============================================================================== Magnitude Simba Google BigQuery JDBC Data Connector Release Notes ============================================================================== The release notes provide details of enhancements, features, known issues, and workflow changes in Simba Google BigQuery JDBC Connector 1.3.2, as well as the version history. 1.3.2 ======================================================================== Released 2023-02-20 Enhancements & New Features * [GBQJ-587] Updated User Account authentication workflow When authenticating with User Account authentication (OAuthType=1), the connector now opens a browser to the Google sign-in page, and in the background triggers a listener that waits for 60 seconds. - If the sign-in in the browser is successful, the connector gets the refresh token and stores it. - If the sign-in in the browser fails, a connection error appears, or the operation takes more than 60 seconds to complete and the listener closes with an error. The connection fails and you have to reconnect. * [GBQJ-585] Unicode column name support The connector now supports Unicode characters for table column names. This feature is currently in private preview. * [GBQJ-541] Column default value support getColumns now returns the default value for a column in COLUMN_DEF column. For more information, see: https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/default-values. * [GBQJ-603] New BYOID connection properties For workload and workforce identity federation external accounts, the connector now supports the following BYOID properties: - BYOID_AudienceUri - BYOID_CredentialSource - BYOID_PoolUserProject - BYOID_SA_Impersonation_Uri - BYOID_SubjectTokenType - BYOID_TokenUri For more information, see the Installation and Configuration Guide. * [GBQJ-599] Updated Private Service Connect support The connector now validates the URLs provided for Private Service Connect features. * [GBQJ-593] Updated query time out behavior When a query request times out on the socket, the connector now throws the read timeout error and does not retry the request. * [GBQJ-609] Increased read timeout For requests, the connector now uses an increased timeout for read timeout and connect timeout to prevent receiving read or socket timeouts. * [GBQJ-613] Updated table support The connector now supports the SNAPSHOT table type. Resolved Issues The following issues have been resolved in Simba Google BigQuery JDBC Connector 1.3.2. * [GBQJ-590] The following security vulnerability has been resolved: CVE-2022-3171: google-cloud-bigquerystorage:jar:2.26.0. Previously, it was 1.19.0. * [GBQJ-586] When fetching with High-Throughput API and the service account does not have all required roles, the connector hangs. Known Issues The following are known issues that you may encounter due to limitations in the data source, the connector, or an application. * [GBQJ-594] The connector does not support executable-sourced credentials for workforce and workload Identity Federation (External Account Authentication). * The connector does not support parameterized types for Resultset and Parameter metadata. This is a limitation of the Google BigQuery server. * Connector terminates when multiple connections are set to LogLevel=6. When multiple connections with the same LogPath directory are running with LogLevel set to 6, a collision might happen. This results in one of the connections terminating unexpectedly. * The connector no longer supports parameters in the exception block. This is a limitation of the Google BigQuery server discovered on Mar 2021. * TRACE level logs incorrectly contain stack trace for function entrances. When logging at the TRACE level (LogLevel=6), function entrance logs are generated for each function that is called. These logs incorrectly include a stack trace. * Query prefixes are not supported. The driver does not support query prefixes. To specify whether your query statements are to be processed using standard SQL or legacy BigQuery SQL, configure the QueryDialect connection property. By default, QueryDialect is set to "SQL" so that the driver uses standard SQL syntax. To use BigQuery SQL instead, set the property to "BIG_QUERY". * Support for ODBC Escape Sequences is limited. The only supported ODBC Escape Sequences are Scalar Functions of the form {fn func(args)} if func is supported by the Google BigQuery data source engine. * When casting data, you must specify the data type according to Google BigQuery standards. When casting data to a specific data type, you must use the corresponding data type name shown in the "Casting" section of the Query Reference: https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/sql-reference/functions-and-operators#casting. For example, to cast the "salary" column to the INTEGER type, you must specify INT64 instead of INTEGER: SELECT position, CAST(salary AS INT64) from Employee Workflow Changes ============================================================= The following changes may disrupt established workflows for the connector. 1.3.2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * [GBQJ-597] Updated Timeout property The default value of the Timeout property is now 300. Previously, it was 10. For more information, see the Installation and Configuration Guide. 1.2.20 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- * [GBQJ-439] Updated Timeout property The description of the Timeout property has been updated. For more information, see the Installation and Configuration Guide. 1.2.14 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- * [GBQJ-435] MaxResults default value Beginning with this release, MaxResults now defaults to 10,000. The previous default (0) of unlimited rows would cause an increase in query execution time in many scenarios. For more information, see the Installation and Configuration Guide. 1.2.2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Removed support for JDBC 4.1 (Java 7) Beginning with this release, the driver no longer supports JDBC 4.1 (Java 7). For a list of supported JDBC versions, see the Installation and Configuration Guide. Version History ============================================================== 1.3.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Released 2022-08-30 Enhancements & New Features * [GBQJ-551] External account authentication support You can now configure the connector to authenticate the connection using an external account (workforce or workload identity federation). To do this, set the OAuthType property to 4, the ProjectID property to the desired project, and then set the workforce or workload configuration file to one of the following properties: - OAuthPvtKey - OAuthPvtKeyPath For more information, see the Installation and Configuration Guide. * [GBQJ-543] Private Service Connect support You can now configure the connector to use Private Service Connect URLs. To do this, set the PrivateServiceConnectUris property to the desired URI. For more information, see the Installation and Configuration Guide. * [GBQJ-566] Transaction API support The connector now supports JDBC transaction APIs. BigQuery supports multi-statement transactions inside a single query, or across multiple queries, when using sessions. For more information about transactions, see: https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/reference/standard-sql/transactions. To use transaction APIs, and work with transactions across multiple queries, set the EnableSession property to 1. For more information about sessions, see: https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/sessions-intro * [GBQJ-542] Default project for dataset support The connector is now verified to use a default project for datasets. To do this, set the dataset_project_id property in QueryProperties of the connection string to the desired project. For more information, see the Installation and Configuration Guide and the Google BigQuery documentation: https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/reference/rest/v2/ConnectionProperty * [GBQJ-558] MATERIALIZED_VIEW table support MATERIALIZED_VIEW has been added to the list of table types. To retrieve the list of table types, use the getTableTypes function. * [GBQJ-562] JSON data type support The connector now supports the JSON data type. For more information, see the Installation and Configuration Guide and the Google BigQuery documentation: https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/reference/standard-sql/json-data * [GBQJ-581] Improvements to projects.list API The MaxResults connection property is now applied to the projects.list call. This API is used when the connector requests the list of projects. * [GBQJ-548][GBQJ-571] Third-party library updates The connector has been updated with the following third-party libraries: - google-oauth-client 1.34.1 (previously 1.33.1) - avro 1.11.1 (previously 1.11.0) ==============================================================================