2012 New York Consolidated Laws
EDN - Education
356 - Councils of state-operated institutions; powers and duties.

Universal Citation: NY Educ L § 356 (2012)
    § 356. Councils  of state-operated institutions; powers and duties. 1.
  Subject to the general management, supervision and  control  of  and  in
  accordance  with rules established by the state university trustees, the
  operations and affairs of each state-operated institution of  the  state
  university  shall  be  supervised locally by a council consisting of ten
  members, nine of whom shall be appointed by the governor and one of whom
  shall be elected by and from among the students of the institution. Such
  voting members shall be subject  to  every  provision  of  any  general,
  special  or  local  law,  ordinance,  charter,  code, rule or regulation
  applying to the voting  members  of  such  board  with  respect  to  the
  discharge   of  their  duties  including,  but  not  limited  to,  those
  provisions setting forth codes of ethics,  disclosure  requirements  and
  prohibiting  business  and  professional activities. The election of the
  student  member  shall  be  conducted  in  accordance  with  rules   and
  regulations  promulgated by the respective representative campus student
  association in accordance  with  guidelines  established  by  the  state
  university  trustees.  One member shall be designated by the governor as
  chairman. Where an undergraduate state-operated institution of the state
  university  is  located  adjacent  to  another  institution  of   higher
  education  and students of such undergraduate state-operated institution
  are,  under  arrangements  made  by  the  state  university,  taking   a
  substantial  portion  of  their  courses  at such other institution, the
  president or other head of such other institution shall be an ex-officio
  member of the council for such undergraduate state-operated institution.
  Initial appointments, other  than  the  student  member  and  ex-officio
  members,  shall  be  for  terms  expiring  July  first, nineteen hundred
  fifty-four,  July  first,  nineteen  hundred  fifty-five,  July   first,
  nineteen  hundred  fifty-six,  July first, nineteen hundred fifty-seven,
  July first, nineteen hundred fifty-eight, July first,  nineteen  hundred
  fifty-nine,  July  first,  nineteen  hundred sixty, July first, nineteen
  hundred sixty-one and, where there is no ex-officio member, July  first,
  nineteen  hundred  sixty-two, respectively, and subsequent appointments,
  other than the student member, shall be for a full term  of  nine  years
  from the first day of July of the calendar year in which the appointment
  is  made.  Vacancies  shall be filled for the unexpired term in the same
  manner as original selections. The  term  of  office  for  each  council
  member  appointed  on  or after April first, nineteen hundred eighty-six
  shall be seven years. The term of office for the student member shall be
  one year commencing July  first  of  the  calendar  year  in  which  the
  election  is  conducted, provided, however, that the term of the student
  member first elected shall be  nine  months  commencing  October  first,
  nineteen  hundred  seventy-five  and  expiring  June thirtieth, nineteen
  hundred seventy-six. In the event that the student member ceases to be a
  student at the institution, such member shall  be  required  to  resign.
  Members of such councils appointed by the governor may be removed by the
  governor.  Members  of  such  councils  elected  by  the students of the
  institution may be removed by such students in accordance with rules and
  regulations promulgated by the respective representative campus  student
  association  in  accordance  with  guidelines  promulgated  by the state
  university  trustees.  Members  of  such  councils  shall   receive   no
  compensation for their services but shall be reimbursed for the expenses
  actually  and  necessarily  incurred by them in the performance of their
  duties hereunder.
    2. The councils  of  state-operated  institutions  shall  provide  for
  regular  meetings  at  least  four times annually, and the chair, or any
  five members by petition, may at any time call a special meeting of  the
  council  and fix the time and place therefor. At least seven days notice
  of every meeting shall be mailed to the usual address  of  each  member,

  unless  such  notice be waived by a majority of the council. Resolutions
  for the consideration of the  councils  must  be  mailed  to  the  usual
  address  of  each  council  member  no  less  than seven days prior to a
  meeting,  unless the chair shall make available in writing on the day of
  the meeting the facts which necessitate an immediate  vote.  The  agenda
  for  such  meetings  shall be available three days prior to the meetings
  and shall be considered public records.  Five  members  attending  shall
  constitute  a  quorum  for  the transaction of business and the act of a
  majority of the members present at any meeting shall be the act  of  the
    3.  Subject  to  the  general  management,  supervision,  control  and
  approval of, and in accordance  with  rules  established  by  the  state
  university  trustees,  the  council  of  each state-operated institution
  shall, with respect to the institution  or  institutions  for  which  it
  serves, exercise the following powers:
    a.   recommend   to  the  state  university  trustees  candidates  for
  appointment  by  the  state  university  trustees  as   head   of   such
    b. review all major plans of the head of such institution for its more
  effective  operation  and make such recommendations with respect thereto
  as it deems appropriate. Such plans shall be submitted for  approval  by
  the  state university trustees, together with the recommendations of the
  council with  respect  thereto.  The  state  university  trustees  shall
  determine  what  constitute such major plans, which are hereby generally
  defined to include, among others, plans for the appraisal or improvement
  of the faculty and other personnel, expansion or restriction of  student
  admissions,  appraisal  or  improvement  of  academic  programs  and  of
  standards for the earning of degrees, expansion of institutional  plants
  and appraisal or improvement of student activities and housing;
    c.  make  regulations  governing  the  care, custody and management of
  lands, grounds, buildings and equipment;
    d. review the proposed budget requests for such  institution  prepared
  by  the  head  thereof  and recommend to the state university trustees a
  budget for such institution;
    e. foster the development of advisory citizens  committees  to  render
  such  assistance  as the council may request, and to appoint the members
  of such citizens' committees. Members of such citizens' committees shall
  receive no compensation for their services but shall be  reimbursed  for
  the   expenses   actually  and  necessarily  incurred  by  them  in  the
  performance of their duties;
    f. name buildings and grounds;
    g. make regulations governing the conduct and behavior of students;
    h. prescribe for and exercise supervision  over  student  housing  and
    i. make an annual report to the state university trustees on or before
  September  first  of  each year, and report to them from time to time on
  any matter it believes requires their attention;
    j. perform such other powers  and  duties  as  may  be  authorized  or
  required  by  the  state university trustees by general rules or special
  directives; and
    k. make and establish, and from time to time  alter  and  amend,  such
  regulations   pertaining   to   the  affairs  of  its  institution,  not
  inconsistent with law or the rules of the state university trustees,  as
  may  be  necessary or appropriate to carry out effectively the foregoing
  powers and duties.

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