": {
      "lpr-1-lp-1-1643922411122": {
        "attributes": {
          "lpString": {
            "value": "GYS2421",
            "attributeScore": 1,
            "detectionScore": 0.79,
            "updated": true
          "lpRegion": {
            "value": "Pennsylvania",
            "attributeScore": 0.94,
            "detectionScore": 0.79,
            "updated": true
        "firstFrameTimestamp": 1643922414525,
        "class": "licenseplate",
        "bestDetectionTimestamp": 1643922414525,
        "box": {
          "height": 63,
          "width": 100,
          "x": 748,
          "y": 347
        "detectionScore": 0.79,
        "updated": false,
        "links": [
            "metaClass": "vehicles",
            "id": "lpr-1-car-1-1643922411137"
    "vehicles": {
      "lpr-1-car-1-1643922411137": {
        "attributes": {
          "vehicleType": {
            "value": "audi a8 2002 2010",
            "attributeScore": 0.38,
            "detectionScore": 0.87,
            "updated": true
          "color": {
            "value": "silver/grey",
            "attributeScore": 1,
            "detectionScore": 0.87,
            "updated": true
        "firstFrameTimestamp": 1643922414525,
        "class": "car",
        "bestDetectionTimestamp": 1643922414525,
        "box": {
          "height": 487,
          "width": 925,
          "x": 48,
          "y": 158
        "detectionScore": 0.87,
        "updated": false,
        "links": [
            "metaClass": "licensePlates",
            "id": "lpr-1-lp-1-1643922411122"

JSON Schema


Sighthound Event Analytics

Event data sent by the event processing microservice or pipeline. Based on pipeline configuration, may be sent with every frame, a subset of frames, or only frames when changes in presence state are detected.


Sighthound Object Detection Analytics

Object detection related ananlytics data


Presence Sensor Examples

An example sequence corresponding to presence region events.


A single vehicle entering a presence region


  "apiVersion": {
    "major": 1,
    "minor": 1
  "sourceId": "53658928-3cd3-4f24-b023-cb54228689ba",
  "frameId": "53658928-3cd3-4f24-b023-cb54228689ba-frame-1",
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  "analyticsTimestamp": 1631233271683,
  "metaClasses": {
    "vehicles": {
      "06138c16-ec45-45a9-bb57-31a08941e413": {
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        "firstFrameTimestamp": 1628896069676,
        "class" : "car",
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        "attributes": {
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            "detectionScore": 0.978,
            "attributeScore": 0.978,
            "updated": true,
            "value": "audi a8 2008"
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            "detectionScore": 0.9999,
            "attributeScore": 0.901,
            "updated": true,
            "value": "beige/cream"
    "people": {
      "65891069-0030-4355-8ab3-a493a6de122e": {
        "detectionScore": 0.9875,
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        "firstFrameTimestamp": 1631233274642,
        "class" : "person",
        "box": {
          "height": 22,
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        "updateCount" : 1,
        "links": [
            "metaClass": "vehicles",
            "id": "06138c16-ec45-45a9-bb57-31a08941e413",
            "startedAt": 1631233274642

Entry Person Enter

A person entering in addition to the vehicle


  "apiVersion": {
    "major": 1,
    "minor": 0
  "sourceId": "53658928-3cd3-4f24-b023-cb54228689ba",
  "frameId": "53658928-3cd3-4f24-b023-cb54228689ba-frame-200",
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  "metaClasses": {
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        "bestDetectionTimestamp": 1628896071683,
        "firstFrameTimestamp": 1628896069676,
        "class" : "car",
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          "height": 462,
          "width": 858,
          "x": 284,
          "y": 256
        "updated": true,
        "attributes": {
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            "detectionScore": 0.978,
            "attributeScore": 0.978,
            "updated": true,
            "value": "bus"
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            "detectionScore": 0.9999,
            "attributeScore": 0.901,
            "updated": true,
            "value": "beige/cream"
    "people": {
      "65891069-0030-4355-8ab3-a493a6de122e": {
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        "firstFrameTimestamp": 1631233274642,
        "class" : "person",
        "box": {
          "height": 22,
          "width": 85,
          "x": 226,
          "y": 245
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  "sensorEvents": {
    "presenceEvent": {
      "12345678-0030-4355-8ab3-a493a6de122e": {
        "sensorId": "87654321-0030-4355-8ab3-a493a6de122e",
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        "startedAt": 1631233274642,
        "updateCount" : 2,
        "links": [
            "metaClass": "vehicles",
            "id": "06138c16-ec45-45a9-bb57-31a08941e413",
            "startedAt": 1631233274642
            "metaClass": "people",
            "id": "65891069-0030-4355-8ab3-a493a6de122e",
            "startedAt": 1631233275082

Entry Person Leave

The person leaving the presence region with vehicle still present


  "apiVersion": {
    "major": 1,
    "minor": 0
  "sourceId": "53658928-3cd3-4f24-b023-cb54228689ba",
  "frameId": "53658928-3cd3-4f24-b023-cb54228689ba-frame-200",
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  "metaClasses": {
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          "width": 858,
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        "attributes": {
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            "attributeScore": 0.978,
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            "value": "bus"
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            "detectionScore": 0.9999,
            "attributeScore": 0.901,
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            "value": "beige/cream"
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      "65891069-0030-4355-8ab3-a493a6de122e": {
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          "width": 85,
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          "y": 245
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        "updateCount" : 3,
        "startedAt": 1631233274642,
        "links": [
            "metaClass": "vehicles",
            "id": "06138c16-ec45-45a9-bb57-31a08941e413",
            "startedAt": 1631233274642

Entry Person Reenter

The person re-entering the presence region with vehicle still present


  "apiVersion": {
    "major": 1,
    "minor": 0
  "sourceId": "53658928-3cd3-4f24-b023-cb54228689ba",
  "frameId": "53658928-3cd3-4f24-b023-cb54228689ba-frame-200",
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            "detectionScore": 0.9999,
            "attributeScore": 0.901,
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            "value": "beige/cream"
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      "65891069-0030-4355-8ab3-a493a6de122e": {
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            "id": "65891069-0030-4355-8ab3-a493a6de122e",
            "startedAt": 1631233277020

Entry Complete

Both person and vehicle leaving the presence region and the event completing


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    "major": 1,
    "minor": 0
  "sourceId": "53658928-3cd3-4f24-b023-cb54228689ba",
  "frameId": "53658928-3cd3-4f24-b023-cb54228689ba-frame-999",
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